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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 4,570 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
This story is not for everyone! If you don't feel comfortable with ANY of the above. Please don't read!

Tragedia Et Amor - 8. Chapter 8

The next installment for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

There was no doubt when I woke up the next morning wrapped in Quinn’s arms that our relationship had changed last night. My beloved prince gave me what I wanted, even demanded I take it. My boyfriend who tops from the bottom. It was the shift from the slow and gentle movements to the raw animalistic love making. The love truly flowed between us and had us glued together at one point. I glanced at the clock before I kissed the top of his head and crawled out of bed. He moaned as he reached out, feeling around, looking for me. I smiled at the thought that even as he slept; he wanted me close. A pass through the bathroom before I grabbed our dirty laundry and the comforter from last night. Taking everything and dropping it in the laundry before I headed for the kitchen to make breakfast.

The sounds of bare feet padding across the floor warned me before the arms wrapped me tight and the head dropped onto my back. Small kisses and a sigh before he settled in and relaxed against me.

“Wake me when breakfast is ready.” Quinn mumbled as I smiled. Stepping back a half step, forcing him to move. Spinning, I wrapped his naked body in my arms, kissing the top of his head before I swooped down and picked him up. Placing him on the couch, tossing the blanket over him with a chaste kiss on the lips. Before I ran back to the stove.


“You have to wait a few minutes, birthday boy.” Flipping the pancakes. I turned to see he was smiling and had thrown the blanket off. Displaying his naked body in all its glorious splendor. Enticing me to take him again.

“Yes. It’s your birthday. Yes, I want you again. Yes, you are still in pain and not recuperated enough yet. Yes, you have your tutor coming in about an hour. Yes, we also have to contact the school about returning on Monday. Yes, we need to move you upstairs and get you a series of keys made. And most importantly. Yes. I love you.” I said as I popped another three pancakes out of the pan and dropped more batter in for another three.




The bed shifted and the warmth on my back disappeared before I realized what had happened. My boyfriend got up to make breakfast and do the laundry too. Considering the mess, we made on the comforter last night, that was probably a good idea. I padded out to the kitchen and attached myself to Orion, which he was having no part of, as he moved me to the couch. I tossed off the blanket as I watched that naked butt run back to the stove. Then he gave me a long list of why my being naked and hard on the couch would not work. Even if it was my birthday. He finished with, most importantly, I love you. That couldn’t go unanswered. I stood and walked out into the kitchen as stealthily as I could until I grabbed his hips and pulled him back, dropping in front of him and swallowing his flaccid cock. Which responded as advertised as it quickly enlarged to fill my mouth as Orion chuckled.

“Fuck Quinn. I’m cooking.” He said as he leaned over me to flip the pancakes. Concentrating on making him as hard as possible before, I tried to swallow him again. This time I made it and began to swallow and suck in earnest until he shoved the pan off the hot burner and grabbed my head. Forcing himself deeper into my mouth. Causing me to choke as his body spasmed. Filling me with his love juices before he reached down. His hands under my armpits, and he lifted. Tossed actually is a better term, as I flew up into the air and he shifted his hands to under my ass as he pulled me tight against him. Forcing his tongue into my mouth again.

It lasted several heartbeats before he pulled off my mouth and licked his lips. “I love you. Very much and I thank you for that, but we really don’t have time right now, baby.” He said softly into my ear as he put me down. I gave him my most innocent grin as I reached out and tugged his cock. Bringing it back to full hardness in just a few pulls. His head tilted as he sighed. “No Quinn. No topping from the bottom right now.” I gave him the sad puppy look, and he snorted. Actually snorted, so I smacked his chest.

“It’s my birthday. I want Orion’s dick. Lots of it.”

“Later, my precious prince. You can take me, and I’ll feed you all the dick you want, but right now we need to get moving.” He said with that smirk that he gets when he is tolerating my topping from the bottom complex and how it will not work right now. I sighed as I wrapped him tight in my arms and stood on my tippy toes, waiting for him to lean down. Which he did. A nice passionate kiss filled with love before he smacked my ass and told me to check the laundry as he finishes breakfast. His head turned to watch me as I wiggled my ass when I left the kitchen for the laundry room.




Mrs. Stalter was working with Quinn, getting the work assembled and ready for our first stop, which was the school. I was already on the phone with them, explaining what Mrs. Stalter told me to tell them and let them know we would be there at 11:30 to officially drop off his schoolwork for all the teachers involved and to work out his schedule. I returned to the kitchen and watched as my precious prince worked out everything with a drive that he has only recently learned to use for his benefit. He’ll make a good manager one day.

It was just after 3 in the afternoon when I pulled back into the complex with Quinn and the items he wanted from his dad’s house, including his bike. We took all that up to my unit. Our unit now and returned to the other unit to grab his other clothing and keepsakes. Which I had already been packing for the move while he was with Mrs. Stalter. She was coming both Saturday and Sunday to continue his studies. He needs to focus and adapt to the new school before returning to work. It was on the third trip that he was leaning against me. As we walked, I felt the change come over him. Once we entered the condo, he dropped his bags and pushed me over onto the couch. His hands reached around and undid my shorts, pulling them and my underwear down in one shot, before he flipped me over and grabbed my shirt, yanking it over my head before he drove his hard cock into my mouth. Leaning over the top of me with his hands on the back of the couch, he fucked my mouth as I swallowed him. I was grinning as I reached around and massaged his ass with one hand and worked the other up to massage his balls. It didn’t take long since this would be the first time he had orgasmed since last night.

I was right. He orgasmed in 5 minutes before we moved to the bedroom. We had an older beach towel laid out under us as he was mounting me from behind after he had sucked me off. Twice, because he said he wanted his time in my ass to last for as long as possible. His hands had a death grip on my hips as he plowed his 5 inches into me repeatedly. The sounds of my soft moans and his grunting mixed with the slapping of skin each time he drove into me. My cock and balls were swinging below me, and that was enough for the pressure to build. He must have thought so too, as he reached under me and grabbed my cock, stroking it slowly. That had the effect of lighting the fuse, and my head arched back as my muscles tensed. Blowing my load all over the towel below and then he moaned as he made three sharp thrusts before he collapsed onto my back. Panting hard and placing kisses on me.

“Hang on Quinn. I’m lifting up.” I said, as I rose. His legs locked around my waist as his hands gripped my shoulders. If I had a mirror, it might have shown him riding me like a horse before I backed off the bed and stood. His head resting on my shoulder as I carried him piggyback to the bathroom.

“Would you be mad if I said, Gitty up horsie?” he asked. I looked into the mirror and he followed my gaze. Eyes twinkling and a smile full of amusement.

“You just want to ride my horse dick? Don’t you?” I asked, as I smiled back.

“Yes. I do, but not yet. You were right, baby. It still hurts. Nothing a nice bath couldn’t fix.” He replied as he looked down at my tub. Smile growing larger.

“Yes, my precious prince. My love. Who tops from the bottom. We can have a bath, so you can test out our tub.” I said affectionately as I lowered him down.

The rest of the day flew by after my leg massage and blowjob in the tub. Dinner was more of a formal affair between us and our families as we outlined what was going on now. What we were doing for the next few weeks. They offered suggestions which we took under advisement, changing our plans as needed. Spending another night in each other’s arms after multiple blow jobs and allowing Quinn to top me again. Which he likes, but told me he would let me know when it was needed again.


* * *


My birthday was the following Tuesday, and Quinn ordered pizzas for the entire senior class. All 39 of them and had them sing Happy Birthday to me at lunch in school. Then we had dinner out with our families. That night was all about Quinn giving himself to me again. It was another wonderful night of lovemaking as we solidified our relationship together.

It’s been two weeks since our birthdays. Quinn’s mother is outraged at the two of us. Demanding we drop the formal charges for stealing out of our account. Discovering I pushed for and laid charges on her only intensified her anger. And I didn’t care. Quinn, and his family here, like me. That’s all I was concerned with. Quinn has returned to work part time. Which meant he would go to school part time too, as long as he continues to hand in his advanced work he was doing with Mrs. Stalter. She would stop by on Monday and Tuesday afternoons for two hours each and then on Saturday morning from 8 to 11 am. He would work Thursday and Friday afternoons and all day Sunday at the shop. I worked Thursday and Friday afternoons, Saturday mornings and all day Sunday. It was a good schedule for us. Aiden and his dad joined us with my mom on Saturday evenings for dinner at our place.

It’s now coming up on Thanksgiving and we were going to the Newton’s home as Mom was flying up to Colorado to be with Grandma and I was watching the shop. We closed Wednesday through Friday, with Thanksgiving on Thursday. It was nice to be able to work 5 hours in the shop with the doors locked, just me and Quinn. Inventory took only 3 hours and then we refueled the boats and double-checked equipment. We were only working skeleton crews this weekend anyway, as most of our business around the holidays comes from our sales of scuba diving merchandise and equipment. Hence, our packed 40,000 square foot warehouse over in Aransas Pass that handles our online retail sales business. We sometimes have our winter staff go over there to help with the holiday rush, me included. We have our own website for equipment sales and reviews, even a Vimeo channel for videos. Our little Dive Texas brand has national recognition for honest reviews and a good selection at reasonable prices. One of my ideas back in 2000 that has worked out well. Next is the Foundation we want to help save our local waterways, bays and the Gulf of Mexico itself, as well as the introduction of new constructed dive sites and fish havens.

The first week of December, I was getting ready to drive up to Galveston to take my Dive Instructors Exam. Quinn had already passed his Dive Master training and is starting his studying for his Coast Guard License. I have already gained my OUPV License so I can Captain the 6 person dives. Then at 19 years old I can sit my 100-ton Masters. Which should coincide with the arrival of our new build vessel. The largest dive boat on the Gulf Coast. Capable of carrying 36 divers for day dives or 16 for overnight dives. Between everything and Quinn working with Mom as he learns the business side of things, we were both busy.

“Are you ready?” Asked Quinn as he hugged me from behind. I spun in his arms, hugging him to me.

“To be away from you for 3 days. No. To pass my exams. Yes.” He lifted on his toes as my head tilted down for him to press his lips to mine.

“With all the years you’ve been training, you should have no problems.”

“True. I am understandably nervous.”

“Do you want me to go up with you?” Quinn asked. We have had this discussion before. It was better he stayed here. His schooling is going well. I was already done with my college courses until next semester, even though I have already started that work. My primary concern was the unprecedented number of orders coming into our sales department this year. The warehouse was overwhelmed, and I didn’t want to be absent for three days. I certainly didn’t want both of us to be gone at the same time.

“No. Thank you Q. I’ll be fine and I’ll be better knowing you are over helping in the warehouse.” I said as I reached around and lifted him up. He wrapped his arms and legs around me as I shifted my hands to his ass, as I kissed him passionately.

“And we don’t have time for a quicky.” Which made me laugh as I set him down.

“No. My insatiable top from the bottom boyfriend. We already had our separation sex.” I said as I leaned down and kissed him one last time before I grabbed my bag and got on the road.


* * *


I was returning to Port-A after a grueling three days. In the end, I had my training credentials and a considerable amount of backslapping and congratulations from many regional dive company owners that were gathered for a local conference which I was invited to attend last night. In retrospect, I made the event worthwhile by getting everyone’s contact information with promises to keep them up to date on my foundation project. I made it home by lunch and since it was Monday; I drove directly to the warehouse until 5 and then drove home to attack my personal bottom from the top. Quinn was just getting home as I did and helped me unload the Jeep. We had our hug and kiss down in the garage before we came up, but now that we were inside the condo unit. I dropped my bags and grabbed Quinn before he could run from me. Tossing his laughing form over my shoulder and heading to the bedroom.

“Orion. Does this mean you’re the top on top tonight?” He asked between his laughing fits.

“It does. Three days too long since I made love to you.” It was our final conversation in a language others could understand.




I was snuggled into Orion’s neck as he carried me from the bathroom two hours later. Still tasting his seed in my mouth from being flipped upside down again as he used his tongue to massage my sore, swollen hole under the water spray. Gently, he laid me on the bed as he turned to get dressed. I watched as he covered one aspect of his body after another and sighed. He turned and smiled at me.

“Yes. My top from the bottom boyfriend can have more later. After we eat. I’m going to run down and pick up a pizza and then…” He finished by wagging eyebrows suggestively as his tongue licked his lips.

“I knew there was a reason I loved you.” I said as I stood on the bed and moved to the edge. Always enjoying kissing him from above. Made me understand how he feels when he leans down and kisses me.

30 minutes later, we sat outside on our private rooftop that adjoins the condo. Speaking softly to each other as we ate. Orion was extremely happy that he was able to meet a few other dive shop owners from around the region, as he has big plans for the future. He also informed me that the co-owner of the complex was coming down right after Christmas for a week or more. Meeting him was a priority while he’s here.

It wasn’t long before Orion stood and held out a hand for me. Which I took as he led me over to a spot near his training area. His robe dropped and so did mine before he turned me and bent me over one of his bars he uses. His tongue worked on my ass again as he slowly jerked my cock. It didn’t take long before he turned me and swallowed my dick down his throat. Working lube into my ass again with his fingers as his mouth sucked and swallowed on my cock. When his finger hit my prostate, he smiled as my back arched and my hands grabbed his hair while I moaned as my cock spasmed out my load down his throat. Orion had that mischievous grin as he let my dick pop out of his mouth and he licked his lips.

“You know. That’s the best dessert I’ve had in the past four days.” He said as he raised his body over me.

A hand stroking lube onto his cock. Smiling up at him, I pulled my legs up to ensure he knows I want it again. “I’m waiting for you to fill me.”

“My top from the bottom boyfriend. I’m topping from the top tonight.” He said just before he drove himself into me. Causing me to grip the bench hard enough to give me white knuckles as I cried out in pain.



It only took my one thrust to sink entirely into Quinn. Enough that he gasped out in pain. I held myself in position, deep inside him, as I lowered myself down to cover his lips with mine. I waited as my tongue fought with his, all the time counting in my head the number of seconds before my boyfriend, that tops from the bottom, pushes me off and tells me to fuck him. 38, 39, 40, 41…and the push.

“Fuck me Orion. Make me yours again.” He pleaded with me.

“Yes, my Quinn. You are mine.” And with that, I made love to my baby. Just the way he likes it. Hard, fast and lacking any control by him. Which he tried to stop me a few times, but that just makes me drive deeper into him. I purposely was taking my time tonight and reached around to grab his dick. Stroking it as he tried to pull my hands away. He tried so hard not to orgasm, because he thinks that’s the end. I slowed when he was moaning and gasping as he shot his load between us. I waited until he laid there panting hard. Then I started again. His eyes rolled back in his head. Just like always when I do this to him. The pure pleasure that covers his face is to die for, only to be eclipsed by what happens when I orgasm and he will too at the same time.

Over an hour later, Quinn had me. Making love to me after he had kissed every one of my scars to make them better. That, in turn, had me carrying him into the bathroom before he drew us a bath. As he always does, he massaged my legs and kissed the scars again before he gave me another blowjob.


* * *


Christmas was right around the corner in two weeks, and we went shopping up in Corpus Christie. Separating as we went and bought each other’s gifts. I was in the sports store when I had the feeling I was being watched. Sure enough, when I turned my head, Quinn was leaning against a support column, grinning at me. I snickered as I waved him over. Laughing as he did the shy, innocent walk over to me.

“I already bought your gift.” I said as he leaned up against me. His face expression was questioning as I lifted the shirt and held it up to him for size. Let’s buy formal attire while we’re here.

“I have dress clothes.” Quinn replied, confused.

“Suits, Q. We have to go to the Chamber of Commerce Holiday Ball.”

“Oh. I have dress shoes and dress shirts.”

“What else do we need?”

“Nothing that I can think of.”

“Lunch then?”

“Are you asking me out on a date?” Asked Quinn. I paused as I searched my thoughts.

“I’m sorry. I haven’t asked you out on a date since your birthday.” He smiled up at me. His eyes displayed the love he had.

“Not formally. No. But you took me places.” I looked around the store, then leaned down and kissed the top of his head before I led him out to the food court.


* * *


Saturday night’s annual Holiday Ball and everyone was dressed to the nines. Quinn stood at my side as I navigated the crowd. Introducing him and conversing with multiple people. Mom was here with her group of friends and her date for the evening. Tom Johnson was the branch manager at the bank. Divorced, he and my mom were friends only. Neither wanted a relationship, but attended all the Chamber of Commerce’s events together as a convenient couple. It was the week before Christmas and while we didn’t have a large amount of business at the shop itself. We did better than previous years with our sales of diving gear. As the last major orders have just shipped, we’re wrapping up the end-of-year. Anything from here on in will not be delivered until after Christmas. Surprisingly, we are still receiving orders. Mom has watched over the shop and scheduled staff as needed. Otherwise, everyone was over with us at the warehouse. Picking, packing, shipping, and restocking. And that was what we did all day Sunday, even though the orders wouldn’t ship until tomorrow.

Monday, I was with Quinn on my boat as we headed out to one of the offshore oil rigs. This was part of the new Foundation’s projects. Or would be once the Foundation was funded. As I explained to Quinn, and anyone that would listen, we need to give nature a helping hand. The best part was I had Eric Cox to talk to about how to get big investors behind the project. We donned our dry suits and tanks before stepping off into the water. Once we were both ready, we dropped below the surface and I led Quinn to the rig’s legs. Pointing out the fresh growths as we both took notes on wet boards. Then, as we dove deeper to the 70 foot mark, I pointed out the markers on the bottom for the additions that I wanted to make. In 45 minutes, we were surfacing and climbing back aboard the boat.

“Those markers are for the locations of the parts you want to build and drop here. That was the design you showed me a few months ago?” Asked Quinn as we transcribed our notes to actual notebooks.

“That’s it. If I can get the funding. The other part in the bay I haven’t shown you yet. Thinking once Eric gets here, we can all go look at that location and this again.” I said happily. I was going to introduce the person I love to the person who helped me so much during my recovery by giving me reasons to think about the future instead of the past.

“And you hope that your friend, Mr. Cox, can finance it for you?”

“Not really. I am hoping he can help me find many high net wealth individuals that could donate on a one or two for one basis. In other words. We get hundreds of people to donate 10, 20, maybe even 1000 dollars. Say we get 50,000 in donations. What I want the high net wealth people to do is match that original donate amount or 2x it. Meaning if we have 5 investors. We would then have 300,000 dollars or at 2x we would have 550,000 dollars. That is what I am going to talk with Eric about.”

“How much do you need?” Quinn asked. I had to think of the preliminary numbers I came up with. I had help from the people at the University of Texas Marine Institute working out possible costs.

“The closer to a million, the better for just the rig. Unless that is donated by the owners. Over a million brings out all the ideas.”

“Just a couple hundred thousand, and you could do the bay project?”

“Yes. We could and no, we couldn’t. We would never get enough people involved if it wasn’t for the rig’s purchase and conversion. They have been proven to draw fish and the fishermen know it.” Quinn sat back and I could tell he was thinking.

“You’re using the Foundation to create a diving space, possibly a snorkeling space inside the bay. To attract more people to the business in summer when you have the college and high schoolers for the help needed?” He said with a slow nod.

“Again. Yes, and no. The rig provides us with federal and state grants. Usually about a third of the cost. The bay project is hit and miss on grants. Once the theories prove out, that might change. Will change from a donation point of view more than a grant point of view, anyway. Having before and after pictures in a nice glossy pamphlet to distribute makes all the difference in the world.” I watched as the edges of his lips turned up in a smile.

“My boyfriend is just as devious in business as he is at hiding me in the bedroom.” He said as he leaned across the table and kissed me.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Easy, intense, joyous sex and more sex and more sex. They are in love and still find ways to take on their academic and business requirements

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Ah...to be that young again in the bedroom, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, living room and have they done it in the elevator yet???

Looking forward to seeing how the Foundation's projects work out... 

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A delightful chapter but I do worry, everything seems to be going almost too well.  Happy that both of these guys take their educations so seriously, and what a great benefit to their business and what they hope to achieve that they do.

Anything that helps to bring fish back to certain areas of the Gulf of Mexico is great news.  I know a couple of areas withing the Gulf have become dead zones because of the lack of oxygen in the water.

Can't wait to see what happens next.  

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3 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Good chapter as Quinn learns .of the plans Orion has.

Thaks for the comment ReaderPaul!

I've been thinking... Always a bad idea when writing. Some of those thoughts are ending up here.

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3 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

A delightful chapter but I do worry, everything seems to be going almost too well.  Happy that both of these guys take their educations so seriously, and what a great benefit to their business and what they hope to achieve that they do.

Anything that helps to bring fish back to certain areas of the Gulf of Mexico is great news.  I know a couple of areas withing the Gulf have become dead zones because of the lack of oxygen in the water.

Can't wait to see what happens next.  

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

I'm old enough to remember fishing off the northeast coast prior to the fishing industry crash. When a short night fishing trip (out at 6pm and back by 2am) would net you many lbs of cod steaks and fillets from just two or three fish caught, for everyone on the boat... something that is a rarity now days. 

Orion's plans are thought's I've had and interestingly enough been worked out scientifically by GreenWave.org in the past ten years. I have great hopes that their program will have the desired effect in future decades.

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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3 hours ago, akascrubber said:

Easy, intense, joyous sex and more sex and more sex. They are in love and still find ways to take on their academic and business requirements

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Ahh, to be young again!

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12 hours ago, P. E. Knapp said:

"Ah...to be that young again in the bedroom, hallway, kitchen, bathroom, living room and have they done it in the elevator yet?"

Thanks for the comment @drsawzall! 

LOL.. No... not in the elevator yet!

So no "Going up?" or "Going Down" in elevator? Getting a 'lift' in the 'Lift'?

Who remembers Elevator Operators (so passengers didn't have to pull levers or push buttons)?


Edited by Anton_Cloche
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9 hours ago, Cane23 said:

My only question is why was 'top from the bottom' phrase repeated so many times? Ok, I understand it is sort of sex game between them, yet... 

Is "top from the bottom" similar to being a "power bottom"?  Where someone who is being penetrated nevertheless calls most of the shots?

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5 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Is "top from the bottom" similar to being a "power bottom"?  Where someone who is being penetrated nevertheless calls most of the shots?

I would say it's bottom in charge, at leat in this story. 🤔 Maybe I'm wrong...

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1 hour ago, ReaderPaul said:

Is "top from the bottom" similar to being a "power bottom"?  Where someone who is being penetrated nevertheless calls most of the shots?


1 hour ago, Cane23 said:

I would say it's bottom in charge, at leat in this story. 🤔 Maybe I'm wrong...

I'm thinking Quinn is riding Orion 'Cowboy' style....yehaww!!!!!

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11 hours ago, Cane23 said:

This chapter is like extended previous one - sex, sex...some learning...sex, sex...some diving...sex, sex...

I LIKE it! 😁

My only question is why was 'top from the bottom' phrase repeated so many times? Ok, I understand it is sort of sex game between them, yet... 

Thanks for the comment Cane23!

Overuse on my part. Off to the salt mines with me...

Edited by P. E. Knapp
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25 minutes ago, drsawzall said:


I'm thinking Quinn is riding Orion 'Cowboy' style....yehaww!!!!!

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

Yeah. Could be...

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4 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

So no "Going up?" or "Going Down" in elevator? Getting a 'lift' in the 'Lift'?

Who remembers Elevator Operators (so passengers didn't have to pull levers or push buttons)?


LOL... Thanks for the comment Anton_Cloche!

Last operator I saw was back in the 80's when I was in the Empire State Building... Haven't been down there lately. I doubt they do it anymore.

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2 hours ago, ReaderPaul said:

Is "top from the bottom" similar to being a "power bottom"?  Where someone who is being penetrated nevertheless calls most of the shots?

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul.

So... Top from the bottom. Quinn can be mouthy and likes to be in charge, but he's not really a top. Orion is. He likes to control Orion from the bottom, which Orion let's him do when he is in the mood. Could be the same as a power bottom, I think.

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