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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,781 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 6. Chapter 6

The next chapter for your perusal. Enjoy!

“Good timing, our boyfriend. We need to run up to the Bridge and meet our parents,” Said Roman. Almost looking sheepish, but very proud of the fact they wanted to meet me.

“Of course. I thought about that last minute and tried to get here early.” I said as I took his hand and let him lead me aboard to the Bridge. As with all freighters I had been on, they were busy with loading and unloading. Camile spotted me and came right into my arms, just as her brother did for a kiss and hug. Which finished with a three-way hug before they took me to present me to their parents.

We entered an alcove area of the Bridge where I spotted the senior Malachi’s working with a few other people as they directed operations of the ship. Their mother spotted us first and smiled as she turned to her husband, who finished his conversation and stood with his Bond Mate. We stopped, and the twins released my hands to switch to placing a hand around my lower back and moving in closer to me. That maneuver has gotten a lot of practice as we walked the station. They figured it out that they had to snuggle into me and not try to pull me into them. Otherwise, the two end up using me in a tug of war.

Camile was the oldest, by six minutes, so she spoke first. “Mom, Dad, this is our boyfriend, Marc Alexander. The one we told you about that we went to meet for dinner last night.” She paused and Roman took over as my head swung to listen to him. “Marc, this is our parent’s. Jesus and Maria Malachi.”

I quickly kissed the tip of his nose then did the same to Camile before I took a step forward, giving a slight bow of my head before I reached out to shake their hands, saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet you at last. My apologies for not asking your permission first before I asked Camile and Roman to be my respective beloveds. It happened suddenly during dinner last night.” Their Father stopped scowling as he looked at his two children and then his Mate who was smiling at us.

“Beloveds?” He asked his mate. She chuckled and patted his arm. “It’s easier than saying, my boyfriend, and my girlfriend, when he needs to show both of them, my dear Mate.” He chuckled at that as he looked us over. Well. Me specifically. Even as the twins had moved alongside me again and I held them against me this time. He exhaled loudly as he slowly nodded. “Admittedly, I was a little upset when we finally found our children this morning and found out they had a boyfriend. Even more so once I heard the story behind it. I believe I speak for their Mother,” He paused as he looked at her and she nodded, “When I say your apology is accepted and we welcome you to the family.”

“Thank you, Sa’s Malachi.” I said with a dip of my head as I squeezed the twins to my sides while they both kissed my cheeks. Which demanded a response from me as I kissed each of them in turn.

Their mother chuckled. “That must take a lot of work to ensure you care for them each individually and as a whole.” She sighed, “Our schedule is tight and I am sure the kids will share it with you, Marc. We’ll have to plan a proper meeting and sit down meal where we all have the time to relax and talk. Meanwhile, as a suitor of our children, you are welcome aboard anytime you wish to be here. I understand you have lunch with your family at 11:30 hours, so we will let you go.” I smiled as I pulled my two beloveds in tight again.

“Yes. You are correct and we must be moving, but we will discuss the timing and figure out when we can do it. I am headed out Mining tonight and will be up at Bergheim Station next week.

“The Guild’s Meeting?” Camile asked as Roman took interest.

“Yes. I fly up with my family on Wednesday night, I believe.” running the schedule through my head. “I think we are coming back Saturday night.” I said as I looked at both of the twins. Both of their eyes smiled back at me as if they knew something I didn’t. And I was sure that I saw Roman give his parents a slight shake of the head out of the corner of my eye. We bid our goodbyes and made haste off the ship to head up to the family dining room. We arrived at precisely 11:32 hours and my family was already getting their food.

“This is called a working lunch. People will be moving around a lot, but we will sit near my parents.” I said as they looked around at all the people. My Mother spotted us first as several people looked at us curiously as I held both of their hands and led them to the serving line. “I’ll introduce you once we have our food and are seated.” I said as I grabbed plates to hand to each of them before I grabbed one for myself. “It will be easier that way. Eat all you want or as little as you want. Nobody will care about that here.” I said as they looked over the food selections before us and I filled my plate.

“These people are all your family members?” Whispered Camile from beside me.

“No. Some work for us and have been invited for a specific discussion of some project or other.” I said, just loud enough for both of them to hear. Then pointed quickly at one table. “That is where we are going. My Aunt Gloria and Uncle Fran, from Great-grandpa Joshua’s mate Henry’s side of the family, as well as my parents Dorothy and Lloyd, and it looks like two sets of my grandparents are here.” I said, as I looked over at them.

“Oh… That is the Board of Alexander Industrials,” Roman said in awe.

I set my plate down and stepped around Camile to place an arm around both of them. “Relax,” I said, as I kissed each of them on the side of their heads. “They will love the two of you, and since I have a very large family, the good-natured teasing could start sooner rather than later. Besides. You’re dating one of the Board Members.” I said softly as I kissed each one again before shifting and retrieving my plate to continue down the serving line. I watched as they carefully chose what to take. “You can always come back if you want more of something. I already know what’s here, so I just load up on my favorites.” I said softly again. Roman and Camile both smiled over at me in thanks for my subtle instructions.

We had the entire table’s attention as we approached and by the look on Mom’s face, Dad hadn’t told her about my new beloveds. I smiled as I settled them into their places, but continued standing with a twin at each side. I slipped my arms around their lower backs and pulled them into me. “Good day everyone. I would like you to meet my new boyfriend Roman Malachi and my new girlfriend. Camile Malachi.” I smiled that special smile I get when I feel that mischievous side of mine rising as I turned the twins towards my parents. “Mom. Dad. This is Camile and Roman. My beloveds.” I said, then kissed each one of the twins as I spoke next. “Camile. Roman. These are my parents. Lloyd and Dorothy Alexander.” I finished and released the twins so they may greet my parents, which they did. My Mother gave me a look that said we would talk later and I just gave her my lopsided grin as I continued around the table introducing them to my senior family members in turn before we returned to our seats. I made it a point to hug and kiss each of them before we sat. One on each side of me. “See. That wasn’t so bad. They’ll let us eat now before the questions start.” I whispered to the two of them.

“So Marc. I hear you are terrorizing the freighter families.” Said Grandma Armstrong conversationally, not even 2 minutes after we started to eat.

“Just the Bennett Family or more specifically Christopher Bennett. It just so happened he was aboard the Silas when I closed the hangar doors on them. A message that I don’t care for him.” Grandma let out the cackle she is known for at that, while Mom turned on me.

“Did you apologize to them?” She asked hotly.

“Absolutely not. I explained my displeasure to his sister Stella Bennett and informed her I had no ill will towards that family as a whole. Just Christopher.” I said, as Dad turned to me with a smirk. And made a continue gesture to me. I rolled my eyes.

“After that, I talked to Christopher. I explained to him I didn’t appreciate him cheating on me with Camile. Then I asked him how many other people he was cheating on me with. He made the mistake of lying to me. Once I brought Roman into the Holo, introducing him as my new boyfriend. Christopher became rather pale. Paler still when Roman growled at him, that it wasn’t a good idea to lie to me. He was looking even more ill of health once I introduced my girlfriend, Camile, to him.” I paused as I searched for the words I wanted to use. My family remained silent while I did. “Basically, I put the fear of an Alexander into him. I made it clear he was to stay away from the three of us, not even to look at us. And if his last answer to my last question turned out to be a lie. The Stars themselves will go into hiding.” I shrugged, “That’s all I did.” Grandma Armstrong and Grandpa Alexander burst out laughing as the rest of the family chuckled.

“Well. I believe we can let them eat now that we have the full story.” My Mother said as she smiled over at me.

“Thanks Mom.” I said before I leaned in to kiss Camile and then Roman before whispering. “Welcome to my world, my beloveds.” Which garnered me two very large smiles. Not to go unnoticed by the other occupants of the table. Conversation was light after that, asking about their family and my new miner. All the tension was gone by the time we left. Mom even texted me a new key code to load into my Link. I hugged both of my parents before I dragged the twins out and down the passageway to my new room. Small, but private for my needs. Bringing them both inside, I kissed them both soundly, before I returned them to their ship. They were going to send me their schedule so we could work out a time to visit their family.

When I returned to my family’s quarters. I packed all my gear and keepsakes before moving them to my new quarters. Which was just 150 feet away from my parents. With everything settled, I headed down to Mini Borer to prepare for my mining expedition. By contacting the Mining Boss, I made arrangements for the probe data and the latest scans. Perusing those, I found the two rocks I wanted, and they were close together. Working out the numbers to compare use of a hauler vs using a dumb barge. My Tablet chimed with the notice of a new message. It was Camile and Roman’s schedule. Excitedly, I opened the document on my tablet with my schedule next to it and compared. They are busy, just like me. I tapped out a request for breakfast on Wednesday morning. I could be on station by 0600 hours if they would like me to be. The response was immediate. They would meet me when my ship docks as they are arriving Tuesday night. We could have breakfast with their family at 0700 hours and if I wanted, lunch with mine again. Then they have to leave.

Checking the schedule. I smiled as Caitlin was going to be back in time to be on our transportation up to Bergheim Station. I missed my sister and she would get a kick out of the latest drama in my life. My Link chime sounding had my attention as I checked who it was before accepting.

“Hello my beloveds. Miss me all ready?” I asked the twins as they appeared on my Holo.

“Yes, and we just wanted to wish you a good mining run.” Said Camile, then Roman continued. “And we are leaving in a few minutes, but wanted to say our goodbyes until Wednesday. We’ll be on the dock when you return to us, our boyfriend.” They both gave me looks that held the promise of so much more when I returned to them.

I smiled and blew a kiss to each of them. “Until we meet again, my girlfriend Camile and my boyfriend Roman. Safe travels to you and your family. I will see you early on Wednesday.” I said in a loving tone as I was so happy for their thoughtfulness at Comm’ng me before they leave.

“Until we meet again, our boyfriend,” they said in unison. I dipped my head to them, which they returned. And they disconnected. I missed them already.

Walking through the ship as the Lock chime sounded, I turned to drop down and open the hatch for Tom and Rachel. We greeted each other as they stowed their gear and we got underway. We were locked on course when the socializing started.

“Soooo?” Asked Tom as he gave me an inquiring stare and Rachel was waiting for a response too.

I checked the autopilot before I slid my seat back and spun it. I looked at both of them before I chuckled. “I could tell you or I can show you. Which do you want?” I asked as I surveyed their looks again.

“Both,” Said Rachel and I sighed. Spinning my seat and sliding it back forward as I checked the controls.

“I am dating Camile and Roman Malachi. You can formally meet them when we dock. They will be waiting there for me.” I said as I adjusted our course to avoid a Hauler exiting the asteroid belts.

“The twins?” Rachel practically screeched. To which I nodded.

“Yeah. It’s complicated. So the short version. They and I all were with Chris. Now they are with me and Chris has been warned to stay away from us or the Stars themselves will go into hiding.” Tom chuckled.

“You threatened him?” Rachel asked slowly.

The smile that lifted the corners of my lips was not at all friendly as I turned to look at her. “With the full tongue of an Alexander. He won’t bother us again if he’s smart. So, I figure I won’t see him for a few weeks before he comes sniffing around again.” I said, as Tom chuckled even more.

We were two days into our mining, and I realized we need more crew. Working down the list of possible candidates in my head, I asked Tom and Rachel over breakfast. I pulled up my twin’s work schedule and smiled, as they should both be going to bed right about now. I tried a group Link to them. Tapping out the proper Comm’s sequence and waited. It took 5 minutes to connect, and I only connected to Roman.

“Hey Marc, our boyfriend. Hang on while I tell Cam to get out of the fresher.” Said Roman as he toweled his wet head.

I responded with, “OK, my boyfriend.” Another two minutes and Roman was back, pulling on his underwear before he looked up at me.

“Should I leave them off?” He asked with a smirk.

“Only if you were here. But thanks for the floor show to keep me occupied until my girlfriend arrives, too.” I said, giving him an appraising look. He even flexed for me. Which had the desired reaction as I expanded in my own underwear.

“Damn. No Link sex. I could use some right now.” He said, and he sounded just as lonely as I felt.

“I know, baby. I feel the same way without the two of you around.” I said as Camile popped on with her hair wrapped in a towel. “Hello my girlfriend.” I said seductively as she smiles at me.

“Hi my boyfriend. Missing us?” She asked.

I nodded before I spoke. “You know I am. Just as the two of you are missing me.” She blew me a kiss, and I did the same to both of them. From here we talked about my arrival time as well as what we were going to do for the hour we will have before I join them and their family for breakfast. Then we break until lunch again.

“Lunch with the Board again?” Asked Roman.

I chuckled softly, “Can’t be too bad of an ordeal. My beloveds have survived it once. And. You both survived multiple rounds of sex with a Board Member so…” I let it trail off as Roman and Camile smiled at me.

30 minutes of talking ended with us telling each other they were loved, and we would see each other in a few days.

Morning discussions with Tom and Rachel bore fruit as well. I had finally settled on Brandon and Seiko as two extra crew members. Brandon had his pilot’s license and was good with the Bridge systems. Where Seiko was an up-and-coming Engineering type that enjoyed delving into the mysteries of Fusion Generators and Main Engines on small craft. I tapped out an invitation to a meeting with them to discuss the possibility of them coming out with us. Tom knows them better than I do and reached out to them too. Hopefully, they will work out.

By dinner, we had all finished our lessons to make us two weeks ahead of classes, so our disappearing would have no effect on that as I made the credits to pay off this ship. It also meant that I could spend time with my beloveds. Which I was very much looking forward to tomorrow morning. I had also worked out the numbers on our haul so far on this trip. With everything going on, it was looking good, and Tom was going to replace a few parts while I was gone at the Guilds Meeting. Rhasta had agreed to help with that as it would only take them 3 hours to replace the three items. After that, I only had 2 more to go and I could start looking for the new Mining Laser Upgrades.

I was disturbed out of my thoughts when my Link chimed, and I answered. “Hello loves. To what do I owe the honor of the Link this evening?” I said formally as I smiled into the Holovid of Janek, Hugo and Rory.

“When do we get to meet them?” Hugo spoke for the three of them.

“As soon as I can arrange it around everyone’s schedules.” I said as I stretched before settling back to enjoy a conversation with three people that mean so much to me.

“I’m jealous.” Said Rory. “I just got them to agree to allow me another night with you and you get hitched. Not one, but two. You know, you could have just asked. We would have dated you.” I snorted as I saw Janek’s stern look crack and he started laughing.

“You’re too willing. Besides. They’re cute.” I said, which made them give me dirty looks, that made me laugh. “I love the three of you, but we couldn’t date. You are still on your honeymoon period. I probably shouldn’t have slept with Rory. But he now knows he’s loved, too.” Which made Rory Thorp smile fondly at me. Janek smiled as he shook his head and Hugo looked thoughtful before speaking.

“And the dream. Or are you running them through the list?” Hugo asked, as Janek’s head spun to look at him.

“They are not my mates, but they are being run through the list. Anyway, send me your schedule so I know where you will be and Hugo. Do you need for me to arrange a ride back to Low Point Station?” I asked with a slight smirk as he was supposed to be here on station. His face flushed slightly as he lowered his eyes.

“No Marc. I’m coming back down.” He said apologetically.

“Just a little while longer, my loves. It takes time to build ships.”

“I know, big brother. I just thought I could sneak out for a few days as you were occupied.”

“I am aware, little brother, and I knew you had done it. It’s fine. I just shifted my work around. You can continue when you return.” I ran my hand through my hair as I thought. “I can’t think of anything else. Can the three of you?”

“No. We are good, love. Are you going to spank Hugo when he gets back there?” Janek asked with the innocence of a child. I snorted as Rory laughed while pulling Hugo into a hug.

“I don’t know… does he like it?” I asked, and the laughter increased on the other side of the Link.

“Goodbye,” Hugo said, as he disconnected us in a huff. Which made me chuckle as Rory’s sense of humor seems to be rubbing off on Janek. That should be interesting in the future.

Tapping out a new long message to Dad and Admiral Tenisoo about my three lovers getting the same ship and how I wanted to speed up that transfer to the next Armed Freighter. The ANS Caelestis Anastassia, or translated Heavenly Resurrection, second in class, soon to be bringing on crew for her launching, instead of the third. I took my time to word it properly, so it didn’t look like I was trying to push them into a slot… which I was, but I didn’t want to be overt about it. The warning chime sounded just as I had finished. A quick check and I called in the Hauler as I dropped the full cannister, setting up the next. The numbers were looking good, even if I was going to return early.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Marc is a busy man, running around with his new beloveds, meeting the parents.. and still mining and studying.

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Marc and his beloveds--Camile and Roman--met each others parents and it all worked out smoothly. Amazing...

Plus Marc carefully discussed his new relationships with Janek and his lovers. They understood them and where they stand  They are very compatible without any frictions. It is a new world!

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5 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Humor and more in this chapter.  Marc and Camile and Roman are having fun with this relationship.  Marc and Tom and Rachel having fun and profit mining.  Very much indeed to like and love with this chapter.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

Humor. Always a good stress reliever. 

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4 hours ago, gmc said:

Mark and the twins are having fun dating and they are enjoying surprising their families. I love the ease that Mark shows when dealing with both families. I wonder what his mate will be like? Hopefully it won’t be too soon. Having lovers that stay friends is a special talent , and Mark is very talented!


Thanks for the comment gmc!

Marc's mate.... Taller than Marc. Smells like cinnamon and cherry blossoms... Likes to carry Marc onto the beach for sex. If dreams can be believed.

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3 hours ago, VBlew said:

Marc is a busy man, running around with his new beloveds, meeting the parents.. and still mining and studying.

Thanks for the comment VBlew. Always the busy person that Marc. He has people to do and places to be.😀

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Marc and his beloveds--Camile and Roman--met each others parents and it all worked out smoothly. Amazing...

Plus Marc carefully discussed his new relationships with Janek and his lovers. They understood them and where they stand  They are very compatible without any frictions. It is a new world!

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Marc. Loves then all and will stay in contact, but he's still waiting for the one he dreams of.

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So many sides and twist and turns and just WOW.

Can't wait for both threesomes to get together.  

Marc is focused on this and the family's future always, but glad that he has time to enjoy himself.  

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7 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

So many sides and twist and turns and just WOW.

Can't wait for both threesomes to get together.  

Marc is focused on this and the family's future always, but glad that he has time to enjoy himself.  

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

Marc's main hobby is planning ahead. Many things that need to be done for the future.

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7 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Hmm... How do you spell ORGY? :rofl:

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!

Hmmm... does it start with Zero-G? 

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11 hours ago, Al Norris said:

Hmm... How do you spell ORGY? :rofl:


4 hours ago, P. E. Knapp said:

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!
Hmmm... does it start with Zero-G? 

Great pun, @P. E. Knapp 
   In one of his short stories, Isaac Asimov pointed out that sexual activities would become much more complicated it low-G environments, and zero-G environments.  Our bodies are used to reactions stemming from one-G or near one-G gravitational forces.  Another author (I wish I could remember who) said that in zero-G, sexual intercourse might be best performed in a large netting-type "bed," with three connecting ropes for stability so the participants don't float around bumping into things, and so they do not "uncouple/come apart" from the thrusting action, perhaps strapped together with gentle flexible stretchy restraints.  Makes for interesting contemplation.

Edited by ReaderPaul
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1 hour ago, ReaderPaul said:


Great pun, @P. E. Knapp 
   In one of his short stories, Isaac Asimov pointed out that sexual activities would become much more complicated it low-G environments, and zero-G environments.  Our bodies are used to reactions stemming from one-G or near one-G gravitational forces.  Another author (I wish I could remember who) said that in zero-G, sexual intercourse might be best performed in a large netting-type "bed," with three connecting ropes for stability so the participants don't float around bumping into things, and so they do not "uncouple/come apart" from the thrusting action, perhaps strapped together with gentle flexible stretchy restraints.  Makes for interesting contemplation.

🤣Thanks for the comment @ReaderPaul!

Never actually added it to the story as I thought about it and couldn't figure out how to make it work.

Isaac Asimov is good for ideas, as always, as is sticking my nose into NASA and ESA reports has proved interesting, if extremely dry reading. I could always cheat and have a special setting on gravbelts!? That would solve all my problems, with no need for any form of Sci-fi- fantasy/magic needed.... Hmmm... I'll have to think about it some more. Definitely raises it into the maybe category as I try to keep the story as close as possible to actual science capabilities. 

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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23 minutes ago, P. E. Knapp said:

Never actually added it to the story as I thought about it and couldn't figure out how to make it work.

1 hour ago, ReaderPaul said:

In one of his short stories, Isaac Asimov pointed out that sexual activities would become much more complicated it low-G environments, and zero-G environments.

Think about it. Thrusting action... For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

In null-G, penetrative intercourse would be almost impossible without restraints. Even assuming one person is holding the other (with legs and/or arms), the resulting forces (thrusting) would be translated into various vector changes - wildly tumbling. Padded room(s)?

Yes, even BJ's could present a challenge.

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2 minutes ago, Al Norris said:

Think about it. Thrusting action... For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.

In null-G, penetrative intercourse would be almost impossible without restraints. Even assuming one person is holding the other (with legs and/or arms), the resulting forces (thrusting) would be translated into various vector changes - wildly tumbling. Padded room(s)?

Yes, even BJ's could present a challenge.

And for every idea there is a solution. Duct Tape! Removes unwanted hair and holds you in place at the same time! Two for one! I'm thinking it works🤣

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Thank goodness for the quick recovery time for our intrepid hero and his beloveds...and, have we truly seen the last of Christopher????

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From how you have presented the stories at this time, @P. E. Knapp, I thought the stations and possibly the ships have some type of artificial gravity.  By that time in the future or in a parallel universe, as the case might be, artificial gravity is probably possible.

@Al Norris -- The Isaac Asimov short story had a 60+-year-old man from Earth and a 20s or 30s Lunar woman falling for each other on the moon.  The woman had tried sex with an Earth male before, and his Earthly muscles were too powerful for her to be comfortable, and they bounced a lot in the 1/6th G Lunar gravity.

To the best of my knowledge, no nation which has sent humans into space has admitted to intercourse being tried in space.  It makes for interesting speculation, however.

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2 hours ago, drsawzall said:

Thank goodness for the quick recovery time for our intrepid hero and his beloveds...and, have we truly seen the last of Christopher????

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

Not entirely sure we've seen the last of him.

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1 hour ago, ReaderPaul said:

From how you have presented the stories at this time, @P. E. Knapp, I thought the stations and possibly the ships have some type of artificial gravity.  By that time in the future or in a parallel universe, as the case might be, artificial gravity is probably possible.

@Al Norris -- The Isaac Asimov short story had a 60+-year-old man from Earth and a 20s or 30s Lunar woman falling for each other on the moon.  The woman had tried sex with an Earth male before, and his Earthly muscles were too powerful for her to be comfortable, and they bounced a lot in the 1/6th G Lunar gravity.

To the best of my knowledge, no nation which has sent humans into space has admitted to intercourse being tried in space.  It makes for interesting speculation, however.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

Intercourse in space... don't truly know if it's been tried or not. Not sure if any nation would admit to it or not if they did.

And yes. Artificial gravity and the ability to change it. Gravbelts are a tool for use on worlds with gravity. Could be used to counter act artificial gravity too, if you needed to jump really high or something.

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2 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

@Al Norris -- The Isaac Asimov short story had a 60+-year-old man from Earth and a 20s or 30s Lunar woman falling for each other on the moon.  The woman had tried sex with an Earth male before, and his Earthly muscles were too powerful for her to be comfortable, and they bounced a lot in the 1/6th G Lunar gravity.

I vaguely remember that story but not in detail.

Of course, the simple answer is that a being from Earth (1G) is essentially 6 times stronger than a Lunar being (.1266G). Rather than bouncing around, I suspect that the Earthling would end up breaking the bones of a being adapted to a lesser gravity... After straining the musculature.

There have been many Sci-Fi stories where humans adapted to high-gravity worlds (which have denser muscles and bones) will physically beat those adapted to low(er) gravity worlds.

Regardless, may I volunteer as a test subject? :whistle:

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