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    Sasha Distan
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  • 2,200 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Direct Confusion - 17. Chapter 17

We have an excellent week, overshadowed only by the fact that I may have accidentally allowed my new boyfriend to fuck me in the school swimming pool without any form of protection whatsoever. On Tuesday in a quiet moment before Jameson reaches our table at lunch, Erin begs me to find a clinic we can go to ‘in another fucking town, please Luke!’ and I happily acquiesce. Doctor-patient confidentiality can be damned, because if the captain of the local soccer team turns up at the local clinic for a full sexual-health screening, someone somewhere is bound to blab about it.

Erin comes for dinner at my house on Wednesday and it’s hard not to blush furiously all the time and flirt openly in front of my parents, but we manage. My mother is excited because Greg will be home for Thanksgiving, and fills what might have been heated silence with slightly embarrassing tales about Greg and I as kids. I don’t really remember my brother as a child, because by the time I was four and old enough to want to follow him everywhere, he was fourteen and out with his mates and flirting with girls; albeit rather unsuccessfully. Afterwards we hang out in my room playing music and ostensibly studying whilst trying not to get too hot-and-bothered. It’s a thankless task.

“Mmm…” Due to a severe lack of concentration, I am re-reading the same paragraph of my English notes for the fourth time. I look up to find Erin staring longingly at my bed. My erection is trying to dig a hole into the carpet, and has been for the last ten minutes.

“No. We’re supposed to be working.”

“Says who?” Erin abandons all pretence at actually reading and rolls onto his back to look at me upside down. “Don’t tell me you don’t want to?”

“Of course I want to.” I reach out and trace the line of his eyebrow with one finger. “I’m just not sure I could deal with not being able to hold you after.”

“I don’t have to be anywhere.” Erin pulls my book away and grins. “We’ve studied enough.”

“It’s a ‘school night’.” I make little finger quotes in the air. “You gotta be gone by eleven or my mom’s gonna throw a fit.”

“I could always sneak back in?” Erin raises an eyebrow suggestively.

I shake my head. There’s no way I’m getting back into the habit of lying to my parents. There’s also no way we can have sex at his house, because Jameson is nosey and observant and has no sense of personal space. We probably shouldn’t be having sex at all until after we’ve been to the clinic, because I’m aggravatingly out of condoms and Erin is not the sort of guy who keeps an emergency rubber in his wallet. I think perhaps we should both start being a bit more organised.

“Oh.” He sighs heavily, and I decide to grab my opportunity.

I grab his wrists with either hand, pull them over his head and grin. Erie blinks and frowns at me as I wrap the thick elastic band that usually holds my notebooks together around his wrists. He could get out easily, but he chooses not to as I get up and move around to straddle his hips.

“I thought you said we were supposed to be studying?” He grins cheekily.

“You complaining?”

Erin bucks is hips under me, the hardness of his erection is warm and delicious through the thin fabric of my jeans.


I lean down to kiss him, long and slow, almost lazily exploring the slightly familiar territory of his mouth with my tongue. I break the kiss, turn his jaw with my hand and kiss my way down his neck; his racing pulse is jumping under my lips. I have not spent as much time exploring his body as I would like. Now I have time, it’s only half past nine, and I am not going to pass up the opportunity to pull up his shirt, exposing his excellently defined chest, and work my way down towards his navel. Erin groans, and as I lick and nip my way back up to first one nipple and then the other, I start to take direction from my boyfriend’s gasped and growled demands.

“Uhhh, god… Luke please. You’re gonna kill me.” I bite his nipple gently and lap at the bud with my tongue. “Again! Ughhh… Babe, please, please.” I start moving south again and his hips buck under my hands as I work on his fly. “Ohh… yes, please, ohLukepleasepleaseplease, I want you…” He raises his hips so that I can push his jeans and boxers down quickly. His arousal springs back and slaps against his abdomen, leaving a little wet drop of pre-come. I lick it up, grinning at him. “Luke! Please!” I drop to nuzzle the velveteen smoothness of his erection. “Don’t tease me so much, please, I want you.”

The last time I did this, the air smelt of chlorine, and we were both way too wound up to really enjoy it. Now I lap a wet path up the underside of Erin’s cock, my hands gripping his quivering hips, before wrapping my lips around the head. Erin purrs and groans under my ministrations, colouring the air with soft epithets interspersed with the sort of begging, wanting adoration which makes me feel like a god. It feels so good to be able to bring him this much pleasure, to have him writhing in pleasure above me as I suck his cock.

The moment before he comes he calls my name, the last letter becoming a grunt as his hips buck hard against my jaw, his arousal swelling in my mouth momentarily before he fills my mouth with wet heat. I swallow him down, relishing the salty-sweet slipperiness of him as he pants in post-orgasmic exhaustion. Unwillingly I free him from the warm confines of my mouth, and sit back with a self-assured sort of smile.

“You’re fantastic.” Erin looks up at me, flushed and beautiful. I love how exposed he is, a big strong man lying on his back with his hands bound, shirt pushed up under his armpits and his delicate genitals on show – all just for me. I run my hands up his torso and he slips out of the elastic band, sits up and pulls me against his chest. I kiss him deeply. “You taste amazing.”

“I taste like you.” I smile softly, almost embarrassed.

“Yup. That’s awesome.” He runs his fingers down my chest and pushes against my abdomen. “But I gotta take care of you too.”

“Erie…” I’m so turned on by sucking him off, I doubt I would last more than a few seconds in his mouth.

He ignores my half-protest, opening my fly, pushing his fingers into the waistband of my boxers to wrap around my aching erection. I groan against his neck and shoulder, clenching my jaw as he begins to stroke me. I want to let go, to give in to the pleasure, but I don’t want to let him think I have no control. I growl into his skin.

“It’s OK,” Erin whispers in my ear, taking advantage of my greatest weak spot. “It’s OK, come for me Luke, please. I wanna see you when you come.”

It works, his fingers around me are tight but perfect, and as he jerks me off I bite hard into the muscle of his shoulder and gasp as my orgasm spills out in thick globules over his fingers. I am panting hard, the room seems unnaturally bright, and I regain focus to see Erin licking my come from his knuckles. He smiles in a very self-satisfied manner. His shoulder bears a deep red-purple bruise the size of a quarter from the strength of my orgasm.


Erin rubs his new mark.

“It’s good, I like wearing the things you give me.”


“You realise that I don’t want to do this either right?” We are sitting in the parking lot of the First Glory free clinic. There are people going in and out of the main hospital doors, though the busy entrance of the emergency and trauma department is around the far side of the building. We took my beat up Dodge, and have driven for an hour. Now Erin is nervous and embarrassed. “We’ll just go in and get it over with. It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

“I’m sorry.” He grabs my hand lying on the console between us. “I’m sorry for freaking out, and I’m sorry for making you drive all this way, and I’m sorry about-”

I cut him off mid flow with a kiss.

“I’m not sorry. Come on, let’s go be mature and sensible about this.”

The clinic is clean, warm and about a third full. We get a clipboard of forms each at the front desk and are directed to spare seats in the waiting area. It’s all very standard, and we wait for about half an hour before Erin’s name is called by a tall, slightly grizzled looking doctor with a crumpled shirt collar and a lab coat with no name tag. I stand up with him, and the doctor frowns at me as I pass.

“OK, what’s wrong with you?” The doctor gestures to the examination table and perches on a high stool with wheels, hanging his curve-handled cane on the steel table to the side. “You’ve been sticking something up your nose, up your ass, what?”

“Umm…” Erin looks faintly shocked.

“We’re here for an STD test.” I reply.

“Oh great. When will you kids learn to keep it in your pants?” He takes Erin’s file and flicks through the information. “It says here the incident was last week?”

“Sunday.” Erin glances up at me, and even in this super bright, clean examination room, I can suddenly smell chlorine. “It was Sunday.”

“Condoms…” The doctor shakes his head. “I mean seriously, how hard is it to put a wrapper on your dick when you take it out.” The doctor starts to take various bits of medical equipment out of some nearby drawers. “And you think your partner has an STD?”

“No. Just…” Erin smiles at me. “Being careful.”

“Yeah, careful is the time before you fuck someone without a condom.” The irritated doctor turns to me. “Step outside. These things tend to be embarrassing rather than painful for your friend here.”

“Erm, actually.” I step forwards and slip my hand into Erin’s. “I’m his boyfriend, you’re seeing me next.”

“Oh bloody hell.” The doctor sighs, and fetches a second set of swabs and sample jars. “Neither of you had the brains to think about protection?”

Our doctor keeps telling us how pathetically immature and disorganised we are while he draws blood and sends each of us out for a urine sample.

“I have to take a swab from inside your mouth.” Erin sits with a slack jaw and meets my gaze with a rather bored sort of expression as the doctor rubs the inside of his cheek with an elongated Q-tip. Places it back in its tube and takes out another. “And one from the end of your penis.”

Knowing I am going to have to do this myself in a few minutes makes the experience somehow worse, and really there shouldn’t be anything wrong with my boyfriend pulling down the front of his trousers and exposing his penis in front of me. After all, I’ve seen him naked plenty and want to see him naked a lot more. I turn away as Erin opens his fly, embarrassed for him, and irrationally hating that someone else who isn’t me will touch him. When it’s my turn Erin smiles at me then conspicuously faces the wall while I fish out my cock, allowing the doctor to take whatever sample he wants from the interior of my foreskin and slit. It doesn’t hurt, and it’s not cold, but my penis tries it’s very best to shrivel up and hide anyway.

The rude doctor gives us each a card bearing a one-eight-hundred number and a personal reference code and orders us to go and buy condoms, and phone the number in twenty-four hours’ time to get our results. He scowls as we leave, and I feel that if I had a tail, it would be tucked somewhere between my legs as we pocket our cards and scurry back to the car.

“Let’s never do that again.” Erin places his hand on my thigh as we begin to drive back. “I hope the person on the phone is nicer than him.”

“He was a bit angry.” I change gears and begin to pull off the main road.

“Where are we going?”

I point through the windshield to the big red and yellow neon glow of a Denny’s sign.


“How can you think about food after all of that?” Erin looks surprised.

I grin.

“I wanna watch my boyfriend lick maple syrup off his fingers. What can I say?” I shrug, already imagining Erin’s deep blush as I tease him in public. “I’m a guy.”

Come and join myself and my lovely and helpful editor Kitt in the discussion forum and let us know what you think the boys will get up to next week.
Copyright © 2014 Sasha Distan; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Serious tension and a feeling of the apprehension over the test. The Big Test is a rite of passage and stark raging fear. You also didn't forget the freshness of the new moment of love. You've captured the sense of that. These guys are hopeful but take it seriously

I applaud your treatment of it Sasha. Thank you for your hard work on it. :)

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On 06/12/2014 01:01 PM, Cole Matthews said:
Serious tension and a feeling of the apprehension over the test. The Big Test is a rite of passage and stark raging fear. You also didn't forget the freshness of the new moment of love. You've captured the sense of that. These guys are hopeful but take it seriously

I applaud your treatment of it Sasha. Thank you for your hard work on it. :)

Thanks very much. new love + teenage style inability to be organised = visits to the clinic. I like your description best. Rite of passage and stark raging fear. that sounds just about right.
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Nice chapter. Slightly tense dinner with the parents, followed by happy anatomical exploration, then much more intense visit to the clinic, ending with pancakes and maple syrup. All done in a very real manner. Not to sound pervy but it felt like looking through a window into their lives.


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You know how to create great characters, Erin and Luke are obviously very adorable. And the doctor was an absolute opposite, hate to see a doctor like that, but as a character in a story, just brilliant.


Wonderful chapter :thumbup:

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On 06/12/2014 09:43 PM, dughlas said:
Nice chapter. Slightly tense dinner with the parents, followed by happy anatomical exploration, then much more intense visit to the clinic, ending with pancakes and maple syrup. All done in a very real manner. Not to sound pervy but it felt like looking through a window into their lives.


you don't sound too pervy *shifts nervously* thanks Dugh, you're a star.
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On 06/13/2014 02:55 AM, Suvitar said:
You know how to create great characters, Erin and Luke are obviously very adorable. And the doctor was an absolute opposite, hate to see a doctor like that, but as a character in a story, just brilliant.


Wonderful chapter :thumbup:

the doctor may have been... I might have been watching a lot of HouseMD recently, and i have a mini-crush on Hugh Laurie...

also thank you for the lovely praise.

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Jeez, where have I been that I didn't read this chapter?


I could certainly feel Erin and Luke's apprehension at getting tested. It must be scary as hell.


I was going to bring up that the doctor sounded like Dr. House (especially with the cane! :)), and then I read the response to your latest review when you mentioned the show and Hugh Laurie. I think he's great too. :) But I could totally see House examining them and making those crude comments. lol


Great chapter, Sasha! On to chapter eighteen.

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On 06/20/2014 02:24 AM, Lisa said:
Jeez, where have I been that I didn't read this chapter?


I could certainly feel Erin and Luke's apprehension at getting tested. It must be scary as hell.


I was going to bring up that the doctor sounded like Dr. House (especially with the cane! :)), and then I read the response to your latest review when you mentioned the show and Hugh Laurie. I think he's great too. :) But I could totally see House examining them and making those crude comments. lol


Great chapter, Sasha! On to chapter eighteen.

you've been sneaking out on me again... i must post more stuff to keep you hooked it seems!
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Oh how a TV program can shape peoples minds. :P I couldn't help but think, OMG, House moment as I was reading the clinic bit. And there's everyone in the comments pointing at House MD, haha.


Pancakes and syrup. Oooooft they do eat lots of lovely stuff in this story. Damn.

I think you also need to write in a stop to the chemist for condoms somewhere!!!!

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On 08/30/2014 09:47 AM, Yettie One said:

Oh how a TV program can shape peoples minds. :P I couldn't help but think, OMG, House moment as I was reading the clinic bit. And there's everyone in the comments pointing at House MD, haha.


Pancakes and syrup. Oooooft they do eat lots of lovely stuff in this story. Damn.

I think you also need to write in a stop to the chemist for condoms somewhere!!!!

I do rather like House...
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