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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. BTW - My interest in this thread's purely academic since I've never received a review from @centexhairysub PS - I gave this topic 5 stars.
  2. I wasn't talking about you. LOL
  3. I disagree again. I fail to understand the fixation with offering criticism in PM. The story's public, so should the commentary. If someone can't handle the heat, they should get out of the kitchen
  4. I disagree. If errors are not pointed out, how is an author to improve? I cringe when I read reviews claiming a story's well written when I just covered it in red with my imaginary editor's pencil.
  5. Tell them to write better stories or go jump in a lake. The nerve! Any artist, including authors, put themselves out there whenever they share with the public. If anyone's so insecure about their work, maybe they should consider a different hobby. I've been trashed by readers a few times, and I always try to be civil in my response. Even when it's a bone-headed comment. Tell me who they are and I'll go leave 1 star reviews just for the heck of it.
  6. What she said. However, I'll add I rarely finish a story with an abundance of technical issues. Maybe forgivable in a new author, but anyone with a couple of stories under their belt should either learn how to write properly or expect their stories to be less popular than others. There's one author I'm thinking of who has great plots but writes like a high school kid. Whenever I try a new tale from them, I end up disappointed.
  7. I truly enjoy surprising readers. CJ stories can be predictable often, but I try to keep things fresh and moving along. There may be a couple more little things coming up.
  8. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XX

    The Poseidon Adventure and Shelley Winters are forever welded together in my mind. I couldn't name another character/actor in the movie if my life depended on it.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XX

    Liston Wines, Purple Flame Wines, and now tequila. I only come up with the best!
  10. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XX

    He's easy to write stupid stuff for. Even easier than CJ! You're the first one to comment on my little pun!
  11. Too much on my plate. You start the round robin, and I may join in. Some thirty or more years ago, the Miami Herald's Sunday magazine rounded up about a dozen area writers and did one. A bunch of best selling mystery authors wrote one of the funniest things I ever read. Since it was set in South Florida, drug dealers, flamingos, and manatees were featured prominently. I've always wanted to be part of a similar project.
  12. As long as I can get up on the saddle, there will be no trikes.
  13. We don't need no stinkin' cliffie! LOL I know there's one near the end, but not sure I ended any other chapter with one. You know I try not to use them too much. Better to do a few big ones than a bunch of little ones.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Gary. There might be one or two other tense scenes coming up.
  15. Please, no deities. If this turns too religious, CJ may decide not to hang with me!. Thank you. The joy I experience when readers devour my chapters and tell me they like them is hard to describe.
  16. Thanks, bud.
  17. Since Domogarov's defection impacts national security, a CIA agent would have a lot of leeway on what he does. Trashing a minor diplomat should not get him in trouble. And Steve's probably scared of intelligence agents.
  18. Thanks. I try not to be repetitive of what I've written in the past or of other stories posted on GA. I think those differences are a big part of why the CJ Series is popular. Let me know if I falter.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    CDMX • XXI

    Thanks, Tor.
  20. Thank you, Ma'am. I wasn't fishing for compliments, but I'll take them. I think the nerves are similar through what singers and actors experience when they step on stage. GA's my stage.
  21. LMAO Only one gadget so far, the phone. We'll wait until he's back in D.C. to install the guns in their Tesla.
  22. @frosenblum Following a time out in a basketball game, players return to the court energized and ready to rumble. Same thing here. I gave you three fun chapters in Vail, it was time to grab readers' attention again. CJ may encounter one or two unique circumstances before his time in Mexico's over. Not sure they would ever be in a bucket list, but he'll add to the experiences that help shape him.
  23. I've tried to organize one of those, but never followed up.
  24. You're gonna love the chapter when CJ returns to Mexico!
  25. You're right. Let me go roll a few joints for the trip. If I'm so in danger, what the hell.
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