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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 832 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - Prologue. Prologue

Seraph Sector

Stanyear 4342

Multiple fighters maneuvered through the asteroids as the Officer motioned, and the view smoothly zoomed out as they had wanted. The full view showed the ship that was trying to retreat as the six fighters pushed the two back towards the Armed Freighter.

“Things have definitely changed the past year out here. Control will be pleased it is going in the right direction.” The officer smiled as the Frigate dropped out of Jump. Right in the middle of the asteroid belt, and began erratic maneuvers as its weapons fired while drones launched. Four fighters destroyed in the first volley as the Armed Freighter began a retreat of its own while the Frigate turned to the pirate vessel. Two direct beams reached out and ripped the engineering section apart as two shuttles launched. Assault shuttles that had no trouble catching the crippled ship. Six hours later, a tug arrived to take the crippled vessel in tow as the Frigate stood guard. The Officer turned to his staff.

“Ensure you package this directly to C12 with all our intercepted incident data.”

“Of course Sa.”

ANS Kilmeny

Seraph Sector

“Who was on that Frigate that saved our asses?” asked 2nd Lieutenant Thorp as he sat down in the Wardroom. The table was full of all fourteen officers not on duty. Captain Travis Bedinski shrugged as he looked towards Hugo Channing, who sat between 2nd Lieutenants Wojact and Thorp.

“Well. If you remove the impossible, what’s left is possible. Unless your name is Marc Alexander.” Hugo said with a rather peculiar grin. “That’s just a guess, but considering how that Frigate maneuvered.” He turned to look at Wojact, who shook his head no. “Neither of us has heard from him recently.” He finished. The Captain looked to his mate Laura, also the Executive Officer aboard the Armed Freighter ANS Kilmeny, who herself shrugged.

“We have had no contact recently. Which probably means he is busy learning ship command.” She leaned in, resting her elbows on the table with her fingers steepled in front of her. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he is here in system and that is a new ship. ANS Comet. Specifically designed for running in the asteroid belts.” She paused in thought. “Designed with his ideas.”

“So our Marc has been busy the past 12 months?” Asked Janek Wojact as he looked at Hugo.

“If you think I know more about what Marc is doing. I don’t. Only that he makes sure I get time out here with you. And he has been extremely busy the past 3 months. I’ve barely seen him except when he tells me to pack a bag,” Replied Hugo before he leaned in and kissed Janek.


Marc Alexander

ANS Comet

I laid in my stateroom aboard ANS Comet working on reports with the Link Cast News on in the background.

“And in other news today. The Asbury Mining Consortium has announced they are beginning operations here in the Seraph Sector. According to the Chief Operating Officer, Brad Rydman, limited operations will start next week as they shift more of their Mining Vessels into the area. The two ships they have here now are having yard work completed in four days and should be operational before the other ships arrive.” She paused, as the recording of the COO Speaking to gathered people ran for ten seconds, before the scene switched behind her to a tug towing a disabled ship. “Elements of the Seraph Sector Patrol and Alexander Industrials apprehended another pirate vessel today, which makes it the third vessel this month they have seized. Commodore Ulstein was extremely happy with the Joint Task Force, saying,” With the cooperation of multiple groups, we are doing together what none of us could do alone, making the Sector safer for everyone. “And now for the evening Market Report. Barb?” The angle changes and another Link Cast News Anchor speaks.

“Thanks Patricia. Looks like it’s been busy today for everyone. Ore prices are holding steady as Ice prices increase. Sources reveal the Ice crews are shifting to Ore mining due to increasing orders. Fifty-Five Foundry has reported an increase of 27 percent the past month in refining Ores, mostly going towards large product sheeting for ship construction. In the manufacturing world, it appears Alexander Industrials is not only here to help protect the mining teams, but are building more ships in their own facilities over in Moira Sector.”

I had finished my reports and shut down my tablet before heading off to the wardroom to grab a snack before my Watch.

“Evening Marc.” Said the Captain as I walked onto the Bridge to start my Watch.

“Good evening Captain. Link Cast News had some good shots of our last capture.” I said.

“Did they now? I’ll have to watch that later while doing reports.” He said as he stood.

Ten minutes later I was standing my Officer of the Deck Watch as he departed the Bridge.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Sounds like a bang-up start.  I think Janek and Hugo and Rory Thorpe probably have the best guesses.

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1 minute ago, ReaderPaul said:

Sounds like a bang-up start.  I think Janek and Hugo and Rory Thorpe probably have the best guesses.

Thanks @ReaderPaul for the comment! 

Yeah, Marc made it a point to be out on the first of the Comet Class Frigates. That is what had him groan at the first books end. He was pulled into the designing.

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Marc is the inspiration for this new type of fighting and new ships. I see familiar cases are involved again.

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2 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Marc is the inspiration for this new type of fighting and new ships. I see familiar cases are involved again.

Thanks for the comment @akascrubber!

A logical extension of past ideas to include something larger than a fighter that could enter the asteroid fields and provide another layer of weapon's systems and fire power for a battle.

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Interesting start, one wonders if the 'pirates' are simply going to watch their ships be taken by a new (superior) force, what will their response be???

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8 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Interesting start, one wonders if the 'pirates' are simply going to watch their ships be taken by a new (superior) force, what will their response be???

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall!

Pirates... well they do what pirates do. Run away and hide, attacking weaker targets until they think they are strong enough and try again.

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Nice start to the second book, looks as if Marc has been busy.

Nice to see that Janek and Hugo are giving it a go.

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1 minute ago, centexhairysub said:

Nice start to the second book, looks as if Marc has been busy.

Nice to see that Janek and Hugo are giving it a go.

Thanks @centexhairysub for the comment!

Yeah. I thought Janek and Hugo needed to have some time together.  Marc is always busy... really unfair at times to people he dates.

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3 hours ago, Al Norris said:

I'm gonna hate this when I catch up! 😉

Yeah... Binge reading has its downfalls. 😀

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