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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Love in Chains - 16. Chapter 16

The strange sensation was like a warmth and fullness in his abdomen and he suddenly felt as though he badly wanted to relieve himself. A small sound escaped him as he tried to tell someone but he was silenced.

For a moment he thought that his body was taking matters into its own hands only to realise, at the very end that it was the tube sliding out of him. He hissed, both with the soreness of the last inch or so and with the almost unbearable desire to urinate it left him with.

Before he could do or say anything, the tube was replaced by something cold and hard and rigid. It made him shiver. There was no question of relieving himself now; he was completely blocked. However the need was still there and it was becoming painful.

“Was that strictly necessary?” Adam’s voice sounded strained, almost plaintive.

“Strictly? No. But water conducts electricity, don’t forget. A full bladder vastly increases the sensations, not just of the shocks through the abdomen but also the stimulation of the rectum. Beside... it wasn’t water.”

“Then what...?”

“My own creation. Don’t worry, it won’t cause any lasting harm but oh boy will it hurt.”

Already Nye was feeling an unpleasant burning sensation deep inside his body. Not only was he desperate to pee but the pee was burning him. He whimpered.

“Be silent Nye.” His throat clamped shut on the little sounds that were creeping out of it.

Hands slid under his buttocks and raised his hips and he choked on a moan as well greased fingers slid into him and began to work him, stretching the muscles around his rim and probing deeply, crushing his prostate against his full bladder and causing the burning pain to intensify.

“Be silent.”

Obeying the command Nye’s attention turned to trying to twist his hips and arch his back to relieve the pressure, escape the pain.

“Be still.”

It was almost physically impossible to obey both commands but his body was compelled to do just that and he silently moaned and writhed inside his mind.

Nye could have cried with relief when, after what seemed like a long time, the fingers withdrew and his body relaxed. The relief did not last long however because the fingers were almost immediately replaced by something else. Nye had no idea what it was. It was not a butt plug, being thinner and longer, less flexible than a finger and pushing far more deeply inside him.

The object was twisted and turned as it inched deeper and deeper inside until he had no choice but to moan aloud from the sensations it was producing, so intense that he could not have distinguished whether they were pleasurable or painful. This time Lian did not order him to be silent, knowing it was impossible and no longer something he could control.

By the time Lian had finished inserting the object into him Nye felt as though the entire contents of his abdomen had been liquidised and turned to fire. His legs were trembling uncontrollably and when the hands that were lifting him lowered him again the change in sensation tore another moan from him and caused the trembling to increase.

Lian and Adam were talking but Nye no longer had the focus to distinguish what they were saying. Trying desperately to escape the pain in his guts he turned his head from side to side, moaning softly as his body writhed, moving entirely without conscious endeavour or control. Almost unnoticed a strange sensation began to creep all over him, like a crawling, prickling itch under his skin. It was not unpleasant but very, very strange.

So gradually that he barely noticed it the sensation grew in intensity until every part of his body was tingling with the creeping, crawling penetrating itch that was not quite an ache.

The feeling remained stable for a time until he was almost used to it and then it increased again, so gradually it was little more than just a reminder to his adapting mind that it was still there.

Very slowly, in a series of minute plateaus the sensation increased until it was no longer an itch but most definitely an ache, concentrated in his head, his chest and his abdomen although, almost as a sideline there was also a niggling cramping ache in his arms, legs and lower back. He was never capable of rationalising that it was caused by a steadily increasing current of electricity passing through his body, the voltage varying according to which part of the body it was directed at.

Nye gasped as a lance of pain shot through his head and was gone. It was followed by another in his stomach and then... he became aware, and solely aware, of his balls contracting and his cock expanding as intense shocks passed through them. He moaned aloud in an agony of ecstasy as the shocks shot through his shaft and balls followed shortly after by similar shocks penetrating deep into his guts from the implement buried in his arse.

Again the sensations, although undeniably painful this time, were insanely pleasurable and excited him in a way nothing ever had before. His entire being was possessed by them and they went on and on with no let up and no relief until he very nearly passed out. Just as he was on the verge of crossing the threshold the arrow of pain again shot through his head clearing his mind and diverting his attention from his groin.

It was then that he realised that his whole body was locked in cramps and trembling quite strongly in every muscle group. That sensation was wholly and undeniably of pain with no pleasure and he groaned through clenched teeth. However, he did not have much time to think about the realisation because almost as soon as he reached it the sensations in his belly gained domination again as they built and possessed him.

And so it went on. Every time he felt that he could not bear the pleasure or pain any longer and was on the verge of losing consciousness the jolt through his head brought him back and made him aware of the rest of his body until his attention was again focussed on the sexual tension.

Slowly all awareness of anything and everything else slipped away. At some point he was commanded to open his eyes and he did so but he had no conscious vision. He saw nothing, he heard nothing, he felt nothing other than the orchestration of pain that was building within him in a slow rising crescendo.

Beyond all capacity to hear or process commands his body writhed and twitched, his limbs jerking and his head shaking from side to side. Strange cries escaped his throat and forced their way past his clenched jaw and compressed lips.

As the strength of the current increased a line was crossed when the pain outweighed the pleasure and he started to scream. He did not feel the hands that prized apart his teeth forcing a ball gag between them, stifling the cries.

Somewhere along the way he lost himself. All sense of who or what he was slipped away and he was nothing but an extension of the pain, the means by which it existed. There was no sense of where it came from, what it meant, what it was... merely the total and utter awareness of its existence as the beginning and end of his universe.

Very soon Nye lost all sense of time and had no idea if it was merely minutes, or hours, days or weeks that he lay helpless in the grip of torment so deep that it seemed to rip away from him every shred of identity leaving behind an empty shell filled with nothing but the constant starbursts of ecstatic agony. And then... and then...

It started with a feeling as though something that had been curled deep within him was unfolding and sliding out of his body, inch by inch, foot by foot, mile by mile in and endless string from his throbbing cock. When it was gone he felt strangely empty and then the intense tingling began, as mindblowing as the pain had been. Deep in his root it built, stimulated by the shocks that caused his balls to retract and his rectal muscles to contract around the foreign body that was still buried deep within him sending its shocks into muscles that were so fatigued they would have continued in much the same way even if it had stopped.

Grunting and writhing Nye felt a pressure build that would have been familiar if he had retained any concept of what ‘familiar’ was. Someone was speaking close to his ear. Dimly he registered that he could hear what was being said but he had no capacity to understand or make sense of it. His focus was centred entirely on what was going on below.

The pressure built far beyond anything he had ever experienced before, until his entire body was on fire with the screaming need for release and still it held on and still it built. If he had been aware of anything he would have realised that every muscle in his body was in spasm and his chest was heaving with the fight for breath.

Quite suddenly all of the sensations that had been assailing his body, other than those that were going on in his guts cut off and he was aware of hands holding his head still as he fought them, pressing down on his chest and holding his hips. The voices were much clearer although he could not distinguish who they belonged to or what they were saying... and then he tipped over the edge, his whole body convulsing as he climaxed, over and over and over... more than he had ever done before, the intensity of the orgasm played like an organ by the skilful ministrations of Lian and the electrical equipment that was his instrument.

His last moment of awareness was dominated by a vast implosion that ripped through him as if someone had let off a firework inside his head and then everything was abruptly cut off with no slow sink into darkness but a very sudden and final... ending.

I was utterly shocked when Kane came calling. There hadn’t been a moment since our last conversation when I wasn’t thinking of Nye, worrying about him. I wanted to DO something, but what could I do? My brother was right when he said that he was an adult and master of his own destiny. As his sister all I could do was sit helplessly on the sidelines and wait to pick up the pieces. I knew that there would be pieces to pick up. Adam was a bad man and Nye wasn’t, so at some point he would wake up and realise that they were not meant to be together... but would it be too late?

It was about three o’clock in the afternoon and I was relaxing after a bath. I had my pyjamas and bath robe on and my hair was tied up in a towel. When I answered the door I was humming and completely unprepared.

Kane was with a man, a stranger I didn’t know and to say that my jaw dropped was an understatement. Without waiting to be asked in Kane pushed past me and then turned, grabbing my arms and speaking really fast, so fast that I couldn’t understand what he was trying to say. His accent always got stronger when he was wound up and he was very upset. I looked at the other man, who remained silent. He shrugged.

“Alright. Okay. I get the message. You’re upset about something but I have no idea what you’re trying to say. Come in, calm down and try again.”

“Mir, you don’t understand. There’s no time. There’s no TIME. We have to DO something. I have a bad feeling, a real bad feeling. We gotta DO something.”

“About what? Kane, you’re not making sense.”

“About Nye, Mir. He’s in danger, terrible danger. I know it and no one will LISTEN to me.”

“Nye? What’s happened to Nye?” He started to babble again and I stopped him. “Kane this is hopeless. You have to calm down and speak more slowly. Start from the beginning, what’s been going on?”

With a real effort Kane managed to calm down enough to fill me in rapidly on what had happened. I became more and more horrified when he told me about how he had been kidnapped, what Adam had made Nye do to him, calmed slightly when he explained about Luke and Riz helping them to escape and then almost drown in horror as he described the dramatic events in the courtyard at The Club.

“There were shots fired Mir, both Luke and Nye fell but I couldn’t see. I couldn’t SEE if they had been hit. This bastard wouldn’t stop. He wouldn’t take me back.”

This bastard saved your skin, you ungrateful colonial. If I had gone back they would have got both of us too, then who would even know about it?” The words were resigned, as if they had been said in similar format many times. However, there was a hint of amusement in them along with more than a hint of affection.

My stomach had turned to ice and for a moment I thought I was going to be sick. I was trembling so much that I could barely speak but I had to... I had to ask... I had to know.

“Nye was SHOT?”

“I don’t know. I told you, I couldn’t see. I don’t know.” His voice rose into a wail of pain.

“Alright... calm down. When was this?”

“Three days ago.”

“Three days? Why haven’t you come to me before now?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My brother could be dead or dying and Kane had waited three days before telling me.

“I couldn’t Mir. I wanted to but so much has happened.” He glanced at the man. “Riz has been great but it took me twenty four hours to persuade him to do anything at all. I was almost under house arrest. He took me to a safe house, somewhere set up specifically to help escaped slaves.”


“That’s for another time Mir. You don’t know the half. Adam’s bloody famous but you don’t wanna know what for. Anyway... I eventually persuaded Riz and Marco, he’s the guy who runs the safe house, that I had to do something. I couldn’t just abandon Nye and... eventually they agreed to let me go to the police. I was there all day, and I mean all day. They took I don’t know how many statements and all kinds of people came to talk to me. In the end they told me to go straight back to the house and not speak to anyone.” He paused, running a hand through his hair.

“I thought about calling you Mir, honest to god I did but the detective was very clear about not contacting anyone. He said it might put me and them in danger.”

“It’s alright Kane. Go on. What happened then?”

“Nothing. I mean... yeah... we got told this morning that The Club was raided yesterday and shut down but nothing else. Nye wasn’t there and neither was Adam.”

“Woah... hang on. The Club was raided? Why? It wasn’t illegal or anything was it?”

“Not in itself but it was a front for all sorts of illegal activity. Drugs, prostitution, slavery.”

“Slavery? There’s that word again. What the hell has Nye got himself into?”

“He didn’t know Mir, I swear he didn’t know. I don’t think he knew anything at all until that day and when he found out he was all set to walk away... but Adam wouldn’t let him.”

“And neither of them was at The Club?”

Kane shook his head, his eyes wide and burning. “No. There was no trace of either of them at The Club or at Adam’s apartment. There were some signs that Adam had packed up quickly but none of Nye’s stuff is gone.”

His words left me cold. What if... what if...?

“You don’t think...?”

It was the man, Riz who answered. “The word is that Adam’s gone running to Lian and taken Nye and Luke with him. We know at least one of them was hurt. There was a good deal of blood in the courtyard and in one of the bedrooms upstairs.”

“Have they tested it?”

“If they have they’re not saying.”

“Who’s Lian?”

“Lian is Adam’s ‘Master’.”


“The person who trained him?”

“Trained him as what?” Suddenly I didn’t want to know. I held up my hand to silence Riz who was on the point of answering. “No... don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. So...” my mind was racing and I was finding it hard to get anything to make sense. “...Nye was going to leave Adam but there was a confrontation and someone was definitely shot. It could have been Nye, or... someone else...” I looked up at Kane who nodded.

“There was this kid... Luke... he works behind the bar in The Club. Marco tells me he’s one of Adam’s ‘boys’.”

“Don’t... just don’t tell me. I get the picture. So Adam and his goons take Nye and this Luke, one or both of them hurt... upstairs and then goes home and packs up his things, then he takes the boys to... Lian, whoever he is and then the police raid The Club and close it down.”

“In a nutshell, yes.”

“They find blood in the courtyard and bedroom but we don’t know whose it is. And now all three of them... Adam, Luke and Nye, have vanished.”

Both men nodded. “Don’t the police know where this Lian is?”

“Oh yeah... they know him alright, very well.” Riz grimaced. He is the kingpin, the head of the business. They have been after him for years.”

“Okay... I don’t want to know what ‘the business’ is, I think I can guess. But if they know where he is and what he does why don’t they do something about it?”

“Because he is powerful, very powerful. He has a number of high ranking police officers under his belt... literally, and he’s bribing more. He covers his tracks and has a score of very high profile, legitimate businesses.”

“Do you know where he is, where Adam might have taken Nye?”

Riz shrugged. “There are any number of places... and even if you knew what are you going to do about it? Talk to him? Beg? Politely request that he releases your brother, the person responsible for bringing Adam down and the police sniffing around Lian?”

“I don’t know. I don’t KNOW. But at least we could go to the police, tell them where he might be, get THEM to do something.”

“Do you think I haven’t tried? They keep telling me that they have things in hand and I should go home and try not to think about it. How can I do that Mir? How can I spend even one moment not thinking about him? He’s all I CAN think about. I don’t even know if he is alive and I am terrified that if I just sit back and do nothing he won’t be.”

Kane started pacing up and down the corridor. “Fuck Mir, this is killing me. It’s fucking KILLING me.” He stopped and punched the wall... hard, smearing blood on the wallpaper.

“Kane, calm down. This isn’t doing any good. You have to calm down and be rational about this. I presume the police are checking Lian out. If he has Nye they will find him.”

Kane looked at me as if I had two heads.

“Not likely. If he knows the police are sniffing around he will be hiding them all VERY carefully.”

“Right. Wait here. And don’t do anything stupid like splashing blood on my walls again.”

For a moment Kane look confused, then he glanced at the wall where I was pointing and blushed, looking slightly sheepish and rubbed impotently at the stain with a finger.

“Sorry Mir.”

My mind was racing as I got dressed. I didn’t bother with my hair and it was hanging loose and wet around my shoulders when, a few minutes later I was back in the hall, my bag in my hand.

“Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“We are going to DO something Kane.”

First we went to the police but, as Kane had said they were polite but unhelpful. After over an hour of waiting a detective came to talk to us and told us that they had received plenty of information from various people at The Club and elsewhere and they were following up leads. He was young and bright and hopeful... but he didn’t reassure me one bit.

I begged him to tell me if they were going to raid any of Lian’s establishments but he told me that the details of the investigation were confidential information. I was so frustrated I wanted to punch him.

“This is my BROTHER we are talking about. He is innocent in all this. He had no idea what he was getting involved in and he might be hurt, even dying. They are not going to be making him tea and toast. I want to know what you are doing to get him out of there.”

“Are you saying then, that your brother was not willingly involved with Adam Nash?”

“In the beginning he was, yes. He was Adam’s boyfriend and he was in love with him, so much in love with him that he was blind to what he was truly like and until recently he had no idea what was going on. As soon as he found out he tried to leave but Adam caught him and took him back.”

“Are you really suggesting that your brother was so naive that he spent more than six months in the company of Adam Nash, worked behind the bar in his club, was seen openly accompanying him and actually moved in with him, without knowing anything about what was going on right there in that very club or any of Mr Nash’s more clandestine business dealings?”

“I am not suggesting it, I am telling you. Nye didn’t know anything about any of that. There is no way he would have stayed with Adam if he had. You don’t know my brother, you don’t know anything about him, the kind of person he is. I do know. And I am telling you that Nye would NEVER be involved in anything like that.”

The detective looked at Riz who nodded. The young police officer pursed his lips. “Do you know the kind of business Mr Nash was involved in?”

“No, and I don’t want to.”

“He has been implicated in an international slave ring that snatches young boys of fourteen and fifteen years old and ‘train’ them to be willing sex slaves. Their methods are brutal as are the lives of these children afterwards. They are sold to the highest bidder to be used in any way they choose. The best trained and most beautiful slaves can fetch millions. Adam Nash is one of the best trainers there is... his slaves are very much in demand as he has a reputation for breaking their spirit, bending their wills and twisting their minds without damaging them too much.”

My stomach threatened to rebel forcefully and I started to shake violently. “Is that...?” My voice was a strangled whisper. I swallowed and tried again. “Is that what they are going to do to Nye?”

“I would be very surprised if that is not what he has been doing to him all along. Unfortunately his methods don’t seem to have worked and so he has turned to Lian... who does not have such a good reputation. Lian is a sadist. Do you know what that means?”

“He... he likes hurting people.”

“Likes is nowhere near a strong enough word for it. Lian is a master at the creation of pain. He has elevated it to the level of an art. People come from all over the world to sample his delights... either by experiencing it themselves or watching it done to others.”

“People pay to be hurt?”

“You’d be surprised. In the hands of someone as skilled as Lian pain is the most exquisite pleasure, or so I have been told.”

I could barely take it in. I was shocked numb. It was too much. This... boy was discussing that ‘monster’ with something almost like respect in his voice. Didn’t he realise what he was saying? Didn’t he realise that my baby brother was in his hands... that the things he was saying were likely to be happening to him right now?


I felt a strong arm around my shoulders and looked up into Kane’s pale face. He looked at the detective and snarled. “I think you’ve given us enough information for now thank you very much. Fuck, you cops are heartless bastards. Don’t you realise what you’re saying you dick? You’re talking about the man who is holding her brother.”

At first the man looked as though he was going to tear into Kane for his disrespect but he thought better of it at the last moment and just nodded his head.

“I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me. I was merely attempting to convey to you that we are very well aware of Lian and his activities. We have been watching him for a very long time and we have agents infiltrating his organisation. We will bring him down but it takes time. This is a very delicate operation which has been underway for a considerable period of time. We area at a crucial stage in our activities. If we move too soon we could ruin years of careful preparation work.”

“And if you don’t you’ll have my brother’s blood on your hands.”

He gave me a cool look and then got up and walked out of the room without a backward glance.

When he had gone we were effectively dismissed but I was strangely reluctant to leave. As we were milling about in the large lobby a man came out of a door on the far side and began to walk towards the exit, his head down. He looked dishevelled and morose, his hair hanging limply. There was something strangely familiar about him, so much so that as he passed I felt compelled to grab his arm.

The man looked up at me startled and pulled out of my grasp with a startled gasp. When I saw his face I knew immediately who it was. He was the man who came to speak to Adam at The Club, when I went there to find Nye.

“You. You work at The Club don’t you? You know Adam... and my brother... you know Nye. Please... please tell me. Do you know what happened to him? Is he alright? Is he alive?”

The man’s eyes widened and flicked to Kane and Riz who smiled and said softly. “Hello Jon.”

Jon shuddered and lowered his eyes. He looked dreadful, as if he had been in a cell all night... which he probably had. He mumbled something and went to move on, but Kane blocked him.

“If you know where he is tell us.”

Jon raised his head and for a moment his eyes blazed, then they faded and he shook his head.

“I can’t. Look, you may not believe this but I really did everything I could for him. I tried to talk to him days ago, to tell him, to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen. Adam had his claws in him good and proper. And...” He looked up at Kane. “I told him about you. I sent him up to you. At the time I thought it was the right thing to do... now I’m not so sure.”

“Thank you... for trying to help but... Please... please can’t you help us find him?”

Jon looked at me. He was probably not that much older than me with very pretty eyes but they were dull and dead, as if he had already given up on life.


Kane put a hand on his arm and he turned his head to look at him, “Can’t you even tell us who was hurt? We know that someone was.”

Jon nodded and said dully. “It was Luke.”

“Not Nye?”

“No. The last I saw him Nye was okay. Adam was... giving him a hard time and he was pretty drugged up most of the time but... he was okay.”

“And Luke?”

“He wasn’t hurt too bad. He was getting the same treatment as Nye.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

Jon hesitated then he nodded again. “Look... I can’t talk here. Meet me at The Club in half an hour, outside. I’ll take you somewhere we can talk.”

“Oh thank you. Thank you. You have no idea...”

“Don’t get too hopeful. I can’t tell you much and most of it you probably won’t want to hear but... I suppose it’s the least I can do.

Well, there was not really anything we could have done but let him go... and spend the next half hour in hell

Copyright © 2010 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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