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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Worlds Apart

    @Will Hawkins I think I need to write a flash piece on guns. Maybe a conversation between a pro-gun person and an opponent. That should irk some readers and please a few others.
  2. An assassin and wizard walk into a bar... No, wait. That's wrong. I don't even know if the man was a wizard despite some freaky stuff. And I forgot about the grandmother and the rapist chef. And the fat politician and his son. And the mob boss and his flunkies! Intrigued? Good! But you're gonna have to read the story because I'm not sharing spoilers. Specter's Gamble is a mystery with plenty of action, gore, abuse, and a happy ending. How we get to that ending is the fun part. Unable to read it in one sitting, I snatched a few minutes here and there for about a week to get my fix. I loved the fact there was no silly teen angst or sappy romance involved. This is a book about adults, for adults. Go read it and when you're done, remember to like the story, leave a review, and thank me for the recommendation.
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  3. Carlos Hazday


    @Bft LOL No NETFLIX. Yet. Although I'm willing to enter negotiations with them or any of the other streaming services.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    We're Alive

    @Will Hawkins Typo corrected. Thank you!
  5. Carlos Hazday

    The Fuse

    @Will Hawkins I suspect Mr. Trump will get a second term. The overly progressive attitudes of some Democrats could turn the conservative American policy against the party. Since the story's written through May 2020, when CJ graduates from college, I've refrained from extensive political commentary in the last three books. I can only hope I'm wrong.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    Born to Run

    Pretty sure Brett learned his lesson after the trip to Chicago. He may not directly interfere with what CJ does while traveling, but if he can help ensure the kid's safety, he'll do it.
  7. @Will Hawkins Tiny restrooms or not, I would have loved to see the exhibit with the motorcycles hanging in mid-air.
  8. @Will Hawkins Assuming Brett and Cesar already have black Amex cards, it would be a simple matter to add CJ as a user. Even if they didn't, American Express would bend over backward to give someone with CJ's net worth one. His spending habits may surprise you.
  9. LOL - Romance? Me? The song and CJ's smile brought out the hope I wanted to end this chapter with. Liz is gone but will not be forgotten.
  10. Further proof father and son are very much alike. Cesar suspected what CJ's actions would be because they're the same things he would do.
  11. I've been to Yad Vashem and to the US Holocaust Museum in Washington. Both times I left in tears. The extreme cruelty some humans inflict on their fellow men is something I have trouble grasping.
  12. Let's hope the final outcome for the US is better than it was for Germany.
  13. Learn something new every day...
  14. @Will Hawkins I think you and CJ have somewhat similar views on organized religion.
  15. @Will Hawkins That sound like something CJ and I would love to do. LOL
  16. @Jaro_423 I love writing clashes between CJ and his fathers. You're right about the similar personalities and in the end, Cesar has nobody to blame but himself. As Brett points out, they've taught their son to stand up for himself and that's exactly what he's doing.
  17. Spreadsheets! By the time you get to the last Georgetown book, you will have been exposed to over 250 named characters. Most disappear. Do you remember the names of CJ's fellow high school students other than the close group of guys? The important ones you'll recall soon enough since they appear often, others are not so important to remember.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    Cautious Man

    My use of commas has improved to the point the editor working on the story I'm currently writing didn't have to make a single correction in the last chapter she reviewed. Yay me!
  19. Carlos Hazday


    Nope, don't be giving out your address to strange men on the internet. I actually have relatives living in Queens! My brother recently moved to Brooklyn, my best friend lives in Manhattan, and I dated someone from the Bronx for a while. Never been to Staten Island or know anyone living there so I'm one borough short of a city. I hope all my NYC scenes have been somewhat accurate for you.
  20. Carlos Hazday


    That's a good possibility. But we don't know when the wedding will be yet so don't hold your breath.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    LOL I did post CJ's proposal on Valentine's Day just like it happened. That forced me to delay the beginning of that book by a couple of weeks and I don't want to do that again. Hell, I'm ready to post the rest of the book now but then I'd have readers clamoring for more.
  22. Carlos Hazday


    Kids? What kids? If you mean Owen and CJ's offspring, it, or they, are expected in late April. It, they, will be a Taurus just like Owen, Cesar and the next British royal baby.
  23. LOL Not Walls! He's too old for high school. Owen will be in law school at George Mason University right outside Washington.
  24. @Will Hawkins The most recent mention of the age difference between the parties I think was when CJ blew up at Brett after being reprimanded for having sex with an older guy in Chicago. As soon as I introduced Owen, plenty of readers joined Team Owen hoping for a relationship between the two. I always said I wasn't about to marry off a 16-year-old kid right after he met someone. Not that kind of silly story. LOL
  25. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XX

    @frosenblum You left a comment for chapter 21 in the chapter 20 comment section. LOL No matter, I did promise Ritchie would be showing up again, he did and will again in the next two chapters. I hope you forgive me for what I'm about to put him through.
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