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Su Cuy'gar

   (2 reviews)

Dumped for the summer, Quinlan Thomas meets family he never knew and makes a few mistakes looking for some happiness while learning some words in Mandalorian.

Copyright © 2015 Dabeagle; All Rights Reserved.
  • Classic Author
  • 01/06/2015 (Updated: 01/06/2015)
  • 1 Chapters
  • 28,777 Words
  • Teen
  • Complete

Story Recommendations (2 members)

  • Action Packed 1
  • Addictive/Pacing 2
  • Characters 2
  • Chills 1
  • Cliffhanger 0
  • Compelling 2
  • Feel-Good 2
  • Humor 2
  • Smoldering 2
  • Tearjerker 1
  • Unique 2
  • World Building 0

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Table of Contents
  • 1. Su Cuy'gar
    • 28,777 Words

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I read this story after I read Dan South's review of it. I have said in others comments on this Authors stories I that I have read about half of his stories give or take thats because he has so many on his site this is one of many I have missed.This was written in 2015 before I was a member GA many GA readers who read this authors current stories today are most likely haven't read this for the same reason.I'm putting this review out there so that readers who know me and follow this authors will see this and I can can then tell them this story has everything all good @Dabeagle stories have which is excellent characters with just the right amount of drama ,humor and feel goodness (I know thats not a word) mixed in with relevant issues of the day. I won't say much about the story self except trust me you'll love it. I has one of the more interesting characters this author ever created who said a line in this story that I'm going to use sometime "This is a pain in the cash" 

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Dan South


There are so many variations on ‘bloom where you are planted’ but to be planted indicates a root system. Imagine discovering roots you didn’t know you had, deep roots.

Spend an evening with Quinlan  Thomas. An afternoon. This is a short story. He’s many things: young, strong, infatuated, impulsive. Abandoned, again. 

Love, like obedience, we learn from the people that model the behavior for us. 

I’ll never look at a baby carrot the same way. I laughed out loud so many times as I was pulled back from the edge of tears.

Today was a rainy day and I couldn’t have spent my time better than Su Cuy’gar. 


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