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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thank you. It was a good dream. It was just sad to wake up from.
  2. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you. I have good sources for most things, as I have lived there and my boyfriend’s English, but if I could ask you about fostering that would be amazing.
  3. i had a dream that you and i were friends you were up on the stage i was in the audience it was a wonderful show i whooped and applauded and when you came down by all you were lauded they stood in a line waiting to greet you i stood off to the side just hoping to meet you and when you saw me you cried, ‘Hello there! I thought that was you; I was hoping you’d be here!’ when the crowd had dispersed you told me you’d mi
  4. Coffee with my new friend was awesome. We have so much in common. We like a lot of the same things (but not enough for conversation to get boring), we talked about practically everything. I talked about gender, he asked good, respectful and well informed questions, I just had the most wonderful time. And he’s a little bit queer. Like, he doesn’t want to put a label on it, but he says he’s not entirely straight. Which is cool. Means if he wants he’ll fit in nicely with my friends. Even though I’m definitely on my way into a depressive episode, I feel happy right now. New friends are great.
  5. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you. I tried doing research, and the only reference I found said child protective services, but I shall amend.
  6. That's bollocks. Without ever having seen your face, I know you're beautiful, tim. Your heart, mind, and soul are all wonderful. There's nothing ugly about you.
  7. This has been a strangely melancholy evening. Heading to bed now. Goodnight, everyone. See you tomorrow!
  8. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you for reading it! ❤️
  9. Good advice. It's the kind I'm terrible at following.
  10. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you for all your help, Nancer! It really makes all the difference. ❤️
  11. Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn. —Unknown
  12. Carrington's poem is here, if anyone's interested.
  13. ...and now I'm super sad because I found the love poems carrington wrote for me a couple of years ago and he's vanished off the face of the net as far as I can tell. I mean, I did that back then, just vanished, so... Still. Sad. He's deactivated his Tumblr, even deleted all his content on here. My poem Truth was in response to those poems. I wonder what happened to him. Hope he's okay. Kind of want to cry now.
  14. Yup. But damnit if I'm not gonna back up as many of those pics as I can before then! Shame about the gifs, though...
  15. Thorn Wilde


    If he confides in Stephen then, as Howzat says, Loz will be removed. Stephen most certainly can. More on that to come. Also an excellent point about the PE. We'll see what happens there.
  16. I've been going over my Tumblr, cause they're implementing new rules against NSFW content that will almost certainly get my arse banned forever. There is a lot of porn on my Tumblr. I haven't been there in years, basically, but holy hell, there's a lot. I'm gonna miss Tumblr.
  17. Yeah, that grammar's appalling. Did your teacher write that??
  18. Aww, it happens. No one's perfect!
  19. Thorn Wilde


    PE is unfortunately obligatory in Daniel's school, or he wouldn't be taking it at all. Many schools do that due to the importance of physical activity. Stephen and Lewis's is definitely the best possible place for him to be, though. Thanks for commenting!
  20. Thorn Wilde


    He definitely does. Time will tell how long that will take.
  21. Thorn Wilde


    Here's hoping. Thanks for commenting!
  22. Probably edible. You'd be surprised what people can do with fondant... Though the more outlandish the design, the less likely it is it'll actually taste nice. So says my pastry chef friend, anyway.
  23. Thorn Wilde


    Mrs. Lawton was mid-sentence when the telephone on her desk rang. She frowned at it, like it had offended her by ringing in the middle of her class, and then answered. ‘Yes? All right, I’ll send him up.’ She hung up again. ‘Michael, you’re wanted in the infirmary.’ I raised my eyebrows in surprise. ‘Me?’ ‘Is there another Michael here?’ ‘No, Miss,’ I said, and stood. Why would—? Daniel. Daniel! I picked up my things and all but ran out of the classroom. I broke into a jog as soon as
  24. This is so relevant for me right now, you have no idea.
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