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A good idea for authors is to click the authors button on the main bar and you'll get the Hosteds and Promising Authors there. After that, have a look on the GA Stories bar, and select the anthologies. They're very diverse, but have around ten to fifteen contributions per antho. You'll get a good idea of who's producing work that isn't 'featured' elsewhere, but who is also producing generally good work.


Another thing I've recently found is to click on 'see full list' at the bottom of the Forums page. From there you can see who is on at any particular point, and get a link to what they are reading. I find that very useful to get intruduced to writers and stories I havent' yet come across.



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Well thank you! If you're confused about the site in general, check out the Site Help tab. We have a whole list of 'help' topics, including a great one by Myr that teaches readers all about GA. Stories and how to make it work for you with searches. My pm box is always open for questions as well.

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