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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,946 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Stop! Read First!  This story is marked Mature! There are Graphic Scenes, Sensitive Content, Sexual Situations, Foul Language, and descriptions of Traumatic Events including Death. 
This story is not for everyone! If you don't feel comfortable with ANY of the above. Please don't read!

Tragedia Et Amor - 10. Chapter 10

For your reading pleasure. Enjoy!

Dinner was a festive occasion, as Eric had invited people he wanted to see. More time catching up with friends he didn’t see too often. Even Quinn felt involved as people pulled him into the conversations. It turned with Eric mentioning my new foundation that was being formed. That gained interest as I explained what I was doing and two likely donations once the formation is completed. Once the night came to a close, we all headed back to the condo complex for the night.

We were up early the next morning as we needed to head down to the shop to get ready for the snorkeling adventure his morning. I was out making sure my boat was topped up with fuel and the generator was operational. I also checked the heating system as it has been a month since I last used it. Quinn was inside and had two of our thermoses filled with hot chocolate and snacks he had picked up over at the snack shop. The added towels and blankets were stacked neatly, waiting for me to arrive to help carry them out to the boat. We were set when Eric and Amanda pulled in 30 minutes later. We all changed into the heavy wet suits after deciding that we would pass on the drysuits. Those would be used tomorrow. Quinn had fired up the engines as the rest of us hauled our gear out.

“The two of you really make a good couple. No discussions, just an unspoken division of what needs to be done, and then you both do it.” Said Eric as Amanda agreed.

“Looks like your sex life is the same way. Does he balk much when you take full control in bed?” Asked Amanda.

“Not really. Sometimes I take it, sometimes he forces it on me, sometimes I give in to him, sometimes I force it on him. It’s a give and take relationship. Neither of us is truly in charge. Our sex is about demonstrating our love for the other. It’s not unusual for us to flip-flop multiple times as each tries to outdo the other.”

To some people, that would sound like a private conversation. Amanda has been tagging along down here enough that we have a very good relationship. Eric knows even more about me than she does. It’s not unusual for the two of us to drop into a very personal conversation. Like about my last boyfriend. I mean, there were only three boyfriends. My first was an exploration of two guys feeling out their feelings with guys. He decided since he couldn’t have his way all the time that we were a mistake. That was fine. My second, which mom thinks was my first. Well. Rabbits in perpetual heat was an understatement. Eric had talked with me about both of them. Gave me advice and now, after seeing Quinn and me together, I am very thankful for all those talks. No matter how embarrassing. More importantly, both Eric and Amanda like him and the direction our relationship is going.

20 minutes later, I was standing behind Quinn as he guided us to the first buoy we set before I went up on the bow to snag the mooring line. We could have used the anchor, but I wanted a marker at the places we located. I had the expanded map of just the 1000 foot by 1000 foot area I had looked at. That took some doing, as NOAA is just putting navigation charts online. Mostly the major charts. I pointed out what we had found as old drill sites for oil and there was a collapsed fishing shack spread across the bottom. This would be our first stop, with two more planned.

Quinn tossed my goggles to me as we prepared to go over the side. Eric had helped me drop the ladder. It was a long, heavily built aluminum dive tree type that went 6 feet under the waterline. Perfect for just swimming up and stepping on the first limbs, as I call them. No need to take fins off either. With the colder water temperatures, we had fewer algae and better visibility. It didn’t hurt that the winds were almost nonexistent last night. So, no stirring of the waters. My hand reached for Quinn’s as he swam up next to me, adding a few breaths into his inflatable life harness. Which we all did before he set off, leading us to our first location 40 feet away.


* * *


“I’m glad you thought to bring the camera.” I said, 30 minutes later as Quinn shifted on my lap. He was using his body to heat my leg and everyone knew it, as he had wrapped my leg in a throw blanket and then pushed me down on a hot seat pad before sitting across my lap. His legs were off my left side so they covered the top and side with his warmth, while his head laid on my shoulder, arm around my neck.

“You were running around and I figured you forgot things. I made sure I wrote out a list and grabbed the throw blankets and hot seat with the camera.” He said before kissing the side of my head.

I turned to the smiling Eric and Amanda. “He’ll toss me in the tub later for a massage, too. Before I take him to bed.” Eric laughed at Amanda’s confused and Quinn’s shocked ‘O’ look.

“Orion needed a heated therapeutic jacuzzi tub, and I found one. Having it installed in his mother’s unit. And then another when he bought his grandmother’s unit.” Eric said as an explanation. The look Quinn gave me said we would talk about this later. I’m guessing he didn’t like me discussing our sex life.

We had discussed the attributes of this site and what the next would show us as well as the one after that. It only took us another 3 hours before we headed back to the condo to shower and change for lunch. Mom and grandma joined us for that. Providing another restful hour of conversation. Grams even told me to put her down for a thousand and she would send the check once the Foundation was established. Which was what this afternoon was about. Eric had brought down the paperwork from the lawyers and we were all going to Corpus Christi to sit with my lawyer at 3 pm. Eric said we should only be about an hour. After that, we have to wait for a few weeks for the filing to return the stamped formation document. Then we open bank accounts and the office. Which for now will be at the upstairs office down at the dive center. I am looking at possibly using one of my condos at a later time, but Eric suggested not to do that and find a nice location where we could rent a small office cheap.

Since we were already in Corpus Christi. We had dinner in a restaurant there. Again, Eric had others he invited we conversed with. Once again, the topic of the Foundation came up with Eric and Amanda explaining how we viewed the site today and were diving another site tomorrow. Quinn and I spent 20 minutes explaining the concept before I had received business cards. Being told to call once the paperwork was processed. Quinn’s adorable expression earned us a possible commitment of 25 hundred dollars from three different investors. With my own 10 thousand and grandma’s 1,000 brings us to 18,500 dollars in pledged contributions at this point. No where’s near what is needed, but a good start. Plus, I had the other people’s contact information from dinner last night and the group I met in Galveston.

Conversations were lively on the way back as Amanda told us about the Europe trip they went on and how Eric fell off the boat in Greece. Which was funny. The ride was too short as Eric wheeled us into his parking spot at the complex and we said our goodnights, confirming we would meet at the Dive Center at 8 am for our 1-hour trip out to the location. Quinn leaned into me as we rode up the elevator.

“Tub first and then back to work.” I leaned over and kissed the top of his head as he smiled up at me. “Did you have to tell them about that?” He asked.

“I have been having conversations like that with them for years. If it bothers you, I won’t.” I said.

“More like I would have preferred you told me they know that much. Not that I think it’s a problem.”

“OK.” I replied as he led me off the elevator and into our condo. Straight to the master bath, where he started our bathing ritual.




Tonight was a flip-flop night. It was over an hour later when Orion carried me into the bathroom and we showered off the sweat and sex from our latest coupling. I headed for the kitchen to make us a snack as he pulled out his paperwork and started making notes at his impromptu desk. The two folding tables set up in an ‘L’ shape. I had to admit, it gave him plenty of space to open the different charts. He was tapping away at the keys on his laptop as I pulled the other chair over next to him after I set our hot chocolates and cookies down. Looking over his brief he was writing, I smiled as he stopped to lean in for a kiss.

“Thanks Mr. Newton.”

“You’re welcome, Mr. Hansen.” I said as I returned his kiss and he went back to typing. “Stop for a second.” Reaching across, I scrolled back a few lines. “Change that.” Pointing. “We don’t know how much funding we will have, so don’t speculate on something we have no control over.”

He sat back, reading the entire thing again, and nodded slowly. “OK. Mr. Manager.” He said as he went back and reworded two entire paragraphs. “How’s that?”

I took a few moments to reread it and smiled. “Much better, baby.” He smiled and continued to type. Another ten minutes he’s sitting back to have a sip of his hot chocolate as I read it again. Making corrections in Grammer and word choices as I went. With a flourish, I tapped out a last word and turned to Orion.

“I think you get another blowjob for doing such good work on that donation letter, baby.” I didn’t give him any time to respond as I pulled out his dick and worked him over again.




“Quinn.” Dragged across the room as my back arched and I shot my load down his throat again. Fourth time tonight. Which we found out was the magic number that Quinn needed to achieve to be able to get his satisfying suck, otherwise I blow too fast.

“Now I’m satisfied for the night.” He said as he gave me that adorable look that he gets when he was very happy and very horny. Usually it’s followed by innuendo to entice me into taking him again, but not tonight as he straightened our paperwork and picked up the dirty dishes. His ass did wiggle as he walked away to the kitchen… I followed.

“Are you throwing gas on the fire again?” I asked as I slipped up behind him. My hands yanked his shirt out of his track pants as my hands settled onto the bare skin.

“We are finished with all of our work. I just figured you needed to be especially tired tonight to sleep well.” He said as he tried to pull away from me.

I wasn’t having it though, as my hands shifted. His sweats and underwear dropped down around his ankles. My hands grabbed the shirt, and it was off him in seconds as he tried to lift his feet out of his clothes.

“Don’t bother.” He squeaked as I lifted him off the ground and flipped him. His legs were over my shoulders as my mouth started on his ass.

“I just ate. Put me down.” Which I ignored as he tried to get my hard cock out of my underwear again. “Orion. Flip me around before I vomit.” My tongue was too busy to respond as I moved to our kitchen table. Allowing him to get his hands on it and walk himself across as I lowered down. He was effectively pinned against the table by my face in his ass. I stopped just long enough to grab the bottle of lube off the counter. Grabbing him as he tried to squirm away.

“Where do you think you are going, bottom boy?”

“Someplace comfortable.”

“Possibly you should think about that before you pour fuel on the fire.”

“Maybe.” Turned into a loud groan as two fingers sunk into him at once.

“Maybe?” I said as I pulled the fingers out and reached down to grab his ankles. Lifting and twisting. Causing him to end up on his back as I stepped forwards and sunk my cock into him.

“Stop talking and do it.”

“Bossy bottom.” I said as I thrust into him hard.




It’s so easy sometimes to get Orion to do what I want. He’ll sleep well again tonight. Just like he did last night. Cause my baby needs his rest. I managed to have a very nice and satisfying suck on his cock after we showered and went to bed. He likes to say 4 is the magic number, but it’s really 6. My last blowjob of the night was slow, but just as filling as the first 6 were. His reloads may take longer now, but there is no lacking in the amount of juices he always fills me with. I sighed contentedly as I snuggled into his chest as he spooned me from behind. One of our preferred positions as I hold his hand against my chest over my heart. Just so he knows, he is mine and my heart is his.

Slipping out the next morning and starting breakfast as I let Orion sleep, I knew it wouldn’t be long before he pads out here and wraps me in his arms. Just like I do to him when he get’s up first. My head cocked to the side as I listened over the sound of the bacon sizzling. Smiling, I felt the arms engulf me as his hot chest and stomach warmed my entire back. We have the tendency to run around the condo in our underwear in the mornings.

“Good morning, baby.” He whispered in my ear before the kisses landed on my neck.

“And a good morning to you too, baby. You want to set the table and then stage our gear by the door while I finish breakfast?” He nipped my neck before kissing the spot.

“Of course, love.” He said as he pulled me backwards. I spun and lifted on my toes for the kiss I knew was coming. Just as advertised, his lips covered mine, and he gave me a very passionate kiss. If we didn’t have to be some place, I’m sure he would take me back to bed again. He separated from me and poured juice and coffee for us before he set the table. If it was warmer outside, he would have fixed the tray we used to set up the outside table. Which we both like when we are home together.




The dive was cold as expected, but we were the only divers out there. I had a short radio chat with another boat that I knew from out of Corpus Christi itself. They were also on my list of people to contact about donating. From what I discussed with Eric. I could have the form letter written and then send it to one of our specialist we will hire in the next few weeks to edit it. Then off to the marketing person to be mailed in a mass mailing that they design and purchase the mailing labels for. And the thoughts of just dumping more of my Amazon piggy bank stock looks better and better as well as less of a hassle. But like Amanda said, why use your money when you can use other people’s money? The project isn’t just for you. Is it? Quinn nodded in agreement.

“It might be more work, but in the end you’ll be happier.” He said. I sighed, and he was right. The issue is I don’t have time for it. Not like I would like to, anyway. It’s challenging to find and hire more people at the Dive Center, but that’s what we’ll need to do. Leaning in, I kissed the top of his head. Making him smile.

“Love you.”

“Love you more.”

By the time we settled down for a late lunch, my head was spinning so much I thought it was going to pop off my neck. Quinn’s hand squeezed my thigh as he smiled over at me.

“We’ll figure it out. We just need to start with the staff to get the ball rolling for donations first.”

“Indeed, we do. Thanks baby, for taking the active role in this.”

“Just like when I massage your leg, I’ll work on this too.” And that was so sweet that I kissed him again.

Lunch was a fast affair, as Eric needed to check his emails from his work. Amanda was going to hang out with us, or should I say Quinn, as I needed to go over to the warehouse. That means I will not be back until almost 6 pm. I said my goodbyes before driving over to the ferry to take me across the channel.




“That’s quite the load your boyfriend wants to tackle.” Said Amanda as we walked into the condo.

“It is. Maybe more than we can handle, but I’ll try my best to get him to hire the professionals and go slow.” She nodded as she headed for the worktables. Pulling out the correct file and opened it. Nodding to herself.

“Then let’s make some phone calls and see if we can figure out who you should hire in a few weeks, instead of waiting until the documents are ready to make those calls.”

“What do you do in Houston?” She laughed.

“I don’t live in Houston. Dallas is home for me. And I work for Marathon as a project manager.” Amanda.

“Oh. I didn’t know that. I assumed you lived near Eric.” Which made her chuckle.

“No. Eric and I met in college in Massachusetts. I was offered a job in Dallas and we kept in touch as he built his company. We have a few friends in common and we travel together when we have time. This is actually the best time for Orion to start his Foundation, since Eric has no other personal commitments at the moment.” I made the ‘O’ again, and she laughed.

“Umm…” She waved a hand in dismissal.

“Nothing to say. I’m just stating a fact. Eric is special, but he keeps finding the wrong guys.” She shrugged. “He will someday, and the entire world will know when he does. Until then, use him as the source of information he is and for the record. Orion’s Uncle Wade works for Eric and told him what happened. He’s been part of Orion’s life ever since. And you make Orion happy. Happier than either of us has seen him since we’ve known him. So you have a spot at the table. Use it.”

“Umm… OK.” She gave me a sharp nod and grabbed a legal pad, handing it to me.

“Let’s start with a list of questions. Does one exist already?”

“We had a few questions.” I said as I flipped through one notebook, handing it to her. “Here they are.” She looked and started writing some of her own.




Calling Quinn, I told them to go to dinner without me as I was going to be tied up fixing a screwup in the order system at the warehouse. He asked Amanda where they were going and then asked me what I wanted him to bring back, as Amanda suggested they would pick up takeout for me. I went back to work sorting through our order system to figure out what happened. It took us three hours to find the problem and correct it. I didn’t get home until after 9 and I needed to be up early for tomorrow to open the shop and receive the fuel delivery. Which is only once every two weeks in the off season. Driving home was boring as there was nothing to see in the dark. My timing was just right to board the next ferry crossing, which will depart in 10 minutes as they only run on the half hour in the off season at night. And there is only two. One coming, one going. We’ll pass in the middle of the channel or would have until I heard the blast of the ship’s horn. Another tanker was coming up the channel. That means we have to wait until it passes.




Our dinner was more of a working meeting as Amanda brought the notes we had made and was going over it with Eric. He made a few suggestions, which I wrote down, but concluded with telling us we did a good job. Since we were eating Chinese food, it was easy to get Orion dinner. Eric also had me stop up at their condo, as he had more paperwork for me. That included another list he printed out, from his email, of grants that we could apply for. Both governmental and private. He suggested that once we had the official paperwork that we should start with filing for the grants. Most likely they wouldn’t be awarded until the end of the year, but you never know. Also, he said he would add 100 thousand to the startup once we had the bank accounts to put the funds in. Amanda just winked at me, as I was without words again. I was concerned that Orion would be home before me, but when I walked in at 8:22 pm, he still wasn’t home yet.

Click and the door opening. Then the footsteps told me he was home as I stopped my research on the grants and stood. Looking at the clock, I shook my head as I headed to the kitchen. 9:14 pm.

“Hey baby. I’ll heat it up then. After you eat, we can bathe you again in the tub before bed.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist as he pulled his food out of the refrigerator. He set it on the counter as he turned, hugging me back. Kissing me before grabbing out a plate.

“Thanks love. It’s been a long day.” He said as he dumped some of the beef and broccoli on the fried rice as I opened the microwave.

20 minutes later, he was sitting in the tub as I massaged his leg. Telling him what Amanda and I did, as well as what Eric had given me. After I had finished kissing his scars. Even as tired as he was. Orion dried us, and he carried me to bed. Pulling me tight against him as he fell asleep. My head is on his shoulder.

“Sleep well, my Orion.” I whisper as I kissed his neck.

Thanks for reading!
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

26 minutes ago, VBlew said:

The progress on the foundation seems to be proceeding well.

Hopefully... it would be nice to see it through.

Thanks for the comment VBlew!

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All I can say, at this point, is I wish I could've had that much sex when I was that young! :worship:

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6 blow jobs---wow. Plus work on the foundation is really progressing. Orion and Quinn are quite the very capable, agreeable team. Eric and Amanda back their relationship and trust them to get things done.

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7 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Always smarter to use other people's money rather than your own, you can seed something but don't try and finance it all yourself. 

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

How true! We'll see how that works out in the future.

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7 hours ago, Al Norris said:

All I can say, at this point, is I wish I could've had that much sex when I was that young! :worship:

Thanks for the comment Al Norris!

I equate it to two teens away from the parents for the first time and off to college. All hell breaks loose as they let go and live. 😁

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2 hours ago, akascrubber said:

6 blow jobs---wow. Plus work on the foundation is really progressing. Orion and Quinn are quite the very capable, agreeable team. Eric and Amanda back their relationship and trust them to get things done.

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Quinn is just as randy as Orion, and they have 5 years to catch up on.😉

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Posted (edited)

I know it's ridicules being jealous of fictional characters, but I really envy their sex life, stamina and passion. 

It's so tender and emotional how Quinn takes care of Orion's legs and scars. Sex is great but this is love. 

Edited by Cane23
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27 minutes ago, Cane23 said:

I know it's ridicules being jealous of fictional characters, but I really envy their sex life, stamina and passion. 

It's so tender and emotional how Quinn takes care of Orion's legs and scars. Sex is great but this is love. 

Thanks for the comment Cane23!

No. Not ridicules at all. Sex life, stamina...not the passion unfortunately, when I was in the Navy. Out until 2am, up at 4 am for work, back out at 7 pm to return at 2 am. Rinse and repeat. Wasn't even tired after doing that for four days.😇 Living life vicariously through the fictional characters and memories. Yet... Most of my characters are based on real people from my past. The muses for Orion and Quinn are still happily together after 39, might be 41 years now. 

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Even my wildest dreams during my misspent youth, getting to the 6th BJ of the day would have my testimonials hanging down by my knees, and all that would be left would look like baby powder...

Healthy problem concept:  baby powder in hand, dangerous for breath system


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15 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Even my wildest dreams during my misspent youth, getting to the 6th BJ of the day would have my testimonials hanging down by my knees, and all that would be left would look like baby powder...

Healthy problem concept:  baby powder in hand, dangerous for breath system


LOL... Love it! Thanks for the comment drsawzall!

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Good chapter, @P. E. Knapp.  Good that Orion and Quinn work and play so well together.  Every time I see the name Orion, I think of a story I read years ago, where one of the main characters had a first name of Antares.  He went by his middle name, Todd.  It took the woman he wanted to have as his girlfriend half the book to find out his first name.

Looking forward to more chapters.

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18 minutes ago, ReaderPaul said:

Good chapter, @P. E. Knapp.  Good that Orion and Quinn work and play so well together.  Every time I see the name Orion, I think of a story I read years ago, where one of the main characters had a first name of Antares.  He went by his middle name, Todd.  It took the woman he wanted to have as his girlfriend half the book to find out his first name.

Looking forward to more chapters.

Thanks for the comment ReaderPaul!

Lol... I thought of that for one of the other books. May still use it.

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