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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,924 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
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Tragedia Et Amor - 3. Chapter 3

Hello everyone! Here is the next chapter for you reading pleasure. Enjoy!

I pulled myself up the ladder as Quinn reached over to help me. I shook my head no as I continued my climb with my twin tank set up, which was heavy. When I reached the top and stepped onto the deck, I looked over at Quinn. He wasn’t happy as I started popping the releases on my weight belt and other gear. I waited until Quinn came closer.

“If I need help, I’ll call for it. Otherwise, please don’t help me the…” But he heard nothing beyond the first sentence as he walked away from me before I could finish. In surrender, my hands went up. No need for this crap. This is a business I run. I always have a cheerful face when interacting with customers. Once we were ready to get underway, I grabbed Aiden and Quinn to ride back with me. I had the lines released as I pulled us back before I dropped the third engine into the water. Bringing it to life as I waited for Dive Boat One to move.

“Come here Quinn.” I said as I leaned against the seat. Both hands gripped the wheel tight as he came over to stand next to me. I moved away from the seat and pointed to it. Quinn looked at me, then at the seat and back again.

“I guess I’m your dog or slave or something.” He spat.

“Do yourself a favor and sit the fuck down before I shove my dick down your throat to shut you up.” I practically bellowed at him. Aiden jumped up as Quinn stood staring at me with wide-eyed disbelief.

“Orion. Chill man. What did he do?” Asked Aiden.

“For starters stomping away when I tried to tell him why I didn’t want help climbing up the ladder.” I said as I stared down at Quinn before I turned to Aiden. “Perhaps you could explain that to him after I show him what I want him to do now.” I turned back to Quinn. Locking eyes with him, then the command chair and back to him.

He reluctantly climbed up into it as I spoke. “This is the throttle set. One stick for each engine. Keep them even at all times. We are making a run as the water is smooth, so go to 90 percent and hold it until we near the channel. Follow the track with the little boat on this screen. That is our Nav Screen. Watch in front of us for floating objects and don’t turn hard. Little movements will get you where you need to be. Think you can handle it while I change and put my leg up for a bit?” I didn’t wait for his answer as I turned to Aiden.

“You can monitor him while I change?” Aiden nodded. I moved, then stopped and waited. Finally, I reached out and took Quinn’s left hand, placing it on the wheel and the right hand, and set it on the throttles. Then I closed my hand, and his, around the sticks and pushed them forwards a quarter until the engines leveled out, then pushed them slowly up to 90 percent before I released his hand after setting it on the wheel too. “It would be nice if we made it into the dock tonight. I have to work tomorrow.”

I experienced pain, but it’s normal. Nothing new. What’s new is being near Quinn. I can’t decide if I want to hug him or pummel him. Many thoughts, memories I’ve tried for years to forget, pain, Quinn, work, home, beach, bike riding, fishing and finding new employees crowded my mind as I peeled off my wetsuit. Once I had stripped down to my shorts, I took a minute to cool off as we jetted across the water. Aiden was sitting next to his brother, an arm across Quinn’s shoulders. His lips were moving as I know he was talking. Pointing occasionally or making a course correction. Then I remembered. Quinn may not know how to drive a boat. He’s been at his mother’s for the last four years. And of course I lost my temper at him. Both hands reached out, massaging my leg as I sat back in thought. We had passed Dive Boat One and pulled in front of them, continuing on to the channel. Changing back into my track pants before I grabbed a protein bar and had something to drink.




What the fuck was that? Orion went from happy, smiling, to exploding. Loud and snarling in an instant. Bellowing in my face. Even Aiden was shocked by that. I do not know how to drive a boat like this and he wants me to sit in the seat. Not asking, but pointing to it. I was confused about what I had done wrong when he spoke to Aiden because I was angry that he wouldn’t let me help him. Then Aiden explained. He wears a twin tank set up. It weighs almost 100 pounds. You could have inadvertently knocked him off balance, causing him to fall if you didn’t provide the correct help. Possibly hurting both of you. I peeked out of the corner of my eye and saw him sitting in those skimpy tight shorts that look so good on him as he rubbed his leg. That, too, made me feel bad. I would do that for him. Slowly kneed his aching muscles. All too soon, he covered himself up. Which I guess is a good idea. His scars would be as shocking to most people as they were to me. Suddenly, Aiden moved away from me. I looked and Orion was now standing behind me. His tone was smooth and commanding as he spoke.

“Reduce power to one third for entrance into the channel.” Orion said from just behind my shoulder. I did it. The weight on my shoulder surprised me, and my head whipped around to look at Orion. He smiled at me as he motioned with his chin to look forward as his hand squeezed my shoulder before he removed it. He only spoke when he needed to tell me what to do or correct something I was doing. Aiden smiled over at me as he went to get the lines ready while Orion told me how to maneuver over to the dock.




I was tired and in pain. It had been a long day. To top that off, I rode my bike in today. I sighed as I climbed out of the boat with all my gear. Heading for the tank bay, I checked and Aiden took Quinn to help clean the boats as I started helping the ground crew bleed tanks and refill as needed for tomorrow. One girl cranked up the music, creating a festive mood. The word is that today’s tips were just as good as yesterday’s. It would work out to 10 dollars a head. Several individuals have expressed dissatisfaction as they believed the tips should only benefit the boat crews, however, Mom clarified that Dive Texas’s policy mandated all employees to receive a share of the tips, as it was the collective effort of all employees that made the guests’ day memorable. Not only the crews that took them out. Aiden had come into the tank bay 40 minutes later.

“Quinn is cleaning up your boat. Changing out the garbage and washing out the cooler. He said it stunk and needed to be cleaned.” Said Aiden over the music, which made me lift an eyebrow in question. He just smiled. And I knew that smile. He wasn’t getting involved in whatever was happening.

We finished up within 30 minutes and I thanked everyone before I turned and motioned for Aiden to go over to the shop as I walked out towards my boat. Minutes ago, I saw Quinn going back to it with the ice bucket. And he was just appearing as I reached it. Making the hand motion to wait a minute, I stepped onboard and did a quick look around. Even popped open the cooler. Quinn was right, it needed to be cleaned, and he filled it halfway with ice, which should last several days as the drinks were already cool.

“It looks good. Thank you, but you didn’t have to clean this boat. It’s mine, not the company’s.” I said softly as I waved him to follow me.

“You had a long day, and it needed to be done. So I did it. Don’t pay me for that time.” He replied just as softly as he followed me into the shop. Aiden watched as I took Quinn into the office and hung up my key ring in my slot and turned to the desk. Punching the code into the push button lock to unlock the drawer to retrieve my wallet and keys before pulling out a 20 dollar bill and handed it to Quinn.

“Thanks for cleaning my boat. Come on. You can tell Mom what days you want to work and she can get you set up with a schedule.” I said as I moved, but stopped as I watched Quinn stare at the 20 I just gave him before he stuffed it in his pocket and turned to me.

“My brother said you were desperate. Is that why you’re going to hire me, anyway?” He asked with a little heat. Not that I really blamed him.

“Maybe that is a part of it. Maybe not. Maybe I am trying to give you a chance, but need to level the playing field for you first. Isn’t that what they say on your soccer team? Learn all you can about the opposing team so you can understand their actions and win? If it upsets you. You don’t have to take the job or even have to work with me while you are here. So when we get out front. The decision is yours. Either you ask her to put you on schedule or you don’t and you can just leave with your pay for today and that will be the end of it.” I finished and motioned for him to go in front of me. Not just a little frustrated, but then he doesn’t know me either and that he’s pushing all the buttons. Just like he always did. Aiden gave me a knowing look as we exited the office, and I moved over by him to let Quinn decide alone.

“You have your usual frustrated look. Remember. People don’t read minds, not even you.” Said Aiden as he placed a hand on my shoulder in support and squeezed gently. I nodded as I watched Quinn, and my mom talk. In a few minutes, she handed him a paper and the corners of my lips lifted slightly. “Ah. You’re happy about that.” Whispered Aiden as he squeezed my shoulder again before removing his hand. My face returned to its neutral expression as Quinn turned and approached us. Mom gave me a satisfied nod before she turned back to work.

“I’m on during the week to train when it’s not as hectic. Then I’ll start picking up weekends.” Said Quinn with a smile at his brother before he turned to me and my expression. He faltered until I gave him a nod of acceptance.

“Welcome aboard the never-ending cycle of pushing people into the water and helping them out again, that is working at Dive Texas. Don’t forget we pay 2000 towards college too and that’s per semester.” I said in my usual satiric way that made Aiden chuckle.

“You never change. Do you ‘O’?” Aiden asked. I always liked it when he used his term of endearment for me, and this time was no different. Even Quinn picked up on it.

“I do change, actually.” I turned my head slightly to look at Quinn. “When I feel the benefits out way the drawbacks.” Which made Aiden pat me on the shoulder again. Awfully touchy-feely today. I thought to myself as I changed the subject. “Anyway. Thanks for the help today, guys. We appreciate it. I need to get home and do some planning before bed.”

“I saw you brought the bike. Do you want a lift? I wanted to give Quinn a tour of your town on the way home.” Aiden gave me his look again when I turned on him with a snort.

“Yeah. My town. OK. Whatever you say and yes. I’ll take the ride.” I said as I walked over to Mom. “I’m going to order pizza and invite Aiden and Quinn. Did you want a salad too?” She looked at me curiously before she said she did. With the basic oil and vinegar dressing, before she kissed my cheek and waved to Aiden and Quinn, thanking them again for their help today.

I grabbed the phone and tapped out a number I knew by heart and placed the order for two pies. Looking over at Quinn. “Pizza. What toppings?” he hesitated before Aiden nudged him. “Pepperoni is fine. Garbage pies are good too.” He said, and I nodded, finishing the order.

We tossed my bike on Aiden’s roof rack and headed out of the parking lot. “Right turn.” I said, which had Aiden smiling in the rear-view mirror as he knew what I was doing.

“Left on Cross Street, then a right on Clamshell Lane.”

“Isn’t that the new development?”

“Not new as much as it is a build as need development. It’s all for local housing. Two or three-bedroom homes. I’m just finishing up a side-by-side one-bedroom unit. Which I am already advertising for use as we need it at the shop.” We pulled up and Aiden stopped. As I looked out the window. “Outside is done. Just needs to be finished inside.” I said as Aiden pulled away and we went back out to the main road.

“The Pizza Palace?” Aiden asked.

“Yeah. Should be just about done. Swing around Anderson Way.” He did as we came up on a set of townhomes. “We just sold off the last one. The only project left now is the third campground down Route 361. That will be ready by October for winter.”

“They do that good?”

“It’s good enough that I can use the sites for work campers. People who travel and want to stay in one place for months. We hire for the season and use the sites as bait and pay minimum wage for all hours after the first 10. Been working out good for a few of the businesses in town as we use reduced cost seasonal spots for them. And it’s great for the high season. No need to house workers year-round, like with county employees. We’ve even got a couple arriving next week that want to stay on over winter. We can train them now for the shop and boats. The husband has boating experience and a license. It will allow us to relax a little this year and plan the business instead of working the business. It’s a win-win for everyone.” I said just as we arrived at the Pizza Palace.

10 minutes later, we entered the security lane, and I told Aiden to pull up so my window was at the guard’s position. Julio was on duty as I opened the window and waved before the car stopped next to him. He had the clipboard ready and smiled when he saw me. Writing the car information after I spoke in flawless Spanish to him, which he acknowledges in flawless English. I thanked him and told Aiden to pull over to the guest spots so we could unload my bike. Quinn carried the pizza and salad as we entered the building. I gave the same instructions to the front desk as I did the gate. Aiden and Quinn showed them I.D.’s which they scanned into the system and took pictures to load into the system too.

“You have access to visit now.” I said as I popped my bike up on its rear wheel and entered the elevator that whisked us up to the top floor.

“That’s more security than I remember.” Said Aiden, part statement, part question.

“Well… Our co-owner is very well off and wanted the security so he could come here in peace. Since he is my uncle’s boss...” I shrugged, “He chips in 100 grand, and we do too for the extra, which we decided was good enough for the front gate and the marina. The condo fees cover the front desk and part of the marina. It works out well and with Aiden’s car, you can come over unannounced. If you get a car, Quinn, we’ll add yours too.” Quinn gave me a shocked glance.

“You own this?” Quinn asked slowly as I opened my door and stepped in. They both looked out of the wall of glass that overlooked the north, east and southern views, looking stunned. Then realized I lived in a two-level unit that was open over the living room and had a bridge that extended from the upstairs to the upper-level balcony.

“The complex? We are 50/50 owners with a high-end investor my uncle knows. This condo? I bought from my grandma when she moved up to Colorado last year.” I said as they took in the view out over the channel, both the inner and outer basins, Lydia Ann Channel and San Jose Island, Redfish Bay, Aransas Bay and the Gulf. We dropped the pizzas on the table, and I tossed the salad into the refrigerator. “Here, take a look.” I said as I led the way outside. My balcony was the last on the building. I also had access out onto the roof that I had built in and a stretching slash meditation area with a full set of bars for my exercises. Plus, the added views allowed me to see all the way to Corpus Christie down behind us. I pointed out another ship coming up the channel. Technically, if you could check my personal corporation, I owned 3 units here as I had been buying out the condos that come on the market. Another case of the Amazon piggy bank account at work. With just over 100,000 shares left, I had a few more plans before I stopped burning through those. With my dividends kicking in, I may not need to.

They left 30 minutes after we ate. I would see Quinn tomorrow, but I only worked in the morning until lunch. Mom had the morning off and will be in after lunch. Right now, I need to soak in my thermal jet tub to ease the pain. I heard Mom come in next door and popped my head through the connecting door.

“Pizza and your salad are in my fridge. I’m heading for my tub. I’ll be out in 20 minutes.” I said as Mom put her bag down, looking over at me. Concern written on her face.

“Pain?” she started, then sighed. “That’s fine. I’ll eat at your table and dirty your dishes.” She finished with a smile. Which means she wants to talk about business. I nodded before I took off, hearing the faucet run as she filled the kettle for the tea she would make. I paused and glanced at the pictures. My eyes zeroed in on the laminated newspaper photos. Three of them. One was the last picture taken of my dad. He was standing with the Chamber of Commerce President getting an award. The second photo was of me at the funeral on the boat. Laying on the gurney surrounded by family and friends. The third shot captured all the boats on the bay that day. Paying their respects to my family. “Miss you dad.” I whispered to the universe before I continued to the bathroom and my hot soak.




Aiden drove us home. He tried to start a conversation, but I was too far lost in my own thoughts. I can close my eyes and still see every mark, every scar on Orion’s body. Not even being able to imagine the pain that caused him or how he functions with pain every day. A hand dropped onto my shoulder.

“Hey. Congratulations. You survived a day without Orion punching you out. Good job Quinn.” Said Aiden as I flipped him off before getting out and heading into the house. He was right. I survived Orion, and he hates me. Not. That I ever did anything to make him like me. Him showing me his scars were as calculated as a slap in the face. He did it that way on purpose. I thought as I tossed my bag on the bed before I grabbed my clothes for a shower. To top it off. I currently work there, with the potential for both good and bad outcomes, starting with tomorrow morning. I’ll have to walk, as Aiden and Dad will be gone before I leave.

“How did you make out today, kiddo?” My Dad asked. I didn’t even hear him come down the hall.

“Good. I can have a full 40 hours a week if I want it. I need to be in by 6 am tomorrow.”

“That’s great!” He said with a big smile and gave me a man hug. “I’m off early Tuesday and all-day Wednesday. We could run up to Corpus Christie and get you a bike?” Dad said. I just smiled because it would be better than walking and I don’t have a driver’s license yet as Mom won’t let me get one.

“OK. We could. I’m only working half days, tomorrow and Tuesday. So probably Tuesday?” Dad nodded.

“Sounds good. I’ll grab you from here or the dive shop and we’ll get lunch on the way.”




I was on my way out to work early and when the doors opened on the elevator, I found a smiling Orion. He waited for me to get in before he tapped the close door button.

“Morning Mr. Hansen. How are you today, sir?” I said, which made him bend over in the deepest belly laugh I’ve ever heard from him. “You are obviously in a mood.” I said, and he was still laughing as he waggled his hand at me.

“No. Not really, but that just hit me at the right time.” He said. Which I nodded as the doors opened. We headed for the parking lot.

“Are you coming to the get together this Thursday night?”

“Possibly. I must check my schedule. Word is going out among the locals?” He asked.

“As many as we can get to come.” I said as he unlocked his Jeep.

“I’ll see if I can scare up some more. Maybe I can talk Mom into it.” He said as he waved while getting in his Jeep and I stepped up into the truck, dropping my windows to continue talking.

“Well, I certainly hope you can invite that guy that was on your boat Sunday.” I said. Orion looked over at me.

“Which one. The tall one or the short one?”


“That’s Aiden. His little brother Quinn is my age. I’ll check and see if they can go.”

“OK. Thanks.” I said. Not really wanting both, but I think I understand. There was something between Orion and the shorter one, Quinn. I shrugged as he pulled out and I started my car. Maybe he likes fun sized guys.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Divorce can be hellacious for kids and fathers.  Even though most states are supposed to consider rights of both parents -- the reality is females get more rights in child custody than men in most cases.

I think Caleb was not trying to be malicious.  But he is wondering what's going on.

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I thought this was an interesting way to make Quinn be quiet and listen 

“Do yourself a favor and sit the fuck down before I shove my dick down your throat to shut you up.” 

Not a typical conversation…. But they do have history, do they even know they are each gay?

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2 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Divorce can be hellacious for kids and fathers.  Even though most states are supposed to consider rights of both parents -- the reality is females get more rights in child custody than men in most cases.

I think Caleb was not trying to be malicious.  But he is wondering what's going on.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

True on both accounts. My God kids went through hell with the divorce. The supposed, in the best interests of the children is a fallacy in this state.

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1 hour ago, VBlew said:

I thought this was an interesting way to make Quinn be quiet and listen 

“Do yourself a favor and sit the fuck down before I shove my dick down your throat to shut you up.” 

Not a typical conversation…. But they do have history, do they even know they are each gay?

Thanks for the comment VBlew!

Aiden knows they are both gay.

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Quinn just doesn't know enough yet, but with starting to work he will learn soon, that something it is just easier and safer to do yourself on a dive boat.  Orion wasn't being an ass, but he did not take time to explain, luckily Aiden did.

Orion and Quinn obviously have some mutual attraction and hate both working; we will see which one wins out and when for each.  

Quinn found a job for the summer, and it will help him going to college as well, a sweet deal.

Why won't his mother let him get a license?  And thought that Grandma moved to Colorado not Dallas?

Like Caleb but just keep getting glances of him, hope to see more.

Nice chapter can't wait to see what happens next.  

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2 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Why won't his mother let him get a license?  And thought that Grandma moved to Colorado not Dallas?

Crap... Fixed and the k in Thanks too. Thanks, for the catch centexhairysub! Was thinking the investor, when I should have been thinking Grandma.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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2 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Quinn just doesn't know enough yet, but with starting to work he will learn soon, that something it is just easier and safer to do yourself on a dive boat.  Orion wasn't being an ass, but he did not take time to explain, luckily Aiden did.

Orion and Quinn obviously have some mutual attraction and hate both working; we will see which one wins out and when for each.  

Like Caleb but just keep getting glances of him, hope to see more.

Nice chapter can't wait to see what happens next.  

Orion and Quinn have bad blood between them... they just don't know why yet. 

We'll see Caleb again off and on. luckily for me he lives in the same building as Orion, so I can tap him for a scene here and there as needed.

As always, thanks for the comments centexhairysub!

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I think both Orion and Quinn suffer from DSB, (Deadly Semen Back-up) and should be forced to rub one out twice before bed and three times before work...

I get the feeling something has to give and hopefully there isn't any blood splatter...

  • Haha 3
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19 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

I think both Orion and Quinn suffer from DSB, (Deadly Semen Back-up) and should be forced to rub one out twice before bed and three times before work...

I get the feeling something has to give and hopefully there isn't any blood splatter...

LOL! 🤣🤣🤣 That's just perfectly worded. Remember DSB for the later chapters... It will cum into play...

  • Haha 3
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