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You’re frustrated, Android users. Bill Gates says so.


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Is bill gates your tablet god?? lol??

or is he dissing non window users who can't type that don't need to type too much nor make documents?





I don’t know how to break this to you, but you’re frustrated. If you’re reading this, and you use iOS or Android, you’re just plain frustrated. If you don’t think you are, it’s only because you haven’t realized it yet. Take a minute for that to sink in. It’s a lot, I know.
If you doubt that you are, please don’t. It is the gospel according to Microsoft, and therefore true. In an interview recently, Bill Gates had the following to say about us:


"But a lot of those users are frustrated, they can't type, they can't create documents, they don't have Office there, so we're providing them with the benefits of something they've seen and made that a big category, but without giving up what they expect in a PC."
That’s right. The slowly decaying PC market is just fine. In fact, we just want it in tablet form! That’s so comforting to hear. I was worried for a minute. Or was I?
If that doesn’t convince you as to how frustrated you are, there was also this:
"Windows 8 is revolutionary in that it takes the benefits of a tablet and the benefits of a PC, and it’s able to support both of those – so if you have Surface, Surface Pro, you've got that portability of a tablet but the richness of a PC in terms of the keyboard, Microsoft Office of a PC."
Who knew?! We love Office, and we need it on the tablet. That’s refreshing to hear. I was wondering why I have been so frustrated lately. I create and edit in Google Drive, and it suits me just fine. Still, I can’t shake those feelings of angst. I so longingly wondered what was making me sob gently at night.
At first, I wondered if it was because my devices were affordable. Maybe being able to afford things like rent and dinner were making me sad. Then, I thought maybe it was because I had too many good apps on my devices. There is so much variety, I just get overwhelmed. I need limitations, I guess.
After thinking about it for a little while, I began to wonder if it was because I hated the look of Android. I’m like anyone else, I get tired of seeing the same screen all the time. I can move stuff around, and change the background image… but is that enough? Then I remembered I could root the device and flash a new ROM, even a theme. That made me feel a little bit better.
I thought about Bill’s comment about typing, too. He’s right, you know? Typing on a virtual keyboard is tough sometimes. I guess I could download a different keyboard, or maybe buy a Bluetooth keyboard. That wouldn’t really — no, it’s exactly the same as a Surface tablet.

Bill Gates: iPad users are frustrated because they "can't type, can't create documents"


As for frustration with respect to creating documents and the lack of Office, booming iPad and iPad mini sales suggest that most folks find the iPad feature set to be perfectly fine. In fact, Apple's Pages is the top paid iPad app of all time while Keynote and Numbers check in at number 10 and 11 respectively.
Clearly, many consumers are, in fact, typing and creating documents on the iPad, just outside the familiar confines of Microsoft Office.
As for any chance Apple may one day merge its tablet and laptop offerings, I think Tim Cook has been rather clear about where Apple stands on that. During an earnings conference call from last April, the Apple CEO quipped, "You can converge a toaster and a refrigerator, but those aren't going to be pleasing to the user."



Edited by hh5
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This is where Bill shines. He's appealing to a business audience. Like my construction company client, that runs around with 3 or 4 cheap, Samsung tablets with WIndows 8 and Office on them. Using those tablets they can:


- Open and edit and create punch lists (to do items)

- Update drawings with annotations

- Update change orders and budget items

- Connect remotely to the server and work in their construction management software

- Retrieve documents to the tablet via VPN, work on them and save them back to the network, or in a pinch, save them to Skydrive and move them later

- Connect a printer to a USB port and print anything they need

No compatibility problems with the file versions

No problems with spyware

No problems with users not being able to connect

Fits with their licensing program with Microsoft

Fits their training program - everyone's using the same software throughout the company.

Fits their budget:

- Cost to replace a tablet and bluetooth keyboard: $400.

- Cost to replace a laptop: $900.


Where these project managers would normally need to go sit in a construction trailer to do these tasks, they can now do them on the site, with their client there, with no delay. And frustration is way down, because the tablets are very task oriented now - the users have a very specific user experience that fits how they work.


Do you need a tablet for work? Most people don't. Many people do. Do people need Office on tablets they're using at home? Probably not. Google Drive/Apps is just fine. But it doesn't fit an IT perspective to save work in a public cloud you don't own. 


Have you tried composing anything on a tablet without a keyboard? It's not great. It works, but it's not great. A surface Pro is a decent little tablet.


HH5, I can't tell your position on these things. I think you don't like Microsoft. I think you don't like Android/Google. I think you don't like Apple. I feel like most of the time, you're mocking these companies for their products.


So tell me:

What do YOU want Microsoft to do? 

What do YOU want Apple to do?

What do YOU want Google to do?


How would YOU suggest they market their products, and who do YOU think they should be marketing them to?

What's your expert opinion?

Edited by Gene Splicer PHD
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Your argument for cost effectiveness doesn't work ...
the makers know to charge for portability as apple sets the example and MSFT follow suits
(tablets costs as much as laptops and has less computing power)
Samsung challenging Apple at charging higher or equal prices
but who blinks first in a year => s-discount

Microsoft Surface RT priced at $499

Microsoft Surface RT priced at $599 with Touch Cover keyboard
plus 4G device $87
(need pro add $300)

Toshiba Laptop PC $378 plus 4G device $87

Bill Gates: iPad users are frustrated because they "can't type, can't create documents"

As for frustration with respect to creating documents and the lack of Office, booming iPad and iPad mini sales suggest that most folks find the iPad feature set to be perfectly fine. In fact, Apple's Pages is the top paid iPad app of all time while Keynote and Numbers check in at number 10 and 11 respectively.

Clearly, many consumers are, in fact, typing and creating documents on the iPad, just outside the familiar confines of Microsoft Office.

As for any chance Apple may one day merge its tablet and laptop offerings, I think Tim Cook has been rather clear about where Apple stands on that. During an earnings conference call from last April, the Apple CEO quipped, "You can converge a toaster and a refrigerator, but those aren't going to be pleasing to the user."

- Cost to replace a tablet and bluetooth keyboard: $400.
- Cost to replace a laptop: $900.

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I ask you for some clear answers and you spam the thread with images? Never mind, dude, you make no sense. At all. You are totally incomprehensible, I recommend not drinking before you post.



and... Do you even OWN a tablet? Ever used one?

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I ask you for some clear answers and you spam the thread with images? Never mind, dude, you make no sense. At all. You are totally incomprehensible, I recommend not drinking before you post.



and... Do you even OWN a tablet? Ever used one?


WoW!   :worship:  :worship:  :worship:   Incomprehensible is a great word.  It can describe many things.....including trolls.

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you're being argumentative to the thread author .. that's not the purpose of the thread

save personal arguments and attacks for soap box



It seems you're pro-Microsoft ... so are you calling Job's and Page's user's frustrated?

You got your costing numbers inverted
Your inferring that gates meant business ... he may not be ... that's where your making an assumption
sure gates stated he has strong roots in business but apple n android proved they can shake his world
sure every business has their stake in the economy but people are realizing its not for very long 
He just making the case that the world needs Office and Windows in defence to Apple and Google or anyone else
He's also making the case that MSFT won't be going away any time soon
I guess we're all glad he's not screaming scroogled!!
If gates had his way he make linux, vmware, apple disappear but he won't because he doesn't want the Feds label his company a monopoly so he invested in Apple to make peace. (We both know that Apple can buy MSFT very easily but that's not job's vision.)
His tactics is to keep his enemies closer rather than to kill them off that way he can avoid a federal lawsuit.
Sure EU and Korea and Japan has an issue with MSFT ... but so far they haven't changed to Linux or something else yet.

People do have choices like the Bluetooth keyboard so typing isn't an issue

We don't have to argue connectivity because there are choices available.

As stated above ipads does have Apple Pages and Keynote so they can make documents

Android has their open source and they can make documents


If or when Haswell chips changes the game on ARM based tablets 

It may mean a game changer for the tablet industry in terms of bringing desktop power to the tablets at the price of ARM.

Intel intends to keep selling chips and its not exclusively to MSFT

It be interesting to find out if Haswell would change Apple's mind about changing processors again.

They had MC68K and then the IBM powerpc ... will they dump Intel even if Haswell is a success?

Apple can buy Intel ... its a better investment than google owning Motorola.


Gates didn't say everyone has to be compatible with each other

He just making his case in front of warren buffet in hopes he will be a MSFT fan or an investor

gates also knows buffet has not invested in Apple but its best to make the case that MSFT is the better choice in front of warren.


PS ... everyone can subscribe to Office 365 on their pcs, macs, and tablets

so gates scroogled himself where he could have promoted a product solution for all platforms and hardware

rather than insult them


so this is why this is Tablet WARS!!

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