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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

Two Years Later

x Trevor x

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I know it's been forever! Apparently there is something wrong with the chemicals in my brain and I'm having to medicate for it at the moment, until I find out what it is. However I have started to feel my creativity come back a little bit and I've almost completed two chapters of a new story.


Right now it's kind of a general high school story, same soap opera like structure with a group of characters, actually as of yet when I look at it as a reader I can imagine not seeing a clear protagonist, I know that not defining a protagonist might be a risky move but for anyone who is familiar with my stories you will know that with my style of writing and especially since I am free writing and nothing is pre-planned right now.


Given I take as much passion in sub characters and sub plots and side stories as I would with the main story, it makes sense right now and the content of the two chapters, being I write in third person allows me to change perspectives and that is generally what is happening with these first two chapters, it's just that the characters aren't surrounding a central character they all seem to be of equal character status and everything appears to be dependent on circumstance, situation and happenings within their lives.


So I am going to continue this and see where it goes as it builds, maybe depending on where my mind takes me during the process one of the characters will get more defined and central for those that like having a central character but I do give all of my characters pretty equal attention, it's just that this story is really open ended, I created a bunch of characters and tossed them in a high school without knowing what I'm going to do with any of it so right now I'm mixing and hopefully soon I'll be baking!


I just wanted to post this update, I feel good about this and once I have more content written I will release some sneak peaks.



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