I agree but I also disagree. I completely understand where Perry is coming from. Another commentor nailed it when they said that because he is secure and confident in who he is, he is more vulnerable. Perry absolutely has to protect himself, and I think in doing so, he will help Kyan realize the truth. If Perry rushes into this new physical relationship, then Kyan won't be forced to reflect as deeply.
I agree that Kyan should have told Max about Perry, but I understand why he didn't nor is he obligated. I like Max a lot. He might be my favorite character and I wish the best for him, but Kyan as the right to keep this new thing with Perry to himself while he figures it out. Although I think Max could give great advice, I also think Max would be bias to his feelings towards Perry, and not give Kyan the advice he truly needs.
Kyan does not need more confusion.