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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Woman's Game - 18. Part Two: Book of Revelations VI

Her memory was still fragmented but they were coming back piece by piece. In fact, at this moment, her memories were nearly completely intact and she could remember what happened…


That event that she thought was so beautiful was something quite vulgar…




It happened years ago. The glimpse of light. The hand reaching out to hers, saving her from the darkness. She was taken… She had been saved, by a man she loved.


But then she was taken…


Her creator came to collect her. Came to claim what was hers. Her creator had been protecting her for so many years she didn’t know what was right anymore.


She was stashed away where no one would find her. Apart from the one person that would never give up on her. Her love.


This rekindled her flame for him, making the spark even brighter than ever before. She loved him so much, and she loved him simply because he didn’t care who or what she was.


But they couldn’t have that. She had to be ready. She had to not know anything. The perfect weapon must have no other weakness.


The Lady in Green was sent. She had known her since her creation; she had taken her and wiped her memories. She made her unaware of everything; she didn’t know who she truly was…


The Lady in Green was a monster and so turned her own creation into a monster.


This was because she was doing the exact same thing to her son…




She was beginning to feel guilt…


Something she had never done before. It was an emotion she banned. An emotion she wouldn’t allow herself to go through… Her actions were so dark, so horrible, and so corrupt. She never wanted to feel the emotions because it would send her insane…


But she had to remain strong and her mind must stay together.


Her mind must stay…


She had to survive…




Ash had been wandering. He had a question that must be answered. He summoned the Fiend Fyre. As it erupted from his chest, it refused to look at its master.


“I order you to look at me.” Ash became irritable.


The Fiend Fyre began to speak. “You are not a master. You are a boy.”


“I am your master, now obey me!” Ash started to shout.


“I am waiting for a true master to take complete control.” The Fiend Fyre, through its flames appeared to have a smug look about itself.


Ash raised his hands and threw his soul into the creature, throwing it across the field, setting a bush alight. He approached the burning bush. “I am strong. I can do this. I have faith in myself.”


“That is the lesson you must learn. Good Boy.” The Fiend Fyre launched itself towards Ash and flame erupted from every orifice on his body. He was feeling stronger…


He was feeling complete but there was still the question.


“Why did you not protect me when I needed you?”


The Fiend Fyre erupted again from his chest and spoke only a few words before disappearing again into his body. “Because I knew, you needed to face this challenge on your own. You are strong enough to protect yourself when it comes to it. My brother, knew this and so protected its master. We are a strange collection Dragons. Now, sleep…”


The Fiend Fyre warmed his master from the inside, as he felt to sleep completely at peace.




She remembered. She remembered what happened. What she did. Eternal Regret would follow Mrs. Greenwood for the rest of her days but it was something that she had to do…




The Lady In Green had done what she had to do. She looked down at the animal like creature on the table in front of her. It had been brought down to merely a feline, a total change from the beast that it would one day before.


“You do realise what you are, don’t you.” She spoke to the feline female.


“Of course, I’ve known since the beginning. What are you going to do to me?”


“Nothing my dear. I’m not going to do anything.” She smiled, prepared the needle and stabbed her in her vein. Releasing the serum into her bloodstream she looked into the woman’s eyes and saw what she was doing. Her pupils dilated and she began to murmur gibberish.


“He… You. But why? When? Who am I? What is that? Wh… Wh…” She turned into silence.


The Presiding Woman in Green couldn’t let anything happen. Her own blood, her own hair and her own mind. Implanted into this one being. Created from the basics of human instinct and power. But this was too much power for one individual. She had to be stopped.


Created for one pure purpose that she would never carry out. The Company would not be impressed by the actions of her elder. She was pure evil so she had to be decommissioned. It was up to The Presiding Woman in Green to undertake this. She did this and hid her. But she was saved by the male…


For the reason he loved her. He loved her strongly and would never let her go.


Oh the passion that she and he felt. It was something The Presiding Woman In Green would never forget.


Look… Just look at what was happening now. She was putting her under so that she could stop her. She knew it wouldn’t be forever and that she would escape in time, but her memory loss would be just enough to cover her.


But slowly, over time, the evil slipped through the cracks in her mind and she began to lead a double life. A life of torture and then a life of loyalty. A life where she was totally aware of both sides of her life and yet totally unaware. This combination of awareness and confusion was what fuelled the dark creature that grew inside of her and there was no way the Presiding Woman in Green would be able to stop it.


The guilt, at the time, it rushed through her like the speed of a thousand suns. The guilt…


The Presiding Woman in Green knew why. She held her in her arms. She held her tight. But she knew she had to let her go. They were not meant to be friends. They were, in one way, parent and child. She was designed to be perfect and she was…




The Presiding Woman in Green looked down into the eyes of the creature before her and felt a drop of a tear falling down her face. Having to watch her every day was the hardest part. The Company influenced her. They did things to her that she would never mention again to anyone. They did unforgiveable things.


The Company used the spirit and sent it through the chambers of that god forsaken tomb and influenced its ‘mind’ so it would enter just the right innocent creation. “Fucking evil bastards.” The Presiding Woman In Green thought to herself. But she had to follow their rules, money is money one supposes. The Creation was befriended by The Presiding Woman in Green and was even given love.


As always, The Presiding Woman In Green knew The Company was wrong. She knew what they had planned for the world and she didn’t like it one bit. Not even a little. She joined the resistance and became possibly their most important operative. But, as a personal favour, she kept her promise of looking after The Shrouded One. For her own emotional sanity.


Hence why, every day she would turn up at tea time, not to see the father and organise things for the resistance, but the check on the thing she held dearest to her heart.


But because of the events of that fateful time, they could never be friends again.


The Shrouded One was forever left alone. She was corrupted by a foul beast. Everything and everyone rejected her because of the funny feeling that something wasn’t quite right whenever she was near. The only people that didn’t realise this feeling were her husband and her son. Her beloved son. Her human characteristics had their moments. Her devotion to her family often stopped her from doing the cruellest of deeds. Slowly, but surely she was falling apart.


She was surrounded by a shroud. A shroud of loneliness and the physical entity of something wrong. Something vile.


The evil inside of her encapsulated in the shrouded form… Influenced by the spirit that was caged in her soul.


She was saved by The Father in one way, but was doomed forever to suffer from the evil that slowly grew stronger and stronger inside of her.


How could she love? She wasn’t even human. How could she love?


Mrs. Greenwood looked over the body of The Shrouded One, weakened by her serum. She passed her hand above her face, and her body began to rise from the desk. Millimetre by millimetre she was transported through Mrs. Greenwood carrying her, but only with her hand signalling towards her body. This was the only time she would use these powers, there could not be another time.


She prayed for her own sanity. She hated to use the gift she had been given by The Company, but in some circumstances, she had to, to save her creations life…

Copyright © 2013 Johnathan Colourfield; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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