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Well it's relevant


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Why am i showing this... because it's relevant... we are a bunch-o-gays... and it's about someone being gay or not being gay... :P

Besides it's slightly amusing...

So all you gays who were wishing for Aaron Rodger's Ass, or for him to have your ass, stop dreaming bad dreams it scares him... cause he "really, really likes women" :P

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Even if he was gay, being an active NFL player I doubt he would admit it.  There's always the fear that some crazy might try to end his career by dealing him a serious injury, just so a known gay wouldn't be playing in the league. 

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I'm happy for him. So sad though, he's adorable. I get where Bill W is coming from though. While there have been other Pro sports players, both active and retired, to come out I think we are a long way from an American Football player comeing out of the closet even though the number of players per team would point to there more than a few gay/bi one's out there. It's too much of a hypermasculine/hyperhetero community.


 Just my opinion of course.

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