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    P. E. Knapp
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This is tagged MATURE! For the reason that it is easier for me to just say, yes. My stories have, sexual situations, sometimes graphic violence, possible sensitive content. 
Only you know your own level of comfort. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable.

Two for One - 12. Chapter 12

It has been an interesting day as I watched security remove Christopher from the room as Hugo arrived. Walking slowly towards me before stepping into my arms. Holding him tight as he held me.

“You good?” Hugo asked. I kissed his neck before I pulled back.

“Yes. Little brother. I’m good and you?” I asked. He nodded, but I knew he had more to say.

“We shift to ANS Caelestis Anastassia after we debrief today. Captain Tremblay has already spoken with us and looks forwards to having friends of yours aboard.” The laugh that coursed out of me would have surprised most people, but Hugo joined me as he understood. Captain Tremblay knows I have been choosing the best crew for his ship from my Uncle Fran. Who was the person who suggested Captain Tremblay.

“Good. And the promotions ceremony?”

“It has been postponed. At your request, I believe?” Hugo asked as we walked together.

I nodded. “Yes. I wanted to be there for it. Now I am not sure I can.”

“Rory wants to know if you are single yet?” I laughed as I tossed an arm across his shoulders and pulled him to me.

“Poor Rory. He hasn’t had enough of me yet and he might not get anymore. He’ll have to adjust.” I said with a smirk. Hugo snickered.

“You’re not going to tell him the twins failed until you let them go, are you?”

“You are correct, little brother.” I paused in thought and shrugged. “It will only be a few weeks until I come aboard for the ceremony.” I stopped and pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the forehead. “Pass the hug and kiss to the other two, as well as my love. OK, little brother?” Hugo’s smile brightened my day and helped to fortify me for what was to come.

“Thanks Marc. I will, and we’ll see you in a few weeks.”


* * *


Hugo and I had separated as I headed up to the family office to talk with my father and the others. That only will take 15 minutes. Strolling into the office, I stepped up behind Jessica and kissed the top of her head in passing. She excused herself to chase after me, slipping neatly under my raised arm, wrapping one of hers around my lower back.

“Did everything go OK?”

“Indeed, it did. How are your studies coming along?” Which made her sigh.

“It’s all right, but I don’t really care for some of the training. I mean, it’s fun to learn about the different parts of the station I didn’t know existed, but learning the different methods of containing a mass conflagration event isn’t me.”

I laughed lightly as my head shook. “I’m guessing you didn’t like the Damage Control drill where they flood the area with smoke, adding hot spots you need to contain and extinguish?”

“I couldn’t get that smell out of my hair for two days.” Jessica whined as I laughed openly before I leaned in and sniffed her hair. When I made a face, she smacked me.

“Stop it. Brat. It doesn’t smell now.”

“Oh. So that’s your shampoo?” Which earned me another huffed out brat.


* * *


Walking through the passageways after I finished in the office. Picking up the twins, I headed for my quarters. We needed our gravtrunks. The twins were quieter than usual, but they knew we were going to talk tonight. The passageways were quieter than usual too and rumors were abound about what had happened at the station 5 hours ago. I smiled as we approached the hotel. Minutes later, we stood around the table, looking at the menu to order our dinner. As is usual. Our meals would be up in fifteen minutes and I went to stand by the floor to ceiling armorplas viewport. Ships came and went from the Station, the silence was deafening. The twins cuddled together on the couch behind me. Their twin communication was going on. I loved my twins, but they are not mate material for me. For someone I am sure, but not for me. My stomach growled as the hatch chimed and our food had arrived. I waited as the staffer set our table and poured our drinks before I turned to thumb the tab. Two sullen people sat slumped at the table, waiting for me to sit with them, and I did. After, I rounded the table and kissed each one on the top of their heads.

“You crossed off a box on your list,” Said Camile sadly. Roman added, “Possibly more than one.” Just as distraught as Camile. I just nodded as I lifted the fork to my mouth. Taking a moment to savor the flavor of the first bite before I chased it down with a sip of wine. Neither of the twins had touched their food yet.

“Please eat my loves. I know it has been a long day for you, too.” I said softly. They averted their gaze from their plates, which had captivated them, and glanced up at me. Eyes moist. With a mix of sadness and fear. All the while they stared at me, in almost fascination, as I continued to eat and savor each piece of the Armbrewster Beef I was carefully dissecting apart. Slowly. Hands moved to utensils as they picked at their meals.

“No dessert if you don’t finish your dinner.” I said in the tone of a parent speaking to a toddler. And I guess right now I was. It was another item crossed off the list. A list that didn’t matter now as the decision has been made. I was finished eating and sat waiting patiently as they slowly ate. Roman went to push his plate away in a signal he was finished. A stern look from me as my finger tapped the table in a single strike before wagging side to side. A firm. No. You are not finished. Gesture was clear as he cracked a little smile and sighed before continuing to eat. In the end, I let them have dessert. Although it took an hour before we got to it. That was fine.

Camile’s eyes darted behind me, and her fork of cake stopped midway to her mouth. Looking out the viewport, then back to me. Brows furled. “CONFED Navy is here?” I just nodded as I had expected them.

“Yes. They are picking up the crew and investigating our involvement. Standard operating procedure. Nothing to be concerned about. They should be gone within hours.” I spoke in a conversational tone. Their lips raised in small smiles towards me. I turned and found the CONFED Navy Cruiser had indeed arrived and was sitting in a holding position as two shuttles departed their hangar and headed for the station. I nodded to myself as I checked my Link for the time. It was now 17:09 hours. My lips shifted into a half smirk as I sighed inwardly. Standing. Holding out my hands for each of them to take.

I settled down on the couch that faced the viewport and pulled them down around me. Slowly, they shifted into their positions on me as I held them. “Now you can talk to me. Cheating is now outlawed for this discussion.” I said softly again. My beloveds were emotional creatures, after all. It would do no good to upset them. And I felt the tenseness of the soft bodies I held in my arms. The hitched breathing and concerned thoughts.

“I still love the two of you. If I had the power to Link through your implants. I would and prove to the both of you just how much you are loved. What I feel when I hold you. What I feel when I make love to you. What I feel when you make love to me,” I whispered as I felt the waves of sadness. The waves of emotion coursing through them. I knew when they dropped into their implants and were communicating again. Roman shook his head, and they stopped. He tightened his hold on me.

I heard the hoarsely whispered, “Sorry.” From him. Camile was the stronger of the two emotionally. Roman needed more time to work his way through it.

“What happens now? Do we give our rings back?” Asked Camile.

“No, my girlfriend, my boyfriend. I gave those to you because I love you. Not loved. Love. I still do. We’re just not going to be Bonded Mates.” I sighed. “Bonding with someone, in my opinion, is the ultimate expression of togetherness. The combining of two parts to make one. One that is the embodiment of the two, but combined, making the whole better than the parts. We just don’t match correctly for that to happen.” I felt the shudder run through Roman’s body as he hugged me even tighter.

“What happens now Marc?” Roman whispered hoarsely again.

I shifted my hand from his back and brought it up to his head. Rubbing the nape of his neck as my head leaned in and nudged him with my nose. He tilted his head back. Wet, puffy eyes, drawn out in sadness. My lips moved to his. Softly. Passionately. When I felt him respond, I gripped his head and held him to me as my tongue forced its way into his mouth in the aggressive way he loves so much. When I pulled away and placed my forehead against his, I spoke. “I am going to make love to the two people I love. Is that OK with you Roman?” His face lifted again in happiness as the Roman I loved saw light at the end of the dark tunnel he was in. My body shifted again to Camile. Kissing her in her preferred way. Making her feel the love I had for her, too. After that I felt the change come over them. This was not goodbye. This was just another turn in our relationship. Whatever happens next, they both know I love them just as much today as yesterday.


* * *


Even our love making has taken a turn. Instead of me taking them together. I had taken them separate. Each gaining my full attention and ability instead of being shared. Something they both responded to with equal vigor. By the time my Link had chimed. They were both well sexed up and sleeping like children after a long day playing in the park. Warm bodies tangled with me as I lifted my Link and found an unknown sender message with an attachment. I filed it for later and went to sleep myself.

Exhaling loudly. I crawled out from the tangle that was my twins and me. Padding softly into the head to relieve myself. Moments later, circling through the living area of the suite, I ended up in front of the viewport as I opened last night’s message. Thoughts scurried left and right in my brain before they landed in the right spots as realization dawned on me who may have sent this. Christopher. I opened the attachment. Eyes widening as I read down the list. The attachment even had the information tags on each item. Which I used in a few. Specific information had popped up on one item and a special note tagged on it, too.

30 minutes later, while standing by the floor-to-ceiling viewport, I finished reading the list and each item of information, completely naked as the day I was birthed. I tagged the Station’s Cargo Manifest System and found the packaged items in storage for me. I looked up as the CONFED Navy Cruiser was still here. The running lights blinked three times, and they moved away as I received another Link text message. Again. From the unknown sender. It said. Until we meet again, Marc Alexander. I stood watching as the cruiser came around and headed for the Jump Gate. My thoughts on who had originally sent the message now have me wondering.


* * *


After I had breakfast with the Malachi family, I headed off to my family’s office to check in and get some work done before lunch. The twins were going to join me for that, too. Then, after some after lunch private time, I was sending them back to their ship. They had to be underway by 1600 hours and would be gone until Monday afternoon. In the meantime, I had a message to contact Aunt Gloria when I had a chance, and I needed to lease a hanger slot for a permanent residence for my Mini Borer. I tapped my Link to life.

“Hi Marc. Are you coming up for lunch?” Asked my Mom.

“Yeah Mom. I just wanted to know if there are any slots open, I could lease for Mini Borer? I said as I turned towards the ship out on the dock. She was looking at another screen while she tapped out a few keys.

“Did you want one down near the Ore Unloading Dock or up closer to your quarters?” She asked. My head rocked left to right as I weighed my options.

“Up top I guess.” I said with a shrug.

“You can always switch it if you don’t like it. B-4-14 and I’ll tag your account to it for payment?” She asked as she was already tapping it into the system.

“Yes, please Mom. Thanks. I’ll shift it over and be up with the Twins later.”

“Sounds good, dear. See you then.” She said and closed the Link. Seconds before, I had the notification that B-4-14 was mine.

The B-Hangars were nice. Not top class, but good enough for me and with it, I had my own storage area. Not a large one, but big enough for me to have my packages delivered to and be able to work around them. Which I did.

And with that, I stepped aboard my ship and ran a systems test as I topped off all consumables. Working up an order for the Chandlery too while I was at it and decided on keeping a 30 day supply in Galley stores. Once I was disconnected from the station, I brought the ship to life for my move.

Tapping open a Comm’s, “Low Point Station Control. This is Mini Borer, Marc Alexander commanding. Requesting departure clearance at 1012 hours for a run up B-4.

“Hi Marc. You’re good for departure. Moving up in the world, I see,” said the voice.

“Hi Ronny. Yeah, I splurged on the docking slot.” I joked back as I backed out of the hanger and spun towards the upper hangers. Double checking that nothing was in the vicinity as I headed past other sets of hangers towards the B-Hangers.

“Nice. Enjoy. Control out.”

“Thanks, Ronny. Alexander out.” I said as I tapped the control to open the hangar doors as I lined up with the threshold.

Holding position as I waited for the huge doors to open, I looked inside. Nodding appreciatively at the nice collection of Haulers and small Freighters as well as a few other ships, including one that looked like it might be a yacht. I slowly eyed it up as I started into the hanger and maneuvered to my docking slot. Nicely snuggled in between two Haulers. I smiled as I felt the clunk of the docking clamps engage and my Lock extended to its position. Running one final check, I shut the Mini Borer down. Double checking that my delivery had been deposited in my new storage area. Smiling, I made my way off the ship and headed to it. A tone from my Link had me change course and head for the Malachi’s ship to pick up the twins for lunch.

3 hours later. I made it back to my private storage again to check out the items delivered. Roman and Camile were fed, loved and returned to their family’s freighter on time and they departed on schedule. I’ll see them in a few days after I go out for another couple of days of mining, but first. I really need to check these items personally. Which I spent 48 minutes doing before walking out holding a black sealed case. When I tapped the thumb reader, it was keyed to me and requested the proper personal codes before it opened. Proud of myself for only having to close my mouth and wipe the drool off once. Surprisingly. What I found was now on its way with me to speak with my Aunt Gloria and Uncle Fran. They would have the answers I want and knowledge of how to use it. Without involving my parents.

Walking down the military dock, I was smiling as I checked out the various ships moored in the hangar today. Obviously, they are preparing for an operation or just returning from one, as evidenced by the number of handlers moving cargo back and forth. Stepping up through the Lock and logging in as I was directed to the proper cabin onboard the battleship. Walking through the passageways, I received nods from the crew members I passed as I am a frequent visitor and occasional helms person. I knocked three times on the hatch before I hit the pad to open it and entered.

“Welcome aboard Marc.” said my Uncle Fran as he pulled me into a hug. “Your Aunt Gloria will be here momentarily.” He pulled away from me and looked at the box I carried with raised eyebrows. “I see you received it.”

“I did indeed. I was wondering if the two of you could help me understand it and why I have it.” I asked.

My Uncle Fran nodded as he motioned for me to sit. “We’ll wait for Gloria, and she can explain it to you. Did you want a sweet tea?” He asked as he headed over to the refreshments.

“Yes please.” I said, just as my Aunt Gloria entered the cabin.

“Hello Marc. Did you bring it?” She asked as I stood and received a hug from her, too.

“I did. Where did it come from and why do I have it?” I asked as Uncle Fran handed me my drink.

They glanced at each other and Uncle Fran nodded to her. “It’s a thank you from the Confederation Intelligence Services. They have decided that you apparently make a good addition to their arsenal of tools. As such, they gifted you those items for your use. Maybe they will have a job for you in the future. Maybe not. In the meantime. You get new toys and you don’t have to be 16 to have that implanted.” She said as she pointed to the box that sat next to me. “We will explain it to you first and if you want the implant, we can drop down to see Doctor Keaton. He can run the tests to check you against the implant to insure no problems and implant it in a matter of minutes. We could give you the basic training before you leave and more advanced training after you have had it for a few days.” She finished speaking and sat back to take a sip of her tea as I digested what she said.

I even closed my mouth at some point. I pulled the box over and keyed the lock again and opened it to look the implant over. My Aunt moved over to sit next to me and looked at it too.

“Looks like the newest model and it will probably need the upgrades downloaded. That’s not a problem.” She said and waited for me to start my questions.

I had some, and she explained its uses, capabilities, and downfalls. Of which there were few and except for when I actually used it. With a lot of practice, even during its use, people wouldn’t know I had it either. Range was outstanding at almost 5 kilometers, barring any shielding or metal in the line of sight of the target I am trying to connect with. Standard implants are only good to about a kilometer.

30 minutes later, I am resting in sickbay as the anesthetic takes effect. 40 minutes after that, I am looking up at Dr. Keaton and my aunt as I try to process the new feelings in my mind as I come to full consciousness.

“How do you feel Marc?” asked the Doctor. I had to process that as I reached up and touched behind my left ear. Feeling the unnatural bump, I smiled.

“Fine, I think. I seem to know more about the implant. Like I’ve been talking to it for a while.” I said. Not sure if that was what happened or not.

“That’s because you were. Once it was implanted, it went into teaching mode and taught you the basic controls and downloaded the latest firmware updates. You do that occasionally to ensure no one can break the codex. Otherwise you could be involuntarily jacked.” Said my aunt as she took my hand and held it. Can you hear me, Marc? I heard inside my head and smiled.

Closing my eyes, to concentrate. I responded, ‘Yes. Thank you, Aunt Gloria.’ She smiled and patted my hand.

“OK then. Thank you, Doctor Keaton. I think I’ll take him back to the cabin for a little training.” She said as I started to sit up. The Doctor watched me stand and looked satisfied before nodding to my aunt.

I had dinner with my aunt and uncle as they taught me how to use the implant. It was fun, but it was tiring me out too. That would be one of the side effects for a few months as my body gets used to it. Although I could use a stim injector. I might find it would cause me to have a headache later. Training turned out to be fun as they taught me more than just the basics of using the implant with promises of more once I have mastered what I already know.

Friday morning, I arrived an hour before my crew would have to Mini Borer. My intention to try Linking with the ship had turned out to be an educational experience. One that would need considerable practice to use. It also robbed me of some of my energy between the concentration it took to connect and the needs of the implant itself. Which drew its energy from my body. It would get better over time as my body learned to produce an extra amount of electrical impulses in my brain to support its needs.



Mini Borer

Belt 7-4 Primary Side


Rachel was fishing for gossip as Tom busied himself back in the galley. I smelled the acrid odor of metal being melted and reformed. A few loud clangs, that I hope is the hammer hitting the offending item into place, followed by finally. A few minutes later, I heard the sounds of the plasma welder again before all was quiet. Seiko had brought me a cup of coffee on her way past the galley.

“Looks like Tom had enough of that rack and fixed I once and for all.” She said as she sat down at the Engineering console.

“If it makes him happy, I’m not complaining.” I said as I double checked the readouts of the Mining Lasers.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

1 minute ago, Al Norris said:

Marc gets a special implant from the CONFED spy services! Besides communications, I'm left wondering what else it does. It's apparent that there are other devices that were given to him. Hmm...

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!

Just the beginning…😇

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3 minutes ago, centexhairysub said:

I feel like I missed something, but I checked, and I did not miss a chapter...  

I never thought that Marc would end up with the twins, as Marc has been pretty upfront that he knows his fated mate is out there.  But this just seemed really abrupt.  I am glad that the twins have each other.  Camille seemed to handle this decision better than Roman but wonder if there will be issues that they have to deal with later.

Glad that Marc will be there when Hugo and the others get their promotions.  

Never trust the spooks no matter how good their toys are.

And just what else was there???  

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

Possibly abrupt but was heading that way. The twins and Marc are from different worlds. Marc is more galactic (I was going to use worldly, but on this scale...) than the twins. The thought of wearing armor and then seeing Marc with a weapon... totally out of the ordinary for them. For Marc it's like dressing for a date.

Spooks... Hugo, Aunt Gloria, even Uncle Fran to an extent, are spooks. All very trustable people. LOL. And great to have around for information gathering.

Confederation Intelligence... well... if it is them. We'll see in the future where this all leads.

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3 minutes ago, akascrubber said:

Marc clearly let the twins down. They are not bonded mates

He accepted an implnt enabling him to be part of the spy servives. I hope it is never used against him by bad actors

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Marc still loves his twins, just no bonding.

We'll see how the implant works out...

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4 minutes ago, gmc said:

What are the consequences for Christopher and his family? Turned over to CONFED Navy

Who was sending Marc messages? Perhaps a future love interest that will check more boxes than the twins?

Marc is gathering quite a tribe of former lovers becoming friends with benefits. You can never have to many options.

His implanted spyware is likely to bring on more adventures as well as gathering intelligence for the family business. For someone who has decided to be a miner, he seems to be a have feel for many aspects of the company. When the time comes, will anyone be as qualified as Marc to run the company? Marc has his interests. Just because he doesn't want to, does mean he doesn't know how to run the corporation, and he is the probable successor.

Next chapter please. Coming soon.

Thanks for the comment gmc!

🤣LOL... Typing as fast as I can. Answers in red above.

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Will we see the results and fallout of Christopher and his family's ill-advised affair of smuggling and whatnot??

So, CONFED Intelligence is after Marc and landed him, it will be interesting to see what plans they have for him. I would suspect from seeing other family members as part of the intelligence service that the Alexander's just may also placed very high up in the echelons of leadership...

I simply did not 'get' the twins, to me they were like being at a carnival and they were like cotton candy, a very sweet confection, that was spun out of the nether and just as quickly gone....

Why the subterfuge in not going through Marc's parents on the implant, was it due to his age or other factors???

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1 hour ago, drsawzall said:

Will we see the results and fallout of Christopher and his family's ill-advised affair of smuggling and whatnot??

So, CONFED Intelligence is after Marc and landed him, it will be interesting to see what plans they have for him. I would suspect from seeing other family members as part of the intelligence service that the Alexander's just may also placed very high up in the echelons of leadership...

I simply did not 'get' the twins, to me they were like being at a carnival and they were like cotton candy, a very sweet confection, that was spun out of the nether and just as quickly gone....

Why the subterfuge in not going through Marc's parents on the implant, was it due to his age or other factors???

Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

LOL... Cotton candy. Yeah, I guess they are. A sweet treat to pass the time away as he watches the other triad form.

Christopher is in the hands of CONFED Navy. Where it goes from there is up in the air. May or may not come up later.

Technically, Marc has to be 16 and his mother would prefer he was 18 for an implant. What was given to him was top of the line, call it a 10 out of 1-10 rating scale. Where the twin's implants were a 3 or 4. Since Aunt Gloria is the resident spook, she would be the one to question. And like any teenager. Marc doesn't want his parents into everything he does.

As far as CONFED Intelligence goes. Alexander Industrials is the producer of the Mimic Class vessel, which are purpose-built spy ships, that CONFED Navy buys. As mentioned by Jessica in the last book. Aunt Gloria uses one. I guess you could say their tendrils run deep into the Intelligence community.

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