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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 5. Chapter 5

Yes, I know I've been busy lately. The reasons for that will soon be apparent. In the meantime. Here is the next installment. Please enjoy!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

We walked towards the hotel room I arranged for the night. I was in the middle, as was expected. I received multiple nods of appreciation, as I had these two hot twins leaning on me as we walked. Camile wanted to walk through the station and hit all the spots people hang out, to let the word spread, as she put it. I laughed as we did. We kissed a few times too. Just to make sure everyone knew we were more than friends. When we entered the hotel, I tapped the reader with my Link and the staffer greeted us as she informed us which room was ours before wishing us a pleasant stay.

We stepped into the lift. “This isn’t our first time sharing somebody, Marc. Just so you know,” Said Camile before Roman spoke, “But. You are the first one who has come right out and asked us. Everyone else had to work us into it.”

I smiled. “I will admit I had other motives. Now though. I think I like the both of you and the idea of spending the night together sounds very good. I will warn you, though. I am not looking for an actual relationship. Just friends with benefits.” I said. Roman and Camile, both pulled me in tighter and as I looked at each one, they kissed me.

“We actually kind of like being in your arms. And we both find you attractive…among other things. So don’t be surprised if we work to change your opinion that you want to be just friends. I think I can speak for Camile,” Roman paused as he leaned forward to look over at her and she nodded, “That we both would like it to be more.” He finished saying as he looked at me from under his dark eyelashes. I couldn’t resist as he looked so cute and kissed the tip of his nose as Camile opened the door to our room.

Large was an understatement. At least for me. It had a dining area and living area in the main room, then in the bedroom was a huge bed. More than enough room for the three of us. I broke away from them and checked the head out and it, too, was huge. The Fresher would fit all of us, as would the large jacuzzi tub. I smiled as I walked back into the bedroom, and they were already undressing. I joined them in peeling off my clothing. Setting my boots in the closet as we all dropped our shipsuits and underwear into the clothing fresher. Everything will be cleaned in five minutes and stacked neatly on the unit's upper shelf. Roman had pulled the bathrobes out of the closet before we all headed to the fresher for a shower.

The two of them looked absolutely exotic as they stood under the water spray looking me over as I looked them over. There were no doubts now that we all liked each other and that I was more endowed than Roman. I grabbed four wash cloths and handed them to them as I grabbed another set and wet them down before adding soap. When I stepped into them and started washing their bodies with the soapy cloths as they did the same to me and each other. They took turns stroking my dick as I stroked Roman and petted Camile. At one point, I spun them around and slipped my dick between them as I again stroked Roman and petted Camile before sliding a finger inside her. In less than 5 minutes, I had both of them breathing hard as much as their dual stroking did to me. Roman was first to shoot and then me. Finally, Camile squirted as she slumped back against me. They both turned in my arms and were kissing me together. Both pushed their tongues into my mouth at the same time as I pulled them tight against my body.

5 minutes later, we were out of the shower, dried, and on the bed. Camile was sucking my dick, as I was licking her vagina. Roman lifted my leg into the air and was licking my balls before moving around to my hole. His tongue was very experienced, as was his sister on my dick. It wasn’t long before they switched and Roman was lying next to me and Camile was behind me. She had her bag we grabbed on the way up. Soon enough, I was being moved again. My dick slid into Camile while my hand and mouth played with her breasts. My ass was being fingered as Roman was getting me ready. It was only 40 minutes later when we entered the shower spray again. All of us had orgasmed again. Now it was time to eat, rest, make our Comm to Christopher and start again.

“I think we can all agree we enjoyed that and there will be a repeat performance after our Comm.” Said Roman. Camile was nodding on my chest, and I kissed the top of her head before I kissed Roman’s.

“Let’s order some food and work out a strategy for our call.” I said as we pulled on bathrobes and headed to the dining room table. Roman pulled up the menu and checked the time. We had ordered, and the table informed us it would arrive in 15 minutes. We worked out a fast plan for the call and the questions I needed to ask in order. Both Camile and Roman would be naked with me in my robe when we talked to Christoper. They won’t immediately be in the view of the Comms until the right moment. We just want to prove a point to Chris. None of us care about him.

We finished eating, and I made the Link into the Stations Comm’s system and reached out to contact the Bennett family aboard the Freighter Silas. It took five minutes before I was able to speak to the Comm’s Officer.

“Freighter Silas. This is Marc Alexander. I would like to speak with a senior member of the Bennett family or the senior member on duty at this time on the Bridge and once I have spoken to them, I would like to speak with Christopher Bennett, please.” My tone was low and commanding, as I had been taught to use. The Comm’s Officer’s eyes went wide as she recognized me while I spoke.

“Yes, Sa Alexander. A few moments, please.” She said, and I nodded. My Holo changed to show the ship's logo with Stand By, scrolling across the bottom. Hands reached in from the sides and touched my thighs. Quickly, I leaned to one side and then the other, depositing kisses where needed. Finally, the holo changed and the sister, I guess, was on the bridge and talked to me.

“Sa Alexander. What a pleasant surprise. I am Stella Bennett. Christopher’s sister. How may I help you?” She asked wearily.

“My Father suggested I Comm to let the family know that I harbor no ill will towards the Bennett family. Just Christopher. I promise, should your ship approach one of our hangers, I will not lock them down and prevent you from entering. And I will not confine Christopher to the ship. Just remind him to stay away from me as well as my boyfriend and girlfriend.” I spoke in the same low, commanding tone. I had no reason to yell. Yet.

I watched as all of that sunk in. “Thank you, Sa Alexander. On behalf of my family, I appreciate your Comm’s and forthrightness in this situation. On behalf of my family, I would like to apologize for my brother and his actions. I will make sure your message is explained to him.” She paused, and I dipped my head to her, which she returned. She reminded me of my sister. “I will place you on hold for a few minutes as I track him down and pass you over to him as you requested.”

“Thank you, Sa Bennett. That will be fine.” I said with an almost happy touch to my tone. Roman dropped his robe and lowered himself to his knees to place his mouth on my dick and sucking it. Camile stood off to the side, waiting. It was two minutes before I connected to Christopher.

“Hello Marc. I am surprised you Comm’d me since you wouldn’t take my Comm’s. My sister told me to stay away from you, your boyfriend, and girlfriend.” He said with both eyebrows raised, waiting for me to speak. Which I didn’t. “I wanted to apologize for what I did. I am sorry Marc.” He said softly.

My head tilted to the side as my hands grabbed Roman’s head and slowed him before he made me shoot too soon. “To some people, the universe is very large.” I spoke in a cold tone. “But. I am not some people. I am Marc Alexander and the universe to me is very small and I have a reach into a rather large chunk of it. I wonder Christopher? How many other people were you cheating on me with?”

Christopher remained still for a moment as his face blushed. “I was with no one but Camile.” He said nervously.

“Really.” I scoffed. “Have you met my boyfriend?” I said as I released Roman’s head, and he pulled off my dick. Raising up to kiss me before he turned to the Holo of Christopher.

“Pissing off my real boyfriend is a bad move, Christopher.” Roman said with a very angered low tone. “Lying to him isn’t very smart, either. Having the hangar doors closed on you might well be the least of your worries.” He said before he moved behind me. We had purposely chosen the sit on the edge of the ottoman. It allowed Roman to stand on his knees behind me with his hands on my shoulders as he rubbed his hard dick on my shoulder, which I turned my head to kiss the tip.

“I don’t believe you have met my girlfriend, either.” I said as Camile stepped in front of me naked and lowered herself onto my dick before leaning back into me. I wrapped an arm around her and played with her breasts as we watched the blood draining out of his face. The coldness in my voice became more pronounced as I spoke again. “I will ask again. Who else were you with when you were supposed to be with me?” I asked as Camile rode my dick while Roman slid his back and forth against my neck.

Christoper tried to speak twice before he finally croaked out, “No one else.”

I gave him a sharp nod. “The Stars themselves will go into hiding if I find out differently. Stay away from us, Christopher. Don’t even look at us. Have I made myself understood?” I finished sharply.

“Yes Sa.” He said. I gave him another sharp nod and disconnected the Link.

Laughter burst out from the three of us before I lifted off of the ottoman and pushed Camile over the back of the couch and thrust into her in rapid succession. While Roman lube his dick before he slipped it into me. 30 minutes later, we were back in the bedroom and I was thrusting into Roman again with Camile behind me with her strap on thrusting it into me. We actually did each other a few more times before we took a nice hot shower and went back to bed for the night.

Rolling over, I found I couldn’t move. I was sandwiched between two warm bodies. One was male and the one in front of me was female. I heard the soft whispers as the male behind me shifted. Then the female did as she guided my dick into herself. Suddenly, I felt the dick entering from behind and moaned as I felt the small kisses on my back and chest. I began to thrust into the female in front of me.

“Good morning to my boyfriend and to my girlfriend.” I said softly as we made love to each other. Camile lifted herself a little to kiss me before I heard it.

It sounded like I was listening in stereo sound as I heard, “Good morning to you too, boyfriend.” From in front of me and behind me at the same time as only twins could do. Thrusting harder, I felt Camile tense and moan into my chest as she had her orgasm. I, in turn, released into her as Roman pulled me tight into himself as he orgasmed too. Minutes later, I had rolled and had Roman pinned under me as I forced my dick deep inside him. Once I was in position, I stayed still as Camile entered me with her strap-on dildo. It was the double header type she was actually fucking herself as she thrust into me. I had teased them last night about her fucking her brother through me. Roman had admitted that she has done him before. He is gay, so there is no chance of him doing her. I, on the other hand, will have sex with the person if I like them. Mostly I lean towards males only, but a few females can attract my attention.

My Link chimed and I looked before I answered it. I sighed, “Good morning, Dad.”

“Good morning, Marc. What did you do to Christopher last night and you have a boyfriend and a girlfriend now?” Dad asked, confused.

I roared out a laugh, as did Camile and Roman. Which Dad heard. He waited patiently for me to regain control. “Oh yeah. Thanks Dad. I needed that laugh this morning. Anyway. Come to find out. Christopher cheated on me with two people. So those two people are now my new friends with benefits. As for Christopher. I put the fear of an Alexander into him and warned him not to so much as look at me or my boyfriend or girlfriend. They are twins, by the way, and trying very hard to get me to date them in a more permanent and closer relationship.” I said happily.

“Huh. Twins? Is that Camile and Roman Malachi?” He asked, thinking about it.

“As a matter of fact, it is. Would you like to say hello?” I asked as they both pulled the sheet up to their neck and popped their heads into the Holo Link.

“Good morning, Sa Alexander.” They both said together.

Dad said nothing, so I did. “Cute. Aren’t they? They are trying very hard too, so can I have them over for lunch? Might be a good idea for them to meet my parents,” I asked with my patent mischievous grin. Dad just snorted.

“You’re too much sometimes, Marc, but yes, they can come over for our working lunch. I won’t warn anyone either.” He said with a chuckle.

“Dad’s always cool about these things. Can the two of you stay with me for lunch?” I asked, not caring if Dad heard me or not. They both checked their Links and nodded to me. I leaned in and kissed each of them in turn. “Cool. Three more for lunch then. And I’ll tell everyone what I told Stella Bennett.” I said to Dad. Who just shook his head as he smiled.

“OK. I’ll see all of you at 11:30 hours, then.” Dad said, and disconnected.

Once again, the three of us broke out into laughter. When my laughter stopped, as did the others, the room was quiet. Except for the sounds of them breathing on my chest and the station itself. Until I rose and climbed out of the bed, turning to hold out both of my hands for them. They took them and stood next to me as I kissed each of them thoroughly, wrapped in my arms.

“Let’s go shower and eat breakfast.” I said softly. Arms holding each other, we walked into the head.

A long, slow shower with lots of kissing and rubbing as well as me taking them both again. I was showing my love for them, and they were returning it. I wasn’t kidding when I told my Father they were trying hard to get me to actually date them. And I was considering it. Deep down, I know they are not my mates.

“Marc. Why are we going to lunch with your parents?” Roman asked.

“For the fun of walking in with the two of you in my arms. To explain what I said to Stella and how I put the fear of an angry Alexander into Christoper. But mostly. Because even though I know the two of you are not my mates. I do care for you both. Love you both, actually. I would like the remain friends, always. The benefits when we can…” I trailed off as I made a decision. “And I will consent to dating the two of you for a while until the two of you tire of me.” I said softly and as lovingly as I could to the two of them. They communicated as only twins can without words before Camile spoke.

“You’re right Marc. You are not our mate either, but we love you, too. Let’s date for a while. We enjoy each other’s company.” She shrugged. “When we get bored with it, we separate.” She said as she looked at Roman. “That sound good Roman?”

He sighed, “Yeah Cam.” Roman said as he turned to me. “She’s right. I love you too.” Then the smile spread across his face. “But we did it. We caught the great Marc Alexander in our web of love and he proposed to us. Do we get a ring or something to signify we are yours, Marc?” Both myself and Camile laughed as we moved into another three-way hug and a round of kisses.

After we had breakfast and another round of kisses, they had to return to their ship as their parents were looking for them. I told them I would pick them up at their ship at 11:15 hours to escort them to lunch with my family as I returned to Mini Borer to make a series of checks and validate the work done on her. Just before 10:45 hours, I trotted up to my room for a fast shower and changed into a clean shipsuit before heading down to the Freight Docks and their ship. I arrived early at 11:10 hours because I figured I would be meeting family members, as I am sure the story about us is out now. Sure enough, when I was walking up to the Lock, Roman popped out and right into my arms.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Mark’s apologies are pretty scary. You don’t pull on Superman’s cape and you don’t mess around on Mark!

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14 minutes ago, gmc said:

Mark’s apologies are pretty scary. You don’t pull on Superman’s cape and you don’t mess around on Mark!

Thanks for the comment gmc!

He likes to make himself understood and has very low use for somebody that lies to him.

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Marc satisfied his dad's request by accepting Chris's apology but did it in his own way. He showed Chris he was having sex with his two other hidden partners'---the twins Roman and Camile. Wow--So brutal.

Besides revenge, Marc secure two passionate, fun  friends with benefits who will be with him till they all tire and move on.

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3 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Marc satisfied his dad's request by accepting Chris's apology but did it in his own way. He showed Chris he was having sex with his two other hidden partners'---the twins Roman and Camile. Wow--So brutal.

Thanks for the comment akascrubber! 

Yeah. Marc has his own ways of letting his displeasure be known. That includes taking something that was in the offending person's possession. 😈

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I have some chuckles with this chapter.  I wonder if Fran will get involved investigating Christopher further?

I look forward to seeing Marc introducing the twins to Janek and Rory, as well as the parents.

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32 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

I have some chuckles with this chapter.  I wonder if Fran will get involved investigating Christopher further?

I look forward to seeing Marc introducing the twins to Janek and Rory, as well as the parents.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

I'm sure the meetings will be met with the usual curiosity. Or maybe not. Hugo is on station and may have already heard, reporting it back to Janek and Rory. 😁

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Well, more friends with benefits, not sure how Marc has time for them all.  LOL

I do love how he played that idiot Christopher.  He also handled the sister and the family in a most professional manner, no sense pissing them all off over the idiocy of one child.

I swear that I could feel the ice dripping from Marc's words as he spoke to Christopher.


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1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, more friends with benefits, not sure how Marc has time for them all.  LOL

I do love how he played that idiot Christopher.  He also handled the sister and the family in a most professional manner, no sense pissing them all off over the idiocy of one child.

I swear that I could feel the ice dripping from Marc's words as he spoke to Christopher.


Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

Well. Marc has been taught all his life how to talk to people. As far as the Bennett family and the freighter Silas goes... Marc holds all the cards. Cutting them out does nothing to or for Marc but would cut them out of the trade in multiple sectors. There is always some freighter looking to fill a void.

That said. Marc can drip much colder when needed. More on that in book 4.

Well, more friends with benefits, not sure how Marc has time for them all.  LOL     Well. He's young. LOL😇

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