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Everything posted by sandrewn

  1. Hi y'all. I'm back (for about two hours). Since time is short, I am making a hard copy of all that I have missed. I will try to review and post on all of it. I don't know exactly when I'll be able to pass them on to GA. What the heck is going on here? The likes for each chapter are great, the corresponding number of reviews not so much so. The posts (our back bone) have taken a nose dive, very depressng. So this is a token post. I have enjoyed a few ( well ok, maybe more than a few ) tots in the past. Here is something I found on its history: http://readyayeready.com/tradition/tot-history.htm The following I can really attest to ( big time ): For those who can remember back to their camp firesongs, this is a clean one ( sort of ): This last one, was sort of how I felt when I saw the recent feedback to our beloved Bridgemont series. I apologize in advance for the language. I just felt really poopy about it all: See you all, I don't know when, take care. Please, post and review. Bye for now.
  2. Had to come back for the author that brought me to this site. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Mark.
  3. Cheers, um sie Hans (formerly known to us as Westie). Though not a peer, I wonder if Sir Elton is a clandestine follower of this series.
  4. So, does this mean you have some thing you want to reveal to us, my Lord. I want to state for the record, that I have never worked for the Gap stores. That I hold no shares in said company or have any interest in it for that matter. I have never even been to or bought anything from them. Four times in my last post I wrote GAP. I just looked at it again and saw my mistake. To Mark and all the readers of the CAP series, my apologies, no slight or insult was intended. Sandrewn (with egg on my face)
  5. Well I think you have set the bees a buzzing. I am sure not a few of us are looking up info on all you have mentioned. Like what was happening in Turkey and specifically with the Sublime Porte (Ottoman government) located in Constantinople at this time in history? Who was this Envoy, Lord Elgin (see the Elgin Marbles, very controversial, even today)? What did he accomplish there, if any thing? Looking up on how Nelson's affair with Lady Hamilton played out. Then wondering how George will handle the stuck up pregnant cow (oops! I meant to say Lady Elgin). Or the know it all Reverand Hunt. For the longest time ( up until now ) I had a problem (frustration) with the disparity in the reponses to GAP and the Bridgemont series. Newton's apple(GAP) finally hit me on the head. It is not that one story is better than the other, rather they, like apples(GAP) and oranges(Bridgemont) are two completely different things. Gap is a modern tale that almost all the GA readership can relate to. They can see themselves or some one they know as some the characters, picture themselves in some of the situations presented or have experienced a similar set of circumstances. What would they do in such and such a spot or situation. It is every day life being written here and many want to comment on what if, no thats just wrong or he/they should of or could of done this or that. Well done Mark. Most the reviews and posts here reflect what I have said above. The readers are part of the story and want to talk about it. Now we come to the oranges. Bridgemont has a somewhat more limited appeal to a more specialized readership. No, not better, just with a certain interest in naval adventures, the age of sail, history, action of any kind and a love of George, his life and his exploits. Most of us have no sea background, are not peers nor are fabulously rich. Mark through his writings,has been able to transport us back in time, to being there with George and vicariously sharing in the adventures. So while our reviews are not numerous and posts infrequent. They are heart felt and freely given. Thank you for Bridgemont, long may it continue on. Sandrewn
  6. sandrewn

    Chapter 9

    With a mere 5,493 words, you have created the meat for half a dozen chapters or more. So many possible outcomes as each is presented. Well done, Mark. However it is sad that Lord Howes' passing did not rate even a mention or tear from George. A great chapter and I will await the next when ever time permits you. Thank you.
  7. In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, May 1915 In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. The Last Post and Rouse.mp3 Lest we forget.
  8. I used to go to his site at least once a month hoping for an up date and then here. Sadly this will no longer be required. I read his stories about once a year to keep them fresh in my mind in case one day I would find a new chapter. Now I probably will still go back to reread them and try to imagine what could of been. Since I was seventeen I have attended Remembrance Day services. At first it was a requirement. As I lost comrades in arms over the years, it became a need. They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old Age shall not worry them nor the years condemn At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them Rest in peace Ghost Ryder.
  9. sandrewn

    Chapter 8

    A chapter such as this was as interesting as any with guns a blazing. Possibly a once in a lifetime chance to take his family on for a cruise. Caroline enthralled, his eldest son having mayhap,his first defining point of his life. A very pleased St. Vincent and we know from history that his career is far from over. But what is it you keep on not telling us about Caroline and the Major? Where oh where will the Admiralty send him (them)? Holland perchance? Not much else occurring at the moment. Really a great chapter, thank you.
  10. I bit of humor, just for the heck of it. ANCIENT PIPING JOKE: The lads are marching into battle, with the piper playing away like mad ... The enemy's arrows, swords and spears are creating bloody slaughter all through the Irish ranks ... Ten men down, and the piper plays on ... Twenty men down, and still the pipes ring out. Finally fifty men have fallen, and the chieftain says to the piper, "For heaven's sake, can you not play something they like?"
  11. What else might happen before they get home, with Mark always expect the unexpected (he is rather good at that). I am confident that Lord Spencer has by now found a mission appropriate to Georges' new command. Ricky, yes the Palace is more beautiful. There are actually two in Vienna. One is the City Palace and the other the Garden Palace. I suspect you will be at the former, as the latter is more a museum. From what I could see of the Palace (click below), George would have felt right at home or at court, walking in there (take pictures). https://www.google.ca/search?q=liechtenstein+palace+vienna&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=sBFQU-biH9SzyASJx4CYAQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDgQsAQ&biw=1013&bih=595
  12. No, no, a thousand times no, don't do it! You'll have the STF all over us in an uproar. Ever since that frog and the princess movie, no one is safe. http://www.savethefrogs.com/actions/index.html Ricky, I looked up where you are going to in Austria. Try and take some pictures, it looks fantastic (read seriously jealous). For those interested, click below, it is impressive. Have a good trip. http://www.burgliechtenstein.eu/en/welcome.php
  13. sandrewn

    Chapter 7

    The crew and ship have now been tested. The ships' strengths revealed. Now to build on its and Grangers legend. A great chapter, thank you.
  14. Yes, but think of how depressed your secret (Putin is watching ) admirers in Yuzhno-sakhal or Vladivostok in Russia must have been. It was already Saturday there. There is little enough joy in their lives. A post from you would be a ray of sunshine to them.
  15. I was going to comment on how George would now have develop a new style of fighting his ship. Then I realized, he was now on the other side of the coin. He knew what a smaller or similar ship could do (from experience). So now, how to counter that would be his goal. Any encounter with a bigger ship(s), he would handle as before. How he would do it, will be refined as he finds out how Valiant handles and he adapts to that accordingly. Like I am sure most of you, I was saddened to not find a posting this morning. Then again we have not been giving Mark much incentive to do so. Yes, I know my old harangue of reviews & posts. Reviews are not for stroking his ego, but are our way of telling the author we are enjoying the story and hope that he will continue to post chapters. 83 to 89% of us (followers) have not taken the time to show any appreciation at all. Why should he post, for the fun of it, would you? The forum is even worse. Come on people, I for one want this series to continue, don't YOU? Any comment you make, even just a thank you, shows that care and are reading the story. For those who don't know it, you can always go back to a previous chapter and review on it, better late than never. Hoping to hear from some (all?) of you, cheers.
  16. sandrewn

    Chapter 6

    I'm guessing that his father didn't have anything significant to pass on and that he managed to say his goodbyes to his patron the Prince of Wales. It must of been an uneventful dinner when he briefed his officers of their mission. Hopefully the skirl O' the pipes, kept them in high spirits. A smooth (read quiet) trip out to pickup St. Vincent. Now the trip back? Not a few of Pellews prizes came while following a similar route. What of Mr. Darby, the one person who knew of his background and watching over him, is now gone. How will the rats take being expelled from the chart room yet again? What have you planned for George to test his crew and new ship, it must be good. Now we are all set, bring on the action. Full speed ahead (well at least 9 knots worth). Great chapter, thank you.
  17. So Admiral Davis has pierced the veil and now Capt Moultrie, so far so good. The intel they need is coming along slowly but surely. Not bad for for a stowaway, from sheep herder to Chief of Team Australia. Noah was in the right place at the right time. Who is using that fourth telegraph line. Yep, more intel needed. This is a great story, thank you.
  18. Ricky, thanks for the mention of the bagpipes, I do hope Kingsdale brought them (probably ordered to by George). On a sadder note, my monkey has run away. He left me a note saying he was going to join the circus, that he was tired of working for peanuts. I wonder if Justin Biebers' would be interested.
  19. Don't know what happened here is that thing on Sleipnir, again. http://tfwalsh.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/sleipnir-eight-legged-war-horse/ https://www.google.ca/search?q=odin%27s+horse&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hSM4U5PtJ9TJsASAooDoCw&ved=0CDkQsAQ&biw=1012&bih=575#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=xc-QCfoC6OJGJM%253A%3BIB5e-q5pw7gSNM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Frobinengelmandotcom.files.wordpress.com%252F2009%252F02%252Frobin-oden-robert_2.jpg%253Fw%253D645%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Frobinengelman.com%252F2009%252F07%252F08%252Fstockholm-sweden-percussive-arts-society%252Frobin-oden-robert_2%252F%3B645%3B484
  20. George saw Spencers' mood on Hornblower. So like Kenny Rogers sang 'You got to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em, know when to walk away and know when to run' and so he did. What a great figurehead to choose. Sleipnir, Odin's eight legged war horse. http://tfwahttps://www.google.ca/search?q=odin%27s+horse&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=hSM4U5PtJ9TJsASAooDoCw&ved=0CDkQsAQ&biw=1012&bih=575#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=xc-QCfoC6OJGJM%253A%3BIB5e-q5pw7gSNM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Frobinengelmandotcom.files.wordpress.com%252F2009%252F02%252Frobin-oden-robert_2.jpg%253Fw%253D645%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Frobinengelman.com%252F2009%252F07%252F08%252Fstockholm-sweden-percussive-arts-society%252Frobin-oden-robert_2%252F%3B645%3B484lsh.wordpress.com/2011/08/15/sleipnir-eight-legged-war-horse/
  21. sandrewn

    Chapter 5

    I wonder what news his father has for him and how will George work Carlton House into this last night. Caroline and the Major, no I don't think so. Nice figurehead, thank you. Odds are they will encounter something going out or coming back to allow for some gunnery practice. It is sad to think that any of the supporting characters may die at any moment, but that Hornblower is safe. Thank you for a great chapter.
  22. sandrewn

    Chapter 4

    The ship is almost ready, the crew up to strength (I hope Hercule and our one handed pigtailed tattooed sailor are among them). The main characters are introduced and now onboard. Only some details, a night at the baths and hopefully orders to soon follow, but to where? Being part of the Action of 18 June seems unlikely (time wise). The Vlieter Incident of 30 August, not our cup of tea. That leaves the Action of 16 October the only historical event left. Then again, this is fiction (as you once pointed out to me) so lead on kind sir and I will follow. I must admit that having a Travers back onboard, while a nice touch, makes me wonder? This series started with a Travers, is this the beginning of the end? I know, I worry to much, carry on for as long you will, knowing that, this reader will be there come what may. A great chapter, thank you.
  23. I am not an American, but I think any one can sign this petition. Some people are afraid of giving blood, I do (and we don't get paid for doing so). This boy in all likely hood does not have long to live. If there is any chance that my signature can make a difference and help him and others with similar afflictions, how can I not do so and look myself in the mirror. In the time it took you to read this, you could of signed up like I did and given your signature. Over 56,000 have signed already, the goal is 100,000 or more. We only have till 29 March to sign on. You are important! We can make a difference. Thank you Sandrewn
  24. As the saying goes, where there is a will there is a way, kudos to you. I've never used or bought some of those ingrediants (leeks, balsamic vinegar). It sounds good and I'll try anything once. Thanks for sharing. Sandrewn
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