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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,027 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 3. Chapter 3

Hello everyone!
Here is the next installment for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

The first few trips back and forth had me excited as the adjustments I had been making on the Mining Laser’s had worked out well and we were chewing rock faster than I ever had on the shuttle. This would be the last of our trips back in to unload. I had also inquired about the availability of a Hauler. My cousin Randy found out I had a real miner now and had himself assigned to me. He was going to remove his cut from my haul so I would save a few credits. Which he figured I would need. And he was right. I could use all the credits I could get. Once the ship was in Station Keeping mode on the rocks again, I delved into the computer system looking for past mining areas trying to find out where the Vebnesite was found. A full load or two of that would be plenty to pay off this ship in just two loads.

Three hours later, I dropped the first of our hauls and informed Randy it was out for pickup. Which he did 10 minutes later. Everything seemed to work OK as I watched the systems. Rhasta gave me a list of items I might want to replace before they reached end of life and failed. The list was shorter than I thought it would be, but I was already shopping for upgraded Mining Lasers and hold expanders to increase my cargo space. Smiling, I dropped into the galley for a snack, as I was going to be busy the next few months. Hearing the voices behind me, I grabbed my food and headed back to the Bridge to drop into the pilot’s seat as I munched on the sandwich. Listening as Tom and Rhasta conversed over the Main Power Plant before they split up. Rhasta heading to bed and Tom heading towards me.

“Well. Did you buy it? This is the one that was seized, right?” Tom asked as he dropped into the Engineering seat eating his cup of soup.

“It is the same one, and yes. I think I will buy it. Grandma Alexander gave me a nice contract that I can live with, being poor, while I pay it off. Feel like doing some heavy mining for 4 days or so?” I asked as I shifted in my seat to look back at him.

Tom was checking his Link. “When were you thinking?” He asked.

“Pull in Wednesday morning and sign the paperwork. Make my run up to Seraph Sector. Grab Hugo. Get back Saturday afternoon. Figure we could pull out Saturday night. Come back on Wednesday morning.”

“I’m good with that as long as we are back by Thursday, 0700 hours. I have an appointment at 0900 for my Engineer’s 3rd Exam.” He said smiling. I know he’s taking that because of all the time I have been taking him out with me on my family’s ships. He holds the Engineering Apprentice now.

Smiling back, I said, “About time. What have you been waiting for?” Which made him chuckle.

“Valerie has been taking up too much of my study time.” He replied.

I already knew that. I gave him a slight dip of my head in acknowledgment before taking another bite of my sandwich.

“You can study up here. Nothing much going on right now. Except I’m going to drop the next load in about an hour.”

He nodded and finished his soup before he went down to his cabin to grab his tablet before he returned. I had already shifted to the Mining controls and was watching the temperature on the Crystals. Looking good, but what I wouldn’t give for a Mauler with three Strip Miners on it. Since I was thinking about using a dumb barge next week and I checked the numbers on that to see if it was worth it.

My Link chimed. I had a message. Hi Marc. I heard you closed the hangar doors on Chris when he left. Is it OK if I stop at the station or are you mad at me too? Reading it, I didn’t understand the message until I showed it to Tom.

“That must be Camila.” Tom paused in thought, “She’s not on station and she still heard about it?” Tom said, surprised.

“Good news travels fast, but good gossip moves at the speed of light.” I replied, which made Tom crack up laughing. I tapped out a response and told her I was not mad at her and if I was on station that I would love to get together with her and talk. She replied almost instantly, saying she would be on station from Wednesday morning until Thursday afternoon. Needs of my own would have me off the station, but I smiled and made a dinner date with her at one of my favorite restaurants for the following Wednesday evening.

Two days later, we were headed back to Low Point Station with a full load of ore, and I was happy. The numbers looked good, and the ship performed well enough. I had the list from Rhasta and I was eyeing up some upgrades. Spending the credits almost as fast as I make them. Rachel was happy to join us on our next adventure. 5 days straight should be interesting now that I have the ship dialed in to my settings. Once we unloaded, I worked up the credit vouchers and sent them out to everyone before I headed up to the Office.

Grandma was smirking when I came in and she pushed the tablet across the desk to me. I smirked as I tapped in the relevant information on my company ownership and authorized the credit transfer. I was grinning again as I pushed the tablet back over. She checked the information and thumbed her approval and then pushed the tablet back with another page opened.

Mini Borer. Nice name. Check and see if you want any of this before we sell it off on the open market.” Grandma Alexander said. I studied her face carefully and noticed the twinkle in her eye as she smiled innocently. I almost snorted as I looked at the listing of parts, eyebrows lifted as I looked up. She just shrugged.

“I’ll have to check my list and compare the parts to what I need.” I said slowly.

“That’s fine Marc. Let us know by tomorrow night which parts to hold back.” She said.

“Thanks Grams. I’ll be pulling back out tonight, so I’ll be looking at this, this morning, and I’ll let you know this afternoon.” I said as I dropped the list to my Link and handed the tablet back. We hugged, and I thanked her for everything and headed down to my ship again to work in peace. Besides, I wanted to spend time on my ship. I also needed to figure out which dock I would keep it in and purchase the docking rights for a permanent berth for the Mini Borer.

It took me almost until lunch to figure out what was useful and what I could afford. What I chose would be a good start. Several parts were on my list, and I grabbed them first. And the two hold extension packages. Checking the maintenance hanger for availability, I grabbed a slot to have them installed, as well as the Reciprocal Power Coupling. Everything else I could do myself or, I should say, Tom could do himself. I received the notification with the time slot and the dock. Deciding that I should shift Mini Borer down there now, I jumped into the pilot’s seat and secured the Lock while I brought the power up. With in minutes I was floating in the hangar as I opened a Comm to the Station.

“Low Point Station Control. This is Marc Alexander, commanding Mini Borer. Request departure clearance and a flight to Maintenance Hanger M-7,” I asked.

“Hi Marc. You're clear to pull around to M-7 and they are expecting you.”

“Thanks Linda. Departing for M-7. Alexander out.”

I cleared the hangar doors, diving and around to M-7, following the indicator on my HUD. The hangar door was open, and I tapped the tab, showing I was entering the hangar, causing the indicator to turn green from yellow. Slowly, I made my way and dropped onto the lighted pad. My landing gear locked into place and the pad slid into the opening to my right. Bringing me into the work hangar area. Once the pad was in position, the portable Lock system slid into place and then engaged my Lock to connect to it.

“The gang should have you done in four hours Marc.” said the guy at my Lock when I left the ship. He held out a tablet for me to thumb to authorize the work. I checked the time and was thankful as I would leave at 1830 hours.

“Thanks Sa Molsen. I’ll pick it up at 1700 hours.” I replied before I headed back up to the office. Dad was working in his office when I arrived and motioned for me to take a seat.

“Down in the maintenance bay already?” He asked.

“Just having a Reciprocal Power Coupling replaced and the cargo extenders installed.”

Dad sat back and smiled. “When are you going back out?”

“Tonight, up to Comet. I’ll be back Saturday afternoon and pull back out mining. I should be back on Wednesday morning.” I replied. To which he nodded.

“Don’t forget we have the Guild Meeting the following week. We’ll leave Wednesday night for Bergheim Station and should be back Saturday night sometime.” Dad said.

That is the only meeting I actually enjoyed and was looking forward to it. “Are we taking the Jump Shuttle?” I asked. Just because I love to fly it. Dad smiled as he sat back.

“No. We’re going up in a Cruiser. We have too many people going to use the shuttle. I’m sure if you ask nicely, they may let you take the helm.”

The grin that spread across my face broadcasted my pleasure at the thought of flying one of our Cruisers. “Thanks. I might.” I replied happily.

“What’s the story with Christopher Bennett?”

I shrugged. “No story. He was cheating on me or using me to cheat on Camile. Either way, he is gone.” I said matter of factually.

“You closed the hangar doors as they passed through them?” Dad asked.

“No. I close the doors once the bow crossed.” I said, stating a fact. All ships back out. Once the bow is over the threshold, you could activate the hanger doors and the ship would be clear when they closed. If he really was concerned, he would have pulled the security holovids and saw what happened. My father just shook his head and sighed.

“Perhaps you could take his Comm or Link and let him apologize. Possibly tell his family you won’t lock down the hangar doors when they arrive again.” Suggested my Dad in a tone that said I would.

I sighed. “Fine.” I deadpanned. “I’ll make nice with his family. Not him.”

“No having him restricted to the ship when he is here.” Said Dad sternly.

My eyebrows bounced off the overhead. “I could do that?” I asked excitedly.

Dad snickered as he shook his head. “Don’t try it, kiddo. They are punished enough for this issue. Apparently, people three sectors away heard about that.”

“Like I told Tom when Camila Link’d me. Good news travels fast, but good gossip moves at the speed of light.” Dad snorted again and I couldn’t hold it in anymore and started laughing. So hard, in fact, my face was turning red.


* * *

I boarded the Jump Shuttle and went forward, popping my head into the cockpit. The chief pilot smiled and waved to the co-pilots seat, whom was already vacating it with a smile.

“Thanks. Should I plot the Jumps?” I asked as I settled in.

“Go for it Marc. The current plot for Comet is on screen 4,” said the co-pilot, as he settled into the third seat. I smiled as I dropped into the mathematics. Course changes and Jump needed to bring us to the Jump Gate and two more jumps to ANS Comet.


* * *


I smiled as I brought us into a landing in the hangar on ANS Comet. I’ll spend one day here, then head to ANS Kilmeny for a day, and return to Low Point Station. My job here was to deliver the techs and install the upgrades. Which should be plug and play with no testing beyond a systems check. I sat with the senior staff during breakfast and listened to their reports, and asked questions regarding the ship’s handling. I turn all the reports over to Uncle Fran and Dad to work through. Satisfied. After dinner, the techs would be ready to depart. A two-hour flight would put us on ANS Kilmeny’s deck for the night and tomorrow night before we fly back down.

I spent a few hours on the Bridge. Standing the Conn as I commanded the Helm through the asteroid belts on this section of their patrol. It has been quiet since they took out four pirates in the past two months. Two of which I was here for. That made for a boring 4 hours before I was relieved and went to rest for a few hours before dinner, departing on schedule after we eat.

Once again, I brought us into the hangar of ANS Kilmeny and found a large reception waiting for us. I waited as I shut everything down before grabbing my gear and heading off. Greeting the Captain, Travis and his mate, Laura Bedinski. Laura was my cousin from the Campbell side of the family. Of course, I made it to hug and kiss Janek Wojact and Hugo Channing, who stood next to Rory Thorp. I looked at the three of them with a slight tilt of my head before I stepped in and gave Rory his hug and kiss. Much to his surprise.

“You know. At some point, the three of you just need to come right out and tell me.” I said as I grabbed my gravtrunk and headed for my cabin. “Follow me.” Which they did and sat on the couch when I pointed to it as I continued into the bedroom and secured my gravtrunk in its spot before I changed out of my armor and into a shipsuit.

“I figured you would figure it out.” Said Hugo as he made room for me on the couch between him and Janek. I sat down and leaned forward to look at Rory, who was smiling.

Patting my lap, “Come here Rory.” His smiled broadened even more as he shifted onto my lap as I wrapped my arms around him. “Let me guess. You kept showing off your birthmark on the inside of your left butt cheek that you really don’t have?” Which started a round of laughter from the three of them.

“Something like that Marc. It just sort of happened one night when Hugo was gone. I held Janek. He told Hugo, who wanted me to hold him too. The next thing we are in bed together and have been ever since.” Said Rory in a loving tone that told me it was real.

I turned my head to look at Janek first, who was looking at his knees instead of me. I shifted my hand from around Rory and lifted his chin, turning his head to me. I leaned in and kissed the tip of his nose. Before I turned my head to Hugo. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. Which I returned. Then I kissed Rory and finally Janek.

“OK. That’s settled. Would have been easier if you just told me.” I said, as I looked at both Janek and then Hugo. Neither was happy I said that.

I sighed, turning back to Janek. “You know it’s fine. I still love you.” And I turned to Hugo. “Love you too.” Before I turned to face Rory again. He smirked. “Not sure if I love you or not.” Which made him smile.

“I think you do. Deep down, I know you have a thing for redheads.” Which made me chuckle as I shifted my arms and pulled the three of them in tight.

“Yeah. I guess I love the three of you. Did you tell Shana yet?” Rory snorted as Janek shook his head no. “No sense of adventure. Yet. You want to command a ship?” I said regretfully. Which made Rory laugh before my mouth found his. The kiss was long and passionate. Just me telling him he was loved, too. He sighed as he pulled back.

“I feel left out on so many levels after that kiss,” Rory said. Which is true. We never had sex and the other two have. The three of them being together was interesting, as long as it works for them.

“But. You are in a relationship now. That puts you off limits to me. I love you as I do them.” I paused in thought, then nodded to myself. “I need to get some sleep, so anything else I need to know while I’ve got the three of you in my arms?”

“No. Thank you, love. That’s it.” Said Janek as he snuggled into my neck. Hugo chuckled.

“I could hide nothing from you.”

“No Hugo. None of you can.” I said with a smile before I flipped my wrist to check the time. “Right then. Everyone, up. Last hugs and kisses. Then off with you.”

“We leave Saturday?” Asked Hugo.

“Yes. After I take care of everything here.” He nodded, as he was the first to hug and kiss me, followed by Rory and Janek.


* * *

The next morning, I was up early and had already started my work before breakfast. It wasn’t long before I was watching the tech team install the modifications, as I was checking the latest reports. I smiled as I looked over at Rory. Watching him command the ship as Officer of the Deck. Thinking about the three of them. I could see children in their future a few years down the road. I wonder if they will do a full three-way mix of the genes for the children. Now that would be interesting. It must have been that peculiar smile I get when I am when I am having my deep thoughts that had Rory’s eyes locked on mine and that slight lift of the right side of the mouth. He made a last check of his screens before he walked over towards me.

“Marc. Are you thinking about my birthmark again?” He asked with a straight face.

“Not really. What did the three of you want to talk to me about now?” I tried very hard not to smile as I raised my eyebrows while I waited for him to answer.

“We talked last night.”

“I don’t have enough time on this trip. Next time you get to the station. We’ll take care of it. If I am available.” I said as I sat back and watched the shock flow over his features before he hid it.

“What makes you think that?”

“Because I know those other two. Inside and out. They wouldn’t deny you a chance to spend the night with me. If for no other reason than to give you the understanding of why they feel the way they do towards me.” I said.

“OK. I’ll send you a Link message and let you know when.” I nodded as he went back to work.

After lunch, I looked at reports in the Wardroom. Laura came in and sat next to me. She pushed her tablet towards me and pointed for me to lean in, reading the information. Smiling as I did.

“I expected something like that happening.” It was a request for the three of them to transfer to their next command together as a dating triad. Something that the military hierarchy would consider. “They just sent it up the chain?”

“Not really. They sent it to me last week. They aren’t due to rotate out for another 3 months. I figured I would let you add your own thoughts to their request before I forward it.” Laura said. She was right. With me commenting in it would assure they were taken care of. So I took the tablet and added my own recommendation.

“Thank you.” I said, as she took the tablet. Tapped a few keys and off it went.

“That is that. You’re heading out in the morning with Hugo in tow?”

“Yes. I need him back for a few weeks. I’ll see he makes it back to his loves in a timely manner.”

“Like you haven’t been doing that already. Don’t think they don’t know it either.” She said. I shrugged. She patted my shoulder and stood. “Back to work for me. See you at dinner.” I nodded and returned to my own work. Which included seeing if I could find a Captain to take out Mini Borer with Tom and Rachel for a few days to keep the credits flowing when I am not there. If I can’t have a full crew hired on. The numbers are not great, but good enough that it might work.

For laughs, I pulled up ANS Kilmeny’s schedule. Letting out a huff as I cracked a smile. They were going to be at Low Point Station next Tuesday evening and pull back out Wednesday morning. I sat back in thought, then shrugged my shoulders before I began tapping out another message. It didn’t take long before I had the response, I thought I would and added it to my schedule.

Saturday morning, I was rested and satisfied that I had completed all tasks needed and wanted to return to Low Point Station. My goodbyes were made at breakfast with Rory and Janek getting their hugs and kisses before I boarded the shuttle with Hugo in tow, settling into a seat on the shuttle before I spoke.

“Tell me everything, little brother.” Hugo smiled over at me.

“Well, big brother. It seems we fell in love with each other. Just like you planned.”

“I won’t say I planned it, just made sure the two people that could Bond, had the chance to find out if they were mates. The addition of Rory was just a bonus, as I thought maybe he was after Janek, too. So, it would have been one of the two of you.” I paused in thought. Hugo knows me well enough he didn’t interrupt. “I added my own thoughts to your request. You are sure that is what you want. I will change it if you want.” I said. Feeling the hand that took mine and squeezed.

“You have done more for us than anyone could expect of you. Thank you, big brother and Starparent to our children.” He said softly as he flushed lightly.

“Children. Really. Already?” I asked. Shocked that they haven’t even Bonded yet but are talking about children.

“It’s on the table. We are talking about if we want any. If we do. You are definitely one of the Starparents.” He said, and I leaned in to kiss his head.

“Thank you for that thoughtful admission. I would be honored to make the child or children part of my family.” Hugo beamed a smile that lit up the cabin. Being the Starparent, if you assume the role, is just like being the parent. The child becomes part of your family too. This practice has put an end to many conflicts in human space.

Five hours later, we had landed at Low Point Station. Hugo and I went our separate ways as I made my way up to the family offices to pass on my information in person to my dad before heading down to Mini Borer and getting it ready to get underway.

Thanks for reading! Please post comments on the chapter below.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

So Marc has agreed to be a starparent to Rory, Hugo and Janek. He supported their application to be a triad group to be assigned to a common ship. He is an open minded person and welcomed them into his family. Meanwhile he is working hard at running his new ship  and successfully mining with it and others he collects. He is building his credentials and earning the funds he needs.

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23 hours ago, Al Norris said:

A three-way bonding! Something that is generally done on the sly here. Never understood why. There is nothing that says you can only give your heart to one other person... Except what Hetero's (and some religions) mandate. Even then, there are several areas where the Male can have more than one female. When it comes to same-sex love, why do we always think we are bound by hetero-normative rules?

Well, there is the jealousy component - He's (she's) mine and no one else can have him (her)!

It also looks like Marc is growing his fledgling mining company. This is good!

Shocking. 🙉 Absolutely shocking. Wait for it... There is more. 🙊

Thanks for the comment @Al Norris!

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23 hours ago, akascrubber said:

So Marc has agreed to be a starparent to Rory, Hugo and Janek. He supported their application to be a triad group to be assigned to a common ship. He is an open minded person and welcomed them into his family. Meanwhile he is working hard at running his new ship  and successfully mining with it and others he collects. He is building his credentials and earning the funds he needs.

Thanks for the comment @akascrubber!

Well. If a child is born. I think Marc will make it known to all that said child is to be consider part of his family.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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22 hours ago, drsawzall said:

And the adventure just keeps coming, love the triad, more power to them, and the bonus for Marc when the time is right becoming a starparent

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall!

Always an adventure in writing. Even more so when you let others read it. 😀

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20 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

OMG, children already?  Yikes, have these three lost their minds.  LOL

I love how Marc is always working to figure out how to make his side hustle with the mining make money.  Now trying to figure out how to find another Captain to take the borer out when he can't to keep those credits rolling in.  I wonder what this Captain will be like.

Well, Dad laid down the law, have to place nice with the idiot that thought he could make a full of Marc.  Or at least make sure his family did not get dragged more than they have already.  Can't wait to meet Camilla, sounds interesting.

Keep them coming...

Thanks for the comment @centexhairysub!

Bet you didn't expect that one. Also betting that you and a few others figured out the story's name... we shall see.

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18 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Very interesting!  Being a Starparent could be interesting.  I am a bit surprised of adding Rory to the mix, and look forward to hearing about Uroda's reaction.

I think it likely Marc will find a good captain for his mining ship.

Thanks for the comment @ReaderPaul!

Lots of mixing going on in this book...

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