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Just Keep Swimming - 3. Chapter 3

Just silly fluff...nothing triggering here unless of course you have an issue with spazzy hackers and bog-hearted dads of tween girls ;)


By the time Liam reached Gabriel’s house on foot because he hadn’t seen the point in driving a distance, he could’ve run to in just a few minutes, the light summer rain that’d started as soon as he’d gotten just down the street from his own place—without an umbrella because the weatherman had gotten the forecast wrong yet again— had let up. It’d left behind an appealingly glossy sheen to the sidewalk that was shiny and almost pretty under the streetlight lamps, but it’d also thwarted Bonnie’s attempts at taming Liam’s hair for his ’big date night.’ The gel she’d worked into his thick strands had been disintegrated by the passively aggressive droplets that’d frizzed the previously defined curls into ones that would’ve been perfectly at home on the head of any proud mad scientist. Bonnie would be horrified, but Gabriel hadn’t seemed bothered by Liam’s damp pool head the other day, so Liam was banking on a similar outcome tonight, especially since Bonnie had done pretty well with the rest of her efforts. She’d successfully managed to wrangle her younger brother into jeans that were Liam’s favorite pair without any holes, and the lightweight copper colored sweater that he’d had worn only once to a client Christmas party last year. Liam’s black and white sneakers, though soggy by the time he made it to Gabriel’s porch, were new. The last time Converse had a huge online sale, Liam had ordered enough pairs in different colors to hold him over until the end of the world, or maybe his next date if tonight went sideways.

That last thought had made Liam pause for a moment at Gabriel’s dark blue front door, reminding him of exactly what he was doing tonight, who he was doing it with, and why the stakes were so high.

God, if you’re listening, I really like Gabriel Morgan and his kids, so please don’t let me cock this up tonight.

Liam exhaled hard, rang the doorbell, then doubled down on that bastardized version of prayer when Harlow opened the door with a gleeful grin. The little girl hugged him hard before leading Liam into the comfortably laid out, nicely decorated space that managed to feel both upscale and homie at the same time with its pale sable and green walls accented with gleaming wood, and modern but kid-friendly furniture like the navy blue, overstuffed couches Liam got a brief glimpse of as they passed through the living room to get to the kitchen.

Letting Harlow chatter away happily with appropriate sounds from his end when necessary, gave Liam the opportunity to slow his heart rate so he didn’t get stuck in his own head and embarrass himself in front of Gabriel or his daughters.

Not that it’d be the first time. It was no secret to anyone who’d ever had the misfortune to be around Liam and Gabriel when they were in the same orbit, that the grace and coordination Liam had worked so hard at developing both in the pool, and on the soccer field after his awkwardly gawky and gangly teenage years, went right out the window whenever Gabriel was around.

On the track during practice and on his daily runs at sunrise, Liam could run a seven-minute mile easily. Between that, swimming several times a week, and the video games he designed, his hand-eye coordination was stellar. But put him in front of one awesome dad-of-two, and all bets were off because shit was probably going to get real geek, real quick.

The minute it took for Liam to hug Kora, then Harlow again when she insisted, wasn’t nearly long enough to impede the decision Liam had to make between shaking Gabriel’s hand formally in greeting, or stealing a publicly appropriate kiss while a very interested, teeny-bopper version of the proverbial peanut gallery, was watching.

Liam’s soft, sanity-gathering exhale blew his overly long curls away from his forehead. He and Gabriel hadn’t discussed PDA’s beforehand so Liam took the safe road and stiffly held out his hand like a spaz who’d never met Gabriel before. Gabriel’s lips twitched as they shook perfunctorily, but he didn’t release Liam’s hand. Instead, he pulled the younger man towards him, so his lips bushed lightly across Liam’s cheek.

Simple, sweet, and apparently wholly approved by Harlow and Kora if their gleeful whoops were any indication of their feelings on the matter.

Liam ignored both the teasing and his flaming cheeks, focusing instead on getting the covered Pyrex dish onto the table without dropping it. Considering he was feeling slightly light-headed from just being around Gabriel right now, he didn’t know how the hell he’d played it cool when Gabriel had asked him out. But he worked with what he had and silently made it his aim to just keep swimming tonight, even if he had to doggie paddle like a madman to keep his head above water.

Clinging fiercely to that private mantra like it was his own metaphorical set of pool arm floaties, Liam returned the brightly colored oven mittens Kora had handed to him when he was handling the hot dish. Harlow put herself on whipped cream and syrup duty after she’d given Liam a large knife, and a much smaller dessert fork to cut up and plate the fragrant, still warm French toast for all of them. It was a sweet dish to begin with, especially with the fresh strawberry compote Liam had added to the recipe, but he didn’t want to rain on Harlow’s parade regarding the syrup even though he was pretty sure Gabriel would be Team Whipped Cream like he was.

Harlow and Kora got the first two pieces-set down at the same time, one plate in each of Liam’s hands so neither sister felt the sting of any favoritism. Gabriel got the third much larger piece, along with a subtle head tilt from Liam indicating that he should probably try and recoup the can of whipped cream if Gabriel wanted any of it before his cute, biologically bonded blonde vultures descended. Harlow’s protest when Gabriel followed the silent advice with an amused smirk, was a win in Liam’s book.

Look at us being all domestic and on the same page. Communicating without words might become our new joint superpower.

Of course, Liam might’ve been putting the proverbial cart before the horse considering he and Gabriel still hadn’t had a full first date conversation, and that Gabriel’s kiss of greeting had landed too far away from Liam’s mouth to really count by most romantic standards. Then again, Gabriel had initiated that kiss in front of the people he loved most, so that had to count for something, right?

Liam pondered that new thought as he cut a piece of French toast for himself that was smaller than the one he’d given to Gabriel, but larger than the ones that he’d cut for the girls. He held the plate steadily in both hands as Gabriel adorned Liam’s French toast with three perfect swirls of whipped cream that matched the swirls already on his own plate. Their eyes locked for a moment, and the content expression in Gabriel’s eyes was laced with a subtle heat that made Liam’s heart skip. His brain briefly blipped out as he wondered if there’d be any whipped cream left in that can for him and Gabriel to use privately at some future point.

Not that Liam usually put out on the first date, but he’d make an exception for Gabriel Morgan. He’d known him long enough—if not as well as he would’ve liked to in the biblical sense—that the man was far from some random internet hookup. Gabriel wasn’t anything like Matt, all of his boring brethren, or the cute, but immature slacker and occasional stoner types who’d stopped being appealing to Liam once he’d had his “adulting epiphany” when he was twenty-five, and had decided he wanted the stability and access that having his own home in this area could offer, like being within walking distance of most things, including his part-time job at the YMCA. Having been a very successful, free-lancing computer programmer even back then, had meant that Liam had been able to afford his mortgage without any help from his other occasional swipe-right choice; high-roller sugar daddies who’d liked the idea of a nerdy Boy Friday on their arm for a night.

Within five years, Liam had learned to navigate the Badlands of Suburbia that were filled with SUVs loaded with Costco membership purchases, neat lawns that were manicured weekly, Gen-X and Millennial couples, their kids, and occasionally even their own Boomer parents. By coaching the local girls soccer team and teaching swim when he wasn’t working his freelance gigs or mowing his own damn lawn, Liam had learned to fit in with the people he’d previously avoided in his early twenties because he’d been too young and dumb to realize he could code and occasionally cause havoc in cyber space like any proper smartass hacker, just as easily in a three-bedroom ranch with central air, as he could in a barely finished basement apartment. He'd evolved over time, but Liam knew that between his lazy fashion choices and flexible work schedule, he might present to some people as young and carefree, with no immediate family responsibilities. Not exactly the kind of guy who most stable, mature single Dads would be into, but Gabriel seemed willing to look at him with both of those gorgeous gray eyes wide open to see past their age gap to the fact that Liam could be trusted both in his beautiful home, and around his kids.

Liam smiled, heart skipping again as Gabriel’s fingertips discreetly brushed his again when Liam took the can of whipped cream out of his hands to hand it to Kora so she had a shot at it before Harlow got her grabby little hands on it. It was an easy handoff, so the short walk around the edge of the table to sit opposite Gabriel should’ve been a smooth slam dunk segue into a possible game of discreet footsie beneath the table. Liam had taken his shoes off at the door and was in his socked feet like everyone else in the house, so the temptation was real. Unfortunately, that one barely-there touch effectively shorted out Liam’s brain and all the limbs that fickle organ was supposed to control.

Unlike the time that Liam had literally tripped over a cooler after a soccer practice when Gabe had stopped to talk to him about the upcoming game schedule for the month, this time, Liam managed to catch himself and keep an appropriate distance between him and the floor, with one hand desperately clutching the curved edge of the oblong table. His bright blue ceramic plate wasn’t as lucky, paying the ultimate price for Liam’s anxiety when it went flying out of his other hand. The perfectly adorned French toast left guilty red evidence seeping into the previously pristine grout between Gabriel’s tasteful gray kitchen tiles. All they needed was a CSI team and a few chalk lines, and Liam’s first date with Gabriel could official be pronounced dead in the water.

“Damnit! Gabe, I’m sorry!”

Liam didn’t clearly hear Gabriel’s response over the rush of his embarrassment, but his frustration increased when pushing off the table’s edge with too much nervous energy fueling his intention to move towards the mess on the floor, jostled it with enough force to tip over the water glass by Liam’s plate. The water splashed his hand and the hem of his sweater liberally. Liam immediately lunged backward to make a grab for the rolling glass in a last-ditch effort of sadly comedic heroics. He almost managed. Unfortunately, Lady Fate was a vindictively fickle bitch with a warped sense of humor, so Liam promptly got tangled in the legs of his chair which Kora had helpfully pulled out for him.

The glass slid completely off the table, but not before the remaining contents, soaked Gabriel’s shirt and jeans with water. Horror flooded Liam as he saw the wet stain grow across the other man’s abdomen and crotch. That feeling turned to panic when Liam felt the floor starting to come up on him fast as he tried to overcorrect his current trajectory after his foot slipped in the water on the floor when he turned towards Gabriel to apologize again.

Thankfully Gabriel reached out at the same time. Liam was swept hard with a dual sense of both guilt and gratitude when he heard the glass shatter on the tile, but didn’t feel any of the pieces embed themselves in his forehead. Apparently, years of being both a daddy and a contractor had honed lightning fast, executive decision-making skills in Gabriel that saved lives.

The strong chest under Liam’s cheek vibrated with a soft rumble of laughter as Gabriel gathered Liam against him. Liam should’ve felt nearly combustible with humiliation. Instead, the warmth of Gabriel’s arms keeping him upright felt like a balm to his frazzled soul.

“You need a damn keeper,” Gabriel said with a grin.

Are you applying for the job?

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, Liam. They warned me about the water. I just didn’t factor in dinner.”

Gabriel’s thumb scraped the faint stubble along Liam’s jaw before he stood, taking Liam’s leaner frame with him easily. He kept his hand on the small of Liam’s back as he guided him back into his chair, the subtle caress lingering just long enough for Liam’s body to feel bereft when Gabriel let go.

“We told you, daddy,” Harlow said with a cheeky smirk that would’ve horrified Liam further if she and Kora weren’t already out of their seats getting paper towels and Fantastic to clean up the mess. Gabriel intercepted his daughters, sending them to get the vacuum instead while he picked up the biggest pieces of glass with paper towels before working on getting the worst of the French toast fiasco out of his grout. He cleaned up the gooey filling as best he could, then vacuumed up the remaining glass when the girls returned, noisily lugging a wet-dry vac. Within five minutes, all evidence of the French toast homicide was gone, though Liam’s cheeks still felt as warm and red as the strawberry compote.

“I wish you’d have let me help clean up. I made the mess.”

“Make another one and I’ll gently rub your nose in it if it’ll make you feel better.”

Liam snorted softly as Gabriel and the girls grinned at him. “Or you could just take me out back and shoot me.”

No way. Mr. Hastings would have to go from assistant couch to head couch and we’d lose every single game,” Harlow said somberly after licking her spoon with a happy sound. “And he doesn’t have this recipe.”

“I’ll write it down for your dad,” Liam said with a sigh. “Consider it my parting gift.”

The girls snickered as Gabriel squeezed Liam’s hand when he returned to the table with a fresh glass of water for him.

“Sorry, we don’t do refunds in this house.” Gabriel’s lips twitched as he looked over at Harlow and Kora. “But we do have empathy for the spazzy people we like and want to keep around. Consider this is a one-time offer of taking your dinner to the basement,” he said to them. To Liam, he added, “It’s fully finished and soundproofed so they can blast the TV and stereo as much as they want. A nifty benefit to building your own home.”

The girls were out of their seats before Gabriel had even gotten out two large plastic serving trays with handles that he stacked with clean cutlery, napkins, their plates of already plated French toast—plus extra servings—and the syrup bottle. Harlow filched the can of whipped cream as well after both girls hugged Liam briefly, then called out enthusiastic thank yous for the food before disappearing downstairs. Liam couldn’t bring himself to mourn the loss of potential private time whipped cream hijinks since he was already pondering, like a properly forlorn Pooh Bear, how else he could possibly ruin the night.

“Soundproofing probably won’t help your sanity when they’re old enough to be interested in boys,” he said when he and Gabriel were alone in the kitchen,

“Which is why I have cameras installed that I can yell at said boys through.”

“Ah, a one foot on the floor dad?”

“A two feet and a one blanket per person in this house, dad,” Gabriel corrected. “As in if they want to cuddle with a boy on the couch, each kid gets their own blanket to snuggle under with two cushions between them. Extra protection. And you’re a coder/hacker right? Running background checks is something you can do when I have questions about their future mystery miscreants.”

“I can, though the law would tell you otherwise.”

“I’ve already cleaned up the evidence of a culinary kill, so I think it’s safe to say I’m all good with you helping me go Big Brother on my kids.”

Liam chuckled but then sighed when he noticed just how wet Gabriel’s shirt and jeans were. “I got you all wet, man. I’m sorry. Go change. I’ll put myself in time-out till you get back. No French toast for Liam.”

Gabriel grinned. “Don’t be sorry. I’ll air dry. You just need to take a breath. The girls love you and they love Bonnie’s recipe. Anything else can be worked around. Just breathe, Liam. Actually…”

Gabriel held out a hand to help a bemused Liam out of his chair before he sat back down in his own, then gently tugged Liam onto his lap, seemingly unbothered by the fact that now, they’d both be more than a little damp. “Let’s try this for a bit,” he murmured.

Liam’s brow arched but he settled down where guided. “Does this fall within the parameters of both feet on the floor?”

Gabriel chuckled as he peered over Liam’s shoulder to see his socked feet grazing the tile. His nod and low hum of assent was followed by a light kiss pressed into the sensitive space where Liam’s neck met his shoulder, sending a pleasant, honey thick shiver roll through Liam’s body.

“Yep. And they’re going to be busy for a while. There’s a mini fridge filled with sodas and water down there, as well as a standing pantry I built that’s filled with snacks when they decide they’re hungry five minutes after housing those extra pieces of French toast. We’ll have some time to talk, and I’d prefer not having those conversations across opposite ends of the table if that’s ok with you?”

Yes, yes it is.

“Yeah… Soggy snuggles are right on par with my klutzy brand.”

Gabriel smiled. “Awesome. You okay with sharing one plate? Otherwise, I have to let you up to get one from the cabinet and I’d rather just stay here.”

“To avoid more kitchen carnage?”

Gabriel’s laughter rumbled low in his body. “No, because you’re warm from all the blushing, fit perfectly in my lap, and I want to hold you.” His teeth scraped lightly down the length of Liam neck. The whimper that escaped Liam’s lips when he felt the brief, damp caress of Gabriel’s tongue against the sensitive curve of his ear would’ve embarrassed him if he'd had any brain function left. Fortunately, all his blood had rushed from head to dick, leaving him lightheaded and pliant beneath Gabriel’s hands.

“Works for me, but can you eat with me in the way?”

In response, Gabriel pushed a fork into Liam’s hand and promptly opened his mouth. For a split second, Liam was tempted to lick a kiss boldly into that tempting target, but common sense prevailed over horny contemplation, and he gently poked a piece of French toast coated with equal amounts of strawberry compote and whipped cream, between Gabriel’s lips. Liam’s own tongue velcroed itself to the roof of his mouth as he watched the full sensual lines of Gabriel’s jaw working around the bite.

“They were right. That’s amazing.” Gabriel said with a contented sound suspiciously close to a moan. “Kora and Harlow are going to ask for this all the time now.”

“I’ll write the recipe down for you.”

“Or you could just come over every Friday and make it here? I’ll provide paper plates and cups.”

Gabriel’s grin took all sting from the words and Liam snorted softly as he leaned into the other man a little bit more. “ Sure… Though that almost sounds like a boyfriend level commitment…”

“I agree. Is that a problem?”

No, no it’s not.

“No… but it’s not exactly slow baby steps to get the girls used to the idea of me dating their dad either.”

“The baby steps was my dad-brain’s suggestion but you saw the girls, Liam. They’re more than all right with this. They actually made me change my outfit before you got here so that I’d make a better impression on you.” Amusement quirked Gabriel’s lips as he shook his head. “Believe me they’re all in, so Gabriel their dad, is satisfied enough to let Gabriel the man say he wants to date you and enjoy every aspect that comes with that status, even if it means a little extra cleaning on occasion. You in?”

Do people in hell crave ice water?

“Yeah… I’m in. Though I’m a little shocked considering my interview performance has been in the red at best.”

Gabriel chuckled. “I like you so much right now, Liam. You’re real, and when it comes to adding people to my family, that’s what matters most to me. I’ve also been around you for two years. Believe me, this wasn’t the real interview. The other seven-hundred-and-thirty days were.”

He winked, then opened his mouth again. Liam poked another piece of French toast into it before he took a bite himself, humming as the sugary deliciousness slowed his heart rate. Carbs were king.

“I forgot how good this actually is. And it’s both dinner and dessert in one meal, so there’s no need to rush to the good parts.”

“Good things always come to those who wait. We can consider all of this foreplay, sweetheart.”

The endearment touched more than just Liam’s heart, and he shifted subtly in Gabriel’s lap to readjust his approving anatomy. “Tease.”

“It’s only a tease if I don’t plan to deliver,” Gabriel said with a grin. He leaned forward, speaking just low enough against Liam’s ear for Liam to hear him without his voice carrying too loudly. “I can assure you I have every intention of eventually satisfying my curiosity once and for all, about what you look like when you’re coming down my throat.”

Liam’s eyes half-lidded as his lips parted.


“Are you reconsidering that babysitter idea now?”

Gabriel grinned. “At around 7:30 pm, the girls and I are going to be getting a text to our family group chat inviting them over to the house of my friends, Chris and Lexi, for an “impromptu” aka completely pre-planned sleepover, with their daughter. Misty’s the same age as Harlow and Kora. It was Lexi’s idea when I told her and Chris that I invited you over tonight. We’ll have the house to ourselves once they leave, which means we can just watch a movie on the couch if that’s what you want to do. There’s no pressure for anything past spending time with you, though I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t secretly hoping you might be up for some teenage level necking,” Gabriel said, cheeks pink despite his slowly suggestive smile.

“Have I mentioned that men who plan ahead are extremely sexy?” Liam murmured.

“I was an Eagle Scout.”

“Considering the status of your tool belt that holds every tool known to man and a few known probably only to select local and horny geriatrics among us, I actually believe that,” Liam said.

Gabriel laughed and Liam immediately drained the rest of the water, then switched to his still passably cool beer.

Gabriel laughed. “Do you check out my tools often, Liam?”

Survey says all the time.

“I’m a tech nerd. Having a hot capable neighbor who knows how to swing his hammer holds a lot of appeal.”

Gabriel laughed again. “Good to know but ink covering wetsuit notwithstanding, you’re not exactly the traditional tech nerd.”

Liam popped another bite of French toast into his mouth and chewed before responding. “Well, I don’t live in my parents’ basement, and I make nature’s sunny D3 a priority in my life. I also have mild ADD so keeping my mind occupied helps. I work as an independent contractor for a few firms which pays the bills. But graphic design is my passion and the creative aspect of it helps maintain my focus.”

“That makes a lot of sense.”

“Uh huh. Probably part of the reason why kids and I get along so well. We have the same tendencies to be easily distracted by shiny things like crows.”

Gabriel grinned. “Well, it makes sense for my girls for sure. Especially Harlow.”

“Her energy helps carry the team a lot of the time. Kora’s more of a den mother with a baton. Granted, Harlow would love to wave the baton too, but only if she lit it on fire first.”

Liam’s snicker drew a rueful groan from Gabriel. “Yeah, that’s my kid. She and Kora went through a ballerina tutu phase together when she was four and Kora was five. Kora wore her traditional pink one with matching leotards and leopard ballet flats. Harlow rocked a lime green and purple one over jeggings and work books. I also drilled holes in one of my old hard hats so she could poke her pigtails out through the top.”

Liam laughed because yeah, he could totally see that. “They’re both great kids.” He paused for a moment, unsure if the words suddenly percolating in his mind should be released to the air. Sometimes putting things out into the universe didn’t work out the way you intended, and things were going so well between them right now. Still…

Liam shifted around in Gabriel’s lap so he could see his face. “I want to say something but don’t want to overstep, so feel free to shut me down if I am, all right?” Liam waited for Gabriel to nod with a bemused expression before he continued. “I obviously don’t know what went down between you and your ex-wife. It’s in the past and honestly not my business. I’m not a parent. But… I know Kora and Harlow so I just can’t wrap my head around how their mom could just walk away from them like she did. Whatever problems parents may have in their marriage, kids should never have to pay the price for them. I mean you’re clearly a phenomenal dad. They’re happy and thriving so I don’t want to judge. But honestly… as far as moms of the year go, Mary wouldn’t get my vote. Sorry.”

Liam wasn’t actually sorry, but it seemed the right kind of politically correct lip service to offer after he’d just insulted the mother of Gabriel’s children. He was prepared for possible disapproved and chastisement, but Gabriel seemed to feel Liam’s indignant monologue deserved his own more appropriate version of lip service.

A soft eep escaped Liam’s throat, only to be fed into Gabriel’s mouth when the man’s large hands with their scars and calluses—a working man’s hands— cradled Liam’s face to tilt it up. Liam didn’t know what was happening until Gabriel’s mouth had already closed over his. At the first touch of their lips meeting, Liam’s eyes crossed at the close proximity of Gabriel’s face to his because he hadn’t closed them in time for the other man’s features not to distort with a funhouse mirror affect. His heart also tripped in his chest, flipping over hard with a new double time tempo.

For a moment, Liam wasn’t sure what to do. Lean in? Pull away? Kiss back? Apologize for how much that one kiss was filling out the front of his jeans?

Liam settled for closing his damn eyes, and letting his lips slide apart to welcome the tender, nubby stroke of Gabriel’s tongue when it sought entry. It was everything a proper first kiss should be-gentle, but not chaste despite the fact they were sitting in Gabriel’s kitchen and had his kids in the basement just below them. There was just the right amount of wet heat and suction when Gabriel’s tongue gathered Liam’s into his own mouth, the stronger sweeter flavors of fresh strawberry compote and cream overpowering the light beer they’d been drinking. Liam leaned into Gabriel’s body a bit more when the man’s hands moved from Liam’s face to rest on either side of his neck after Gabriel broke the kiss and rested their foreheads together.

Liam’s heart wagged it’s goddamn tail like a puppy who’d just won lifetime access to treats and chew toys. Gabriel’s breathing was just labored enough to make it seem like he felt he’d won the same prize.

When Liam swallowed hard, he felt every one of his nerve endings crackling with an electric level energy that should’ve made his already wild curls stand up on end. His skin tingled as he breathed in deeply, trying to memorize the unique scent of Gabriel’s cologne.

“Two things,” Liam murmured when he finally wrangled his thoughts together. 1) What was that for? and 2) Can I say wow without sounding like a teenage girl?”

Gabriel stole another kiss before he answered, his eyes meeting Liam’s with the same level of heat that’d dropped Liam’s tone a solid octave lower into an arousal he couldn’t hide.

“I have two tween girls I’m pretty fond of, so teeny bopper exclamations are allowed in this house. As for why…” Gabriel smiled, “You were willing to stand up for my kids because you genuinely care about them. That’s a sexier trait than you can possibly imagine. Mary’s not a bad person, but she made a choice not to be a part of their daily lives. You wouldn’t do that, Liam.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” Liam agreed. “If we don’t work out, I’d hope that we could still be friends for their sakes… and mine… because I do really like this recipe.” His lips curved into a lopsided smile. “But it is honestly too much for one person who doesn’t want to put on forty pounds, so it needs to be shared.”

“I think French Toast Fridays are a pretty safe bet in our future, regardless of what happens between us.” Gabriel’s hand curled around the side of Liam’s face gently. “I know it might seem fast, Liam, but I haven’t contemplated seriously dating anyone except for you since the divorce. And I know I’m older than you are, so maybe that seems too intense, or too much but—”

“Cast iron pan, remember?” Liam said, cutting Gabriel off with the finger he laid lightly over the other man’s lips, his own quirking into a crooked smile.

Gabriel blinked, temporarily startled into silence. Liam took that opportunity to take mental inventory of Gabriel’s angular features, and the small scar under his left eye that was faded enough to be indicative of an old injury. Gabriel wasn’t classically handsome like the average modern Hollywood heartthrob but there was strength in the hard cut of his jaw, and an appealing warmth in the slight curve of his mouth as it quirked at the corners in amusement under Liam’s touch. Gabriel was a hundred times better than the flesh than any fantasy leading man because he was real.

And he’s mine.

Granted, that last part jumped the gun a bit, but Gabriel had made a pretty convincing argument to support Liam’s private thoughts, so Liam was going to run with them like a kid with their mom’s scissors, steps rocketed by the sugary fuel of pixie sticks.

After almost a year’s hiatus from any sexual hijinks, Little Liam had reentered the building and was more than willing to make up for lost time. Especially when Gabriel shifted a bit closer, his hand dragging confidently down the long length of Liam’s spine slowly, pausing to rest just above the curve of his ass where his jeans dipped slightly. That one definitively male touch lit Liam up with the magic of handheld sparklers on the 4th of July.

“Baby, if your kids weren’t in the house right now, we’d redefine intensity,” Liam murmured with another crooked smile. “It’s been me and my left hand every Saturday night like a teen outcast for almost a year. I’ve wanted to get to know you as more than Kora and Harlow’s dad for…” 730 days “awhile.”

“Good to know,” Gabriel murmured. “What’s even better though is knowing I was right about the size of your heart.”

“I think the credit for that clarity of thought actually goes to those two little girls who are probably taking bets on whether daddy is kissing their soccer coach, or cleaning up another mess said coach made.”

Gabriel’s smile turned wolfish around the edges. “That’s fair. Maybe a little credit goes to Brady too since he was all about getting you to closely inspect the gifts I came bearing in my tool belt. Though dear God, Liam, putting that much sugar into a four-year-old takes huge brass balls. Or a lack of self-preservation.”

“Hey, I’m well aware I’m screwing myself when I rev Brady up with enough preservatives and red dyes to power the next lunar mission to Mars, but kids need some kind of junk food in their lives. Healthy living before age five is un-American.”

Gabriel chuckled, his warm gaze travelling over Liam face. “Do you spend a lot of time with him?”

“Yeah, ever since Bonnie moved them back out here. We grew up in Portland, but Bonnie moved out to California when she married Brady’s dad—a.k.a. ‘Dick the Prick,’ so dubbed after he walked out on Bonnie and Brady for his twenty-three-year-old secretary when Brady was two, leaving Bonnie with a toddler and a mortgage she couldn’t afford.”

“Dick sounds like a real winner.”

“Grade-A, American Asshole,” Liam agreed. “Anyway, after their divorce was finalized, I convinced Bonnie to move back here after she sold the house. She had to split the proceeds from the sale with Dick, but I told her to accept just the court appointed child support not alimony. That way she could get him out of her life while Brady benefits from his stupidly high, tech mogul salary. Dick is good about paying child support, but he doesn’t want to be a dad and that’s in everyone’s best interest.” Liam took another sip from his beer. “If I had to see his stupid, cheater face every holiday, I’d probably end up hacking into his medical records and giving him every possible STI I could think of and maybe a really low sperm count.”

When Gabriel snickered, Liam offered a soft snort. “I’d ruin his credit score if I could, but that would hurt Brady. Better for Dick to just say far away because Bonnie and Brady are better off without him. Anyway, I helped Bonnie with the remaining amount she had to put as a downpayment on the place she has now.”

“Really?” Gabriel’s brow arched. Liam shrugged. The unspoken question made sense.

“I’m no Bill Gates or anything but I’m really good at what I do, and I’ve patented a few programs I designed, so I do better than my wardrobe wants to admit to. Our parents are living their best lives in a 55+ community, so Bonnie and Brady are the only real family I have around. If you can’t take care of your family when they need you, what’s the use of money?”

Gabriel didn’t say anything but his smile widened, and Liam got the distinct feeling he’d passed some unspoken test.

“When Bonnie goes away for business seminars like she did this week, I take Brady for those few days. He’s enrolled in pre-K from 9:00am to 2:30pm, so I can get work done until I have to pick him up.”

“Didn’t look like much was getting done the other day,” Gabriel said, eyes teasing.

Liam poked a finger into Gabriel’s chest as he showed him his teeth. “After you left, I got to sit through two more hours of answering questions about your candy bars. You’ve officially outranked Elmo in popularity by the way, so that’s huge. Brady was excited I was going to see you and your candy bars tonight—told me to let you know that he’s been an extra good boy. It’s like you’re the new, sexy handyman Santa.”

When Gabriel laughed, Liam offered a droll smile. “He gets his subtle nature from his mom. Bonnie’s at my place by the way. She took the day off and made excuses to hang around to ‘catch up.’ An hour before I was supposed to meet you, she started sneezing and coughing up a storm. Claimed she was too sick to drive the fifteen minutes home.”

Another laugh escaped Gabriel when Liam gave him a pointed look. “She also mentioned I probably shouldn’t come home tonight since she and Brady might be contagious.”

“Sounds like she’s on the same page as Chris and Lexi. To be fair, I think my kids are planning to kick me out and move you in with that recipe if I mess this up tonight.”

Liam felt his ears heat as he groaned. “I still can’t believe they knew. I mean everyone knows I’m gay, and the girls on the team made a pretty public pact last year to find me my dream man, but considering they were Team Jake not Vampire Boy, I’d rather sit at home making use of my Netflix subscription. I mean, what person in their right mind would choose fleas and allergies over living forever with a guy whose bite brings bliss?”

The fist Gabriel raised to his mouth didn’t do anything to hide his broad smile. “Well, you do like to swim in the sunshine, and those vampires get sparkly in the sun so it makes sense? I don’t sparkle, but I do tan pretty easily because of the Italian genes on my dad’s side.”

“Do you speak Italian?”

“Enough to get by during the holidays. Do you speak other languages?”

“Not unless you consider hacker code the enlightened language it is.”

“I’m not familiar with it but I’m willing to be schooled. Maybe while you’re giving me swim lessons. Two birds, one stone.”

“Learning to code takes a while…”

“I’d imagine so does teaching an almost forty-year-old coward to swim, and I’m happy to make time for that. Water safety right?”

Liam felt his cheeks heating.

Keep it together man. You don’t want to let him know you’ve wanted to brand your name on his ass since day one.

His nervously jiggling knee threw off his “look-cool” game plan when it made up-close-and-personal contact with the underside of the table hard enough to jostle his water glass. Gabriel’s lightning reflexes saved the day again as he righted the glass before he pushed his chair completely away from the table, both arms wrapping more securely around Liam.

“You absolutely need a keeper,” Gabriel said with an amused look.

“Are you applying?”

“Don’t even think about putting out an ad. Most people couldn’t afford the insurance premiums.”

It was difficult to feel insulted when Gabriel lifted and turned Liam with ridiculous ease so Liam was facing him, fully straddling his lap. “We’re still good for about another half hour,” Gabriel said after looking at the time on his cell.

Liam sighed. “And that… is a massive tragedy of Shakespearean proportions because… I have to pee… which is like a total non-starter with a boner.”

Gabriel laughed out loud, then leaned in to steal a kiss so tender and deep, it did absolutely nothing to defuse Liam’s tented jeans situation.

“Go figure it out in a way that won’t deny me getting your first non-solo orgasm in a year while I clean up. We have all night, Liam. All. Night.

Liam silently patted himself on the back when he managed to stand up without tripping despite the fact Gabriel’s words had made his eyes cross.

Alrighty then…

Hope you're enjoying the story so far in all it's silly, light-hearted romantic glory. Sometimes we just need some fluff in our lives. Don't be shy about sharing your thoughts. Ideas, critiques and comments help us all grow as authors. Thanks!
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