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  1. Max stole the chapter. He has the potential to be one of your best characters. I sure hope we see him and Reid, yes Reid, get their own story. I want to see this dynamic came to be. Well done ma’am!!
  2. It’s sounds like Gracie is Dayna. Dayna was beloved by everyone but also a pain and very demanding on her own right. It would easy to love her and easy to want to strangle her. I still want to learn more about Dayna and more about Dayna and Perry.
  3. Will be worth it!!
  4. Perry gonna pin Kyan down and go to town.
  5. This was a sweet chapter. Kyan is really coming out of his shell and we’re seeing a playful side of him. The constant touching and footies, those are not things you do with a friend, those are things you do with a crush. I think it’s major progress. Perry with the kids in the pool is so sweet. He’s an amazing uncle and will be a great dad. I hadn’t thought how the kids will handle the transition when Kyan and Perry finally get together, but I think they will be fine. They adore Perry. Reid doesn’t seem to be an issue. Hopefully it stays that way.
  6. This is a really great chapter. I think they're close to some big revelations. Max will absolutely get hurt in this, but we've known he was collateral for a while. I think Perry keeping a little distance is good for both of them. It's already making Kyan want more. Kyan is desperate for Perry. He will figure it out soon enough.
  7. Love Noah and the kids but Kyan was robbed. Dayna was a young and ambitious girl who saw a cute boy and clung to him. Kyan didn't notice her vibes because they were on the wrong wave length, but she didn't take no for an answer. I doubt she got pregnant on accident, but I wonder how upset she really was? If only Kyan had met Perry instead of Dayna. Ugh, but then we wouldn't have Noah, Ava, Henry, and Gracie.
  8. I agree but I also disagree. I completely understand where Perry is coming from. Another commentor nailed it when they said that because he is secure and confident in who he is, he is more vulnerable. Perry absolutely has to protect himself, and I think in doing so, he will help Kyan realize the truth. If Perry rushes into this new physical relationship, then Kyan won't be forced to reflect as deeply. I agree that Kyan should have told Max about Perry, but I understand why he didn't nor is he obligated. I like Max a lot. He might be my favorite character and I wish the best for him, but Kyan as the right to keep this new thing with Perry to himself while he figures it out. Although I think Max could give great advice, I also think Max would be bias to his feelings towards Perry, and not give Kyan the advice he truly needs. Kyan does not need more confusion.
  9. Great chapter. Lots of anticipation building up. Max is a stand out guy. I too would read a follow up story to see how things pan out for him. Jed and Trudy are amazing but I wonder if they choose not to take the kids. No shade. Some grand parents are better from a slight distance. They clearly love their grandkids, but I'm surprised it's Charlie watching the kids instead of G&G.
  10. Hmmm. I spy Perry's flaw. He's a runner. He ran as kid when things got hard and he ran as an adult. There is no way things will be smooth between these two men and Perry is going to run and hide. If Kyan freaks out about his sexuality, is Perry going to run away because he's scared?
  11. I felt hope for Kyan and Perry while simultaneously feeling cringe for Max, knowing he's about to get his face shoved in the mud.
  12. Poor Max. I know he will land on his feet but I would love to see his story. He is a really great character and we barely know him. I'm not usually a spin off person but I would read more about Max.
  13. I smiled the entire way through this chapter. There isn't much I can say that hasn't been said already by all the great and insightful comments except this story is a delight to read. A lot of anticipation to see how Kyan and Perry weasel their way out of the friendzone. Keep up the good work.
  14. Same. MrsG always has one absolute perfect MC
  15. I have never laughed so hard
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