Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fairyfly II - 12. The Tiger and the Wolf
The overcast sky announced an early, gloomy night. With the moon and the stars hidden away under layers of gray clouds, the only source of light for the small group that walked through Thenelle was the faint glow of candles coming from windows of houses they passed by on their way.
“We’re almost there,” Esthor spoke with determination, pointing with his hand to the north. “She lives over there, behind that long line of firs.”
The night of reckoning had come, and despite the confidence in his abilities, Esthor was feeling nervous. Lyra and her powers were too much of a mystery for his liking. He had no clue what to expect from her, but as long as she was able to toy with people’s minds, she was a threat.
There was also the matter of Rulf all the other unfortunate men he had seen in her home. If they were indeed being held there against their own will, Esthor knew he had to try and get them out unharmed. They likely had families, wives and children waiting for them, perhaps believing they had died or abandoned them. It only made the sorcerer even angrier and more determined.
“Right... So this is it then,” Prince Wilton mumbled, his eyes trained on the spot far into the distance where Esthor had pointed. Two of his guards stood by his side, while the other two stayed further away along with Osma. As their new magic companion had advised – the fewer people, the better. The prince had to agree. Even though it was quite dark, if all of them showed up, they would be found out at once.
“Are you nervous?” the sorcerer asked. “You don’t have to accompany me if you’re feeling unsure about it. There’s no shame in it.” They were almost at the corner of Lyra’s street, and when Esthor stopped, everyone followed suit.
“Me abandoning you now? Not on your life,” Wilton was quick to reply, putting on a brave face. It wasn’t the first time he was facing danger, and he even had injuries to prove it. The cut on his arm from where that bandit nicked him the other night still throbbed lightly, but the pain had mostly subsided.
“Alright, I’m just saying,” Esthor shrugged.
Once they reached the corner of the street, the small group stopped behind a group of trees, hidden in the shadows of the night. It was best to be on the safe side.
“I’ll shift and fly over to see what we’re dealing with,” the sorcerer explained. “Then I’ll return and we’ll go from there.”
“Alright,” the prince nodded, waiting in anticipation for the blond man to assume his animal form. He had seen many shifters in his life, but certainly no fairyflies.
Without warning, Esthor shifted, his body vanishing on the spot, replaced by a small flying insect.
“Oh! Did you see that?!” Wilton covered his mouth with one hand, pointing at the fairyfly with the other. “That’s incredible!”
The two guards standing by seemed to be equally in awe, trying to follow the tiny insect with their eyes before it disappeared in the distance.
Esthor fluttered down the street towards the opulent mansion occupied by Lyra. Having been stopped by guards at the gate the last time he visited, he had to make sure there would be no such obstacles this time. Fortunately, as he approached the gate, he realized it was unguarded. It was certainly locked, but that would be no problem for him, even if the lock was magical.
After finding a well-hidden spot behind a nearby fir tree, he reverted back into his human form and surveyed the grounds in front of him as much as the darkness allowed it. The area seemed empty at first glance, but he had to be sure. He whipped out his scepter and lifted it high in the air. Soon enough, the crystal on top began emanating a faint white glow as Esthor intently observed the gate and the yard in front of the house. No magic wards. Perhaps Lyra wouldn’t be such a big problem after all.
Having tucked the scepter back in his belt, the sorcerer shifted back and flew off towards his group.
“Everything is clear, we can proceed,” he said as he appeared yet again, startling the prince and his two soldiers.
“There are no guards then?” one of the men asked.
“No, at least none that I’ve seen. But we should still proceed with caution,” Esthor advised. “I’ll shift and fly inside the house first, it’ll give me a chance to inspect it undetected. You wait outside just in case, and I’ll let you in once I’m sure it’s safe. If anything goes wrong, call for me at once, alright?”
“You’re worrying too much, Esthor,” the prince waved him off, grabbing the hilt of his sword. “As long as you deal with Lyra, we can handle the rest.”
“I’m sure you can, but I’d rather not take any chances.”
After unlocking the gate for his companions, Esthor proceeded towards the house, leaving the prince and his two men to keep watch. As he flew around the mansion, the sorcerer realized all the windows were barred. There was no doubt Lyra had taken measures to make sure her ‘loyal’ subjects could not escape. Fortunately, that could not stop him from entering. He found a window that was left open on the ground floor and made his way in, finding himself in a dark hallway.
The mansion was large enough already, but as a fairyfly, it seemed even bigger and more confusing, especially for someone unfamiliar with its layout. He would have to search the place as quickly as possible and find Rulf.
He fluttered through a dark hall until he reached its end, shifting back into his human form. Pointing his scepter at the first door in front of him, he opened it, holding his breath as it opened with a creak that seemed to echo in the quiet of the night. Once he peeked into the room, Esthor let out his breath, finding it empty. Other than some chairs and shelves stacked with books, there was nothing else in the room.
The kitchen was next – empty, as would be expected given the time of day. With careful, quiet steps, the sorcerer made his way to the adjacent chamber, which seemed to be the dining room. Large and luxurious, it looked empty as well. Its centerpiece was a big oak dining table with what must have been at least ten chairs around it. Esthor walked along one side, but it wasn’t until he reached the middle of the room that he heard a light shuffling sound behind him. Someone was awake.
A shadow of a creature appeared on the wall for a split second as the sorcerer turned around, gripping his scepter tightly, ready to attack. But when his eyes fell upon the familiar Lykos figure in front of him, he froze.
Even though he was in his wolf form, Esthor could recognize him at once - it was Rulf. But was he still under the effect of Lyra’s spell, or had he managed to somehow break free? Whatever the case might be, the sorcerer was intent on getting him out of there, even if he had to use force.
The creature shifted back into his human form, replaced by an equally shocked auburn-haired man.
“Esthor! Is that really you? It’s not... some kind of illusion?” Rulf whispered, still unable to believe his own eyes. His loved one was standing right in front of him, as beautiful as ever, but was it truly him or just another one of Lyra’s mind tricks?
“It’s really me,” the sorcerer nodded, allowing himself to smile at his beloved. “As if that hateful witch could replicate this,” he added, gesturing at himself with a cocky smirk.
An enormous grin split the Lykos’ face. There was no doubt it was Esthor.
“Gods, I’ve missed you so much!” Rulf whispered as he rushed forward, wrapping the sorcerer in a bone-crushing hug. Now that he held the sorcerer in his arms, he was convinced - it was not a magic trick. His favorite person was right there, in flesh and blood.
The two men held each other tightly for a moment, as if afraid to let go, until finally Rulf pulled back, taking in his beloved’s handsome face. “What… what are you doing here?”
“What do you think? I came for you,” Esthor replied with a smile, willing his tears not to fall, but it was easier said than done. “It’s so silly, but… when I saw you yesterday…”
“I know,” the Lykos nodded as he gently wiped the tears off of the sorcerer’s cheeks with the tips of his fingers. He leaned in, and their lips pressed together in a brief kiss, yet bursting with emotion. Joy, relief, regret. “I’m sorry. You know I never meant any of it? I love you. Only you.”
“I know,” Esthor sobbed, pulling the other man into another hug just to hide his face. He was always an ugly crier, no matter what Rulf said. If only there was a spell to make himself stop bawling his eyes out like a baby. “We have to go. Those other men, are they also…”
“Yes, she’s been feeding us all some potion - that’s how she could mess with our minds. But I stopped taking it and came to my senses. That’s why I was here, I was trying to find a way out.”
“A potion? That means she was bluffing!” Esthor realized, recalling the way the sorceress had threatened him the other day. “We have to free the rest of the men, I can’t just leave them at her mercy,” he whispered as they headed out of the room and into the hallway. “And she is going to pay, mark my words.”
“Follow me, I know where-”
“Get them!” a shrill female voice yelled, stopping Esthor and Rulf in their tracks just as they stepped into the hallway. Their heads snapped to their left, towards the sound of the voice. Lyra stood in the foyer with a murderous look in her eyes, flanked by Auden and Dane.
Without hesitation, the two men rushed toward their targets, shifting mid-run into a pair of wild cats - a black panther and a large tiger. Esthor swiftly pointed his scepter, firing off a blast of white energy that missed the panther by an inch and hit a painting on the wall, instantly covering it in ice.
The tiger found its own target, focusing on Rulf. The large animal jumped forward, but just as it was about to land, the man shifted into his Lykos form and grabbed the tiger. They rolled along the floor until they hit the wall with a thud.
After narrowly missing his first shot, Esthor found himself facing the panther again. The animal growled but did not hesitate, trying to pounce on the sorcerer at great speed.
“Not happening!” Esthor jumped into the air where he stayed levitating, firing another ray of frost at the animal. This time, the projectile found its target, immediately freezing the panther in place.
“Watch out!” a panicked scream came from the foyer.
It was only then that Esthor noticed another fight taking place - Prince Wilton and his two guards were backed into a corner by a towering brown bear and a large crocodile that must have been at least fifteen feet long.
“Fuck! Are all of her men shifters?!” the sorcerer grumbled as he rushed down the hall, torn between helping Rulf or the other three men.
Not waiting for him to decide, Lyra ducked behind the nearest door and vanished from sight, leaving her men to battle it out with the intruders. Esthor stopped for a moment as he noticed the sorceress fleeing. As much as it pained him to let her go, he knew he would have to deal with her later. Right now, he had to help his friends.
The tiger’s roar filled the air as the wild cat jumped on the werewolf, pinning it to the ground. Rulf could feel its claws sinking into his flesh, but the adrenaline only spurred him on. He seemed to feel no pain.
With a hard kick of his hind legs, he knocked the animal off him, making it tumble to the ground. He quickly jumped back on his feet. Even though Dane’s tiger was heavier and stronger, Rulf’s wolf was more agile. He lunged forward and slammed the wild cat into the wall, making all the paintings rattle in their frames.
The Thorodan prince and his soldiers had their swords drawn, trying to land a blow, but also not get too close to the beasts. The massive bear seemed to have no fear as it rushed toward them and swiped a heavy paw, knocking one of the men down like he was a children’s toy.
Lithe and quick on his feet, Wilton jumped to the side to dodge the bear, only to face the crocodile’s wide jaws. He swung his sword in a desperate attempt to counterattack, but the animal lunged forward, raising its front legs.
Not a moment too late, iron chains seemed to appear out of thin air and wrap themselves tightly around the animal, making it helplessly fall to the ground.
The prince jumped back, glancing at the sorcerer who stood nearby. “Thanks!”
Esthor nodded before turning his attention to the guards. “Step aside, I can’t cast a spell with you in the way!”
Parrying another one of the bear’s heavy blows with his shield, one of the men staggered back, ducking behind a column, while the other guard scrambled in the opposite direction. When they looked back, the animal was already incased in a layer of ice, meeting the same fate as the panther.
“Lord Marshall!” Prince Wilton suddenly shouted as he noticed the tiger lying on the ground, barely moving. As he approached the large wild cat, he watched it shift back into its human form, turning into the man he knew very well.
Looking dazed and confused, Lord Marshall Dane lifted his head up, observing the group of men around him. He slowly rose from the floor as his deep, brown eyes seemed to spark with recognition. The man dusted himself off, before hanging his head in shame in front of the young prince.
“Your highness, I… I must apologize for what happened. Words cannot express how sorry I am for abandoning you and leading you onto this path of danger. As soon as we return to Thorodan, I shall resign from my position, and the king can do with me as he sees fit. I’m certain that-”
“Lord Marshall, that is not happening!” Wilton interrupted the man’s speech, causing him to finally look up in surprise. “I know I can give you a hard time, but you’re a great commander. Everyone respects you. Yes, even I,” the prince rolled his eyes, but a slight smile on his face betrayed his true emotions.
“I appreciate your words, but my duty was to protect you and I failed at it. There is no excuse. I don’t see how I’m worthy of keeping my place in your father’s guard.”
“It’s precisely because you’re prepared to give it up that makes you worthy of keeping it,” the prince insisted. “How can anyone blame you for something that wasn’t your fault? You couldn’t protect yourself against mind control, none of us can. So stop that nonsense about resigning! We have a party to attend to tomorrow, or did you forget?”
“Of course, my prince,” Dane nodded, allowing himself the tiniest of smiles before his face reverted to its usual, stoic facade.
Rulf moved away from them, limping on one leg, as the pain finally started to settle in and the adrenaline wear off.
“Are you alright?” Esthor rushed toward him, concern etched on his face as he watched his lover shift back.
The Lykos nodded, offering a tired smile. Unlike his battered wolf form, his human form looked no worse for wear. “I’ll be fine… You know, after a nice, hot bath and a good rubdown,” he muttered to Esthor, throwing in an eyebrow wiggle just to get his message across.
“If that’s where your mind is at a moment like this, I suppose you must be perfectly fine then,” Esthor smirked as he took Rulf by the hands and brought him closer until their lips touched.
After the rest of the unfortunate men were released from their magic holds, they all shifted back, clearly confused and frightened.
Still, as the effects of Lyra’s potion wore off, it was clear the men were relieved their minds were once again their own.
“We’ll get you all to your homes safely,” Dane offered. “It’s the least we can do.”
“What about Lyra?” the prince asked.
“The witch managed to escape in all the commotion,” Esthor glared at the door as if he wanted to destroy it with his gaze. “I’ll place some magic wards here in case she comes back. But if she’s smart enough, she won’t show her face here ever again. After tonight, I’m sure Loreena’s guards will be on the lookout for her. There will be nowhere in Thenelle for her to hide.”

Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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