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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,931 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
This story is not for everyone! If you don't feel comfortable with ANY of the above. Please don't read!

Tragedia Et Amor - 1. Chapter 1

Hello everyone and welcome to the first chapter of my newest title: Tragedia Et Amor!
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story

It was another beautiful day in June 2004. Mostly because I was off from work and with my friends out on the beach for an impromptu beach party. We were using the pier for our diving biggest splash contest, as usual. Barney was just coming out of the water. The entire front of his body was red.

“Dude. A belly flop from 10 feet. Seriously.” I said as I looked him over. Barney isn’t built like a brick shit house. He is a brick shit house. 6 foot 5 and 320 lbs of big-boned muscled body with a buzz cut. The man you want backing you up in a dangerous situation was an ex-marine corpsman. Even has 2 purple hearts to show for his efforts. He’s also the shoulder I’ve cried on a few times and he sets me straight. We ride the Raider together at work. He high fived me in passing, which stung as I went back to tending the grill.

“You should try it, Caleb. It’ll toughen up your scrawny body.” He said as the rest of the gang laughed. The gang being members of our County Rescue Team, local Fire Department and the band-aid station they call a hospital around here. Yeah, I was in the Navy when we met, as I was an Aviation Rescue Swimmer, hence the good nature jibes between us. I’m also an EMT like Barney. I saw the Dive Texas boat tearing up through towards the channel and waved. The catamaran dive boat returned two short blasts of their horn as I saw the figure wave back from the flying bridge.

“Is that the kid you keep talking about?” Asked Barney as I continued to flip the burgers.

“Yeah, that’s Orion up top.”

“I thought he wasn’t old enough yet,” Barney asked as Peter came over to hand me another plate.

“Nah. But we all know about it. He’s from an old family around here.” He chuckled before he continued, “His grandfather was a civil engineer for the state and then he ran for County Commissioner and then County Judge. It was him pushing that got us the Federal and State money for many projects, including the harbor we have today in Port-A.” He paused again to look out at the boat, making its turn into the channel. “Orion will let Mike bring it into the harbor, just so no busy-bodies report him. You know how the old retirees get. Nothing better to do than stick their nose into everyone else's business. As far as the locals go, Orion is, ‘The kid that shouldn’t have lived, but did,’ they would say nothing. Besides. Orion knows more about boats than all the sport fisher captains that come floating in here in the season.” Said Peter as he popped open a cooler and grabbed a soda.

“You going tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yeah. Tammy, Rob and that new girl he’s dating from the Hospital.” Said Peter before he grabbed the plate of hot burgers and took them over to a table.

Barney made a fast check to see if anyone was within hearing distance before he spoke. “Is Tomas coming too?” I shook my head no as I exhaled.

“No. We’re done. He wasn’t interested in commitment and I wanted more. We went our separate ways and do the friends with benefits thing.”

“Guess it’s you and me, then. We are all doing the fast refresher in the morning?”

“Yes. I’ll introduce you to Orion. He’s probably going to teach it.”

“I thought he wasn’t old enough.” Said Barney.

“He’s a Junior Dive Master. He’ll probably give us our dive plan lecture, too. Once he turns eighteen, he is going for an unbroken string of licenses, including as a Diving Instructor.” I gave a small snort. “The Coast Guard is begging him to join. But I don’t think he can, due to a leg injury. He must have over three hundred dives now and he is taking his 100-ton Master’s License for some big boat they are building.”

“Sounds like a hard worker. What happened to his leg?”

“Big Ass Hatteras Sport Fisher ran him and his dad down about 8 or 9 years ago when they were out in the bay snorkeling in an aluminum 18 footer, looking for new shallow dive spots. The Coast Guard chopper saw it happen on their return from another mission. They reported it. The locals got involved and arrested the boat owner when they docked. They saved Orion, but his dad was lost. The guy that owned the sport fisher was operating it intoxicated. Lawyers had a field day and got several hundred thousand plus all medical bills for life on Orion’s injuries, all said and done. Orion’s uncle made some excellent investments back in 1997, and by 2000.” I shrugged. “They were millionaires and pushed money back into the business and.” I paused and looked at him. “You know that apartment condo complex I live in?” I saw Barney nod. “They own it.”

“No shit. Hey. Flip those.” Barney said as I flipped the burgers. “So they own that 7 story building?”

“Yup, and live on the top floor. They keep the apartments on the lower three floors at reduced rent rates for county and town employees and turned the rest into condos. Paid for the building, I think. At least that was what Tabitha over in the ER told me, which also explains why so many of my neighbors look familiar to me. Said it was a thank you for all the wonderful people that came out to help them in their time of need, but that family has a long history of doing good things for the community. The mom lives in a two-bedroom apartment and Orion lives next door in a two-bedroom with a connecting door which used to be the grandmother’s before she moved up to Colorado to be closer to her sister who lost her husband a few years ago.” Barney let out a low whistle when I finished.

“Damn crappy way to get rich.” He said sadly.

“True. At least they made out all right.” I replied as I pulled the last of the burgers off and shutdown the gas on the grill.

It was two hours later when we started a small fire. Everyone gathered their chair around. Peter, who turned out to be a surprisingly talented guitar player, provided some light music and Tabitha, who showed up after her shift with her husband and 12-year-old daughter, provided the leading vocals. I saw the two reds and a white light bobbing coming down the beach and called out to Orion.



I heard the greeting from Caleb. One of our tenants that I am friends with and smiled, pushing my bike over the flat sand. Thankfully, I had the fat tires on it. Still mad I had to work tomorrow, but I understand why. I set the bike in position and pulled off my backpack to grab the bag out of it. Fist bumped with Peter Anderson and Tony Garcia as I approached. Both long-time residents I have known all my life.

“You are doing the dive tomorrow?” Asked Caleb as I presented the zip-lock bag of double nut brownies I made yesterday for the beach party. I wasn’t the only local arriving. The arrival of long-time residents made it feel like an old timer's convention. Ages from late teens like me, to 70 plus like old Al Newman and his wife Abigale. They were always a blast to have around with all kinds of stories. Some bringing wood for the fire, others brought snacks, still others brought drinks. Even alcohol. Since we had so many of the locals in the various government agencies here, the park rangers wouldn’t bother us, and word was passed through the campground that this was a private party. Besides, tomorrow morning, except for footprints, there would be no evidence of our party.

“Yeah.” I drew out unhappily.

“Don’t sound so enthusiastic.” Said Caleb jokingly.

“I’m not happy. I was supposed to go out with the University of Texas’s Research Boat to dive the new sunken ship reef placement on survey with them for my science report to compare with last years. Took me three months to set that trip up and two days ago Mom fired one of the college student Dive Masters for coming in to work under the influence. Plus, Mike and Pam are up in Dallas at a wedding, and we are booked solid the entire weekend while being short handed running all three boats.”

“Well, that sucks, but I want you to meet someone. Orion Hansen, this is Barney Stedman, works with me over at County Rescue.” Caleb said as he indicated the guy next to him. “Barney. This is our dive master for tomorrow. It looks like. Orion.”

“Nice to meet you.” I said as I shook his hand. “You floating around in that binnacle barge they call a Raider too?” Caleb gave a small chuckle under his breath.

“Yeah. I do.” He said as he laughed, “Nice to meet you too, Orion. Are you named after the star?” He asked. Many people do.

“No. My parents named me after Poseidon’s son.” I said with a smile, which made him laugh.

“That would make sense, as you seem to love water.” Barney said, as I nodded in agreement.

“Are these the famous double nut brownies?” Caleb asked as we moved towards the food table.

“Yeah. I was trying to bake out my aggravation last night. Didn’t work, but I’ve got snacks now.” Which made Barney bellow out a laugh as he smacked me on the back, making me stumble. Which had Peter and Caleb laughing, too. I mean. I’m not a lightweight and I still have issues with my leg occasionally, but when a hand the size of a ham lands on your back and you aren’t braced for it. Even my 6 foot 2 inch frame with 170 pounds of well-toned muscle was going to be moving. Not even the metal in my leg is going to hold me up.

I stayed for about an hour, even joining Al and Abigale Newman, speculating about the number of storms we’ll need to worry about this year. Abigale also asked me to drop off the latest brochure when I get a chance, as they have some of the grandkids coming down next month. That’s always fun as Al is usually not happy with them and rides them about getting a job. He even used me as an example last year. That pissed off a few of them.


* * *  

My thoughts drifted as I talked to people. I was making a mental list. I needed to send out an email to Uncle Wade about some changes I want to discuss when his family comes down next week. Uncle Wade, my mom’s brother, stepped right in after my father was killed to help and he taught me a lot about the finance market, but I taught him a few things, too. Hence why we are millionaires now. Young minds, new ideas and all that. That all happened because I didn’t want to give up the Diving business that Mom and Dad built, making suggestions that seemed far-fetched coming from a 9-year-old. Uncle Wade sat back and listened. From time to time, my parents and I talked about the business during meals. That was why me and dad were out in that boat the evening when we were hit. We all know if it wasn’t for that helicopter heading back to base that saw it happen, I wouldn’t be alive. That prompted further talks in 1998 when the stock, I begged to have the money placed in, took off and split. Then rose even higher than before and split again in January 1999. Grandma was still here then, and I called for Uncle Wade to come down and talk. At the end of February, the stock was on the climb again. I watched and told Uncle Wade to sell at 200 dollars a share. Mom had tears in her eyes as I explained the price was going to drop off. Get our money now, divide it by five and invest in the new list I have. Land, Building, Three stocks. For my personal account, I had my funds divided between five stocks.

What happened next was the land purchases and building of an apartment/condo complex, as well as the new dive complex. Uncle Wade had a few people come down from Dallas to talk, or more correctly, listen to my idea and what I wanted to accomplish. Thankfully, that talk was back in late 1998. Not like I had anything better to do as I was recuperating from my latest surgery and therapy on my leg. As it took them 4 months to come back with a preliminary design, which me and Mom chewed on for a month before requesting changes. In the end. When the funds were available, so was the design. It only took some tweaking to set it to the properties before work began. We would have 18 apartments rentable and 34 condos for sale. On our share of the building. Parking under the building and shaded parking off to one side. We were keeping 2 condos. One for us and another for grandma. By 2002 we were moved in. Mom and Grandma sold their homes for a nice profit.

By 2003 my dividends were rolling in and on my 16th birthday I was using my Amazon stock as the piggy bank it was. Buying myself a 2003 Jeep Tj with a roof tent, winch, extra off-road lights, and hitch for a bike rack. Mom just laughed at me, as she knew I was taking it to the beach. The same beach I could walk to from the condo in about 20 minutes, or ride my bike to in 5. I just smiled a nod at her. Which made her laugh harder. I also bought my custom designed boat, and it has come in handy for running understaffed dives by me going out in the morning with the first two dives. Then I retrieve a member of the crew from one of them and we stay out as Dive Boat Three arrives to crew their next dive. We would crew the boat and let the boat crew dive with the guests. It works, but is not the long-term solution. The best part was I worked a deal to buy three new diesel outboards from the manufacturer at cost as long as we provide detailed information, on usage, for them to study.


* * *


When I finally left the party, one of the firefighters tossed my bike in the back of his truck and dropped me off at the condo complex, as that was where he and his new wife lived, too. We said our goodbyes as I headed up, checking on Mom as I entered my condo, which I bought from grandma at cost. My connecting door was always opened to Mom’s, unless I had guests, and I walked in to find her working on last-minute paperwork.

“You’re taking your boat out tomorrow?” She asked. She looked tired and I am sure she was. I did three dives today. Normally we only have staff do two. She came out of the shop to help us bleed and refill all the tanks from the day’s dives.

“Only way I see us making it work.” I said. Maybe I was a little snippy, but I was still pissed. More at Amy’s stupidity than my mom. I put a lot of time and effort into arranging an invitation to go on the trip and I had to cancel it this morning. Mom sighed as she put down her pen.

“I know you’re upset. It’s been a rough year this year and we are having problems finding staff. Just like everyone else. Even your idea about the college tuition assistance isn’t working this time.” Mom said as she rubbed her hand across her face and sighed again. We have been offering a $1000 tuition assistance to our employees. We have had success using it the past two years, but tuition goes up and not as many students are interested in working the hours we do, even though we pay above scale. We can only use so many people below 18 years old. It also takes time to train them up. We have two other under age Dive Masters, that like me, can’t act alone. We can only be the assistant to an 18 year or older Dive Master.

“Let me see if I can get Aiden or Dallas to go with me. We need to raise our college tuition assistance to $2,000 and I have that small rental property that is almost finished. We can offer that out at a reduced rent for our employees only. Just the single people, unless a couple works for us.” I said as I pulled my cell phone out to send Aiden and Dallas a text.

“I already posted a listing for Certified Dive Master and Instructors. I’ll add the new tuition amount. Once we work out your two apartments, I’ll add that too,” Said Mom as my phone dinged a text. I looked at it and groaned. It was Aiden. Hey Orion. In case you texted Dallas too, he’s in Nova Scotia for another week. I could help, but Quinn is here. My Mom finally let him come after Dad threatened to take her to court again. He’ll have to come too. It must have been the look on my face that caught her attention. “What?”

“Dallas is out of town. Aiden can go, but I would have to take Quinn, the asshole, too.” I mumbled. As much as I would like to take Aiden, he knows how to operate a boat and our procedures. I want nothing to do with Quinn.

“It’s been 5 years, Orion. I’m betting he’s changed.”

“Or I could just punch him out again and duct tape his mouth.” I said, which got me the look from Mom. Aiden was 3 years older, and Quinn was the same age as me. Quinn is the total opposite of Aiden. Aiden is almost my height, Quinn is about 5 foot 2. Aiden is a soft-spoken person, Quinn is a loud-mouthed ass. Aiden was helpful during those years I was injured. Quinn was hurtful with constant comments. I like Aiden, I don’t like Quinn. I gave myself an internal shake. At the end of the day we needed help and I know I can count on Aiden, even if I have to duct tape Quinn into a chair to keep him quiet and out of the way.

“I’ll talk with Aiden and pay him the usual. If Quinn works too, I’ll pay the standard newbie rate.” I said, resigned to the fact I was going to take them both, regardless. If only to put Mom’s fears to rest, as she hates it when I run out to the dive site alone on my boat. That response prompted her to stand and hug me.

“OK. Have a good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“You too Mom. I’ll be leaving early. Spina’s should be coming with the delivery at 6:30 am. I want to make sure I topped off the boat’s fuel before they arrive so the tank can settle before refueling.” She nodded as she packed up her laptop and paperwork. We had a 1500 gallon double walled and enclosed diesel fuel tank. In the busy season, that lasts us 3 days. We get topped off on Mondays and Fridays, but this week, our neighbor had issues with his pump and we had been supplying his two fishing boats with fuel. He’s paying the cost of the Sunday delivery surcharge for us to top off our tank. Then we should make it to Friday.

“OK. I’ll be in by the time the truck arrives.” I nodded as I dialed Aiden’s number and let him know the plan for the day.




Aiden’s phone rang, and he left the room to speak to whomever it was as I continued watching the show. Dad went to bed already, as he had to be at work early. I heard the sounds of laughter and Aiden rummaging around in his room before he came back. Smiling.

“Let’s get to bed. We have to go to work early tomorrow.” He said as he grabbed the remote and shutdown the TV.

“Hey. I was watching that and I don’t have a job. You can get up early and go to work.” I said as he towered over me. I always hated how short I was compared to him, and everyone else, for that matter.

“You remember Orion?” Aiden asked with that smirk of his. My hand unconsciously went to touch my nose. Slightly deformed from Orion, breaking it. “Tomorrow will be your chance to show him you’re not the insecure asshole that used to call him names in school. He probably won’t even punch you again. Which you deserved back then. Now. Get your ass up and pull out your beach clothes. Long sleeve swim shirt and shorts. Wear the nonskid deck sneakers. Orion needs help and we are it. He’s even paying us. You work. You get paid. You mouth off and I’ll let him pop you in the nose again. He’s not that skinny kid that limped or used a cane or crutches that you remember.” Said my brother as he tossed the controller down on the coffee table. Arms crossed against his chest as he waited for me to get up. I know he saw the fear flash across my face as he smirked that annoying smirk of his. He uncrossed his arms and held a hand out to me and spoke in a softer voice. “You provoked him. Daily sometimes. You payed the price. Now. You can man up and be civil. Apologize to Orion for being an asshole. Explain to him why you were an asshole or you can continue being an asshole. If you think that will fly any better tomorrow than it did those years ago. Go for it. I won’t intervene when he pounds on you this time. Not even sure I could stop him now, anyway.” Aiden finished as I took his hand and he pulled me up into a hug.

“Be nice to him, Q, and he will be nice to you. Very nice once you let him get to know you. I’ll be there too. You’ll like him. He’s a good person. If you sit him down and talk to him. He will listen and he will forgive you. You piss him off and he’ll straighten your ass right out. He doesn’t play games, Quinn. Let down the walls and let him in.” Aiden whispered before he kissed the top of my head and pushed me towards my room.

I sat down hard on my bed and I felt the tear that slipped down my face. Just another of many that have fallen before. My hand made quick work of it before I stood and pulled out what I needed for tomorrow before crawling into bed. The air conditioner made it just cold enough that I pulled the light cover up over my boxer clad body.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Just now, andrewj said:

A promising beginning to a new story. Thank you, keep writing 

Thanks for the comment andrewj!

It's already at 6 chapters. Should finish out at 12, maybe 15.

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So many issues.  Quinn was an asshole in school. What will Quinn do now? How will Orion respond?

Quarters will be close on the boat. 

I am looking forward to see how this story develops.

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4 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Ah, so Quinn like Orion and instead of being upfront was like a little kid hitting the person they like on the playground, except he was the one that got punched.

An interesting start, glad we got some of the backstory to start with, helps to keep everything straight moving forward, so to speak.  

We’ll see how *coughes* straight the story turns out going forward. 🤣

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49 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

So many issues.  Quinn was an asshole in school. What will Quinn do now? How will Orion respond?

Quarters will be close on the boat. 

I am looking forward to see how this story develops.

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

The beautiful thing about reading is the answer is just a chapter or two away.., should be interesting!

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1 hour ago, CincyKris said:

Hmm, sounds like Quinn had a little Napoleon syndrome and over compensated with his mouth.  Maybe a crush, too?  Kids are dumb.  Except for Orion, who sounds like a super-over-achiever.  How does Caleb fit into this?  I'm looking forward to more.

Thanks for the comment CincyKris!

I’m thinking it was a little of all of the above. As for Caleb. He conveniently lives in the same building as Orion and I needed another voice…but he earner a spot in future chapters as payment for his assistance. 😀

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Intriguing beginning.  I have known some persons with various types of compensation for being short.  One person memorized over 600 yearbook pictures of kids in his high school so he could call them by name and help incline them toward friendship to him.  Another became a quiet brainiac who would quietly help persons with their understanding of schoolwork, with the understanding that they would help protect him if necessary.  I have know a few others who became belligerent and ended up driving away many who could have been good friends.

I look forward to seeing the interactions of the persons introduced thus far in the narrative. 

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Another adventure at sea and I'm already hooked! Orion seems like a great character, not only survivor but brave and intelligent guy. Due to his diving and other exciting jobs he does, I expect a lot of excitement in this story. 

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7 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Intriguing beginning.  I have known some persons with various types of compensation for being short.  One person memorized over 600 yearbook pictures of kids in his high school so he could call them by name and help incline them toward friendship to him.  Another became a quiet brainiac who would quietly help persons with their understanding of schoolwork, with the understanding that they would help protect him if necessary.  I have know a few others who became belligerent and ended up driving away many who could have been good friends.

I look forward to seeing the interactions of the persons introduced thus far in the narrative. 

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

Interesting, 600 student's names memorized!? I could barely remember 30. Anyway, Quinn is based on someone I knew. He was a loud-mouthed little shit, but once you got to know him or throw him off the pier like I did. He turned out to be a cool kid.

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7 minutes ago, Cane23 said:

Another adventure at sea and I'm already hooked! Orion seems like a great character, not only survivor but brave and intelligent guy. Due to his diving and other exciting jobs he does, I expect a lot of excitement in this story. 

Thanks for the comment Cane23!

if it's not apparent. Lol...I like the water, and a lot of my stories will deal with it in one form or another. Sailing and diving are high on my list of things I don't do anymore and wish I could. 

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Just now, drsawzall said:

Quinn...it's called maturity and being honest not only with yourself but others...

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

Yes. Quinn has issues... and reasons for those issues... which come out later. 😇

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