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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,407 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
This story is not for everyone! If you don't feel comfortable with ANY of the above. Please don't read!

Tragedia Et Amor - 2. Chapter 2

Hello everyone,
Here is the next installment of Tragedia Et Amor.
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

“Orion my man. It’s another beautiful day in Port-A.” I said to myself. The chill of the air as the sun was just starting to lighten the sky was just what I needed as I coasted into Dive Texas’s parking lot with my bike before I walked over to the snack shop slash breakfast bar. As I grabbed a coffee and breakfast sandwich, I gave my order for sandwiches for the four of us, plus drinks and snacks I wanted packed with them. Edna would have it all ready by the time I sent someone over to pick them up at 7:30 am. Those I would throw in the cooler on my boat. Eating as I walked back to the dive shop and the boat docks; I checked the fuel tank’s level.

“That’s what I thought.” I said to the world at large as I headed for my boat to bring it over. It took me 5 minutes to toss the lines, fire it up, move to the fueling dock, and start pumping. I heard the voices behind me as I finished fueling and dragged the hose back to its position.

“Just grab Boat One and bring it over to the fuel dock, please.” I yelled out as I started the engines as Aiden waved acknowledgment back. I went to grab the lines and froze as I locked eyes with Quinn. The cold feeling that frosted my eyes didn’t come from the cool air. He turned away as his brother told him what to do while climbing aboard. I flipped my lines off the dock cleats and shifted them to the other side of my boat before moving it back into its slot. I arrived back at the fuel dock as they pulled alongside.

It didn’t take long before I heard Mom’s car arrive, followed by the low rumble of the big diesel as the Spina’s Fuels delivery truck was backing in. I ran over to open the gate so they could access the tank just as Aiden pulled the nozzle out of the last boat to be filled. I did another check of the tank level and sighed, as I might have gotten the bottom of the tank in the last fill-up. Mom came out to take over, handing me a clip board loaded with paperwork. A glance told me what it was, and I exhaled tiredly.

“Yes. It needs to be done now. Should have been done before they touched anything.” She said as I nodded, heading off to handle it. Waving the other two to stay on the boat as I walked up to the dock.

“We, or should I say you two, have paperwork to do, so I can pay you for today.” I said as I stepped on deck, shifting the paperwork and pulling out the sheets I needed filled out. 10 minutes later, I had sent Quinn up to the shop to hand it to my mother. Obviously, they were talking because he came back 15 minutes later in a good mood until he saw me glance in his direction with a frown as Aiden and I worked to set out the tanks needed for today. Some were just tanks, others were full-setups, which I was working on as Aiden showed Quinn how to read the daily order list. Which Mom had already changed from yesterday’s as we had reservation changes. I sighed as Aiden sent Quinn to ask me a question.

“Do we have more Nitrox 30 or do we need to fill more? We are short four c80’s.” He asked with a hint of attitude. I’m sure he did not know what he just asked me. My head swung as I stood and looked around the tank bay. I exhaled between my lips.

“OK. I’ll fill 4 more. Can you move these 6 c60 set-ups over to cage B please?” I said as I turned and walked off to grab the cart and empties I needed. Not even waiting for an answer. I was unhappy that our day was starting out with tank change orders, and we don’t have the crew to handle that. Plus, I’ll have to do a walk around and verify we set out the right tanks and I still need to finish the setup on 4 more. It just hit me I didn’t even say hello to either of them yet. Such a nice way to treat people that are doing you a favor.




It didn’t take long before Quinn came back, lugging a set-up to cage B. He mentioned what Orion said gruffly and went to grab another tank.

“Q. Take the cart over by cage C. Don’t kill yourself on the first day.” I said. Quinn spun on me with that tough guy pose.

“What the fuck do you mean? First. Day. Did you see the look he gave me when we arrived? He hasn’t even said hello yet to either of us,” Quinn spat out. Which made me smirk, as I had been watching them both. Like the collision of two suns. One beautiful explosion is going to come out of that. I sighed to myself.

“Listen. He called us because they are shorthanded. Remember Mike and Pam? They work here too and are up in Dallas for a wedding this weekend. Mrs. Hansen had to fire someone two days ago, and they were already shorthanded. All the businesses in town are this year. Orion is trying to fix that, but he needs help. Since I wasn’t working today. Here we are. So, smile. Do the job. Let go of the bullshit and get paid. If you work hard today, Orion will hire you.”

“Like he’s the boss.” He snapped back. I gave him the look that asked, are you fucking stupid?

“You didn’t pay any attention to anything I’ve told you, obviously. On the drive home tonight, I will point out what he owns and what the family owns since his accident.” I dropped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “He didn’t just punch you out, so that’s a good sign. If you survive today, he’s desperate enough. He might hire you full time for the summer.” I smirked at him. Which I knew would crank him up, but I wasn’t kidding about Orion being desperate today. He already told me we were working 3 dives. And that’s not normal. At least it wasn’t the three years I worked here, and the night dive crew was covered.

“Why would I want to work here?” Quinn asked.

I place one finger in the air. “It pays well. Even if you are under 18 because they can train you to be a Jr. Dive Master like Orion is.” I raised a second finger. “Just like me going to college, they have tuition benefits.” I raised a third finger. “It’s hard work, but fun.” I raised the fourth finger. “It looks good on your resume.” I raised a fifth finger. “You want him to jump your bones.” Quinn flushed a deep red as he sputtered a response. I just held my hand up in the universal sign for stop. The look he gave me might have killed some people, but I was used to it.

“You know nothing.” He said as he turned to finish what he was doing.

“Bingo.” I muttered to myself.




I was shocked when we came around the building and I saw the guy that was re-rolling the fuel hose. That couldn't be Orion. He’s not skinny anymore and his sandy blond hair is long. Just down to his shoulders, but longer than most people. He moved with careful grace. I didn’t see any limp, but I could tell he would favor the left leg occasionally. Dressed in track pants and a light wind breaker that was unzipped and when he stood, allowed me to see his chest and the well-formed pecs under the red Dive Texas logo t-shirt. He yelled out an order as he started the engines, which Aiden waved back as he turned us to another boat. Beginning to tell me what to do. His eyes turned on us, then on me. I almost recoiled as I watched the dark, smiling eyes turn colder than arctic ice as they locked on me.

That was how our morning started. No hello, just get to work. I did my best, even though I do not know what is going on or what I need to do. Aiden seems to remember and was trying to teach me, he even had me go ask Orion a question. I was, of course, aggravated and had an attitude when I asked. Then it was like he was blowing me off as he exhaled between his lips and told me what to do over his shoulder as he walked away. I grabbed one of the set-ups and took it to cage B as told. It was heavy, but I managed. Then Aiden teased me before he told me to grab a cart to move the tank set-ups. I heard other people talking loud as they entered the tank area that Orion greeted and gave instructions. Greeted them but not us. I huffed as I finished what I was doing as Orion disappeared into the shop itself.




The shop crew was just arriving, and I was happy to see them as I issued directions before I popped into the shop. Mom had the items I needed, and I tossed them over my arm as I grabbed the chart of clients I needed for the refresher in 20 minutes. Another of the Jr. Dive Masters had arrived and was going over the schedule with Mom. Jeff, one of our Instructors slash Dive Master, was coming in early too as I walked out. Grabbing Aiden and Quinn. Tossing them long sleeved swim shirts and ball caps with Dive Texas logos.

“Here guys. Toss these on then Aiden if you could help Jeff getting his morning class set-up. Quinn, if you could run both of your clothes over to your bags. Then go over to the snack shop. Ask for the order for me. Grab yourself and Aiden whatever drinks the two of you need for the day.” My hand had flipped up and fingers displayed as I went down the list in my head. Now it was bouncing as I tried to remember what I was forgetting, because Quinn had pulled his shirt off. The sight of his thin, toned, muscular upper body caught me off guard. I almost licked my lips at the sight of his cute, suckable nubs before my brain started to work again. “Grab a gallon of water too, as well as a few protein bars and breakfast sandwiches for the two of you. Tell the cashier to put it all on my bill for IXLR-8. Got all that?” Quinn looked at me for a moment in shock as he stood there shirtless. I tilted my head slightly as my eyes wandered across his body and my tongue slipped out to caress my bottom lip.

“Yeah. I got it.” He said with that attitude again. “Your personal grocery shopper. Where do I take it?” I almost snarled at the snide remark, but thought better of it.

“Over to my boat and pack it in the cooler up forward in the cabin under the passenger seat. If it needs more ice, grab the bucket and get it from the office. Then you can come back and find me.” I said in a low tone that gave back the attitude he was giving me. His sharp nod as he pulled the new shirt on and grabbed his brothers confirmed he understood me as he walked away.

“He’s trying ‘O’. Give him some slack while he figures out how to talk to you,” Aiden said. Which caused me to sigh as I turned on him.

“I don’t forget easily. Nor do I have time for bullshit.” I said, waving a hand around to indicate everything I had to deal with on a daily basis.

“Orion. He had issues. Trust me. When he feels comfortable with you, he’ll open up and talk. All I ask is you go easy on him. Give him a chance to get to know you. Use that charm of yours to breach the walls he has created around himself.” Aiden said with all the sincerity that he always had when we talked in school, when he was helping me. My hand ran through my hair twice before I huffed out an exhale.

“Fine. I’ll try not to punch him out or duct tape his mouth shut.” Aiden’s hand landed on my shoulder and squeezed in thanks before he took off to help Jeff.

More ground crew, as I called them, showed up, as did the diving crew, while the clients arrived and the facility came to life. With all the hustle and bustle that a busy weekend could create. Boats were given the once over, even though they were cleaned last night before closing. We had clients being directed to which area they needed to go to as well. A benefit of having a purpose-built dive shop and training facility. I spotted Caleb and Barney as they rode in together and waved as I headed off to set up my area before they arrived.

20 minutes later, Quinn arrived at my side and reported everything was stowed. He even thanked me for buying breakfast and lunch. Plus the new shirts that looked good on him. I handed him a clipboard after I checked my watch. “Call everyone’s attention. Introduce yourself as my assistant and take roll call, check them off. Let me know if anyone is missing, please.” I said, before I grabbed a well-worn binder and opened it to the correct section. He, in turn, handed me a bottle of water as I did my usual scan of the high points I needed to hit as I listened to Quinn’s voice. It was a low baritone that sounded out of place, coming from someone of his physical stature. He stumbled over a few names before he relaxed and got into it. It probably didn’t hurt that I knew some of these people personally. Peter’s eyes locked on Quinn when he said his name. I know I saw the gears turning in his head. He was at the school the day I punched Quinn.

I turned on my customer service face and got to it. “Thanks Quinn.” I said with a smile as he told me everyone was here. “Let’s get down to it, people.” I started as my voice came up to carry across our slice of the training area to the 12 people I was giving the refresher to. “My name is Orion and I will be running through the highlights that a refresher is. This is not meant to teach you scuba diving, but to refresh your memory of critical points you have learned. That being said, let’s start with…”




I was pissed to be regulated to personal shopper status, but Aiden gave me a look of warning after Orion responded to my comment in a calm but authoritative tone. It only took me a few minutes to get to the snack shop and once I told the woman what I wanted, she was all smiles and asked if we needed breakfast sandwiches, too. Which I did, and she took the order, telling me it would be 5 minutes. I grabbed a few drinks and thought about it. Grabbing some protein and snack bars to add plus two gallons of water. It was a hot day, so I grabbed a tube of sunscreen too. In the end, I walked fast back to the boat as the lunch bag just came out of the cooler. Orion was right about the onboard cooler. It was a little low on ice, but was still cold. Considering the thickness of it, I wasn't surprised it stayed cold in these 80 plus degree days. Mrs. Hanson pointed me in the right direction when she saw me enter with the ice bucket.

In 20 minutes, I was back at Orion’s side as he handed me a clipboard telling me what to do. I was a little nervous at first until I realized Orion had me introduce myself as his assistant. Everyone paid close attention to my every word as Orion flipped through a training binder. Thick, plastic coated pages you had to work to turn. Once I finished, it was like he flipped a switch. Gone was the tired, hard-headed boss and out came the smiling friend that was going to hold your hand in the water. His tone was loud and authoritative as he spoke. The polite smile on my face turned to something more as I listened. Imagining him talking to me like that. Him holding me tight so I couldn’t escape as he kissed me. I gave myself an internal shake as Orion said something and people moved. He just motioned to me to follow as he moved to the center of a circle and the trainees set their gear down in pairs around the outside as in spots marked on one half. Orion gave some basic tips, as he had everyone go through their checks.

“That was a refresher. Fast and dirty to make sure people remember the safety points after not diving for a long period. I really don’t feel like pulling anyone out of the water today.” Orion said in a conspiratorial whisper as we finished and headed for the assigned boat.

“What next?” I asked. That made him smile down at me.

“We have a few minutes, and I need to change. You can come wait with me, but pop over and tell Aiden to meet us at my boat once everyone is loaded first, please.” I nodded and took off as he headed for the boat.

I stood shocked as I stopped at the boat and found Orion in just his split-side brief swimsuit. He was holding the overhead grip bars for support with one arm, while stretching his legs out to the side. Then back behind himself. Using another side rail to allow him to push his foot almost into his back. I had seen no one do that before. He shifted, with his back still towards me, and spread his hands far apart on the overhead rail before he lifted his legs out so he made the perfect L shape. Then he opened his legs and I couldn’t believe how flexible he was as they almost went straight out from the sides of his body. Top that off with the flexing of his arm, back and leg muscles. I couldn’t form coherent words when he dropped to the deck and turned to me.

“You can come aboard. I promise not to bite.” He said as he smirked at me. Stepping on the boat, I looked at his body. I had never seen the scars before. The left side of his body and back had marks, but it was his left arm and wrist had two that could barely be seen. Larger ones on his left hip were peeking out of his split side swim shorts. Thigh, knee and lower leg and ankle were a series of scars. I stared as he shifted. Giving me a better view from another angle. Then he turned slowly. I looked up and saw him staring back at me. My face burned with embarrassment as I lowered my eyes to the deck.

“You can look. Most people do not know what I went through. Your brother did. It’s time you understood.” He said in a tone that I just couldn’t place. It wasn’t anger or sadness. But it wasn’t friendly either. It was just there. My eyes looked as he turned again slowly for me to take it all in. Considering the number of scars on his leg, I am surprised he doesn’t have a serious limp. “This is the product of the accident, three operations and four years of therapy on and off.” He said again in that tone. That I finally recognized. That was the defiant tone of a survivor. Someone who shouldn’t be alive but is.

Orion continued a few more stretches before he suited up. Looking at me a few times, but not speaking. Even when Aiden came aboard and looked at me funny, then to Orion. Who spoke. “He just saw the scars for the first time.” Again, he had that defiant, powerful tone as my brother grimaced and nodded before he sat next to me.

“That’s kind of hard to see if you are not ready for it. I can’t even imagine the pain he has endured during those years he was recovering.” He said softly as he wrapped an arm around me. Pulling me in tight to his side as I buried my head against him and cried. I cried for myself. For the stupidity of the comments all those years ago. But mostly I cried for Orion and everything he had to endure, including my comments. Aiden was right. Orion was more than justified in breaking my nose.

Not a word was said by Orion as he started two of the three outboards. I had looked at the one still raised up out of the water. It had a funny-looking prop on it and the others sound like diesels. The tears had stopped as we pulled out behind the other two boats and followed them out of the harbor into the channel. Then looked back and saw the ground crew was getting everything ready for the next group of divers and another class.




Aiden had asked me to give Quinn a chance. I had to do my exercises anyway before I got suited to dive. The brilliant idea, which I usually warn people before I do, was to strip down to just my swim shorts, as I always do in private. The effect of my slow turn for Quinn to see my scarred body was as shocking as usual for those unaware of my past. His brother held him as he cried.

I never said a word as I motored us out behind the two dive boats. Boat One was going to dive site A and the other to dive site B. Separated by 2 miles, but totally different dives. We went to site A, which was a 55 foot max dive and you could see most of it without going below 40 feet. I was diving this as an assistant to Eddie. Who was our Dive Master and boat captain for that boat. I would leave Aiden and Quinn topside with Eric as the support team.

It was a beautiful day again on the water. Quinn tied us up against Dive Boat One after I put us bow to stern alongside. Tossing my tanks on, I climbed across after the two of them to greet Eddie and Eric. We were in the water in 30 minutes. Lots of fish today over this wreck created reef. There were cement pieces scattered around the bottom too, but most of the action was in the opened holds and pilot house. The best part was this group was mostly known to me as locals, which made it an easy group to work with. No stupid know-it-alls in this group. I kicked myself for not bringing my camera as the water quality was superb today and we had a few new fish swimming around.

Once everyone was back onboard, I made my rounds to the people I knew. Caleb and Peter were both Nitrox divers too and they could stay down longer. We had already been the last people to surface, and the boat was preparing for a return run to the dive center. Pulling Eric aside, I received the fast appraisal of Quinn and Aiden before I ushered them back to our boat and cast off. Waiting for the dive boat to depart before I fired up the engines and cruised over to grab Victor from Dive Boat Two. Once we had him, I pointed to the cooler and my assistant, aka Quinn, grabbed our lunch. Victor only had half of his sandwich, as he didn’t want to overeat before the dive. I was going to nap for 30 minutes as Aiden and Quinn stood the support watch on Dive Boat Three. It took me about 3 minutes to wolf down my sandwich, as I was hungry. Aiden laughed as I belched out the air I took in before I drank water. Lots of water, which Victor was doing too. It helped to make sure we weren’t getting dehydrated while diving. Some people had actual drink pouches they take, but I hated them.

We made it through Boat Three’s dive as we moved over to the next spot to meet Dive Boat Two on her way back out. We traded Victor back and headed for Dive Boat One at speed to complete our last dive of the day. As with all dives, I pulled on my special pads over my left knee and ankle. Not for protection, but warmth. I caught Quinn looking on sadly as his eyes followed my ritual. I heard him whisper as he moved closer.

“Does it hurt?” He asked timidly. As if I might explode. I paused in thought before I smiled at him, leaning in.

“Not really. The pads are to keep my extra parts warm. Bad storms bring on pains occasionally.”

“Parts?” came out almost as a gasp.

“Yeah.” I reached down and pulled the wrap on my knee down and pointed to the spots. “Metal pins and screws that hold my bones together. I get them removed and cemented next year.” I said, and his face went white. I grabbed his arm, and he looked up at me, terrified. “I will not hurt you. You just paled so fast I thought you were going to pass out.” Quinn gulped air several times, but his color returned, and I let go of him.

“Thanks.” He said timidly again, but we were at the dive site, and I needed to get to work. I nodded as I continued to suit up.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Quinn really had no idea what Orion had gone through, and finding out so in your face had to be hard.

Orion seems very organized and put together, but I would think anyone in that position would have to be.  The average person has no idea how dangerous diving can be, but you have to stay on your toes.

Everyone seemed a little calmer by the end of the chapter.  Can't wait to see what happens next.  

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Orion is a survivor. Quinn for the first time saw Orion's injuries and scars and saw him act witalized authority. He was gobsmacked and cried. He realized for the first time how traumatized Orion had been and how much he had endured and matured.

Both say each others' bodies and were turned on. I am very interested in seeing how they relate from now on. They, at least, need each other this summer.


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3 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Orion seems very organized and put together, but I would think anyone in that position would have to be.  The average person has no idea how dangerous diving can be, but you have to stay on your toes.

Thanks, centexhairysub for the comment!

How true. For the recreational divers, wreck and cave diving can be the most dangerous. But any mistake on a diver could kill you.

Diving was a never end check and re-check of equipment and timings. Had a friend that did it all right and still got hit with the bends. Spent several hours in the chamber getting the Nitrogen out. He decided to stop diving after that. He was 47 when it happened. Figuring his body just can't do it anymore. He had over 1700 hours logged. Goes to show it can happen to anyone at any time. Regretfully, I stopped in '91 due to lack of water, time and funds. I see the pictures of the spots today, that I dived in back then. here in the US and out in the Australasia area. The difference is night and day. Gone are the amazing vibrant colors and fish populations. Very sad to see.

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Orion is a survivor. Quinn for the first time saw Orion's injuries and scars and saw him act witalized authority. He was gobsmacked and cried. He realized for the first time how traumatized Orion had been and how much he had endured and matured.

Both say each others' bodies and were turned on. I am very interested in seeing how they relate from now on. They, at least, need each other this summer.


Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

I think the summer will work out well once they both wake up...

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A fresh start for Orion and Quinn, I like it. Quin didn't know about Orion's injuries...it's not excuse but kids can be such monsters in school. 

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Fascinating.  I have only read a few stories where diving is featured.  The amount of understandable detail in this story is better than any other I have read.  Did you write diving manuals at one time?

Sounds like Quinn has matured a lot in several years.

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6 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

 The amount of understandable detail in this story is better than any other I have read.  Did you write diving manuals at one time?

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

No writing of diving manuals. Did write a few ISO 9002/9004 and 9014 policies and procedures for manufacturing. Once upon a time.

As for Diving. From memory mostly. Surprisingly, I have trouble remembering names of streets, people, places, but if I have done it personally, I never forget how to do it. I can tell you how to get to anyplace or do anything I have previously done. But I'll have to look up the proper names for clarity. 

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6 hours ago, Cane23 said:

A fresh start for Orion and Quinn, I like it. Quin didn't know about Orion's injuries...it's not excuse but kids can be such monsters in school. 

Thanks for the comment Cane23!

Fresh starts are always good. Quinn knew, but if you've never seen the marks and scars, you really wouldn't understand the extent of the injuries. I don't think everyone would know the number of surgeries he needed. 

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Let's see what happens when they talk to each other, not at each other...small steps portend a promising change....

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Just now, drsawzall said:

Let's see what happens when they talk to each other, not at each other...small steps portend a promising change....

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

Miracles have been known to happen...

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