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Jet Pack Lyrics


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Hey everyone. So the other night I was listening to one of my old cds, and I used to be really into Eve 6. Anyway this song came on and while I'd never really questioned it before, I found myself wondering what it meant. It sounds to me like the singer thinks his friend is gay and has a crush on him. Here's the lyrics (with certain parts boldfaced and my comments in parentheses), let me know what ya think.







Eve 6 - Jet Pack Lyrics

You're the one stepping on the back of my shoes

You're the one using me as a muse
so he's playful and he's drawing inspiration from the guy

You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to



It's you are her and nobody else

The lights are low and she's so ready

You're already on your way to the door
not interested in the girl)

You're at the bar the tender gives you a free drink

And when she's perfect you sweat bullets spill the drink and you


Everyone leaves the party except a gorgeous 20-something

You turn and run

You call me up
two more examples of disinterest in girls and an interest in the singer)


You're the one stepping on the back of my shoes

You're the one using me as a muse

You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to


Ready to go


So, the way you act is it just an act to some strange courtship


A habitual nervous reaction?

Hey it's just me set yourself free

Why don't you let me know what's going on

inside your cluttered head?
encouraging him to come out?


You're the one stepping on the back of my shoes

You're the one using me as a muse

You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to


Ready to go


What the hell are you talking about? Is that what you would say?

If I were to wonder outloud would it make you turn away?

Just a curious question to think about.
so the singer suspects but doesn't want to upset his friend)

If it was you and me and nobody else would want me to want to be

ready to go?

Or would you want to take the lights down low?


You're the one stepping on the back of my shoes

You're the one using me as a muse

You're the one with the jet pack strapped to your back ready to


Ready to go

Hey it's just me set yourself free

Why don't you let me know what's going on?
sorta like "it's just me, you can tell me"


Hey it's just me set yourself free

Why don't you let me know what's going on?


Hey it's just me set yourself free

Why don't you let me know what's going on?


Hey it's just me set yourself free




LOL ok so now that I actually read through the lyrics myself (instead of just mindlessly singing along), I think it's rather obvious. Anyway it's a cool song (though certainly not one of my favourites by them).


Have a great day everyone and take care,


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Well, I took it a step further in the possible interpretation ... is the singer also trying to say that he reciprocates the friend's feelings?


If the singer were female instead of male, and the song was about (and to) her male friend, these lyrics might indicate "the feeling is mutual", and she's trying to get him to 'fess up. On the other hand, since the dynamic between two guys is different from a guy and a girl, maybe it's just as you read it and no more.


What do you think?


Kitty :)

Hey Kitty!


You're right I probably would have thought that perhaps it was mutural had the singer been a female, or a gay male. But I'd always assumed the singer was straight. I still think he is, but I guess you never know if there wasn't some bisexuality or some sort of fling. Thanks for pointing that out!


Have an awesome day and take care! :)


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Cool song. :2thumbs: I hadn't heard it before so I downloaded it and I'm glad I did. I agree completely with your interpretation and that it is pretty obvious...I googled the song and there was this one review by a guy who had obviously not listened that closely to the song because he was like it's about how the songwriter is in love with this girl and she's being coy and always leaving...and I was like ok...only if the girl is a lesbian-slash-closeted straight girl :lmao: ...but I guess it at least proves that the words do give an impression that the songwriter reciprocates the feelings.


You're the one stepping on the back of my shoes


I love this line. It makes me think of being at a club with a group of people and following each other closely through a crowd so that you don't get split up and sometimes stepping on the back of their shoes if they stop abruptly...nice image :P


Well, I took it a step further in the possible interpretation ... is the singer also trying to say that he reciprocates the friend's feelings?


What do you think?


Kitty :)


I think the only part of the song that suggests something like that is the last verse...

Edited by sparrow
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Cool song. :2thumbs: I hadn't heard it before so I downloaded it and I'm glad I did.

I'm so glad you liked it! I was a huge Eve 6 fan, IMO their first two albums were the best :)


I agree completely with your interpretation and that it is pretty obvious...I googled the song and there was this one review by a guy who had obviously not listened that closely to the song because he was like it's about how the songwriter is in love with this girl and she's being coy and always leaving...and I was like ok...only if the girl is a lesbian-slash-closeted straight girl :lmao:

HAHAHHA :lmao::lol:


I love this line. It makes me think of being at a club with a group of people and following each other closely through a crowd so that you don't get split up and sometimes stepping on the back of their shoes if they stop abruptly...nice image :P

Wow! I'm so glad you pointed that out, honestly it hadn't occured to me. I was thinking of it along the lines of school children, messing around, picking on their crush and stuff. That's a great interpretation though, glad you mentioned it!


Take care and have a great day :D


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Hmm dunno. I think a possible interepretation might be a slightly more hip guy telling a younger guy to just go for the girl instead of alawys running back to him for help. He's stepping on his shoes, literally "cramping his style"


Thought the "lights down low" line tends to create a gaping hole in my theory. I personally think your interpretation is correct, that of a romantic relationship, but it's always good to consider alternative theories ;)



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I agree with sparrow and shadows, up until the lights line I thought it was him telling his shy friend to grow a set and go after the girl... but then that last verse... no idea where that came from lol.

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I found this interview with the guy who wrote the song. This is what he says:


"Jet Pack" is about a friend of mine who is always getting attention from girls and is a cool character but is shying away from them. The song is about him being essentially in love with me. It's the course of that and I'm just saying, 'Just say it and get it out in the open because it's obvious to me.'


I guess that settles that question.

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