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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,434 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 7. Chapter 7

Hi everyone and here is the next installment.

The console chimed as I crossed the hanger threshold to let me know someone was watching from the viewing gallery as a window opened on the main view port to display the twins standing side by side. Smiling as they waved to me. I waved back as I tapped out a direct Link and opened the channel.

“Welcome back, our boyfriend.” Sounded through the Bridge in perfect unison from the two of them. Tom smiled as he looked back at Rachel.

“Hello my beloveds. Camile and Roman. May I introduce Tom and Rachel? Two of my oldest friends and my crew for this trip. Tom. Rachel. This is Camile and Roman Malachi. My boyfriend and girlfriend.” Tom and Rachel greeted them as I dropped us down into the position, I needed for unloading and engaged the Docking Clamps as Tom turned to start the unloading.

“We should be about 20 minutes, my beloveds. I’ll meet you in the B-Hanger lounge?” I asked. There was no sense in them waiting at the Lock for us to unload and grab our gear after I slide us over to another spot on the Dock to clear the Ore unloading position.

“Sounds good Marc. We’ll see you in a few, our boyfriend,” Roman said as he laid his arm across his sister’s shoulders, and they headed towards the lounge as the Link closed.

“They seem nice, but isn’t it difficult to have a relationship with two people related like that?” Asked Rachel, as she downloaded the newest navigation updates as we unloaded.

“It’s a work in progress. They figured out that when we walk arm in arm, they have to snuggle into me instead of using me as a tug-of-war item.”

Tom snickered before he added, “Yeah. I could see that happening.”

The unloading gave me time to work out the rest of the credit vouchers for this trip before I issued them and slid us over to another Docking Slot. Having everything set, we just needed to grab our gear and head off to the lounge, where Tom and Rachel said they would just greet the twins again before they took off for the day.

As we walked into the hanger lounge, the twins jumped up and wrapped me in a hug with kisses as they whispered, “Welcome back Marc.” To me in stereophonic sound. It was 5 minutes later when we all left to go our separate ways as the twins followed me to my quarters. The Fresher was tight with the three of us in it, but the feelings of us touching each other were very much wanted by all of us. 40 minutes later, we’re back in the warm water sprays of the Fresher as we cleaned each other up after our fast love making.

Once again, I approached their family’s ship. This time I walked down the Dock between them as are our normal positions as we walked together. I held them tight to my sides until we reached the ship, then Roman took the lead and guided us to the proper cabin. We stopped outside the hatch for the prerequisite hug and passionate kiss from each of them before we entered. The group was small by my standards. Only their parents, older brother, an Aunt and Uncle with two cousins, 2 to 4 years younger than Camile and Roman. I was greeted warmly by their parents before Camile took the lead and introduced me to everyone else before we sat for light conversation and breakfast.

I chuckled at the last comment from their brother, Ronan, that I had to respond to. “Not really royalty as much as it is like living in a business office environment. Everyone has a job and we spend most of our time doing those jobs. Meals are usually the time of family gatherings to socialize with each other. We even broke a family record at lunch by having almost two minutes before the good nature teasing started.” I looked at Roman, who smiled before he leaned in to kiss me on the lips. Causing me to lean the other direction to kiss Camile afterwards. Before I locked eyes with their Mother. “And yes. Our relationship has some difficult times as well as the rewards it provides us. It continues to be a learning experience.” I said as they both leaned in to hug me. Maria smiled a nod at us.

Soon enough, the meal was over and their Father reminded them to be back by 15:00 hours. Which they both replied they would. After a series of drawn-out goodbyes from the family, we headed down to the cabin that they secured for our use this morning before we headed up to lunch. Our time together included a slow love making process and cuddle time as we talked about us and our plans. They changed into what they were wearing to lunch and we left the ship for my quarters so I could change, too.

And precisely at 11:28 hours I hugged them both to me and kissed them before asking, “Ready my beloveds for round two of my family?” Camile and Roman laughed as they hugged me tight and kissed me again.

“We are ready, our loving boyfriend.” Roman said as Camile nodded her agreement.

I keyed the hatch, and it slid open as I took them in hand to step into the family dining area. Most people were already here. We smiled at everyone as I did a quick scan of the room. “Few staff here today.” I said softly as we stepped over to the serving line.

“Hello cousins. How’s the triad doing today?” I heard from behind us as my cousin Robert stepped into line with us.

“Fine Robert. This is Camile and Roman. If you haven’t met them yet.” I said as I shifted and stepped behind and in the center of them. “Camile and Roman. This is my cousin Robert.” They traded greetings as we made small talk while filling our plates. It only took a few minutes, and I smiled as the twins had relaxed enough to grab what they wanted and go with the flow that was my family.

We sat with my parents and they had a nice discussion with the twins as I talked to Uncle Fran about the prospect of using mining drones as well as the costs of them. That turned out to be a dead end as I worked out the numbers in my head. My Mom reminded me I needed my Dress Clothes for the reception on Thursday evening. The twins were enjoying lunch today and told me so as we left. They wanted to spend some private time with me in the gardens. We have several to choose from, but they wanted the dome on the primary side of the station. 30 minutes of talking and laughing on the grass under a tree and they were ready again for a fast love making session as we made our way down to my quarters before I return them to their ship.


* * *


Entering my family’s office after I dropped off the twins. I headed straight for Mom.

“What time are we boarding ANS Revolutionary?” I asked as I sat down.

“About 18:00 hours. Dinner will be at 19:30 hours after we have made our first two jumps. Do you have your dress clothes packed for the reception tomorrow night?” She asked.

“Is it formal?”

Mom rolled her eyes at me as she gave me the look that said, “Seriously?”

“Fine.” I dragged out as she smiled before I left to head down and pack. Including my formal attire.

* * *

As we are members of the family, we were piped aboard as Alexander Family Arriving. Which was only done once as all the family members that were going for this trip boarded at the same time. Tagging behind my parents with one of my cousins, we separated as I went to my assigned quarters for this trip. And surprisingly enough, I was guided to a four-rack unit. Two sizable bunk beds with four closet/desk units. Securing my gear, I headed up to the Bridge to visit with Caitlin. After a brief hug, she let me sit in the Third Helm seat for our departure and first Jump before I had to go down and get ready for dinner. I was expected to act as a host for our guests on board that were not family members. Another duty I always try to get out of, but Mom sends Dad to remind me.

Luckily, we had scheduled it after regular crew mealtimes. That allowed us to use the Wardroom for the 47 of us that were heading up the Pipe, to Bergheim Station, for dinner. I entered the Wardroom behind my parents to be greeted by the Captain, aka my Sister, and the staff were showing us to our assigned seats. My parents were led to one side of the table as I was led to the other. I couldn’t see who I was sitting with because most of the people were standing as they mingled until we passed by a group that was talking and my eyes went wide as I looked directly into the smiling faces of Camile and Roman. Their Mother turned and smiled at me too as she gave an amused laugh.

“I thought you would like to sit with your Beloveds,” said my Mother from the other side of the table before my Father continued. “Or you could sit with us if you wanted.” He said with a smirk as I wrapped my arms around the twins for a hug and kiss.

“Nooo, thank you Dad. I’ll stay with Camile and Roman.” I said as I lifted an eyebrow in thought before I said, “I believe they can stay in my stateroom, too. As I believe, it is already assigned as such.” Then I turned back to the twins. “You’ve known since last week you were coming. Didn’t you?” I asked as I locked eyes on each of them. They both smiled and nodded before they leaned in and kissed me again. After which I separated and hugged their Mother. “Thanks for bringing them.”

Sa Malachi shook her head. “Don’t thank me. Your parents set it up for them to ride up with us.” I smiled over at my parents, which they returned before I turned to my two beloveds and started working the room with them at my side before the Chief Steward announced our dinner was ready.

Our meal was long, and it was after 22:00 hours when I escorted them to their Mother’s stateroom to collect their gear before we headed to our stateroom. Roman looked around at the four bunks and sighed. I stepped past him and reached under one of the lower racks. Feeling for the catches and unlatched them. One yank and the shelf slid out, and I reached up to the top rack and grabbed the pad. Dropping it down to the new shelf and positioned it.

“A little tight for the three of us, but it should work.” I said just before I was pushed onto it and they both laid on top of me. Roman’s smiling face was not to be outdone by Camile.

“This will work.” Said Roman before the kissing started.

30 minutes later, it was lips, hands, tongues, whispered words and moans of delight as we made love. The next morning, we were mooring in Bergheim Station as we were grabbing our gear.

I checked my schedule and compared it to theirs. Obviously, my parents changed the reservation and put us together in a suite. I smiled as Camile led the way to the hotel we were staying in. The door staff took our gravtrunks as they checked our reservation while I moved to check us in. 5 minutes later we are headed up to our suite with the staffer following behind us with our gravtrunks. Another staffer opened the door to our suite and began with a fast tour after we had all entered. I slowly turned around 360 degrees, stopping at the viewport that gave us a fantastic view of the local Gas Giant and its 37 moons with two different rings. Nodding my thanks to the staffer after I tabbed the pad to tip them, and they left.

“This is nice and look at the gifts for us,” Said Roman as Camile moved towards the table to check.

She checked the note attached, “Mom and your parents put us in here and sent us the flowers and chocolates.”

“That was very nice of them.” I said as we all joined for a hug.

A fast kiss and we were on the move again. In minutes, we had joined the rest of our travel group in the hotel dining room for breakfast. Mom sent me an updated schedule with items highlighted I must attend. I sighed as I look through it. Then I compared it to the twins’ schedules. Sighing again, as for two days we would only have meals and 1 event together, but I knew where they would be. Possibly I could find them in the Exhibition Hall. Where I also hope to find some upgrades I am looking for.

The first two sessions were not quite boring, but close. I was cutting through the gallery, heading for my next session. I slowed as I caught a glimpse of hair that I know and detoured, as my smile gets larger as I get closer. The two of them were talking to someone, and my hair practically stood on end as my temper came up. I stepped up behind my twins and slipped my arm around their waist as I moved between them and pulled them in tight. Christopher Bennett’s eyes went wide and his face drained of color.

“I was just apologizing like my family asked me to.” Chris said nervously.

My nostrils flared as I exhaled loudly. “I seem to recall telling Stella that they should keep you away from us. Wasn’t that what I told her my beloveds?”

“It was.” They both said together, just as coldly as I did. I gave Christopher a sharp look.

“And I believe I told you not to even look at us. Isn’t that correct, Christopher?” There was no disguising the ire as I spoke.

“Yes, Marc, but I’m just trying to fix things. My entire family is mad at me because of you closing the hangar doors and everyone knows you did it.” I snorted before I stared him down. “I’m sorry Marc. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. It was a bet.” Roman and Camile were rubbing my lower back as Roman dropped his head onto my shoulder. “Can you please forgive me and just ignore me and my family?”

“I don’t forgive, and I don’t forget. If my closing the hangar doors has caused you and your family so much trouble, perhaps your family is the reason for that. Or you are. Regardless. I mean, what I said to your family. I hold no ill will towards them. Only you. And I meant what I said to you. Stay away from my girlfriend and my boyfriend as well as myself.” I said as I turned my twins and we walked away through the crowd that had developed. “Where am I taking my two loves?” I asked as I stop us outside of the crowd and hugged them.

“We were actually just cutting through, but he was in the last session with members of his family. Our Mom went to her session, and we were heading to room 143 for ours.” Camile said.

“Did I handle that correctly, or should I handle him differently?” I asked as I started moving towards room 143.

“It was fine, Marc.” Said Roman.

“My loves.” I replied, “My job as your boyfriend is to protect the two of you, among other things.”

“True-ish,” Camile said, “But we can take care of ourselves too. We’ll also protect you.” She said as she smiled over at me. I leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose before I turned to Roman. He kissed me.

“You arrived at the perfect time, our boyfriend. We’ll see you at lunch?” Roman asked. I nodded as I deposited them in the proper room with a kiss each before I took off for my room. I was late, and this was one of the sessions I wanted to listen to. Just my luck and I don’t think it is going to get any better today.


* * *

I had time before lunch and used one of the private cubicles usually reserved for business meetings to catch up on my own business. More precisely, I wanted to read the response to my request to expedite my three loves to their next assignment together. It didn’t hurt that they had been doing a fantastic job together. That also works both ways. They may not want to move them from ANS Kilmeny. Sitting back, I smiled as they had come to the same conclusions I had and agreed with my assessment of outcomes of them moving to a larger, more capable vessel. The orders would be sent out shortly. My Link chimed and I looked at it before I pulled up the information on my tablet. Snickering to myself as I tapped out my override codes and a few commands as I highlighted what I wanted. Another Link message was added as I continued to read. Tom had also sent me an update that had included suggestions from Rhasta and himself. I smiled as I tapped out a response before my Link chimed to remind me it was time to track down the twins for lunch and continue the rest of the day before the Formal tonight.


Hugo Channing

Low Point Station


I was looking forward to being with Janek and Rory on a more permanent posting, where we could live together. Marc mentioned a new Armed Freighter and the next one from the Yards has just been named. Glora Campbell, the person I work for and Marc’s aunt, had mentioned that Marc is getting involved in the project again. That little fact could mean many things, up to and including us being posted aboard the ANS Caelestis Anastassia. Making the decision Link to my boyfriends at their end of Watch in two hours. Meanwhile, I used my authorities to check the deck plans and specifications of the second ship in its class.

I spent an hour looking at the deck plans, checking various staterooms out to try to figure out which one we would be getting when my tablet froze. Then the screen changed, and a stateroom was highlighted at the same time my Link chimed a message. A glance and I had to laugh. That stateroom. Now. Back to work, slacker. I need those reports by tomorrow night. Love you, little brother.

* * *

Two hours later, I found a stopping point for my work and tapped out the Link combination I wanted and waited for the connection.

“Hello love.” Said Janek.

“Hey Jan. Is Rory with you?”

“He is not yet. Should be any minute now. What’s up?” Janek asked as I smiled.

“Something is going on and I talked to Gloria about it. She mentioned Marc was involved in the project again. So, I went to look up the specifications and deck plans. My tablet froze.” Janek looked up at me from his work.

“Meaning? Was it Security Services?” I shook my head no as Rory entered the stateroom and kissed Janek before he turned to me.

“Hi baby. What’s up? Coming out soon?” I smiled.

“No. I think you are coming to me.” I said as I motioned to Janek to fill him in before they both turned back to me. “My tablet froze and then jumped to a specific spot on the deck plans with a stateroom highlighted. Then my Link chimed a message. From Marc. It said, That one and get back to work.” They both started laughing as they hugged, and I felt so jealous at the moment because I wanted to be a part of that hug. I sighed internally. Marc is right, and he knows the distance is hurting my relationship with Janek and Rory. We speculated for another 30 minutes before we said our good nights. Disconnecting so I could get back to work.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

10 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

It would appear Christopher has a very reasoning-resistant reality in his version of logic.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

reasoning-resistant reality - LOL I'll have to remember that one!

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7 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Things seem to be going too smooth....and what part of "Stay the fuck away", is difficult for Chris to understand...

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

Marc is probably wishing he had powered armor with him to help get his point across!? 

  • Haha 2
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13 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

Can't wait for Hugo, Janek, and Rory to be together again.

With Marc in control? I'm waiting for all six to get together!!! :gikkle:

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1 hour ago, Al Norris said:

With Marc in control? I'm waiting for all six to get together!!! :gikkle:

Lol... We'll see.

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!

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1 hour ago, centexhairysub said:

Marc, Roman, and Camile are interesting together but not sure how serious any of them are about each other, I mean I know they care for each other but it doesn't seem quite locked in.

I can't believe that Christopher was that idiotic, that said, it never hurts to be merciful ever so often.  Surely Christopher's family took Marc at his word and would not have really asked Christopher to apologize in person, would they?

Can't wait for Hugo, Janek, and Rory to be together again.  And I can definitely see Marc hijacking the tablet to give a hint.

Can't wait to see what happens next.  

Still thinking Marc would have enjoyed having his power armor to greet Christopher with.

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

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Marc looks out for his lovers. He warned Christopher off and wanted to make sure the twins wil be ok and not bothered by him. Now, Marc gets involved to reinforce the three being slated for the new and larger ship. Janek and his two mates will have a great stateroom with Marc's help. He is a great friend to have!

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1 hour ago, akascrubber said:

Marc looks out for his lovers. He warned Christopher off and wanted to make sure the twins wil be ok and not bothered by him. Now, Marc gets involved to reinforce the three being slated for the new and larger ship. Janek and his two mates will have a great stateroom with Marc's help. He is a great friend to have!

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Marc is always watching! Eyes everywhere.

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