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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Spirit and Space - 6. Spring Break

Kazander, age 16

"Three years at this damn school and they finally let me try out for the swim team. Three damn years!" Zander flung his clothes on the bed. His roommate, Rick was laughing. "What's so damn funny?"

"You. You're in great shape. Are you worried you won't make the team? All those stolen hours of practice and lost sleep gone to waste? What is the problem?" Zan started to laugh.

"You're right. It's just I was supposed to be allowed to swim from the start. The coach is an idiot. At least the martial arts instructor knew talent when he saw it."

"Now you're getting in the right frame of mind. I know you've been keeping your practice schedule. You swim more than anyone on the team. How did you figure out how to get in the gym after hours?"

"One of the upperclassmen my first year here recognized me from the Spawn, he left the door unlocked for me. He knew how much it hurt me to be away from the water." He looked at the clock, it was time to start the run. "See you."

"Good luck!" Zan had his five-mile run in twelve minutes up to ten miles in twenty-five minutes. He also had been swimming laps from 2200 to 2300, after lights out. He was in the best shape he ever had been in. Nothing could go wrong, and he was wearing a brand new Spawn competition suit, sent to him by his old coach. Zander made it to the tryouts with two minutes to spare.

"Good afternoon cadets, today is tryouts for the official swim team. I hope your afternoon is cleared, because you will be here until further notice." Zander flexed. The tattoo no longer affected most of the guys here, but the coach hadn't seen it yet, so it could be a problem if he took offense. "There are twenty-four of you competing for five open slots... good luck." He called out six names to hit the water. "Give your best stroke in your best form, in your fastest speed, down and back." There were several cadets with stopwatches, two for each lane. Zander kept moving to keep the flow pumping... Everyone else was sitting or standing around, watching. As far as Zander was concerned this was competition and he was pumped. He had enough practice to know how to do it. The first six were out and the next six called. Zander was called in the third set. He hit the water at the whistle and free styled down and back. He was out of the pool and toweling his hair when the others started coming out of the water. The two who had timed him looked at the times again. Then they began to argue... The coach went over... That had been the fastest freestyle he had ever seen and he wanted to see the time himself.

"Damn, are you sure?" Both the timekeepers nodded. The coach went over to his list and called the last six. When they were finished he called off a list of names... They were finished. Either slow or poor stroke, practice and try again next year. Now it was down to twelve. He called four names... Zander was one. "Breast stroke down and back, then back stroke down and back." The whistle... Two good strokes for Zander. Again he was finished first. He consulted the timekeepers and called three names and Zander. Again first. The coach looked confused. The boy should be tiring by now, but he showed no signs of it. Zander swam each heat, getting out between. When he practiced alone he used a one-minute egg timer. The trick was to beat it so he could flip it between laps, each successive lap would be allowed less time as he began to beat it regularly. The coach cut it to eight. The number of lanes the pool offered. Zander made the cut, he knew he was going to make the team, he just had to keep up the pace.

"Okay boys, now is when we find out who's going to make it and who's not. At the whistle start swimming, any stroke you like, but don't stop until you hear the whistle again." Now there was an audience, the swim team was popular and difficult to get on to. Five slots were open because there were five graduating seniors on the team now. In a month they would be gone and competition didn't stop just because of graduation. The whistle blew. Zander cleared his mind and began stroking... Counting off the laps in his head. He didn't have to swim fast, just consistently. Nice even strokes... breathe regularly.

The whistle blew again, Zander came to the end of the pool and pulled himself out. He was the only one left in the water. Four hundred laps... a good workout.

"Kazander Boone, who the hell are you?" His muscles were starting to cramp, he got up and worked them loose.

"Sir? I don't understand."

"Have you ever swam competition before?"

"Yes sir, two years for Neptune's Spawn."

"How old are you?"

"Fifteen. I started with them when I was 11 and stopped just before my 13th birthday, when I started school here."

"Do you realize you just broke every speed and lap record for this school?" Zander beamed...

"Really? No I didn't know."

"Why haven't you been swimming for us before now?"

"Because sir, 'Swim team is only open to upperclassmen. Underclassmen do not have the strength, or the stamina to keep up with the big boys, no matter how well they think they swim.'" The coach nodded.

"You inquired I take it?"

"Yes sir, every quarter just to be sure."

"Well, you have the number one slot of the new kids. Practice at 0700."

"Uh, I have a conflict, see, I'm also on the martial arts team and they practice from 0600 to 0800."

"Then you have to choose. You could letter in a season on this team, Martial Arts you have to win to letter."

"Sir, I'm #2 in the region, and the #1 guy graduates in May. If you want me on the swim team, then you have to choose. I've already lettered, and unlike these guys, I could swim another couple hundred meters." Zander walked away, he had proved his point. That was all he wanted. Rick had watched the tryouts. The coach had allowed Zander to swim a full ten minutes after the #2 guy got out of the pool. He had stamina, that was for sure. He was measuring his strokes too. Each lap got the exact same number of strokes, he was good. He made it back to the room in time to see Zander putting on his gear to go rollerblading. Talk about a glutton for punishment. An hour later a senior and assistant coach for the swim team knocked on the door.

"Where's Boone?"

"Out skating why?"

"Skating? The other guys who swam are all in bed, or soaking. He's skating?"

"Yep, he skates quite often. It's my understanding it's good exercise, but I'm not coordinated."

"Well tell that the two coaches got together and are working out a training schedule to allow him to train for both sports, here is a tentative copy. I hope he gets back in time to get up, training starts at 0530 for him." Rick look the schedule and shut the door behind him 0530 to 0900. Ouch with his pre-workout run he would have to leave here by 0500. When Zander got back he laughed...

"I knew Coach was a winner. So they're going to cram it all in 3.5 hours. I had longer practices than this when I was 11 years old." Rick looked over...


"Yep. In the summer I would practice from 0700 to 1200 three days a week and 0700 to 1000 the other three, Sundays were off days, but even then I swam laps, and during school swim was 0500 to 0800 six days a week, and martial arts was 1400 to 1600 five days a week. This is nothing." He stripped down, took a hot shower and went to bed. 'Nothing,' thought Rick, 'then why are you in bed before 2000?' And laughed. A couple weeks went by with his new schedule. Rick started to get the idea the coaches were trying to make him choose, but Zander loved it.

"Hey Zander, I have a question. You know there's this big social coming up right?"

"Yeah." He was doing his push-ups in the floor between homework sessions now.

"Are you going?"

"I don't think so. Hadn't' planned on it why?"

"Oh, I was just wondering. You know you've never once mentioned a girl, are you gay or a virgin?" Zander froze. Rick took it to mean he hit a sensitive nerve, maybe he was, maybe he wasn't, but he sure was touchy about it.

"I've been in this prison for three years. I don't go home for breaks. When would I have the chance to bed a girl?"

"Not even for the summer?"

"Not even for the summer, I stay here and swim and practice some more. Did you know I speak seven languages?" Zander sounded resigned to his fate.

"No I didn't, I thought you just liked to look smart. You can read those books?"

"Every word." Rick felt sorry for his roommate, so he did what felt right...

"You need to get out more. How about coming home with me over spring break?"

"You think so?" There was hope in his voice.

"Yeah, my dad won't mind and my sister might like having you around. Besides, my brother has his own place and we'll be staying there." Zander flinched at the word sister... If only Kray hadn't deserted him to this place. He had survived by studying hard and working out harder. Coach had a hard time believing he worked out as hard as he does, but he was getting used to the idea.

"Do I have to have some type of permission? I'm not allowed to leave the campus, at least that what I was told."

"Look they can't keep you here all the time."

"My dad could. He would prefer that I never came home."

"What did you do so bad that your dad don't even want to look at you?"

"I didn't do anything but be me. My brother and I lived together in a house on my folk's property. Shortly after he turned 18 he decided to run off and live with his lover. I was 13."

"Why didn't they just get married, then your dad couldn't say anything? That's what my oldest sister did. She was divorced in a year, but it was 'legal in the eyes of the law'."

"Because the type of marriage you're suggesting isn't legal."

"She was..." Zander gave him a dirty look. "Oh... I see, illegal in that sense. Wow. And you were living with him... did you know?" Zander nodded. "And it didn't bother you?"

"Would it bother you if you knew your bother liked guys?" Rick looked confused. "I love my brother because he's my brother. Whom he decided to sleep with was not my concern so long as it wasn't in my bed."

"Yeah, but... your brother, I mean it's kinda gross to think about it."

"Any grosser than setting your buddy up with your sister? Yeah, I think I will go home with you.. Stroking sweet virgin pussy..." Rick blushed and turned green.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Then how did you mean it? Damn Rick, you're the closest thing I have to a friend here. Don't go and blow it by putting down my brother. Attitudes like that is why I don't discuss it around anyone."

"I'm sorry, it's just sometimes I think you practice too hard. Why don't you come to the social? a group of us are going and it would be fun." Zander though about it....

"When is it?"

"Friday night."

"Can't go... Got practice Saturday early."

"Saturday starts spring break... no practice. I all ready checked. Now what's your excuse? I've even had your uniform cleaned and pressed."

"Okay. I'll go. When are your folks picking you up?"

"Friday at the social. My other siblings go to the other school and it's easier for them, besides, when your father donates enough money to a school, well things sometimes go your way. Seriously, you'll come with me?" Only if you're sure you want to put up with me... I haven't been off for years. Hell, I don't even own any civilian clothes except my swim suit and skating gear." Rick laughed.

"That's easy to fix, we'll go to the mall. Don't bring anything but your wallet."

Friday night after dinner all the cadets who earned their pass was getting on the bus to go to the social. Kazander handed his over and sat beside Rick.

"You never said, why do you go to boarding school and your siblings go to regular school?"

"Ah, the sore subject finally. Well, when you get kicked out of four schools in two years your choice of next victim is limited, especially when your father thinks you can do with some discipline."

"Oh, you don't seem to be a trouble maker."

"I'm not, really. I was just going through a rebellious phase. I actually like the Academy. Ever want something so bad you can taste it, but you're not allowed for what ever reason?"

"Yeah. I know that scenario." They were quiet for a while, each in their own thoughts. "I can't believe you talked me into this. Did I fail to mention I've never been to a school dance?"

"Don't worry, neither have half of these guys. Don't worry you look smashing, you're athletic, you'll catch on to the dancing easy enough."

"Easy for you to say... You've been practicing if I know you."

"Of course I have. I offered to teach you, but you were too busy practicing everything else." The bus stopped and they disembarked. The music could be heard outside the gym.

"Geez, if it's that loud out here how loud is it in there?"

"Louder. Come on. We're in uniform so we don't have to wait in that line." They went inside and checked out the decorations. The school allowed a busload of cadets to come to their dances and the passes were sometimes hard to come by. You could have no demerits and be on the honor roll just to be considered. Some of the guys picked their pass up and sold it t the highest bidder. Zander had several times, but now, here he was. Memories of a club he went to with Tyler kept pushing it's way into his thoughts.

Right now, all the girls were on one side of the gym and all the guys were on the other. A couple couples were sitting along the fringes of either group. The cadets were bunched together, most nervous, all unsure where to begin. Zander closed his eyes and let the rhythms flow over him, he felt the beats in his blood and walked over to girl. This wouldn't be so different, just they would be able to see his face and it would be girls he was dancing with. Geez, he missed the dancing.

"Hi, wanna dance?" She giggled. "Come on, I promise not to step on your toes." She laughed and shook her head. She had a friend with her and she didn't want to leave her. "Both of you?" They looked one to the other and both nodded. He grabbed one hand each and headed out to the dance floor. Being totally limber had it's advantages, as did a through indoctrination by Tyler and company. He could handle both of them in the fast dance. The played on and on. Inviting others to join the threesome on the floor. Rick finally convinced a girl to the floor and some of the others did, too. Now some of the local boys were getting girls on the floor and the band played on.

"I can't believe you're making me come to this damn dance. You know the cadets are invited to his one."

"The cadets are why I had to come. Remember... Rick goes to that school. It's spring break and he's staying with us for the week."

"Yeah I remember, but why couldn't we just have picked him up after?"

"Gypsy quit whining and enjoy the dance. Wow, someone already broke the ice. I wonder who it was?"

"Betchya it wasn't a cadet. They usually just come and stare at the girls. I, however, enjoy staring at them. Makes them nervous."

"You're bad."

"Oh yeah, I'm so bad. I swear if one of them tries something with me I'm going to hurt them." Dan laughed and looked all over for his brother. If anyone broke the ice, he would be at the center of it. There were several cadets on the floor and a couple of them blond.

Zander made his way over to the punch table with a girl on each arm.

"Punch ladies?" One of the teachers scowled... But each girl accepted the drink. Zander winked at him.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" The one called Becky asked.

"My older brother used to have to drag me everywhere... So while all the other kids were playing t-ball, I was partying with the big kids. It was either sulk in the corner or have fun."

"Wow." Anne giggled and then Becky started giggling too. Females! Thought Zander.

"Look, I've got to go..." He looked around, "where's the head, um, rest room?" They giggled again, and pointed him in the right direction. He looked around to see where Rick was, but didn't see him, so he hurried out.

"Is that one of Rick's friends?" Gypsy asked Dan.

"I don't know, they all look pretty much the same in this light. He probably knows him, why?"

"Let's just say I'm interested."

"He's a cadet... and we all know how they feel. Leave it be."

"Okay, but... I don't know, he just feels familiar."

"There's Rick, come on." Dan took off across the floor, Gypsy in tow. "Rick, you scoundrel, how are you doing?" Rick laughed.

"I'm doing fine. How are you Dan? Gypsy?"

"We're good. Find us later when you're ready to go."

"No problem. Oh. I've brought a friend home for the week."

"Okay, we'll talk later." Dan grabbed the nearest girl and hit the floor two steps behind his twin. Gypsy was unsure what to do... He hated these things, but they were a necessary evil as far as he was concerned.

"Want to dance?" A girl was approaching him?!

"Yeah, sure."

"You're Gypsy, right?" He nodded. "I'm Tina. I've watched you around school for years."

"Really?" She blushed and nodded. The music changed to a slow tune, and she snuggled up next to him. He relaxed into the rhythm of the music and the girl he held. The song was almost through and she snuck a kiss on his neck. He took a deep breath. She felt so good, it had been a long time since he held a woman. Three years... Geez, that was an eternity ago. She smelled good, too. He held her closer and as the song ended dared a kiss on the lips, she kissed back. The music changed and they remained close, in their own world. After quite a few dances, Gypsy managed to ask, "Tina, would you like to, find someplace more private?" She nodded and they left the gym. It only took a couple tries to find a room with the door unlocked. When they sated their lust he helped her get her clothes in order. "You surprise me, Gypsy. All the girls said you like boys, but I couldn't' help but to want you. You don't like guys, do you?" He laughed..

"I was wondering what this was all about. Yes, I like girls, and I like guys."

"You mean you would have sex with a guy?" He nodded. "Have you had sex with a guy?" Another nod. "Are you sick? What can a guy offer that a girl can't?"

"Zero chance of pregnancy." He blew the condom up he had worn during their tryst. It held air. "With out worrying about it." He licked his lips, and threw the condom in the trash. "Want to dance?"

"You're impossible."

"I know." They walked back to the gym, but the lights were coming on. "What the...." And Gypsy took off leaving Tina staring at his back.

Zander returned from the head and back to the dance floor. He saw a girl sitting, watching the dance. He walked over and sat down beside her.

"Hi, I'm Kazander. What's your name?"


"Lura's a nice name. Would you like some punch?" She nodded, "I'll be right back." He went and came back holding two cups. They drank and watched the dancers. "Do you dance?" She shook her head.

"Not very well, this is my fist dance, and I'm nervous."

"No need to be nervous, come on let's dance." She looked up at him with liquid green eyes. She stood up and he led her out to the floor. The dance was a slower one and he held her.

"Hey look, a cadet is dancing with your sister, Dan." Dan looked over to where his sister was with a guy. It was one he didn't know. He looked around for Gypsy or Rick, but neither could be found. The cadet brushed his lips across her forehead, that was too much for Dan. His sister was only 13.

"You shouldn't do that." Lura whispered.

"Did you like it?" She blushed, "then what's wrong."

"I have two older brothers here, they may be watching. One may think it's okay, the other will probably try to kill you."

"I can protect myself, and not hurt your brother if necessary." A slower song came on and he held her closer. His hands roamed up and down her back, occasionally brushing her breast, but not to be seen. She was moaning with pleasure at the stolen caresses.

"Excuse me." Dan tapped him on the shoulder, and Zander turned around.

"We're dancing, go..." Dan's fist connected with Zander's eye and he shook it off, took a defensive stance and struck. Dan was face down on the floor. Zander wouldn't hit a guy who was down, so he stood there. The lights came on, then he was being barreled. Gypsy struck quickly and from behind. Zander turned to face this new foe and they stared at each other, each waiting for the other to strike. Rick came at a run to see what was going on as he had not been in the gym when the first words were exchanged. Two teachers were headed toward a knot of students and cadets alike, but the knot itself was silent. He pushed his way through and saw Dan down and Gypsy and Zander squared off. The teachers were close and Lura was crying.

"Damn it, Kazander, Gypsy back off." At their names the two chanced a glance. The teachers were relieved... Gypsy was one of the school's best fighters and the other looked like he knew what he was doing all for his smaller stature. Besides it was Enrico, the one on the floor's twin. "What's Dan doing on the floor?" Zander went to tell Rick, but Lura spoke up.

"I was dancing with Kazander and Dan came over and punched him. Then he had to defend himself and Gypsy jumped into the fight. All I wanted to do was dance. Brothers!" Then she stomped off. Dan was getting up and Gypsy had dropped his hands. Zander wasn't sure what was going on and although he dropped his hands he didn't drop his guard. One of the teachers went to grab Zander, but Rick warned him.

"Mr. Jones, it might be best if you didn't touch him right now. Everything's fine, just a misunderstanding between friends yet unmet." He turned to address his brother, Gypsy and Zander. "This is Zander, he's your house guest. Lura was safer with him then with anyone else here, except maybe Gypsy. Now get up and calm down." Zander looked around for Lura. She had her jacket and was out the door.

"I'll see she's safe." Zander ran after her, "Hey Lura, wait up." She stopped just shy of a car in the parking lot. A young man was getting out. "Lura, I'm sorry." He had reached her and she turned to look at him.

"Really? Why did you hit him?"

"Reflex. I only hit him once." She laughed and noticed his darkening eye. She reached up to touch his face but he winced at her slight brush.

"That looks like it hurts. I'm going home, want to come? I'll get you some ice for that eye." He nodded.

"I was supposed to stay with Rick anyway, so I guess I can come with you." The guy was out of the car and coming around to where they were standing.

"This guy giving you trouble, Lura?"

"No, Petros. He's coming home with me. Take me to Dan's place please." Petros looked at the girl, she was serious.

"Lura, I don't think that would be a good idea." Kazander was staring... Petros? Here? No way!

"Uh, Petros. I think it's her decision, besides, you know me." Petros looked at Kazander, saw the earring he had placed in his ear, and nodded.

"So I do. Welcome Kazander, it is my pleasure to bring you to my home." Lura looked one to the other.

"You know each other?" They both nodded.

"We used to swim together. Get in. I'll drive you." Lura and Zander got in the back seat and she cuddled up to him.

"So," Petros began in Greek, "how have you been?"

"Fine and you?"

"Missing my friends. I haven't made any new ones since we last met."

"So, you like girls now or would you be interested in...."

"I may be interested, but I haven't tried girls yet, so I can't say I like or no."

"Have you heard from your brother?"

"Not in three years... nothing from my family except the tuition money. Have you heard from them?"

"Mia had a son. She married Krayton and Tyler is living with a guy he's been with for about a year now. He misses you." Zander looked out the window. His heart ached when he thought of Ty, but then it probably always would. Lura listened to the exchange, understanding almost nothing... it sounded as if they really did know each other if they were asking after family though. Petros slowed the car and stopped in front of a really nice house. Lura started to get out, but Zander told her to stay put, then he got out, walked around the car and opened the door for her. "One more thing, does Rick know about your past?" Kazander shook his head.

"Do they know about yours?"

"No one does. We will talk later." Zander nodded. Lura led him up to Gypsy's house, unlocked the door and took him in.

"Ice would be good for the eye, don't you think?" Zan nodded. "Or would steak be better?"

"Ice works well." She put some in a baggy and put it on his eye, then kissed his forehead. He snaked his hand up behind her head and pulled her to him for a proper kiss. She melted to him. "I don't know if this is a good idea, Lura."

"Zander, you fought for me, you won me, now you don't want me?" He groaned at what he was going do him.

"Oh, I want you all right, but you're Rick's sister. It's difficult to explain, but I respect your brother, and don't want to hurt him. Problem is that extends to you." She slipped off her dress and stood facing him in her slip and stockings... "Geez, don't do this to me... I can't promise to control myself much longer." She kissed him again, the innocence got to him, he gathered her up in his arms and kissed her thoroughly. Between breaths he asked, "are we going to do this in the kitchen or is there some place more comfortable?" She giggled and led him up to one of the spare bedrooms. The light never came on, instead he lowered her to the bed and kissed her as he finished undressing her. She was modest, even after her display downstairs... "Lura, if you're not sure, we can stop this now." She pulled him to her and kissed him. It was his undoing, he stripped his clothes as quickly as possible, kissing and caressing her until she was moaning and pulling on him to make it better. "Lura, tell me you want me... I won't until you do."

"I want you Kazander. I want you." Zander fumbled around in the darkness trying to find the right position, it would have been easier if either of them were more experienced, but you work with what you have... he found the place and pressed himself gently into her flesh, she was yielding at first, then it was difficult, but he pressed forward as he kissed her. Her nails dug into his back and he saw her eyes grow wide.

"Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to. Really I didn't. Are you okay?" She looked at him in disbelief... he didn't know. How could he not know?

"Yes, I mean, no. You didn't hurt me." She kissed him. Could it be this was his first time too? He kissed her back and found the rhythm he thought lost. She was making all kinds of noises that sounded like she was enjoying what she was doing... Her legs wrapped instinctively around his hips and she shuddered, crying out his name. Then he found his release as she pulled him to her. He shifted his weight to lay beside her, pulling her to his side while he finished ejaculating. In his desire, he had forgot the only lesson his brother ever gave him on girls... always wear protection. He kissed her and pulled the blanket across them, she kissed back and soon both were asleep...

Petros left Kazander and Lura at the house and went back to the school to pick up the other three, the dance should be over now, or soon. They were waiting outside for him.

"Petros, have you seen a cadet looking lost around here... about so tall... reddish blond hair... name of Kazander Boone?" Rick asked.

"You did not know?"

"Know what?" Dan sounded upset.

"Lura took him to our place, to patch up his eye she said, but..." Dan went red and turned on his brother.

"How could you bring that guy home? How well do you know him to have him alone with our baby sister?"

"I know him well enough, he's my roommate. I trust him not to hurt her... unless she wants to be hurt that is." Dan was fuming. Petros decided it was important, so he hurried home. "For your sake, I hope it's not too late."

"Dan, you blow everything up. He's a virgin... hell, he hasn't had enough time to figure out what to put where. He hasn't been off campus in three years, much less had the time. He's totally dedicated to working out and studying. The captain put me in with him because he thought he would be a good influence for me. Besides, even if you don't trust him, trust Lura. She's old enough to know what she wants... I'd rather it be someone I know than a stranger in a car."

"It's your sister."

"She's a girl. That girl you boinked earlier in the lab was someone's sister. Don't freak out." Rick wasn't too happy about Zander and Lura, but, well if it was going to happen it couldn't have worked our better if he planned it. The kitchen light was on when they finally got in the house, but there was no noise. Gypsy came out of the kitchen holding Lura's dress and Zander's jacket.

"Well, I guess we know what they wanted." Dan was up the steps to the guest room, the others on his heels. He flung open the door and flipped on the light. Zander woke up immediately, sitting up.

"What the hell?"

"Lura! How could you?" Dan yelled at his sister. Zander moved just enough to put himself between her and her brother.

"Petros, back them off or I swear I won't stop when I start." It came in Greek. Gypsy looked at the sight in the room.

"I should have pounded you when I had the chance earlier." Petros looked at Gypsy and looked at Zander... he served both chosen and could not pick which to protect.

"Guys, I think we all need to gather our wits. Zan, would you mind getting on your pants and come down stairs. Dan, Rick, Gypsy, you go now. I'll be down in a minute." Zan went to the bathroom to wash before pulling on his pants, Petros sat on the bed with Luna.

"Why did you do it little one? I know you had a reason."

"I didn't want to be a virgin anymore, and he just called out to me." Petros looked at her arms... A white tattoo circled her wrist. He grabbed her arm and showed it to her, "how long have you had this?" She gasped...

"When I... There was nothing... Petros your wrist... You have two."

"You can see both?" She nodded. "Lura, this is complicated, and it's only getting worse... Did you use protection?" She shook her head and started to cry. "It's okay little one, we will protect you. Remember, the universe protects it's own." She nodded. Zander came back in the room and saw her crying.

"What's going on?"

"Lura is just realizing she is a woman now. A most joyous moment in her life and her brother is demanding restitution for her honor." He looked confused. "She was a virgin, you took her innocence." He explained in Greek. Zander paled... Then went over to her.

"Tell those idiots they can wait, I won't leave her like this."

"Yes, my brother." Petros nodded once and left the room. After a while she calmed down and was nearly asleep.

"Lura, I'll be back, they can't do much to me, the deed is done." She smiled and was asleep. Zan went down and faced the pissed off duo. There was no way Rick could be mad at him, he suggested it.

The wait caused Dan to calm down some, and Gypsy calmed down as his friend did. Rick saw him coming down and greeted him.

"Kazander this is my brother, Danus, his best friend, Gypsy, and their housekeeper, Petros. Guys, this is Zander, my roommate." Each nodded as they were introduced. Zan was not wearing his shirt, if he was going to knock heads he needed full flex. Gypsy stared at him... There was something familiar about him, but what? He studied his face, then he noticed the earring. It was like his own, only with white stones. That was it... His was one of the faces in his vision. Gypsy stood and walked over to him.

"Welcome to my home, brother." Then he proceeded to give the traditional tribal welcome... Zander took the offered hand and recognition registered in both pair of eyes. Dan and Rick looked at each other.

"What's going on? You're going to let him stay? After what he did to my sister?" Dan demanded.

"The universe has decided." Gypsy responded... Dan knew when he said that there was no arguing with him. He was rarely wrong, but it still irked him. "Your sister will bear him a fine son. The deed is done and cannot be undone... The universe has spoken. She walks the path she chose, knowing where it would lead."

"Damn it Gypsy, just because you knocked up a girl don't mean my sister is pregnant." Rick looked at Dan.

"Dan you need to calm down. You've know Gypsy longer than I have, but I know him well enough to know he's right. It's decided, just like we had no control in what happened to us... our paths were decided. That night, remember it... when we heard the call of the universe?" Rick knew he was walking on dangerous ground, but it had to be said and done. Dan nodded. "We knew our lives would never be the same or even ours again. I knew the mark I bore, Lura bore the same mark. Petros wears both. Damn it look with your heart and tell me if you don't see it."

"I knew. I'm sorry. Maybe I'm more like you than I choose to think."

"Oh, Danny, don't think that. Just follow your heart, if you want to follow my path and it's not meant to be, you'll get hurt. Follow your own... It may lead the same place, it may not, but it will bring you happiness. Close your eyes... what do you want to do more than anything right now?" Dan smiled... it was something he fantasized about for years, most especially the past year. Rick knew what it was... "Do you dare?"

"How can I not with everyone watching?"

"Then do it." Dan stood up and walked over to Gypsy, and kissed him. "Serve, protect, and love your chosen, my brother." Petros eyes went wide and then he laughed...

"Yes the universe has spoken. Rick, I see your brother's path is very much like yours. Now, you must step." He pushed a blushing Rick toward Zander. Dan and Gypsy glanced over to the other two guys... Zander blushed and Rick did too, then Zander pulled him close and kissed him...

"You are not a virgin are you?" Rick laughed and shook his head. "Good, I don't think I could do that ever again. How long have you known about me?"

"Since shortly after we started bunking together. You had dreams and I couldn't figure out how Ty was a girl."

"Oh. I thought I stopped having them a long time ago." Rick shook his head. "You had one last night."

"Well, now I have different names to call out." The five were laughing... Petros pulled Gypsy and Zander together..

"You are each parts of a whole." He kissed Zander, then kissed Gypsy, "and I serve you both." He looked from one to the other... They both hesitated... Gypsy shook his head...

"It is not time yet, do you feel it?" Zan nodded...

"But the time will come, soon. Until then friends?"

"Brothers." They shook hands. Petros didn't understand, but then again, Gypsy and Zander should know better than most, it was their hands that would shape the future. It was much later that Zander went back up to Lura. She turned into his arms and he kissed her, she responded and they made love again. If she was meant to bear his son, then he better make good and sure she was pregnant before he had to leave, because he wasn't' sure if he would be invited back after her family found out.

The next morning they all sorted themselves out and Petros drove to the mall. Gypsy took Dan's virginity with pleasure, as Dan gave it freely. Unbelievably, Rick and Petros spent the night together, and Zander slept with Lura. He laughed when he thought he was choosing to sleep with a girl when a perfectly willing guy was around, but then again, it was wonderful. Between all the guys, they had found enough cloths to fit Zander that he didn't have to wear his uniform. Gypsy and Dan were holding hands, as were Zan and Lura. Petros and Rick were keeping their distance sort of... Rick still had a reputation to protect. The shopping went well, Zander even bought Lura a maternity shirt as a joke, especially when he bought Dan one too. That evening Lura went home and Rick stopped in to see his father. He still didn't like him much, but was understanding more and more.

"Father." He stood at attention, waiting.

"Enrico. It's good to have you home again." Rick nodded.

"It's nice to visit, sir. This is my friend, Kazander."

"Kazander, nice to meet you."

"You too, sir."

"Are you staying for dinner? Danus, Gypsy, and Petros are staying." Rick looked like he wanted to say no, so Zander accepted for both of them. They all went into the family room where Michelle was sitting, holding Amantha. "My newest daughter."

"She's beautiful, sir." Zander commented. He laughed..

"Sir, you make me feel old! My name is Mark, please call me by it and quit the Siring."

"Yes, sir, Mark." Zander was more nervous than he had been in a long time. Gypsy was sitting on the couch when they came in, Dan was coming back from the kitchen with sodas and bottled water. Lura reached for a soda, but Dan handed her a water. When she went to argue, he made a face and she shut up. Mark didn't miss it, but he didn't comment either. When everyone had a drink, Dan went over and plopped down next to Gypsy, who draped his arm causally over his shoulder.

"So, Gypsy, is this your subtle way of telling me you and Dan are lovers?" Rick choked on his water. Lura laughed and squeezed between Rick and Zander on the other couch, effectively pushing Rick into Petros. Dan blushed and Gypsy pulled him tighter.

"You knew it was bound to happen when you put us together down the street, did you expect less?"

"Actually I was wondering what took so long. So, Zander, have I shocked you yet?"

"No, sir, I doubt much could shock me." Mark sat back...

"Really? Why is that?"

"Because I believe everything happens for a reason and when the universe will a thing to be then nothing will stop it from happening."

"Like you popping Lura's cherry?" This time Zander choked. Lura turned beet red and looked at her father...

"What do you have? A crystal ball?" Mark laughed...

"Actually shocked you huh?" Zander nodded. "I was only guessing... She usually keeps away from boys, but you she seemed glued to. Either she had or she was willing." Amantha started to cry, Michelle picked her up, but she got louder.

"May I?" Gypsy asked. He held her and she quieted down almost as soon as he touched her. He sometimes thought about his son, when he saw him last he was just beginning to smile and reach, now it was Scout he called Papa. So much had happened in his life.

Dinner went well, now that the tension was gone from the room. Gypsy and Dan were firmly established as lovers and Lura was not shy about Zander anymore. Rick and his father seemed to have made peace, or at least called a truce and Amantha slept.

Things were comfortable between the six until Tuesday... Gypsy, Zander, Rick, and Dan all decided to go for a run. Zander felt he was not working out any muscles but one and thought he should give himself a total body work out. Eight miles into the slow run, they were passing through a park, when a beer bottle hit Dan in the back of the head.

"Faggot!" Someone screamed... Then Rick was down with a baseball bat to the face. Other hate names rained on them from all sides... Zander stood back to back with Gypsy with Dan and Rick between them on the ground.

"Uh, Zander, I'm hoping you know how to fight, 'cause I think that's the only way we're getting out of this alive. If we run they'll kill Dan and Rick, if they haven't' yet."

"I can fight how about you?"

"I can." Gypsy let out a war whoop as the assailants came within striking range. One of them had a broken beer bottle, another a knife. There were several baseball bats and a tire iron or two. The two used every tactic they knew and held a united front until the police arrived. The assailants who could ran, and the cops gave chase, and caught most of them. Gypsy was looking after Dan and Rick, who were both breathing when he noticed Zander collapse.

As he ran to him, Gypsy yelled at a cop, "Hey, we need an ambulance!" The closest cop called for one on his radio. Gypsy reached Zander, who was on his knees, clutching his stomach, blood was everywhere. His head was on the ground. "Zan, I need to move you a little so I can see." Zan grunted as Gypsy touched him, but he allowed himself to be moved.

"It hurts." Gypsy looked at his soul brother and paled.

"Just keep breathing, Zan. Just keep breathing... It's not your time and you know it. Your path has not ended. Remember." Zan managed to nod and smile through a grimace.

"I haven't boinked you yet..." Gypsy laughed, but he grew concerned again, when Zander passed out. His stomach was sliced from side to side just under the rib cage. It was a jagged cut, but is lungs seemed to be intact, even if they were visible. The ambulance came and took Zander away. Then the paramedic came over to Gypsy, who was making sure Dan was comfortable while he waited for his ride.

"Uh, son, you need to come with me for a minute." Gypsy looked at him.

"I'm okay. Here he needs to be tended, and his nose is broken."

"Well son, it's real hard for me to looks at you and wonder why you're still standing."

"What?" The paramedic had gotten him on a stretcher and Gypsy saw his own cuts. "Oh."

"Yeah, let me patch you up and you can watch from the ER to make sure your buddies are fine." He was already pulling out gauze to cover the worst of the cuts. "You got a nasty lump on your head, too."

"I'll be OK, survived worse than this." The paramedic chuckled...

"I see the scars. What happened?" Distract the patient with he wrapped a tourniquet around a leg that was bleeding sluggishly.

"Manhood ceremony... Ritual scaring."

"Well, now you have more..." The other paramedic had gotten the IV in and the drugs were stating to take effect. Gypsy grew incoherent, talking about the universe and interconnections that wove people together.

The police pieced together what they could, it seemed the four boys were running together and because one was a known homosexual, they were attacked. The two boys with the least severe went down first, the other, two, one which may not survive, held off about eight armed attackers with their bare hands. The one with his guts opened killed a guy in the fight. There were four others down, three of whom would probably never walk again with out assistance, and one with two broken arms. Of those who ran, there were broken ribs, a pierced lung, and severe bruising.. Charges would be filed, but not on the four who were attacked.

Dan had a concussion and he was the first who was able to give any first hand information about who they were. Mark was called, he was the guardian of three of the boys in the hospital... Dan didn't know who to call for Zander... He was a friend visiting for the week. Mark arrived at the hospital with Lura and Petros in tow. The hospital refused to allow any of them to even check on him without parental permission.

"But I don't know who to call!" Mark yelled at the nurse.

"Then you don't get to see him." Lura started to cry and Petros pulled Mark to the side.

"I know his brother. Would he do?" Mark looked at Petros in disbelief.

"You know his brother? How? Why didn't you say something before now?" Petros explained the situation that left Zander behind him when he was sent to the Academy.

"It's likely as not his father wouldn't care less if he lived or died, but Krayton... Well he was told to stay way from Zander and has. However, these are difficult circumstances. I'll call him... He may need airfare." Mark nodded.

"Just get him here." Petros went to the phone and dialed the number. After four rings Kray answered.

"Krayton Boone?"


"This is Petros, remember me? I used to swim with Zander on the Spawn?"

"Yeah, I remember, how are you?"

"I'm good. Kazander is not though. He's in the hospital and I know your folk's number. He was on leave with a friend and they were attacked... Kray it don't look good. Can you come? They won't let anyone in to see him or even tell us what's going on with a family member here."

"Where are you?" Petros gave the location. "You know I'm a couple thousand miles away right? Look, I'm going to call the hospital and tell them I'm on my way so they'll talk to you."

"Thanks Kray. See you when you get here. Do you need airfare?"

"No, I've got it. See you in a bit." He hung up and called the hospital, he explained the situation of the boarding school and being halfway across the continent, and his parents out of the country. They understood and agree to keep Petros updated with Kazander's information, which wasn't good. He was in surgery at the moment. Rick had a broken nose and cheekbones, he would be in surgery in a matter of minutes, and Gypsy was currently in surgery as well.

"Well, I guess all we can do is wait." And they settled down to wait. The clock ticked slowly past and soon a doctor came out looking for Mark.

"Mark, good to see you. Sorry it had to be under these circumstances. Enrico is your son, right?"

"Yes, how is he?"

"He'll be fine, but he's going to be black and blue for a while. We wired his cheeks back in place, but once they heal, no one will be able to tell it ever happened. He's going to have to stay in the hospital for a while, so you need to go to admitting and sign the papers." Mark did exactly that. His son had excellent doctors. Media had arrived, hearing about the hate crime and the four boys who were attacked and the seven who attacked them. But Petros ran interference for the family. The families of the boys who attacked the guys started to arrive, and with them, the police to keep the peace. Now the waiting room was a circus.

The boys were treated fairly and efficiently, but without a good dose of painkillers. The entire ER staff had heard what these kids did to the other four, especially the two still in surgery. Their folks were extremely upset as each boy had a police officer with him to escort him downtown as soon as medical treatment had been given. A doctor came out, saw Mark and went to him.

"Mark. The boy Gypsy, he's one of yours right?" Mark nodded. "Well he lost a lot of blood, but another a couple hundred stitches couldn't fix. Now we have to wait. We won't know if there's going to be any permanent damage until he starts to heal. It's a good thing that boy was in top physical condition for his age. It made it easy to repair the muscle, and he didn't have any broken bones. We're keeping him for a couple days for his own protection. You understand?" Mark nodded. "Gypsy and that other boy, they took a beating meant to kill them, and they saved Dan and Rick because they didn't run. I hope you fry the bastards who did it."

"Don't worry, I will." Mark thanked him for treating Gypsy a

and went to sign the papers to admit him.

One of the boys was released and the media got their first eyeful of the damage incurred by Gypsy and Zander. His ribs were taped and he was black and blue, but he was walking. He would think twice before attacking anyone again. An hour or so later another of the attackers was released to police custody. Several broken ribs, and a sprained wrist. He was limping as he entered police custody, his face a single bruise. Five others were admitted, their families notified and sent home. In a while, the waiting room had died down to a dull roar, but there was still no word on Kazander. Finally, a doctor came out.

"Are you here for Kazander Boone?" They nodded. "He's stable. That's all we can say right now. His condition is critical, and it will be touch and go for a couple days, but he should pull through it. Uh, what we are concerned about it a more touchy subject. The hospital has received several threats to the two who were hurt the worst."

"Gypsy and Kazander." Mark supplied the names.

"Yeah, the media is playing this like it was your boy's who incited a fight, because of that we have to keep them isolated until they can make a statement to the police. There can't be any collaboration or it will go badly for them. There were only two fighting and they effectively took out five. That's some fancy fighting... Right now, their strongest case is they are the ones cut up and the others have more hand-to-hand type injuries. The isolation involves them from each other and form any visitors except police and lawyers."

"Of course I will be acting as their council." Mark looked at the doctor.

"I had suspected. Well, you are the best in these parts, but it could get messy."

"My boys can handle it."

"I have a personal question, if you don't mind."

"I'll try to answer it."

"Are the boy's homosexual?" Mark looked as if he was expecting the question.

"I couldn't answer that question if I wanted to. I can say Gypsy has a son and my daughter is dating Kazander, so unless my boys are committing incest..." The doctor nodded.

"I just had to ask. Gypsy keeps asking for Dan and three people called Bright Star, Star Walker, and Star Blanket. Dan keeps asking for Gypsy. The other two aren't saying anything, yet. Some situations are better fought by making them a non issue."

"Bright Star is Gypsy's son and the other two are the couple who are raising him, and the other is for them to answer." The situation was not pretty, but it could only get better.

Two days later Dan had made an official statement and was released from the hospital. Rick wrote his statement as he couldn't talk well, and was released as well. Gypsy gave a statement, but was being kept yet, some of his wounds had become infected, but generally he was doing fine. Zander was the difficult one. Kray arrived the morning after, and was unable to see his brother until he gave a statement, which he was unable to do because he was heavily drugged. The other three's stories collaborated almost perfectly, even if Gypsy couldn't remember much of the actual fight, how it started was the same. Gypsy and Dan both claimed to be bisexual and lovers. Rick told the police he was not a virgin, and the only guy he slept with was his roommate, and at his school, that was required.

Spring break was over and the Academy was notified the two boys had been injured and were still in the hospital. The academy notified Drs. Boone and they were on the next flight out. Kazander was finally able to make his statement and formal charges were brought against the eight, the one who died was included so his family could not sue Gypsy and Zander. The hospital put them in a double room, they were under police protection and while Drs. Boone complained the hospital refused to move Zander. Since he shared a room with Gypsy, he was getting better. They were even letting Gypsy stay longer than normal so Zander would continue to heal. Three weeks after the incident Lura came to visit.

"Kazander, you have to get better so you can come home. I need you there when I tell daddy I'm pregnant."

"Are you sure?"

"I missed a period, isn't that the usual clue?"

"Yes, but have you been tested?" She shook her head. Zander laughed and buzzed the nurse. Ms. Betty was on duty. She was a grandmotherly nurse who didn't give a hoot about visiting hours so long as the patient was doing well, and quick to chase you out if you disrupted the healing process. "Ms. Betty, could I ask a favor?"

"Sure Zander, I'll do what I can."

"You know Lura?" She smiled and nodded. The girl hadn't been away from the hospital except during school hours and when chased. "Well, she's missed her period and I was wondering if I'm going to be a daddy. How does she go about getting tested?"

"Just a minute." She left and came back in a few minutes... "Pee in the cup and we'll find out." Lura obliged and Ms. Betty put a drop on a test pad. It changed color immediately. "Yes, you're going to be a daddy. Young lady, you need to make an appointment with a doctor."

"Yes, ma'am." The nurse left and Lura cuddled up as close to Zander as she could without hurting him. That was the way Drs. Boone found them, sound asleep.


Copyright © 2010 Lugh; All Rights Reserved.
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