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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    ooops.... At least he recovers from his bout with sluttiness.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    GMA VI

    I have a paragraph or two about Brad in a story set in 2027. And a huge appearance in the subsequent one. I promised regular updates on spinoff characters. and I suspect you'll like where I'm taking him.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    GMA V

    I knew what was coming and didn't want it to be something out of left field. I also wanted to show Brad changing as a result of going to war. Even if he relapsed in his drinking at some point, the newly acquired maturity will benefit him.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    A great advantage to writing a series for so long is I get the opportunity to continually develop characters. Seeing new aspects of their personality when they're placed in new circumstances is fun.
  5. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Damn! You're gonna dislike the end result of that contribution. Anyway, I'd like to refer you to CDMX chapter 10 where Cody was introduced. No gym changing room shenanigans, but CJ, Owen, and Liebe did spend enough time with him to base their contribution on academics instead of looks. Maybe you want to drop me a comment and let me know if you still feel the same way after you read all about it. For the record, you're right. Their money, so they get to spend it any way they want. One day it's technology centers to support school children, another day it'll be archeological digs in the jungle.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    You're right, I've portrayed her primarily as a caretaker so far, but I felt enough time had passed since her husbands death she would be interested in doing stuff for herself, My sister-in-law's mother played tennis into her late 80s and that served as inspiration. The laady's still alive and functioning, just not playing tennis any longer.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    She'll keep them all in line!
  8. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    LMAO I imagined as a padded ball rolling on the snow when she threw herself off the sled.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    You may also have to help with casting when Netflix turns it into a series.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    You gonna sit next to me at the nursing home helping me write? You can be the research assistant!
  11. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Jeans, leather jackets, and bubbly. (sorry but we know Owen would veto rotgut.
  12. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    They will likely defer to her wishes. And her brothers. I'm thinking a liberal policy with non-negotiable limits. Funny how this subject will be featured in a couple of future stories. BTW- going back to your previous comment, when I decided to introduce an archeologist into the story, my first thought was Yale. But I've been trying to move characters west a bit (yeah, I know, PA is East Coast) and when mentioning their alma maters is appropriate, I've been trying to vary those as much as possible too.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    I'll make up for it by trashing their football team in the future...
  14. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    When looking to see if it was realistic for her to be on skis at 20 months, I found a lot of clips of skiers younger than her doing better than I showed her doing. I figured since it was her first time, she'd be clumsy.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Wasn't I just saying if I had my way some chapters would be extremely short? There are times I reach a natural stopping point and end up adding more because of the limits on chapter postings. All part of writing for the internet and serial postings.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    You have no idea! I think Liebe and her siblings will be as foul-mouthed as their father. #losingbattle
  17. Carlos Hazday

    My Lucky Day

    Welcome to binge central. A couple of other readers have been doing the same recently. I miss Harley too, let me see what I can do about at least a cameo. Problem will be limiting his monologues to a page or two. Had to remove half my response due to multiple spoilers.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Let me get through the Balearics before I tackle any more islands! I'm already taking them to the Florida Keys soon.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Please... for some reason, my chapters are getting longer. Mann complained about the last one he edited because it was nearly 10k words. (Hear that @Daddydavek?) The one I'm currently working on is already at 5 and will end up around 6. About the only way I'd be able to write that far into the future is if I produce shorter chapters. I'll keep your request in mind.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    I'm thinking Mark's series and mine have certain similarities although my guys are not as sex crazed. A long, long time ago (damn, American Pie's now playing in my head) you suggested CJ and Owen should visit the Canary Islands. They're visiting Spain in an upcoming story, but I'm taking them to a different set of islands. You may have noticed I mentioned them swimming in Mallorca. Hope that tides you over until another trip.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    I already established I'm willing to jump back and forth in time. Maybe I'll share something from CJ's time as president one day soon.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    I still haven't decided what happens to the man from the north. Maybe I'll have him posted to Kyiv...
  23. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Okay, so that means I don't have to worry about his time in the White House. Good to hear I can dump those story outlines.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Glad the symptoms are mild!!!! Liebe's tongue will be even sharper that her father's. I pity the boys (or girls) who try to hit on her.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    May I remind you if I croak there won't be any more chapters? #lifesecurity
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