Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Seashell - 3. The Prince of Sirens
Under The Wine Dark Sea:
We plummet down, down, down through the azure depths of Poseidon's realm. About us schools of millions of sardines and anchovies circle around us in vast waves of shimmering silver and gold. They turn and twist like clouds of jewels but in a perfection of order only living things are capable of.
Interspersed among the great schools swim larger fish. Tuna for the most part. Blue fins who look like silver bars shattering golden shards about them as they hunt the smaller fish.
The sea seems so still and placid on its surface. No one would ever know the wild struggles for life over death in the places of the deep just by looking at the surface. The movement and the blooming of life all around is a swelling reality that can hardly be experienced on the land.
And here I, laying naked in the arms of a god, witness this while breathing my native air in a bubble made for our benefit as we sink deeper and deeper into the endless blue-black void. I see all, by some magic, through a lens of air and water all around me in a panorama of breathtaking magnificence. The very sea that I feared would kill me puts on its most spectacular of plays instead. I look on in rapt attention as things larger than ships swim above and below me as we fall slowly through liquid space. But I am safe. I am safe in the arms of Nerites. He loves that I am thrilling at his world in all of its unexplainable splendor. I feel the incredible strength in his divine hands massage my brittle shoulders with the gentlest of caresses. I shiver in absolute pleasure at his touch.
About me, as the darkness deepens, I see what I can only describe as sea fireflies. Bioluminescent creatures of every color winking in and out of the darkness. At once, they all flash brightly as if on some cue and then I see the sea about me filled with an ominous glow!
I look for the source and my breath is taken from me. A gulped noise of ecstatic shock forces itself from my throat, and my eyes widen until I feel sure they will fall out of my head!
Beneath me, around me, behind me and especially ahead of me as I face aftward upon our living vessel I witness the glory of Kraken in full! Kraken is aglow with a marching radiance all about his unbelievably huge body. Banners of bioluminescence trail about his every curve all the way down his many tentacles. Between the brilliant multicolored chains of bio-light, Kraken's flesh shimmers in ever changing shades of every kindergarten bright color in the crayon box.
Now and again I forget to breathe as I see Kraken's hundreds of tentacles splay out around us like a glittering sun and then disappear instantly as he brings all of his massive power into another clapping jet thrust. He drives us down, down, down deeper to the depths of the sea with every collapse of his tentacles. I estimate we are at forty-five knots as we are descending...and yet I don't feel any pressure or temperature changes.
I am far more than humbled by the great beast. He must be as much as two football fields long from his forward keel to his aftwardmost tentacles. For all the behemoth shadows I see in the depths about us, none are as big as Kraken. He really is the king of the beasts of the sea! It truly must have been an unfathomable horror to have him attacking your ship! I could see why the ancients would have feared him so!
"Wherever is Kraken from, my Lord?" I ask Nerites in deference.
"'Lord?' You needn't be so formal, my darling one. It is I who should ever venerate you in your love and kindness to me." Nerites strokes my hair and I cannot help but lean into his hand like a kitten.
"Ok, er, Nerites. Where is he from? He is...magnificent beyond words!" every word is truth. I am having a hard time speaking with the choke in my throat. I feel a warm tear spill from one corner of my eye. Kraken's light becomes more and more beautiful as I watch!
"He is from the North!" is all Nerites will say. I suppose he figures that is a sufficient answer and I do not press the question. The...North?
"He is so grand! How is it he comes to obey you? Wouldn't such a monster be dangerous to even be around, much less ride?" My eyes widen as I see every color on Kraken shimmer red and then return to rainbows.
"Do not insult Kraken, whatever you do! He is very sensitive you know! He just scoffed at you using the word 'obey'!" Nerites admonishes me.
"Oh...I am very sorry! I didn't meant too..." Kraken shimmers blue and then green in such calming tones. I instantly feel assured that he has accepted my apology readily.
"He is not offended. He knows that you are merely ignorant. Kraken is perhaps one of the most intelligent beings in the world! He has always been so." Nerites reaches down to pet the surface of his friend and yellow waves of light spread out from his touch and turn to oranges and golds.
I swear I hear a deep purr come from beneath me.
"He understands everything I am saying then?" I ask warily looking down at the massive creature with a little more apprehension than before.
"He probably understands you better than you understand yourself!" Nerites chuckles.
"Wow!" I am awestruck! It amazes me that a creature so much different from me can be so perfectly interactive and with an intelligence to match or even exceed my own.
I notice that we are descending ever deeper. The sea around is pitch black except for the phosphorescent glow of Kraken. All the little sea fireflies have gone. If there are any other creatures here they are all well hidden in the gloomy depths. I feel a thrill of fear as I look around and see nothing at all!
Feeling me tensing, Nerites rubs my back gently. "We are getting close now. My father's house demands peace and so the creatures from the deep do not come here. They respect this place far too much." Nerites intones reverently.
"Y-your father??" This startles me! We are going to see Poseidon himself? We are going to see the God of the Sea? I suddenly feel panic return to me and my breathing becomes labored.
"Whatever is the matter?" Nerites turns me to face him. Even his exquisite beauty is not enough to calm my fear. Such things were only myths. It was enough today to find out that two mythological creatures now really exist in the world...but Poseidon? Neptune himself? I shrink from the thought of meeting such a being!
"If Poseidon is real he may be very angry with me, Nerites! He will kill me for sure! I'm invading his sacred space! Oh God!" I am quaking now.
"You needn't call to him. He knows we are here already...or at least he knows Kraken is here. He's the most wonderful person I know besides you! He'll love you! I promise!" Nerites grins happily and bounces me on his knee like I'm a baby.
"Oh no! Please turn back now! He'll do worse than kill me! He is such a vengeful god if the stories are right!" I'm near to weeping again. But it is useless to resist....
...because before moments pass we have arrived at our destination!
I feel Kraken slow beneath us and I am turned by Nerites to see where it is we have come to. In front of my unbelieving eyes a vast sea cave rises before me! It is made of pearl, corals, volcanic sands, sea flowers, and anemones the size of houses! Somehow all around is illuminated by an eerie greenish glow. But, the interior of the cave yawns into a black abyss! The vast expanse dwarfs Kraken as he approaches it. From a distance he must look like a little star in a velvet blackness.
As Kraken slows to a stop and spreads his tentacles wide about us, the little bubble of air that Nerites and I inhabit detaches and drifts to the ocean floor taking us with it. I am greatly concerned that the bubble will burst and there I will drown or be crushed instantly by the billions of gallons of water over my head.
Instead the bubble conforms itself to the surface of the sea floor and holds fast about us. I see glimmering nodules of air that descend toward our bubble like bubbles in reverse. Rather than flowing up to the sea surface these bubbles float down from the surface and merge with the bubble we are in. Each time the bubbles merge a sweet breath of new air enters our bubble. It is just now that I am paying attention to this inexplicable miracle! I can't imagine where our spent breath goes. There are no bubbles of carbon dioxide that rise away from us and yet, I breathe very comfortably.
For what seems an eternity of minutes that perhaps only amount to five, we await...something. Nerites looks with expectant longing at the vast opening of the cave. I find my eyes drift between him and the cave and back wondering what it is he is waiting for with such rapt attention.
Then, at last, I see movement from the darkness and then a greenish light. The light becomes brighter as it comes closer. It is a warm and pleasant light not unlike a very bright green candle. The bearer of the light vaguely becomes more visible in the dark as he or she draws near. Nerites, without warning, leaps from where he is standing next to me and out of the edge of the bubble! He leaves me alone!
Despite my sudden feeling of abandonment, I am able to pull myself together enough to see the faint movement of two beings embracing. A flurry of bubbles erupt from the meeting and the greenish light drifts to the sea floor. The bubbles manage to coruscate into a whirl as if something or someone is doing a pirouette in the water. The whirl sinks and the greenish light is taken up again. It comes closer, rapidly.
I freeze!
Before I can cringe I see Nerites and another enter completely dry into the bubble of my captivity without rupturing it. My eyes see a glorious man standing before me shrouded in blue homespun. It drapes over his head like a hood and around his body like a toga of old. In his hand he holds a beautiful golden trident that shimmers in Kraken's light and by its own greenish aura. The man has the same viridian eyes as Nerites though they are brighter and glow faintly. Unlike the many sculptures and paintings of him, he has no beard and can in no way be considered 'old'. He has the same beauty as Nerites, only it is tempered with a look of deep wisdom.
I realize, by some twist of my mind, that I am in the presence of an Olympian God of Myth. A person thought only to be the figment of the singular imaginings of the ancient Greeks. I find myself prostrating myself by instinct before one of the most powerful beings on the planet. The very Lord of the Sea himself.
As soon as I find myself laying flat on my face daring not to look up at this powerful entity, I feel stronger than strong hands lift me up by my arms. He has taken me in hand and I am again frightened for my life! I have offended the God of the Seven Seas! I will be worse than killed!
"You are Alexis?" Poseidon asks as he takes my chin gently and causes me to look into his bright sea deep eyes.
I can merely nod. I feel a numbness washing over me that must be shock. I feel cold suddenly. This...has gone beyond my capabilities to cope. This can't be happening. This is not happening.
"Oh, but this IS happening and it has happened, my child!" Poseidon has read my mind as if I were speaking plain!
"You! You, at last, have been the one to answer my call! You have undone what was thought could never be undone! You...have brought me back my Nerites!" I am embraced. The cool flesh of Poseidon presses against me as I am lifted from my feet. I feel the need to pass out as I feel dizzy with sensations too potent to process.
But then, the Lord of the Sea does something amazing in an already incredible situation for me...he kisses both sides of my neck!
I feel a slight twinge at each touch and I feel my mouth open wide! Wider than ever but without any pain at all. I feel like I am holding my breath and then...the air bubble around me bursts!
At first I am beyond terrified! I cover my head as if that could ward of the tons of water that now deluges and encompasses me! But rather than drowning and rather than being crushed...I feel weightless free and filled with a vitality I have never known! It is then I notice something else...I am swimming effortlessly...
...by virtue of the tail fins that have replaced my feet and the fish tail that has replaced my legs!
Water washes through my mouth and out through gills in my neck where Poseidon has kissed me! I breath water without effort! It is so much easier than breathing air! The water comes through and just gives me what I need! I find myself darting around in front of the cave in purest unfettered joy not unlike a dolphin at Sea World!
Poseidon and Nerites clap and laugh as I discover my new life as a Merman! For that is what Poseidon has done so that I can be here with him and his lost prince. He has made me a Nereid, a sea nymph!
"A-ha! Just as I thought, mortal child! The sea and thee are made for each other. Your grandfather has always been respectful of my realm and of my creatures. He places the Sacred Eyes on the sterns of all of his fishing boats! I have made note of this! It is why he has lived well from his work." Poseidon says as he beckons me near. I come readily!
Not knowing yet quite how to bow correctly in this form I merely bow my head to the Lord of the Seas. Again he takes up my chin to look into me and I feel a wave of gratitude and love. Then Nerites moves up next to me and embraces me...all over!
I look down and he has tentacles from the waist down where he once had legs. Along with his arms he has embraced me with some of these. He has eight in all!
I swear he giggles and shrugs at me and at once, I dare to laugh. Neither divinity is offended by my mirth. They can tell that this was unexpected.
"How is it you have tentacles now, Nerites?" I ask rather stupidly.
"Ah, well, it is part of the curse I guess. I am the God of Mollusks since the day Aphrodite was finished with me. Now that I am out of the seashell, I've noticed that there are some lingering effects from it. I don't mind really...tentacles are rather useful!" I feel a tip of one of his many arms gently caress my scaly backside. A thrill runs through me at the sensitive touch and I feel my cheeks blush. I see Kraken in the short distance raise a flurry of colors in our direction while raising his two huge tentacle 'squid clubs' on either side of himself. It seems that he agrees with Nerites, at least in regards to tentacles.
Poseidon, beside us, chuckles in a rather jolly fashion. His strong hand gently clasps the back of my neck and guides me to the dark cave. I resist slightly as the darkness frightens me.
"Oh...by Zeus, I forgot!" Poseidon reaches over with his other hand and passes it over my eyes. I open them and I half shout and half gasp at what I see!
The dark murk of the sea transforms into a kaleidoscopic whirl of bright colors and shapes I did not see before! There are actually creatures down here! Beautiful things that I don't have names for! Some are snakelike! Some are fishlike! Some are manlike! Others are...beyond description!
Before me, what I thought was a dark void is actually a cover for a complex of spiralling domes that look like shells but also, strangely, like the many onion domed churches all throughout the Baltic region and Russia! Each steeple and dome are a different iridescent color: blue, pink, green, red, orange...so beautiful!
"My Lord...it is so very beautiful!" I sob. Both the divinities clutch me between them with affection.
"You are the first mortal ever to look upon my abode, Alexis! You have earned this honor! Your love and faith has bought it for you. Welcome to the Poseidon's Rest!" Poseidon intones with solemnity. Nerites takes me in his many arms and helps me forward as I find I am too weak with awe to swim myself any longer.
As we drift closer I become even more awestruck. The complex is huge! The inside of the cave is much deeper than I could have ever imagined! It must go back for miles! The palace itself would fit four Vaticans and three Kremlins! Around the palace are lesser structures that look like village houses or bungalows. Each little place is made of the same mother of pearl shell material as the palace. Each its own little spiralling gem!
We pass through archways that look grown rather than built. They have organic curves and textures that exist in such complexity that to the untrained eye they look like chaos. But, they are actually an order so complex that the human mind cannot grasp it. Curtains of the most beautiful fish I've ever seen part for us and yet follow us and watch us closely full of curiosity. They glow and are of every color known to man and some colors that may not even have names yet. They look like living gems, but more beautiful somehow.
Passing through other rooms and vaults built for beings used to moving in three dimensions we finally come to a great scalloped archway that enters into a vast court room illuminated from all sides by inexplicable light sources that move about. Upon closer inspection I see that these lights belong to amazing creatures that look like a cross between octopi and jelly fish. They are translucent and glow from the inside with what looks like golden lamp light.
On the far side of the vault is a recessed place in the floor that steps down into what looks like a sapphire pool. On the far side of this hot tub looking pool is what looks like a backrest in the shape of a spiralling nautilus shell. It is obviously a throne of a kind and must be the seat of Poseidon. About the circular pool are other half shells. Some look like clam shells, others oyster shells, and still others are even conk shells! There seems to be twelve in all about the pool. One in particular is very pretty. It is a different color than the others. It is glossy black and has beautiful patterns of golds and blues. I recognize it immediately...
...It is a nerite shell! This shell seat sits right next to the great nautilus throne on its left side. It is obvious who's seat that is among the others in what must be a family gathering place.
Directly across from the nautilus throne is a slightly smaller shell seat that I can make out as a scallop shell. it is still larger than all the other shell seats, however. It is larger than the nerite seat in fact. It then dawns on me which member of the family that seat might belong to and I am suddenly in awe! That would be the seat of Aphrodite: The Goddess of Love herself and daughter to Poseidon.
On the scallop throne's right hand is the only seat that is not in the shape of a seashell. It is made of marble rather than sea-stuff and is in the shape of a pair of spread wings. This would be the seat of Eros, son of Aphrodite and grandson to Poseidon. This seat brings me a warm feeling because it calls to mind my best friend in the world who is named after this sexy god of all things erotic.
I feel Nerites nudge me and I turn to him not realizing my smile has been fixed to my face for so long that my cheeks and jaws hurt a bit. His grin is even more excited than mine. He is the picture of joy! I think its a reflection of mine. My heart begins to beat faster in my 'fishy' little chest!
Poseidon looks upon us both with a great deal of warmth, particularly upon seeing his son's joy at returning home and in sharing this with me. I have this unexplainable feeling of belonging and normalcy although I am in perhaps the most extraordinary of circumstances in which any young man has ever been.
Poseidon dons his great seat and manages to sink himself into the 'pool' about his throne. It seems inexplicable to me that there should be any kind of 'pool' at all underwater. But, indeed, the Great Lord of the Sea sinks into this substance and seems to sigh in contentment. He bids us join him gesturing to Nerites to take his nerite seat and he bids me to take the seat next to Nerites. It is a nice abalone shell that is very lovely. It seems to be encrusted in giant whole black and gray pearls that release rainbows within themselves.
I find myself hesitant in resting within my given seat despite the compulsory need to dare obey every least command given by a living god of Olympus. I do not know what the substance is in which I will be sitting and I am naturally made uneasy by it.
"Be not afeared, Alexis, my child. 'Tis but heavy water. It is the most precious substance of the sea. It can only exist at depth. Men have desired it since they discovered the hidden powers of the elements. Alas, double-curse Prometheus for exposing men to the powers of fire. We all knew it would lead to unending suffering for men in the end. Such knowledge was just the beginning of folly! He deserves his fate in Tartarus!" Poseidon spits as if ejecting some vile bitterness in his mouth.
"In any case, it is deliciously soothing when warmed. I would spend centuries in here if I were able. I believe some centuries I have been able in fact!" Poseidon chuckles again in that jolly way that reminds me of Santa Claus for some reason.
I dare not argue any point with the great Lord of the Sea, though I find it odd that something that is as fundamental as fire to human beings could ever be considered 'folly'. All the myths I ever read or heard treated Prometheus like a heroic victim of jealous Zeus. He gave men the fire they needed to survive and thrive. Without it would men have survived the ice ages?
I sink into the heavy water and I sigh with unexpected contentment as the warm substance swallows me into its world of pleasure. It is like the nicest hot bath I have ever sunk into.
"Well, in all actuality, Alexis, men never needed fire, you see. They were never in any danger from the Ice Age. The Ice Age probably would never have had to happen if Zeus hadn't needed to control the situation so that men would not set the world aflame by accident." My comfort leaves me and I am suddenly terrified. I forgot that Poseidon can pick my thoughts clean from my infernal head! I will have certainly offended him by my unguarded thoughts! I cringe!
"Ice does not burn very well under the best of conditions. Have you eaten?" Poseidon asks me in the most fatherly way and I again feel somewhat ashamed that I still let terror direct my feelings toward beings that have been nothing but welcoming to me.
Poseidon picks up on my terror and seems to feel the need to further explain things to set me at ease.
"My dear child, it is as it has always been! It is a matter of faith! Men lost that and I'm afraid it had a great deal to do with our faults as caretakers. We dropped the proverbial ball. Alas, the amount of suffering we caused mankind seemed to overshadow the good we did! It is the problem with mortality. It drives all mortals to fear because they do not understand death." Poseidon continues his obvious lesson and I find myself listening raptly.
"This was why we were called upon to create the Aegis." The Sea Lord intones mysteriously.
"Forgive me, my Lord. Whatever is an aegis?" I dare to ask, but Nerites' confusion and look of bewilderment as he looks over to his father somehow reinforces my courage in the asking.
"Ah! You have a good curious mind! You will go far, Alexis! Never fear knowledge. It is the treasure we all must share...Prometheus or no Prometheus." Poseidon encourages me.
"The Aegis is the law that binds we gods from ever again interfering directly with the affairs of mankind. We agreed with each other, the other pantheons, and most importantly with the Infinite that we were making more of a mess for men than we were being a help." Poseidon speaks plainly.
"Indirectly we can influence things, but, in the end we have to let mankind develop on its own accord. It is better that way." Poseidon ends his lesson by clapping his hands sharply. It startles me a bit but seems to make Nerites a bit giddy with excitement.
"How wonderful! I haven't eaten in 2000 years!" Nerites is virtually bouncing in his seat with anticipation. I cannot help but chuckle a bit because he is being adorable. He is truely joy personified.
"Patience, my darling Prince. Others have been summoned for our feast. We must wait for them. However..." Poseidon manages to conjure something from the recesses of his wrap. He proffers it to Nerites who looks like a toddler on Christmas morning. I find I gasp along with him as his happiness positively vibrates through me.
"~gasp~ Ambrosia!!" Nerites exclaims. The offered morsel is pink in color rather like a rose hip and about the size of a nectarine. It seems a bit translucent like a lichee nut I had in Shanghai one time. Nerites takes the fruit reverently and then takes it by mouth delicately and sensually.
I find watching him eat arousing and I forget that I am not clothed. Even in this Merman form...arousal is obvious, but neither of the gods notice my condition under the heavy water.
I see his skin blush all over as he swallows his first bite. He sighs deeply as if he has taken a drink for the first time in days. I notice his muscles seem to grow a bit more taught under his skin and I see that his octopus form retracts back into legs and waist. His hair shines a deeper gold and when he opens his viridian eyes...they glow just like Poseidon's!
He finishes the rest of the morsel and his radiance just intensifies. I find myself astonished! My mouth hangs open like a fish's!
In sublime bliss, Nerites gathers me up in his arms and just...holds me. There is a warm vibration that thrums through me as I feel his heart beat with the strength of a kettle drum's. The contentment is such that I feel the need to fall asleep right there on his lap, but its not sleep that I feel so much as...a profound peace. Bliss. I now know what Heaven is.
"Ah, Nerites! Let the boy breathe! He is not made for such affections. He is fragile! Be mindful, my son." Poseidon admonishes with a slight chuckle. I do not feel resentment toward the great sea god, only a feeling of patronage. He cares...I know it because he is αλήθεια "alítheia" which is Truth. My trust is complete. My faith...is solid.
"Astonishing!" Poseidon kneels to gaze into my half closed eyes. I do not flinch or budge. In Nerites' arms I am complete and I am safe. In Poseidon's house I am made comforted. I trust in them both...
"Never have I felt such Faith before! He...is not afraid anymore! He trusts us Nerites. He...believes in us!" Poseidon's voice catches in his throat and I see a sparkle of little blue glowing sprites fly from his eyes.
These are the Tears of a God!
"Of course he does father. Why would he not? He...loves us!" Nerites' holds me a little closer and I merely snuggle deeper into his arms. Yes. Yes...I do love him and I am coming to love Poseidon as well.
Whatever spell they have me under is a complete one. They have more than beguiled me. They hold me in rapture.
Before long other's come.
The first to come brings with her an emotional welcome that sends forth streams of more of the same sparkling god-tears.
Amphitrite, the wife of Poseidon and Goddess of the Sea and especially of all fishlike creatures of the sea, bypasses her regal husband and takes Nerites' hand. She then presses it to her lips as the glowing sparks leap from her eyes.
"MY BROTHER! You are returned to us! You are returned!" Amphitrite exclaims as Nerites' own eyes begin to spark and sputter themselves.
"Sweet sister. How I have missed you!" He manages to embrace her with one arm without losing hold of me. I look up at the beautiful goddess with shared joy. She finally glances down at me and seems to be a little taken aback by seeing me.
"Who might you be, Little One? You are as I once was, a Nereid, but there have been no male ones since my dear brother was born!" Curious, she looks closer and looks, with a sight, I cannot fathom.
"By the Blue Fins of Leviathan, you are a mortal!" Amphitrite seems a bit aghast...or perhaps I misread it. I feel a bit put out, but not angry or afraid. There is no fear for me here, not anymore.
"How does he come here and why has he been given our form?" Amphitrite is not so much angry as concerned. She must have a history of dealing with her husband's flights of fancy and has become leery of them.
"If Zeus finds out....!" suddenly she becomes afraid and I can feel the chill in the waters around me.
"Let him find out. He *should* find out about this. Alexis has given us a miracle. By his faith and love he has released Nerites from Aphrodite's spell. He is to be honored here, dear wife! He is the reason you can touch and kiss your brother even now!" Poseidon gathers her to himself in a gentle embrace which she returns...a little hesitantly.
"I-is this true? Is this true...mortal Alexis?" She asks me penetratingly needing to know the truth. Needing it as if she needed a deposition for a coming trial.
I rise from Nerites' embrace and bow in supplication to the Goddess of the Sea, or as best as I can do with a fish's tail.
"I haven't words to explain, Holy One. I only know that I found a seashell on the beach in a cove, it was lovely and so I felt the desire to kiss it. When I did I was knocked out and when I woke up, Nerites had taken its place on the beach with me." I remain bowed not looking into her glowing blue eyes. I am doing this by instinct...as if I know it is the right way of talking to her.
I feel tender hands tuck under my chin and gently raise my face to look into Amphitrite's eyes. They are indeed blue like the waters under a bright blue sky. I am mesmerized by them until she speaks again.
"Then your faith has endeared yourself to me as it has to my husband and my brother." The sight of her smile is a thing that will haunt me with joy for always.
She reaches those smiling lips to my forehead and I feel the gentle touch of a kiss there. A soon as she has done granting me her Goddess's Kiss I feel a slight weight at my brow and I reach up to touch...something smooth and hard there.
Before me a mirror forms from the heavy water and I see that I have been given the gift of a princely platinum circlet adorned with one gleaming sapphire right at my forehead.
"This is the Eye of Mediterranea. It will guide you through all your voyages by sea for as long as you have need of it. You will see distant things and understand many of the mysteries of the Deep. You have earned this gift by your faith and your love." As soon as she releases me I feel two strong arms incircle me and pull me gently back into my 'proper place'...Nerites' sumptuous lap.
As time passes still others come, most notably being Triton, the Herald of Poseidon and his eldest son. Triton is an awesome spectacle to witness first hand. In many ways he outshines his lordly father in a magnificence that the ancients usually ascribed to Poseidon himself.
He too carries a trident, though it is of a silver substance and not gold and it glimmers with blue scintillations as opposed to the steady green pulse of Poseidon's. He sports a short beard and D'Artagnan moustache that meets the beard at the corners of his mouth. He has a long aquiline nose reminiscent of Roman emperors. His hair is long and black and seems to writhe about his head in the water as if caught in a perpetual current or water borne wind. His eyes flash with piercing green fire. His broad chest and arms ripple with taught muscles. All of him seems to be tinted with a very subtle green from hair to skin...at least the top half of his body...
...the human-like half.
The bottom half marks Triton's true magnificence. He is also a Nereid as are most of Poseidon's court...including myself at the moment. But Triton's tail is a billowing splendor of trailing fins that brings to mind the glorious sailfish, lionfish, and especially angelfish! His tail is mottled and striped with broad bands of blue and green that alternate with other shades. His fanlike tail fins are blue and his flowing dorsal fins are orange and red. His scales glitter like emeralds and sapphires. Triton is beautiful and graceful beyond description...though not as heartrendingly beautiful as Nerites.
Upon seeing his long lost little brother Triton speeds down to Poseidon's Pool in two strong swishes of his great tail. For Triton, Nerites does put me aside and regains his tentacled lower-half so as to better wrap his beloved older brother in a great tentacular hug! They spin in the water sobbing with joy. They had been very close it would seem. I feel a small pang of jealousy but try my best to control it knowing that it is completely irrational here.
Releasing his younger brother momentarily Triton raises a large conk shell to his lips and blows a penetrating howling moan through the shell. The horn sounds out through all the sea and its noise reverberates through Poseidon's Rest sending endless echoes. In accompaniment, Nerites takes his two hands and cups them over his mouth to ready a call. I then hear a sound so beautiful that I can merely hold my head and slip senseless into the heavy watered pool from where I am sitting. I sob from the instant beauty of the sound.
Nerites sings one note of such pure perfection that it is like hearing all the music ever written all at once. This note fades in perfectly after Triton finishes his tubular notes on his great seashell horn. The way Nerites holds his note almost interminably without need to draw breath or tire is one of the greatest miracles I have yet witnessed thus far...and I have now experienced more than any man since the Christ walked the earth.
"The Prince of Sirens is calling his sisters back to him! As it was in times long ago, so it is again. Harken, Alexis the Faithful! Harken to a sound not heard in over 2000 years!" Poseidon explains proudly as he and Amphitrite gather me up from my ecstasy to sit me again upon Nerites' seat.
At last, Nerites' voice trails off, though its wavering sonic interplay with the water makes it difficult to place when he has actually stopped singing. The lingering harmonic expands forth into the abyss like a wave growing ever fainter the farther away it goes. Before long...distant voices take up an answer!
Higher pitched notes transposed just an octave higher than Nerites' voice echoes back from the distance. They have heard him! The voices strike a angelic chord as one after another, they take up the answering call. The Nereids are coming and from the sounds of the many voices coming back in answer, ALL of them are coming!
Originally, there were fifty of the sea maidens born to the world. Since then, it would seem more had been given to the oceans. An entire race of sea nymphs that live in the world's waters. In time a goodly portion of this race will descend upon Poseidon's Rest. There are untold thousands of them coming, simply to greet their long lost Prince. A person that must only be legend to the younger ones.
Through Mediterranea's Eye, I can see this eventuality. I blink as my vision clears from seeing the teeming school of mermaids coming en masse like the schools of anchovies I had seen just a short while ago up near the surface of the sea.
The gem's magic has distracted me, however, from an occurrence happening some meters away from Poseidon's Pool. There, in the court room at its center, something is...blooming.
Is it a shape or merely a light or is it both or neither? I cannot tell. As Mediterranea's vision clears this blooming thing becomes more in focus. I notice that the others have gone silent as the glowing shape resolves into something that looks like a giant cupped rose growing from the floor. The rose turns and uncurls just as a real one does as it unfolds. As the petals of the rose come open I see the blushing glow from inside the rose became brighter. Finally, as the rose opens in its fullness I can see in its center something that looks like an upright scallop's shell. One half of the shell slowly descends to the floor revealing an interior that looks like pink mother of pearl or rose marble.
The court suddenly basks with a lavender aura that permeates the water and reflects off of all around. I feel feelings in me intensify and I find myself swimming up to be by Nerites' side. Triton is too transfixed by the glowing, throbbing spectacle before us to notice me. I turn to look to Poseidon who merely sits in his throne and rather glares at the scallop shell and the rosette configuration. I see his eyes narrow as this feeling of...love just grows so great in me that I am near to swooning. I find myself clutching to Nerites' arm and pressing my cheek to his bicep just so that I can keep my buoyancy and not settle to the floor.
It is then that I can feel the slight tremor there. Nerites' is shivering ever so slightly. But it is enough so that I can tell what is going on.
Nerites' is afraid!
I look up to his beautiful face and see a stoically brave countenance that is far too hard for him. It is not him looking out but a brave face he is using to hide a hidden horror. His eyes glitter with unshed tears that twinge with the violet and pink light. I follow his gaze to see what he is looking at. For not the last time nor the first today, I am dumbfounded by what I see.
She veritably glides across the floor with each step trailing her star white gown. Her gown and her arms and face seem unaffected by the penetrating rose light that filters through all the room. Her flesh is the color of fresh milk and it seems to glow with a glory. She radiates all the graces and I become as transfixed as all the others in Poseidon's court.
Her eyes are the only thing that shine with color in her face. They are a deep lavender that seem to sparkle like amethysts. Her hair is strangely...the same spun gold as Nerites' own hair. The Goddess' only accessories are a golden roped girdle about her waist and a necklace that has the pendant of a glittering shell of every color.
It is a Nerite shell!
Her stare fixes upon Nerites. Her face is neither happy nor sad. Nor is she filled with wrath. Her aspect is strangely...dull.
"Welcome my daughter. You were very quick in coming to our call. You have been most extravagant, though, making use of your own powers to transport yourself here. I could have fetched you...in time." Poseidon's greeting seems anything but welcoming. It is leery and pregnant with suspicion.
It would seem that Poseidon does not trust his own daughter...not at all!
But what cause would any here have for trusting Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Rejuvenation? This goddess of the noblest of all forces on the earth has heaped great suffering on this household...and on Nerites in particular. I cannot help but share in the general suspicion, fear, and anger Aphrodite is engendering.
"Time is something I did not want to spend, my dear Father. Not when I have heard a long unsung song that has haunted me for a life's age of the world." Aphrodite seems a little breathless as she speaks and I feel the near irresistible waves of desire push through me like a man's love felt for the first time in untouched places.
Behind the radiant Olympian Goddess I see a sudden movement. It would seem that Aphrodite has grown wings! But then the wings move out from behind her and I...I cannot believe who it is I see standing there at her side.
"EROS!" By sheer impulse I push forth with all the strength in my new mer-body. I go to my dearest friend in the world! I only see his face and the sudden smile upon it...I don't see the wings, or the short girdled tunic, or the golden sandals. Only the familiar beloved face of a friend I have known since my young childhood!
Neither do I notice as almost every arm and appendage suddenly reach for me in fear for my safety, so blinded am I by seeing something 'normal' I can hold on to.
"By Athena's Helm, how dare you approach me with such disregard, Merling!" Aphrodite shouts at me, aghast.
A mere wave of her hand and I feel like I've hit a brick wall! What is more is I'm made paralyzed in mid swim. The grip of the force around me is crushing and I whimper pitifully at the pain.
"MOTHER!" Eros decries as he attempts to rescue me from her apparent wrath. It is bad, I feel as though I am suffocating. I don't know how, but my gills do not work when I am paralyzed!
"Stand aside Eros! This one is...not what he seems. He has committed blasphemy! No mortal may approach my person in such an impertinent fashion." Aphrodite growls. So much for...love.
"But...he is known to me! He is my..." Eros pleads.
"Silence. This one Ares will have sport with. The audacity!" Aphrodite's words are cruel and the rose light about has turned to red!
Then it is all dispelled by something that blocks me from the shimmering deadly force reaching from Aphrodite's outstretched hand.
It is a shield...made entirely of glistening black seashell. I am released from my strangulation and I find my mouth working hard to pull as much water through my gills as I can. It is like panting...but requires so much more effort! I will never look the same way at a floundering fish again.
As soon as the swirling blackness passes from my eyes I see a muscular backside and back between me and the terrifying goddess.
"You will do no more harm to my Dear One, Goddess of 'Love'. Send me back to my shelled prison if that is why you are here, but him you will not have. Not unless you seek to destroy me and send me to Tartarus!" Nerites growling shout thunders in the court room.
I feel gentle hands around my shoulders and then see that I am also covered over by the whitest of feathers. A strength flows through me that helps me to breathe better.
"Come on, Alex. Lets go back over here, K?" the familiar voice in this unfamiliar place is surreal yet very comforting.
"K..." I croak.
"Don't tempt me, My Heart. Though I have regretted every day since having done that to you, I will send you into the Seashell again if you ever DARE come between me and my Justice again!" Aphrodite raises her hands toward Nerites and he stands fast. He is so very brave...but I can feel his fear and despair at the prospect of being imprisoned again.
"There is no justice in you, my fair sister. There is little love left either. You have become so much worse since going to Olympus! They have thoroughly corrupted you! Especially Ares! He is your every opposite! It is PERVERSE that you should ever have consorted with him in the first place!" Nerites declares in a defiant judgement of his own.
"Ares was there for me when you broke my heart of hearts, Nerites. If my province has been tainted at all with hatred it is because you put it there. You left me to Ares and so you deserved your fate. Now you have somehow escaped it. So much for justice...it is my agony to have to administer it again!" Aphrodite raises her hands into claws readying her spell, but her conjurings are violently interrupted.
A powerful blue-green wave of energy hits Aphrodite and throws her across the court room.
"Nerites is right, daughter. You overstep yourself here in this place. You do not rule here and you do not rule upon Olympus either. You have become jealous and cruel and there is no 'justice' in anything you do at all! All the world suffers because of it! Love fails and it is all because of this poison within you, my dear child." Poseidon rises and I fear what I see. He scintillates with blue-green energy. His eyes strobe with viridian fires! His trident is aimed and ready to deliver how ever many blows that will be necessary to bring Aphrodite to heel.
I am so very glad that the great God of the Sea is on our side!
Aphrodite gingerly and awkwardly manages to right herself. She looks oddly disheveled and much of her radiance is gone. I have a feeling that the blow Poseidon just delivered would have instantly killed any one of us. But, it merely put Aphrodite down briefly. She is indeed strong.
For a moment she considers raising another attack, but thinks better of it. Great as she is she is not an equal to her father in power.
"...this was not what I wanted! This was...NEVER what I wanted!" The beautiful Goddess sobs.
"Then do not let it be so. Return to yourself. Allow the love that you embody to overcome all else. So much could be healed today if you would just...truly love without conditions. Return to your province. Throw off Ares and his harsh philosophies. I pray thee, Goddess of Love." Poseidon intones gently.
"You...simply do not understand all that you are saying. There is so much. There are patterns you cannot see, my Father. There are mixtures of love and hate that are the conflict that ignites the fires that drive this world. Without them...it would all fail." Aphrodite imparts her own wisdom. But is it wisdom, or centuries long brainwashing by a god of war and death?
She does not wait for an answer. She merely summons the Rose Scalloped Door to return through it, presumably, back to Olympus.
"Come, Eros." She commands of her son.
"I do not wish to go, Mother. I will remain here with my...friend." Eros looks back from his mother to me. I am recovering, but it is slow work.
"Even you defy me. Very well, it will be a very long flight for you on your wings. I pray you do not exhaust yourself and fall into the sea. But, as you will. I will see you upon your eventual return to Olympus, whenever that may be." Aphrodite waves her hand carelessly in Eros' direction in dismissal and then disappears within the folding confines of her portal. As she leaves she turns one last time to gaze with terrible longing into the eyes of Nerites. For a moment, I think I see violet sparks that would be Aphrodite's tears. Then she is gone.
I then turn to look into the familiar blue eyes and beautifully sculpted face of my best friend in the world and then it finally dawns on me...Eros!
My childhood friend had actually been the real and original Eros all along!
"Eros?" Is the only thing I can ask since my mind is quickly becoming mud. There have been far too many overtaxing experiences in far too short a time.
"Yes, Buddy. That would be me." Eros' bright smile makes me smile in turn.
I feel strong hands lift me as Eros brushes the curls of hair out of my face.
Nerites holds me close to his chest while my arms and legs dangle. He then tells his Father "A feast we must have later, if you will it, my Father. My Savior needs saving himself now." Nerites looks down into my eyes with such tender love I cannot but help falling even further into his spell.
"Of course, my Nerites. Take our young guest to my bed chamber. Let him rest in my bed. It will help him to recover very quickly." Poseidon says.
As it would seem to be my common habit in dealing with all of this craziness, I find that I fall asleep in Nerites' arms. I am only faintly aware of movement but hear the voices of everyone concerned for me. But, it is Nerites and Eros that stay with me all the way.
I wonder if at some point I will wake from this lucid dream? But no, this is no dream. This is really happening because just when I think I can convince myself that I am asleep somewhere on a beach or even in bed I feel Nerites' warm flesh against me and I smell his heavenly god's musk.
In dreams we never smell things. That only happens when something real is happening...
...and may the gods help me, this is a so very, very real!
Thank you for reading.
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