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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Bored House Husbands - 4. Chapter 4

Frank and John attended to the babies, and put them down in the crib again. They would sleep at least another two hours. They went into the bathroom, took a quick shower together and brushed their teeth. John ran back to bed, and Frank produced a jar of Vaseline from the medicine cabinet. He came back into the bedroom, waved the jar at John and said, “Let’s fuck.”

“You’re the one with the experience,” John laughed, “Lead the way.” Frank put a generous glob of Vaseline in his palm, and rubbed it all over John’s cock. He began to stroke John’s pulsing rod.

“Whoa. Stop before I cum,” John pleaded.

Frank lay down on his back, raised his buttocks and put a pillow under it. He rubbed some Vaseline at the opening of his ass. “Fuck me baby,” he said, “and fuck me good. Cum up my ass. Fill me up with your love.”

“Yes, yes, “John murmured. He placed his greasy cock at Frank’s crack and tried to enter ever so slowly, but his cock seemed to be getting pulled in like a vacuum. He was savoring the moment, and tried to go in slower and slower, but he found himself actually fighting the suction that was pulling him in. When he was all the way in, he lay perfectly still. He and Frank were smiling at each other.

“I love you,” Frank said. “I don’t think I can ever touch Penny again. Stay inside me forever, please. He started to cry and John fell on top of him. The two men kissed as passionately as they could. Finally, John started to pump involuntarily. He came with one loud groan, and Frank could feel his bowels being filled with John’s seed.

“That’s what I needed,” Frank whispered. “Stay in me as long as you can.” But of course, John softened and fell out. Moments later they switched positions. Frank had a more difficult time penetrating John’s virgin ass, but they worked at it persistently. At one point, Frank thought he was going to cum before he entered fully, but he restrained himself by sheer will power. He came to the edge several times, so that when he did cum, he cried loudly, and had a mind-blowing climax.

They lay in bed, kissing, cuddling and fondling. Finally John said, “I better get home, in case Mary gets out of the hospital earlier than expected. She probably won’t go back to the hospital until tomorrow,” he lamented.

“What if she wants sex tonight after she’s rested?” Frank inquired.

“She’ll be too exhausted and probably sleep through until tomorrow morning. Besides I can always say that little Joey knocked me out and I’m too tired. I’ll do my best to save it all for you.”

John was wise to leave when he did. Mary arrived not twenty minutes after he got home. He realized that his bed, and Joey’s crib, had not been slept in, but if she noticed, he could always say that he made them up, moments before she got home.

Mary looked thoroughly exhausted. She gave John a kiss on the cheek, and hugged the baby. “I’m going to soak in a hot tub, and then try to get some sleep,” she said.

“Don’t you want something to eat?”

“No, I ate snacks all night, but thanks for asking.”

“Why don’t you play with Joey for a little while? I’ll draw your bath, and pull down the covers for you. Then you can sleep as long as you want.”

“Thank you darling. You’re a dear. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“I won’t let the baby disturb you. If he gets cranky, I’ll take him next door.”

As it turned out, John stayed home all day, and Mary slept until dinner time. He made her a delicious dinner, and as they were cleaning up, the phone rang. John answered it, and said, “Maybe, I’ll see.”

He turned to Mary. “That was Frank. It seems that he has been estranged from his dad since he was sixteen, and he just recently reconnected. He’d like us to come over and meet him.”

“Oh darling, I’m just too tired. Why don’t you go over with the baby, and I’m going back to bed. I’m sure I’ll sleep until I have to get up to go to work tomorrow morning. Besides, Penny is away, and you don’t need a woman around to spoil your man talk.”

John was sure that there was no hidden meaning in that last statement, but somehow he was disturbed by it.

He and little Joey arrived next door a few moments later. Joe and Mike were playing with their grandson, kissing him, hugging him, and falling in love. Frank put both babies in the play pen, and John greeted Joe and Mike with hefty kisses on the mouth.

“Well, it’s just like I predicted. Mary has gone to bed and she asked me not to disturb her until she has to get up to go to the hospital tomorrow morning.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” Mike said. “Joe and I will be leaving soon, and you and Frank can play a little before you have to go home.”

“Frank told us that he took your virginity this morning, John. Congratulations.”

“Thanks, guys. It was the most wonderful experience of my life.”

As soon as the grandfathers left, John and Frank got naked and started playing a sensuous game of sixty-nine. They wanted to stop sucking and start fucking, but neither could control himself, and they came copiously in each other’s mouths.

Frank started to cry. “What’s wrong?” John asked.

It struck me that in a few minutes you’ll leave me, and go home with Joey to get him ready for bed. When I thought of you leaving me, our situation hit me like a sledge hammer. I want to sleep with you every night, not just have sex every day. I want to make love to you during the night if the mood strikes us. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“Of course I do, Frank, but it’s like I told you, let’s not rock the boat yet. We can be together every day except weekends. We’ll figure out what to do when the boys are older. I’ll tell Mary, I don’t want any more children; I want to go back to work. It’ll be easier to leave her when Joey is in pre-school, or at worst, kindergarten. Please accept that arrangement for the time being, and please believe that I love you. No matter what happens, I will always love you.”

Frank changed from crying to laughing. “You sound like that song,” he said.

They got out of bed, and John dressed. He scooped Joey up, and went home. Another frustrating day was over.

As time passed, Frank and John got so used to their situation, that it became a normal way of life for them. Their wives were rarely home, and required very little sex from them, so they were able to satisfy each other to the fullest. By the time the little ones were two years old, they stopped napping in the afternoon. The best the fathers could do was close the nursery room door, where the boys would play with thousands of toys, and they would have an unsatisfying quickie. They were reluctant to say anything to each other, but in their hearts, they both knew that it was coming close to decision time.

Whatever God or gods there may be. Whatever angels or fates may watch over us, and even control our destinies, surely they smiled on Frank and John.

While they were in agony, and bemoaned their fate, they were totally unaware that their wives were similarly frustrated. Each woman had begun to question her status as a wife, and as a mother. The thing they questioned most was their home in the suburbs. Mary was too far from her hospital, and Penny was too far from her office. Both women spent more time in their work place than at home. The final frustration for both of them was when they each fell in love with a man extremely different than their husbands, and infinitely more compatible to their needs.

Penny was the first to fall in love. She made at least two out of town business trips a month. She usually went alone, but sometimes her company’s senior law partner would join her on the road. They were in Austin, Texas, and the merger negotiations were hot and heavy. It was a difficult time, and the meeting did not wrap up until after 10 PM. Scott Merriweather, her boss, asked her to have a late dinner with him, and a drink at the bar in his hotel. She was more than ready to unwind, and she accepted his invitation gratefully.

What they didn’t realize was how late it was. Both the hotel bar and restaurant were closed for the night. Scott invited her to his room to at least have the drink.

“I’ve got a bottle of scotch, and we can see what’s in the refrigerator,” he enticed her. She didn’t need much enticing. Scott was a divorcee and a very handsome man in his late forties. He had curly brown hair, just showing some tinge of grey. His eyes were a deep brown, His nose was straight and neither too small nor too large. His chin was square and manly, and he produced a dimple on his right cheek when he smiled. Penny was extremely attracted to him, as he was to her.

When they entered Scott’s room, they looked at each other and no words were spoken between them. They merely fell into each other’s arms. They made love all night, and Penny did things she had never done with Frank. She and Scott not only had oral sex, Scott entered her in the ass, and she squealed with pleasure. On that very first night together, she realized that her sex life with Frank rated an F minus.

Back in Chicago, Penny began to work later and later, and she and Scott made love more and more often, until he was begging her to divorce Frank, and live with him. She didn’t care about divorcing Frank, but she didn’t know if he would accept sole custody of their son. All she would want is that he make Joey available for visitations as her schedule allowed. She would have no trouble paying alimony and child support. As Scott got more and more insistent, she promised to speak to Frank that very weekend.

On his part, Frank was so in love with John, he hardly noticed their growing estrangement. He had no trouble accepting Penny’s terms for a divorce. He had only one request which she granted. He told her that when Joey started the first grade, he wanted to put him in an after-care program, and try to get back into the work force. Penny had no objection and even offered to help him find a position with one of her many diversified clients.

That very weekend, Frank rented a small U-Haul and helped Penny move to Scott’s apartment. She was amazed and delighted at how understanding Frank was. While they were moving, John took care of Frank’s son. Mary did not come home the entire weekend.

Mary rarely came home, preferring to spend her precious time in the surgery to hone her craft. Most of her surgeries were solo, but often she would assist the chief of surgery. Lawrence Bridge was an imposing man. He was in his early fifties, but he was a macho, virulent man. He was six feet, two inches tall. His once blond hair was all silver now. What’s more he had all of it, and it was thick and bushy. His eyes were blue, and his smile was what you noticed first. He could melt a heart of ice with that smile. Mary was very fond of him, and he was madly in love with her, but she was married and way too young for him.

On the very first Sunday that Frank was spending in his home as a free man, John had filled Mary in on what was going on next door, and the civilized divorce decision that the Petri’s had made. Mary was shocked because she thought her next door neighbors had a perfect marriage. The phone rang and it was her boss.

“A five year old Caucasian boy was just admitted to the hospital,” Lawrence explained. “He fell from a two story window. His skull is fractured in several places. The X-rays aren’t definitive, but he may have some bone slivers in his brain. The operation will be long and tedious. I sure could use your help,” he pleaded.

“I’m on my way,” she said. She filled John in on the emergency situation, and ran out of the house. As she ran out the front door, she called back, “I probably won’t be home tonight, so don’t bother with dinner.”

Of course John called Frank immediately. “How would you like a bed partner tonight?” he asked.

The operation lasted until 5 AM. Lawrence and Mary were exhausted. They both took a nap in the doctors’ lounge which had several cots for the use of interns and residents, who were sometimes on duty for twenty four hours at a time.

The two doctors refreshed themselves as best they could. Lawrence looked at Mary, and he didn’t ask her, he told her, that he was taking her to breakfast. All during breakfast she had trouble staying awake. He held her by the arm, and walked her two blocks to a very up-scale high rise apartment building. It was where he lived.

He took her into his apartment and laid her on his bed. He took off her shoes and covered her up, as she drifted peacefully into the arms of Morpheus. When she awoke, she realized that Lawrence was in bed with her. Not only was he sound asleep, but he was naked. He had an erection, and he was even bigger than her husband.

She panicked for a moment. Then she got out of bed, undressed, returned to Lawrence’s bed and hunkered up to her boss. He awakened, and became aware of the situation. Moments later he made love to Mary, like John never had. Like Penny, she performed fellatio for the first time, and Lawrence delighted her with oral sex. They made love all day, and in the late afternoon, she called Frank.

“Frank, darling,” she started. “It can’t come as a shock to you that we have grown completely incompatible. I need to divorce you, and live on my own terms. Would you be willing to accept the same conditions that Frank did?”

John didn’t wish to appear too eager, so he said, “This is quite a shock. Please,” he continued, “call me back in an hour. I know you’re perfectly correct, but give me time to let this sink in.”

Mary had called him while he was in bed with Frank. The toddlers were playing together in the living room. John screeched so loud, he frightened everyone. The two young Joey’s rushed into the room. The fact that their fathers were naked meant nothing to them. The four of them cuddled together and kissed and hugged until Frank said, “It’s time for dinner fellas.”

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Everything seems to be falling into place for both families. The wives off with new partners who are also colleagues and the John and Frank free to enjoy their love. HEA or is it all too good?

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8 hours ago, Paladin said:

Everything seems to be falling into place for both families. The wives off with new partners who are also colleagues and the John and Frank free to enjoy their love. HEA or is it all too good?

Only time will tell.

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Well now it makes sense why neither of the moms bothered with oral when it came to their husbands. Their passions lied elsewhere, both careerwise and compatibility-wise. The guys made it out of their situations scot free. 😂

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