Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
A Trip To Love - 6. Chapter 5
Tim and I spent the next few days getting to know each other in both human and animal form. I still could not believe that after years of looking that I had finally found my mate and that he accepted me even though I was not a wolf or that he was not a bear.
We had gone on several walks and had even gone on a few runs together. The first time that I saw his wolf I was simply amazed. He’s a dark grey wolf that stands about five feet tall from his paws to the top of his head. I was glad to see that his eyes stayed that clear, deep blue.
When I shifted into my bear I could see the amazement in Tim’s eyes and it made me feel proud that he saw me in that way. I just hoped that he never tired of seeing me in my bear form because I know that I could never get tired of seeing him in his wolf form.
“Tell me more about your family. Do you and your brothers get along? Are they all as big as you?” Tim asked while we were sitting beside the lake that I found on the property my first day here.
“Well my dad is a corporate lawyer but he never pressured me into following his footsteps in the field of law. He always said that I should do what makes me happy. Kyle and Tyler are both into sports. Kyle plays football and Tyler plays basketball. I wish Kyle and I were been closer in age because I think it would have been fun to be on the same team as my brother. Alex is more the silent type, he’s really into computers and anything that has to do with technology. Dad got tired of us having to go into town to work out at the gym, so he decided to set one up in the basement. Mom wasn’t fond of the idea but eventually accepted the fact that whether she liked it or not it was going to be set up. Working out became our male bonding time. My brothers became my best friends.”
“How did they handle it when you told them that you’re gay?” Tim asked.
“Well, Dad and my brothers handled it better than I expected them to and have never treated me any differently. Mom, on the other hand has always insisted that it’s a phase that I am going through and has been trying to set me up with any available female that she has found so that I could have cubs.”
“I am so glad that Dad never made a big deal about it when I told him that I’m gay. I mean sure he was disappointed but he has made sure that I know that he loves me no matter what,” Tim replied.
“You want to continue our run?” I asked.
“Sure, I am still amazed at what your bear looks like.”
“I love your wolf. He is absolutely beautiful.”
We each stripped and shifted into our animal forms. I will never get tired of looking at Tim in his wolf form, or for that matter, in his human form. Either way he is something to see.
We spent a couple of hours in our animal form. We ran into some of the members of the pack but no one gave us any problems. While we were running, Tim would chase after me, nipping at my heels making me try to run a little faster. It was fun to watch him because he would go up to some of the wildflowers, sniffing at them and then sneezing when he took too deep of a sniff. All too soon we were back at the lake and shifting back into our human form.
“You ready to go get something to eat?” Tim asked.
“Sure, let’s head back and get cleaned up before dinner,” I replied.
The last few days we would go out to eat to be able to have a somewhat private meal in order to get to know each other better. This was the first time that we ate in the pack house.
We joined Alpha Jeff for dinner in the main dining room and Tim was finally met Alpha James. I could tell by the look on Tim’s face that he was shocked that both of the Alphas of this pack were men and true mates.
The cook had put out a hug buffet style dinner, with things like baked potatoes, corn on the cob, potato salad, green beans, bar-b-que chicken, and grilled steaks. Everything smelled absolutely delicious and it was making my stomach growl. I was so embarrassed.
“Has anyone had an issue with you guys being mates and Alphas?” asked Tim as he started to fill his plate.
“Well there were a few who had an issue with us being Alphas with a male as our mate but that was only because they didn’t see us as being able to have children to carry on the Alpha line,” replied Alpha James from behind him.
“Does your pack know that you’re gay Tim?” asked Alpha Jeff.
“My friends do, it’s never really been an issue. Most of the kids in my school didn’t date until they found their mate so it wasn’t a big deal that I never had a girlfriend or even a boyfriend,” replied Tim as he sat down at the table before taking a drink of his Pepsi.
“How about you Jon?” Alpha James asked as he sat down.
“I knew when I was about sixteen that I was gay and when I told my parents. My mom insisted that I go out with some of the girls in my class because she didn’t believe that I was really gay. To this day she still insists that it’s a phase that I’m going through and still tries to set me up with eligible female bear shifters so that I will settle down and have kids.”
Alpha James and Alpha Jeff looked at each other with a look of disbelief on their faces.
“I can’t believe that a mother would do that, not that I don’t believe you but how could she do that to you?” asked Alpha James after taking a drink.
“Well, see family is important to her and nothing says family like grandkids. However, I’ve told her that if she continues to try and set me up I will leave and not come back until I have my mate and that if she disrespects my mate, I will go and live close to his family.”
“My dad never once said anything bad about me being gay and without me having kids our family line ends with me,” stated Tim while cutting his steak into pieces.
“See my dad don’t care because he knows that he will have grandkids from my three brothers and he just wants me to be happy,” I commented as I scooped up a forkful of potato salad.
Alpha Jeff nodded and stated, “Well just so you guys know, if you ever need a place to stay or live I would be honored to have you as a part of my pack.”
I looked back and forth between Alpha Jeff and Alpha James with a look of absolute shock. I couldn’t believe that they would make that type of offer. I looked at Tim to see what his reaction was and saw that it was the same as mine.
“Alphas, I think I can speak for Jon and myself in that we are honored by that you would make this generous offer and we will consider it, if that’s ok?” requested Tim.
“I couldn’t have said it any better Tim,” I commented.
“Tim and Jon that is fine with us. We just wanted to let you know that it is an option for you,” replied Alpha James.
“Thank you both so much,” I turned and looked at Tim and asked, “Are you ready to go see American Hustle?”
“Yeah, we had better get going to make it to the next showing,” he replied after looking at his watch.
We got up, took our dishes into the kitchen, and headed upstairs to grab our wallets before heading out to the cars.
“Which car do you want to take?” I asked.
“Let’s take yours since it’s a good deal bigger and I don’t want to scrunch you up,” Tim replied.
So we walked over to my suburban, I opened the door for him to climb in before closing the door and walking around to my side of the vehicle.
“You keep this really clean, I’m impressed. I was not expecting it to be this clean with the amount of travelling that you’ve been doing,” Tim commented.
“Thanks, I was known as the neat freak of the family. I’m not compulsive about it but I do like to keep my things in good condition, especially my vehicle.”
“Personally I think that is an admirable quality to have. Personally I like to keep my things in good condition as well, especially my car back home.”
We continued to talk and get to know one another on the drive into town. Turns out that we both like to read crime novels, are both into computers, and being out in nature.
“Who is your favorite author?” I asked as I looked deep into his eyes.
“I really like Iris Johansen but I also like James Patterson,” Tim replied.
“I like James Patterson too. I haven’t read any Iris Johansen, I will have to find some and read them.”
About that time the movie previews started. Unfortunately we couldn’t talk during the movie but that’s ok we sat there and held hands, occasionally looking over at the other. We made sure to sit in the back of the theater so that my large frame wouldn’t block anyone’s view of the screen.
Soon the movie was over and we could talk again. We waited for most of the theater to clear out before walking out still holding hands. It was a good movie but I would have been content to just go for a stroll, all that mattered to me was being able to be with my mate.
On the way back to the pack house we were talking about our love for being outdoors and I so wanted to go camping with him. We both liked to camp under the stars in tents but we also liked to go hiking and backpacking.
“Tim, how would you like to go camping with me on our way to Spokane? I would love to show you the area around this part of Washington.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea. I can’t think of anything that I would rather do than to go camping with you,” stated Tim.
“Where is your favorite spot to go camping?” I asked.
“I have enjoyed camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The mountains are absolutely beautiful.”
“I did some camping while I was in Iowa, in a small town called West Branch,” I replied.
All too soon we were back at the pack house and I knew that we would be separated by a wall of our bedrooms and that was the last thing that I wanted. I knew that it had only been a few days since we had met but I couldn’t get enough of him and wanted to be around him always. However, I had promised him that we would take this at his pace and I refused to rush him.
As we got in front of our rooms, Tim pulled me in for a hug. As we pulled apart he looked into my eyes, I didn’t know what he was looking for but I hoped that he could see the love in them.
“Jon will you sleep in my room tonight? I’m not ready for us to complete the mating but I just can’t stand the thought of being apart from you tonight.”
“I feel the same way. Let me get my pajamas, clothes for tomorrow, and my book before I come over.”
“I’ll just wait for you right here while you get your stuff. What book are you reading?”
“I’m reading Guilty Wives by James Patterson,” I replied as I walked into my room to gather the things I would need that night and for the next day.
Tim looked kind of surprised when I grabbed my e-reader out of my computer bag.
Soon I had the things that I needed and met him at the door of my room before we headed next door to his room.
“Go ahead and change out here, I’ll change in the bathroom,” suggested Tim as he got his pajamas out from under his pillow and headed for the bathroom.
I quickly changed into my pajamas, hung my clothes up in the closet and put my e-reader on the other bedside table as I waited for Tim to come out of the bathroom.
Tim soon opened the door and motioned for me to come in so that I could brush my teeth and wash my face. Once that was done we both climbed in bed from opposite sides.
“I don’t know about you, but I’ve never had anyone else in my bed,” stated Tim.
“The only ones who have been in my bed has been my brothers when they were younger and they had gotten scared. Every now and then when I come home after being gone for a long time Tyler will spend my first night back with me so that I know just how much he missed me. Even though there is ten years between us he is the brother that I am closest to.”
“Do you know why that is?” asked Tim.
“I think it’s because the twins were born with their best friend and Tyler sometimes feels left out of things. He’s got friends but none that he is really close to. He’s popular because he’s a basketball player but it’s usually people that are looking to become popular by association and he doesn’t like that.”
“I think it’s a good thing that you are close with your brothers. I wish I had siblings to grow up with.”
I pulled him into a sideways hug and said, “You do realize that you have now inherited three brothers?”
“Yeah, but it would have been nice to grow up together, ya know?”
“I understand what you’re saying.”
“Do you think they will like me?”
“I think they have already started liking you with our Skype conversation that we had with them the other day. My dad was taken with you as well.”
“I think my dad liked you, too. He’s happy that I have finally found my mate and he’s looking forward to getting to know you better,” stated Tim.
He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before grabbing his e-reader and opening his current book. I grabbed mine and opened my book and we just sat there next to each other and read for a little bit before turning in for the night.
When I woke up the next morning I was spooned up behind him with my left arm draped over his side and my fingers were splayed across his abdomen. His hand was laid out over top of mine and his head was nestled in between my head and right shoulder.
I soon felt him stirring and I knew that he could feel my erection pushing into the crack of his butt and it was taking everything in me not to hump him or move my hand down to his own erection.
He rolled over and looked into my eyes and said, “Good morning, how long have you been awake?”
“Good morning. Just a short time, I was enjoying watching you sleep but now I need to use the bathroom, my bladder feels like it’s going to burst,” I replied as I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom.
I didn’t close the door all the way so I didn’t hear him come into the bathroom with me. The next thing I knew, he was standing there at the toilet next to me peeing. When we were done we both headed over to the sink and brushed our teeth at the sink.
“Why don’t you go ahead and take your shower? I’m going to go check my e-mail. Can I use your computer to check it or do I need to get my computer?” I asked.
“It’s ok for you to use mine, I have nothing to hide,” he replied as he went out into his room to get his clothes for the day.
I sat down and turned his laptop on and waited for it to boot up as I heard the shower turn on. It was taking everything in me to not go and join him.
I looked back at the computer and saw that it was now online so I went to my Hotmail account to check my e-mail. I saw that I had a message from Steve, one of the guys that I met while I was travelling and had become friends with.
Hey Jon,
It’s been awhile since we talked. Any luck on finding your mate yet?
Are you going to be coming through Iowa again anytime soon? I haven’t been able to find my mate yet but I’m not giving up. I know I will find them sooner or later.
I hope to hear from you soon.
I heard the shower shut off. I got up to gather my things to get ready for my shower just as Tim walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his trim waist.
“Hey babe, how would you feel about going through Iowa on our way to Virginia? I’ve got some friends there that I made during my travels and I want you to meet them,” I asked as I pulled him into a hug.
“Sounds like a plan to me. I’m guessing you got an e-mail from one of them?” he asked.
“Yeah, my friend Steve e-mailed to see if I had found my mate yet and asked when I was coming that way again.”
“Well respond and tell him that you have and that we will be heading that way in about a week, if you want to that is,” replied Tim.
I went back to the computer and hit the reply button and composed an e-mail back to Steve.
Hey Steve,
Yeah I have finally found my mate a few days ago. His name is Tim and he is from Virginia. We will be heading in that direction in approximately a week and he is looking forward to meeting you guys.
You will find your mate when the time is right don’t give up.
I showed Tim the e-mail before sending it. After closing my e-mail I got up and grabbed my clothes and headed for the shower. I took a quick shower before getting dressed and joining Tim back in the bedroom. When I came in the room he was writing an e-mail of his own to someone.
I walked over and sat on the bed to put my shoes on before walking over to the desk that Tim was sitting at.
“You about ready to go down for breakfast?” I asked.
“Yeah let me just send a quick e-mail to my best friend Jeremy. You want to read it?” he asked.
“I don’t have to.”
“I asked if you wanted to, ya big goof.”
Hey buddy!
Just wanted to let you know that I have found my mate. His name is Jon and he is a werebear. We will be heading in that direction in about a week. We are going to meet his family in a few days and spending some time with them.
I’ll send you a picture as soon as I can get one taken and loaded onto my laptop.
Love ya bro,
“He’s the closest thing that I have to a brother. We grew up together, played sports together, and hung out together. Most of our other friends were dating or finding their mates. We had both made the decision to wait until we found our true mate.”
“I can’t wait to meet him, he sounds like a great guy.”
He shut down his laptop and we headed down for breakfast holding hands. When we got down there, the Alphas were sitting at the table with a couple of other people.
“Good morning Tim, Jon. Did you enjoy your movie last night?” asked Alpha James.
“Yes, sir, it was good but to tell you the truth I was happy just being able to spend some one on one time with Tim,” I replied.
“So this is the bear that’s been running around on pack lands,” commented the man sitting next to Alpha Jeff.
“Simon, that’s enough. He has my permission to be on our lands and he has not done anything wrong. He has been nothing but a perfect guest,” responded Alpha Jeff with some authority in his voice.
“All due respect sir, he took a visiting wolf out last night. It’s just not right,” replied Simon.
“Simon, not that it’s any of your business but Tim and Jon are true mates and have every right to go out on dates,” said Alpha James.
“I’m sure his parents aren’t going to allow this mating. It’s wrong!”
Tim shook his head and said, “Simon, my dad has been introduced to Jon via Skype and he knows that Jon is a bear and has no problem with it. For that matter, Jon’s dad and brothers have no problem with me being a wolf either.”
Tim and I got some cereal and came back to the table.
“Guys, I’m sorry. These are the Betas, the one to my left is my Beta, Simon and the one on the other side of Alpha James is his Beta, Jake,” stated Alpha Jeff.
“It’s nice to meet you gentlemen. Thank you for allowing us on your land. I’m Jon and this is my mate Tim,” I stated trying to be nice to Simon.
“Jon, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please forgive the Simon's rudeness. His feelings are not a consensus of the pack, he has some outdated beliefs,” responded Jake.
“Thank you, Beta Jake. I mean no harm to anyone, especially not to my mate.”
“Please just call me Jake, we don’t stand on ceremony here.”
“Speak for yourself Jake, he needs to address me as Beta Simon. I will not be on friendly terms with a werebear,” snarled Simon.
“Simon, that’s enough. We will speak in my office, go in and wait for Alpha James and I. Jake you can wait outside if you want or you can stay here and get to know our guests a little better,” said Alpha Jeff.
He turned to us and said, “Guys I’m sorry for the disrespect that he has shown you.”
“Alpha Jeff, it’s not your fault. Everyone has their own opinions and it is something that we will need to address from time to time I’m sure,” I replied.
“Even so, he should not have shown the disrespect, especially after he was already cautioned. Well, we are going to go and talk to Simon. You guys enjoy your breakfast and we can talk later,” responded Alpha Jeff.
Alphas Jeff and James got up and went to their office to speak with Simon, leaving Jake, Tim, and I at the table. Tim and I started to eat our cereal and tried to forget what had just happened.
“So what do you guys have planned for today?” asked Jake.
“Well if Jon is ok with it I think we will go return my rental car and just drive through the countryside, maybe go for a picnic and just spend some alone time together,” Tim replied.
“That sounds like a plan to me, Babe. We don’t need both vehicles here. When did you want to go camping?”
“Babe, huh? Ok, I can deal with that. How about we head out tomorrow for the camping trip and then head to your parents’ house from there?”
“Well we could but I would kind of like to be clean when we get there, so maybe leave some of our stuff here, camp for a couple days, and come back here to shower and finish packing before heading to Spokane. How does that sound?”
“I like that plan very much,” replied Tim.
“You guys sound like you have everything planned out. Where are you going to go camping?” asked Jake.
“Not really sure, haven’t been to this area very much. Is there someplace that you could recommend?” I asked.
“Well since I am sure that Jon will also want to do some fishing and that you guys are going to want to run in your animal forms, I would suggest that you go to Beda Lake,” suggested Jake.
“I think I remember seeing signs for it on the drive here,” stated Tim.
“Well alright then, let’s go camping at Beda Lake. How would you feel about starting our camping trip today instead of tomorrow?” I asked.
“Ok, we should pack a few things of clothes for the next few days. We can load them into your suburban. We can also stop at a store when we get close to the campsite for food for the next couple of days. How about that?”
“Sounds like a plan Tim. Let’s go get packed,” I replied.
We went upstairs to pack a few clothes for the next few days, then we headed out to take the rental car back to the airport. We got our provisions and found the campgrounds, which started our camping trip.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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