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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    Did you ever imagine Michael and Blaine would resurface when you finished Predator Prey? Thanks for allowing me to use them, Parker. Anyone who hasn't read that particular story by Mr. Owens should do so!
  2. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you!
  3. Carlos Hazday


    I have a feeling CJ's not going to stop here. He won't be happy until he's certain Brad will pull through.
  4. Carlos Hazday


    Easy, Alex was in chapter 10 of Summer. Can't say I planned this appearance way back then, but I thought it fit. CJ does keep in touch with people and he's relentless when on a mission. Brad doesn't stand a chance with our boy around.
  5. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, bud
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Nah... No drama, just good times. One thing, Chris. Alex Minsky's a Marine but Brad isn't. A Ranger is a member of the Army. Can't mix up the services.
  7. On the last Monday in August, Owen began working full-time at the Nature Conservancy headquarters in Rosslyn, Virginia. Two days later, CJ started his senior year at Georgetown University. On Friday of that same week, the two of them, César, Brett, Ritchie, and Rod flew to Orlando. It was a men’s weekend. “Dude, it’s been like a year.” CJ’s embrace overflowed with warmth when he greeted Michael. He, his boyfriend Blaine, and Chipper had ridden up from Miami and met the group from Washingto
  8. @Jaro_423 The problem with all my tidbits is people have come to expect them to develop into something, when they don't it can be disappointing. But trust me, there's a lot of thought going into them. The thing about the cookies is a riff on a comment Hilary Clinton made when her husband ran for president. Barbara Bush bragged about her cookies and Clinton said something about not having time for the kitchen. Can't recall the exact comments but you get the idea.
  9. As with good wines, the trick with my chapters is to go slow and enjoy each sip. LOL Of course, repeated tastings work well too.
  10. I haven't had a dog since I had to put my last one to sleep. I've spent the last 10 years frequently traveling on my motorcycle and didn't think it fair to leave a pooch behind at a boarding place or with strangers. I miss the companionship.
  11. @Jaro_423 One of the reasons I never ran for office, and I was encouraged to do so several times, is my inability not to speak my mind. I still have that problem. The most controversial issue has been gun ownership, but having CJ support Clinton did not please some of my more conservative readers. I like the fact I have followers at both ends of the spectrum. Maybe, just maybe, something I write will make those readers realize neither side has all the answers. I stand by the words CJ used when recounting his experience with then House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan: “I refuse to be categorized as either a liberal or a conservative. I’m an idealist. I’m not an ideologue. It’s idiotic to assume either end of the spectrum has all the answers. And those who constantly tout their credentials as being in either camp are to be pitied. Particularly elected officials.”
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Thank you! I always try to leave readers with a striking image at the end of a book. I think this one was crystal clear.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    June 2016

    I dislike stories where the characters are declaring their love for each other in the first handful of paragraphs. I tried to take a more realistic approach here. As for the politics, they're one of the main reasons I set the story in Washington. I've toyed with political matters from the beginning but they take center stage in the next book. The dislike of and apathy towards politics in the general American public is present in GA readers too, the next book cost me a few followers and some questioned why I went there. It was part of the plan and I never hid it.
  14. Carlos Hazday

    May 2016

    @Jaro_423 Reading over some of these older chapters these days, I marvel at how much I crammed into each one. Something that in this book was exacerbated by my desire to have a chapter cover one month. Some months were slow for CJ and others were full of events. I hark back to previous comments I've made about how the life of a good-looking, wealthy, gay man in a large urban environment is very different from how most of us live.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    April 2016

    @Jaro_423 This is fiction and I'm creating my ideal politician. LOL. I've encountered resistance from both the left and right in what CJ does and says so I think I'm on the right track.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    March 2016

    CJ came out as soon as he admitted to himself he was gay and after a little initial pain, he was fine. I wanted to show a different point and had Patrick struggle with his own decision for a while. The groundwork started back in Autumn when he first met CJ in New York.
  17. @Jaro_423 A lot of this was inspired by how my brothers and I interact. We went to three different high schools and colleges so we each have our group of friends. You should see some of the gatherings when all 3 groups mingled. Chaos and lots of laughter.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    January 2016

    @Jaro_423 Repeating myself, life has fast and slow periods and I've tried to reflect that in the story. Even if I avoid a lot of the daily routines after I establish they exist. I'd rather write/read about a slow trip than details about classes though.
  19. @Jaro_423 I do enjoy writing chapters with all the guys in them. Tough to keep the dialogue believable, but it keeps me on my toes. Wait until you get to CJ's 21st birthday parties.
  20. Here's a link for you. https://www.aidsquilt.org/ Everything about the Quilt is based on fact and personal experience. I was lucky to volunteer for a large display in 1992 and co-chaired the Miami Beach Millenial one in 2000. On opening night, I was a blubbering fool. A very moving experience.
  21. Some readers like my sprawling chapters and some get lost. I'm trying to reign in that approach in the book I'm currently writing.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    October 2015

    @Jaro_423 Think of it as an opportunity. A chance to do a little side reading and learn new stuff. The entire series has deep roots in 21st century American culture so at times certain things will be alien to non-US readers.
  23. @Jaro_423 No idea what you're talking about. I don't do cliffies.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    August 2015

    I think if every chapter had the same emotional impact it would be too much. It's okay for some chapters to be nothing but a stepping stone for the journey.
  25. Don't worry about the on/off thing. As long as you're enjoying yourself, it's all good. I hope a smile or two has joined the tears now and then.
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