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Carlos Hazday

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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    I kinda like it too. I keep trying to come up with scenes for them to go at it.
  2. “How the fuck did you convince your mom to give up all this stuff?” CJ held his corner of the couch with a knee while adjusting his grip on the bottom edge. The sofa was not overly large or heavy, but getting it inside the elevator was awkward. “Bruh, I didn’t even ask. She offered. Dad grunted when she did. He claimed it was an excuse for her to get all new stuff for the den. Said I might be moving in with Tank, but I was still costing him money. When I first told them my plans, Mom teared
  3. Carolina Marie Prado was born on the last day of June 2019. On the first day of July, CJ and Owen stopped at the hospital to see the newborn. “Hi, CJ. Hi Owen. Thanks for coming by to see us.” Cristina sounded tired but looked content. Her husband had gone to work, but her mother was in town. “She’s so tiny!” The newborn was ensconced in the crook of Cristina’s arm. “Thiago’s baby was so much longer. Who does she look like?” “Damien says she looks like his mother. Oh, and of co
  4. Carlos Hazday


  5. Happy 18th birthday, Ask an Author! After today, our little feature can vote but is still unable to drink legally in the United States. I think someone has been slipping it beers behind my back, though. I found it passed out in my computer complaining of a hangover. • • • • • @AC Benus, GA’s poetry guru and the author who gets the most questions will kick off the party. • When you're not writing your own stories and poems, you seem to spend a lot of your time commenting and reviewing other stories on the site, particularly those from fairly new or unknown authors. This can be difficult because those stories are often a little unpolished but have you ever come across a hidden gem or a great story from a source that you wouldn’t have expected? • • • Thank you for saying this. I often feel I don’t do enough reading and reviewing on GA. But I’ve committed to doing more. As for hidden gems, there are quite a few, however, maybe I will limit myself to one prose and one poetic recommendation. Even in its partial form, Denn’s Mobile Circus is one of the finest novels on GA. A shifter story with several differences, it’s at times funny, thrilling, sexy, touching, horrifying – you name the experience, it’s in there – and above all, consummately written by @Twisted_Dreemz. As far as I’m concerned, it should be on everyone’s read-right-now list. (The more love we show him, hopefully the sooner he’ll get back to providing us with chapters ). For poetry, it’s much more difficult to single out just one, as all of us poets on GA post what we love and feel. I’m pleased to say we have a growing and supportive community here for one another. However, anyone who loves good prose-storytelling will instantly respond to @MythOfHappiness' collection of poetry. He can paint a scene in a few words, and grip your heart while doing it. And, if enough of us get at him with comments, hopefully we’ll force him to actually reply to them ). • • • • • From the San Francisco area, we travel east to the mountains. My limited interactions with @MacGreg have left me with the impression of a thoughtful man who has a good sense of humor. I really do need to read more of his work • Many of your stories and longer poems seem to deal with “broken” men. How central do you see the healing process to the characters and journeys you create for them? • • • This is a good question. I suppose I write about "broken" people often, because so many of us have been faced with circumstances that test our strength and resolve. Writing imperfect characters feels true and honest to me. No one is immune to the burdens of sadness, disappointment, frustration, hopelessness, etc. that pass through our lives. Dealing with the fallout is all a part of the journey, and my characters' pursuit of refuge and healing acts as a mirror to reflect our own personal determinations. I'm not one to sugarcoat circumstances when writing my characters. And, as with life, not every broken person can be made whole again. But the processes of healing and learning how to cope are definitely central points to my stories and poetry. • • • • • Since Florida is flatter than an eight-year-old’s chest, I decide to stick to the mountains and head north. When I hit the Trans-Canada Highway, I turn east until reaching the Toronto area for a visit with @Mikiesboy. • You put a great deal of feeling and emotion into your work, which you have stated is down to your own personal background, but does it sometimes also get in the way and work against you? In other words, are there subjects which you feel you cannot write about? • • • The simple answer is no. If something appeals, or comes to me and I feel it would make a good story, I'll write it. My past still haunts me, you just do not ever get over that stuff, not really. You learn to deal with it. I put things into boxes and stack them in the corner. These days mostly it stays there. Pretending it didn't happen is no way to deal with it, so I'd write about it - have written about it in Levko, in Street Words and My Life in Pieces. I don't know if I'd write more about that life, I mean there is only so much you can say. Maybe but there'd have to be a very compelling reason to do it again. These days I'd rather write about other things, not necessarily happy ones just different I guess. I love writing comedy, prompts are a lot of fun and make you think. Poetry of course, is my one true love. I think you should try everything... every genre. I'd love to write a good mystery or horror. It's something I think about a lot. I may have even done some planning ... possibly. Thanks again for the question. • • • • • @Nephylim is in Wales. Since my superpowers do not extend to riding my Harley over the pond, I catch a plane to visit her. I made sure it was not a Boeing 737 Max! • What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? • • • I don't mind answering questions about anything. Any interaction is welcome. To be honest, I haven't thought about this. Given that I've been non binary all my life (although I haven't actually "named" this until fairly recently) and that my inner dialogue has always been entirely male, I think, to be honest, that writing a female character is more difficult. It's almost that female is the opposite sex if that makes sense. As I am autistic I find understanding all people, whether male or female, quite difficult and to some extent I rely on television, films, books etc to give me basic understanding of how people interact with each other. Having been a solicitor for many years in the field of family law, I have also had the opportunity to gain more insight into what motivates people on a deeper level. Sometimes it's difficult to separate the real from pure fiction, but I hope I manage it well enough. I hope that's enough to answer the question. I tend to wander off topic sometimes. If the person who asked the question would like more information or to discuss it directly, I'm more than happy to do so. • • • • • Back home in Florida, it’s a skip and a jump to Tampa Bay and @BHopper2. We get the final answer to a set of questions we asked at the end of last year. • What would you like to be? A successful businessman, and a professional writer. With a great husband that understands me and two adopted teens that we both love. Living in a high-rise condo in the middle of downtown Tampa, and living comfortable lives until we grow old, retire, and pass-away. • • • If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome home, and well done. The party district is this way, it's been a lot livelier since you gays started running it. • • • • • That is it for this month, my friends. My inventory of questions and answers is severely depleted. If you have questions for any author on the site, send them to me instead of them. I’ll chase them down, get a response, and share it on AAA for everyone to enjoy. Happy 420! ps - @Myr who do I send all my travel expense receipts for reimbursement?
  6. Carlos Hazday


    @Nahrung Thank you! If you read my author's blurb, It does mention a love of travel and wanting to share my experiences with readers. The guys have spent time in Wisconsin and in Chicago; coming up (one way or another) CJ and Owen will be in the Twin Cities.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    You nailed that one!
  8. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    @quttzik I posted something recently about loving binge readers. You snuck under the radar, didn't figure out you were doing it until you left a reaction for Spring. Thanks for the praise. I've tried to create characters we can like even if we don't always agree with them. Something akin to real life. Even with close friends, there will always be differences of opinions. Surmounting them is a sign of maturity.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    Thanks, bud. The beach house interactions were designed to show a more serious side to the characters involved. It should also reinforce few relationships are the same and that CJ's willing to accept and not judge those with different approaches.
  10. Good luck, Boss.
  11. You made me smile. I don't follow these stories, but I do have a character about to enter the CIA. Let me know if you run into a good looking, black kid named Silas. LOL
  12. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    Thank you! I had Harley get serious a couple of chapters ago, and we see it a bit in this one also. The Squad's about to enter the real world and it shows. But wealthy, good-looking, millennial, gay men will still part like it's 1999 if given the opportunity.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    And people say I'm harsh... You have to take into account their New Yorkers! The always think they know it all.
  14. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    Thanks, bud.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    And why would that make a difference? Shouldn't we always vote for the most qualified person regardless of political party affiliation? Someone's probably going to say they wished he was a Democrat! People who vote straight party lines need to realize there are good, qualified individuals on both sides. Except for Trump. He's an ass no matter what party he belongs to.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    You guys kept asking for babies, I gave you babies. Happy now? LOL Astley had a bunch of hits with his first album, but I don't recall if he ever put out a second one.
  17. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    This one I enjoyed writing. Although I've shared some gay history before, I felt the Stonewall 50 celebrations were too important to skip.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    Was it national news back then? I was 11 and living in Puerto Rico back then. I remember watching coverage of RFK and MLK's murders but not this. For further details on the eye candy, google almost any circuit party. The Fire Island Morning Party started it all. I wanted to be between CJ and Colt, leaning against the wood beam, shirtless and drinking!
  19. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    Thank you! Told you last chapter to pack your bathing suit and your flip-flops, Don't put them away, you'll need them next chapter too, I haven't been to Fire Island in a couple decades, but the memories helped me. Everything I've written about CJ is plausible because of events 50 years ago. In a way, the entire series pays homage to those who rioted in 1969.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    Thank you! I think Doc and Dash are the last two of the Elite who had not been included in this book. Took me a while but found a spot for them. Yes, you read correctly. This chapter covers late June 2019. I'm writing in the future and it scares the heck out of me.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    I did have CJ refer to 2019 as baby palooza year. After your suggestion they move to NYC yesterday, Owen's comments about the city came to mind. You still think they'd fit in? Senators have to be at least 30 yo. That means the late 2020s or early 2030s. Maybe by then, DC will be a state? I may want to wait until then to send him to Congress.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    GMA XV

    LMAO What brought on the sudden love?
  23. Carlos Hazday


    @Bft LMAO- You perv! We were simply trying to warm ourselves up!
  24. “What up, Legless?” On his first full day back in Washington, CJ stopped by Walter Reed Medical Center to visit his injured friend. “You dipshit.” Brad’s laughter was contagious. He bumped fists with a chuckling CJ and adjusted his position on the bed. “I betcha the stinkin’ fuckin’ Arab who planted that IED had no idea it would lead to me getting a new nickname.” “You’re in mighty good spirits.” CJ sat on the bed’s edge next to the soldier, delighted to find him in a happy mood. Three w
  25. Really, really nice announcement to wake up to. Congratulations, Parker. The next cafecito is on me to celebrate.
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