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Entries in this blog

Dune - Adventures in the Imperium

I don't focus entirely on fantasy in my inspirations for world building.  I picked this up to explore some of the deeper side of the Dune universe.  This is a very nice book in quality and imagery.  It's interesting how different authors put together their worlds and make them work.


Myr in Books

Without Remorse by Tom Clancy

I have mentioned before that I enjoy Tom Clancy's epic length novels.  He had three intertwining series all set in the same world.  This is another thing I like.  Having a created world where you can do different series of books and the characters bump into each other.  Without Remorse is where we meet the major recurring character of John Clark.   This is a good solid book that is a pageturner.  It's been entirely too long since I've last read it, so it is back into the queue for the next time


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Percy Jackson the Olympians

Rick Riordan has become a juggernaut through Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Norse Mythologies with his interlocking series of books.  They all started with Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.  (Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief being the first book) I've read this 5 book series and I have the other 15 or so books in the interlocking series, but I haven't read them yet.  The man is just cranking these things out. They are aimed at teens, so they make a great light read for those th


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Ranger's Apprentice 1: The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

This is an interesting fantasy world that doesn't really have magic.  There is a very large series of these books, including a couple of spin-off series.  It's a well-developed world and the books do have some good emotional impact.  There is one note of caution here.  For some strange reason, the books in this series are NOT stand alone.  They end abruptly without warning and start right back up in the next book.  So be aware, that if you pick up this book and like it, you're looking down


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The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

This is a 7 book series.  It is also a complete classic, though most people are only familiar with The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.  (Book 1 in published order) There has been a long debate amongst fans of what order you are supposed to read the books.  This single volume version puts the story in chronological order, instead of published order.  It makes a lot more sense this way. The books Chronologically: The Magician's Nephew The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe


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I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore

I Am Number Four is an interesting book.  Human looking aliens are amongst us and they are being hunted by some really bad aliens.  It's quite the romp and an enjoyable book.  It's the first in a whole series that has a follow up in the pipeline as well.  I enjoyed it and I really need to spend some time to finish reading the whole series.  Check it out!


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Storm Breaker by Anthony Horowitz

So, there are times where I want to read a little lighter fare that is still good.  Alex Rider series definitely fits this niche for me.  His adventures are all over the top.  He's pretty much a teenage James Bond.   The author is good across multiple genres as well.  I've read a few different things.  He's also written a well-received James Bond novel and two Sherlock Holmes novels.   Anyway, if action-adventure is your thing, the Alex Rider series of books (11 and counting) is w


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Eragon by Christopher Paolini

I really enjoyed Eragon when I read it years ago.  I liked the sequel as well and then I was so tied up I never finished reading the series.  I have them in my giant pile... but I still haven't gotten back to them.  I really need to, since I did enjoy the book so much.   Has anyone else read this?  What do you think?


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Animal Farm by George Orwell

If you have somehow stumbled through life and not read this, you really should.  I just loved that the history department head at my school, assigned this book.   Far too many of the current generation indoctrinated on BS need something to wake them up.  


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Joust by Mercedes Lackey

This is another coming-of-age story by Mercedes Lackey that she does so well.  This story is powerful and emotional, like so many of Mercedes Lackey's first book in a new series.  (This is a pattern with her.  Pretty much every first book in a series she does is a powerful coming of age story).  The dragons in this story are fairly unique compared to others.  They are characters in their own right, though not speaking or human intelligence.  They are definitely not stupid either.     I


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Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

As an engineer, I have always been fascinated by how things work.  You can boil down most engineering to "Problem Solving".  Problem solving is a skillset.  The most popular problem solver in popular culture when I was growing up was MacGyver.  Lock the man in a room with some spare parts and a knife and he'd make an airplane.  The people that make the world work are real-life MacGyvers.    In our world, there are not a whole lot of people that fall into this category.  Atlas Shrugged


Myr in Books

The Martian by Andy Weir

I had fun last week posting the movie on Monday and the books on Friday, so I figured I'd do it again this week.   This book is a fast read and enjoyable.  I am someone that enjoys science and science fiction.  This is the more interesting science fiction in that it is in the realm of "could happen".  "hard Science"-type sci-fi is the most difficult, of course.  But I think it makes it all the more powerful when done right.   Have you read the book? seen the movie? both?  What do


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The Tower and The Glass Inferno

This Monday in my Monday Movie Mania blog, I posted about The Towering Inferno. The movie was based on two books, that were also worth a read.   It's actually kind of fascinating how they took concepts from each book and made them into a unique movie that worked really well on its own.  Oddly enough, I like the movie better than either book, but both books stand well enough on their own.  They are worth a look if you're into disaster stuff.


Myr in Books

Am I Blue?: Coming Out From the Silence

I originally about this book because of one of the authors, Bruce Coville (Monster's Ring) is a local author in the area where I grew up.  I was read Monster's Ring I think in 5th or 6th grade as reading and discussion hour.  Anyway, this is a great anthology from back in 1995 when I graduated high school well before it was common to see any gay-themed books published anywhere.  This is an enjoyable anthology collection that is a quick, but worthwhile read.  I really enjoyed the title story: Am


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The Filly by Mark R. Probst

So I have the paperback version of this book.  I found it while re-organizing my mancave's closet.    I enjoyed this book when I read it.  I think it's worth a read.  You don't see too many gay westerns.  Check it out.  


Myr in Books

Patriot Games by Tom Clancy

I have been a fan of Tom Clancy's books since about 1991 or so when I first read Hunt for the Red October.  The books tend to be almost the only books I read outside of Fantasy and Sci-Fi.  I'm a bit behind on the latest books that have the co-authors (since Tom Clancy is no longer with us) started up.  I have spent many, many enjoyable hours reading his books.  Patriot Games is the first of the Jack Ryan books.  (Hunt for the Red October is 2nd, I think it is).  He has 3 intertwined series.  Jo


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The Merlin Trilogy by Mary Stewart

I'm sure the first thing that pops in your head is... why are there 5 different books here for a Trilogy?  Depends on how you look at things.  The hardcover (listed first) contains the 3 books listed next. (The Crystal Cave, The Hollow Hills, and The Last Enchantment)  The trilogy follows the life of Myrddin Emrys or Merlin if you prefer.  I love books 1 and 2 and found book 3 of the trilogy dry and boring.  This does boil down to my interest as in books 1 and 2, Merlin is young to middle age. 


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Do You Know That I Love You? by Mark Roeder

Mark Roeder has a pretty massive collection of stories.  Some of his early works suffered from poor editing, but his work improved a lot over time and I think he's even gone back and updated his early works with improved editing and cover changes.    I really liked this story when I first read it mostly because it appealed to my 90's fascination with the Nifty Boy Bands section.  It definitely played up to some of the classics in that genre.  This was worth the read.


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Brightly Burning by Mercedes Lackey

Mercedes Lackey excels at telling stories of the coming of age of characters blessed... and cursed... with special powers.  Lavan is an interesting young man with a tragic story.  This story truly pulls at your heartstrings, which is one of the things Mercedes Lackey really excels at.  If you like reading fantasy stories, this story is well worth the read!


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Glimpses by Lynn Flewelling

If you like the Nighrunner series, this anthology of short stories gives more insights to the histories of the characters.   And the cover is cute too! Definitely worth the read!


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Sprout by Dale Peck

I was going back through my list of books that I had bought over the years and this one sprang to mind.  I think it is the cover that got me to read it.  Teenager with greenhair just begs the question why.     This is definitely a layered story.  It has great character development and is interesting. I definitely found it worth the read.


Myr in Books

Stalking Darkness and Traitor's Moon (Nightrunners 2 & 3)

Stalking Darkness is the conclusion of most of the threads set up in Luck in the Shadows.  It picks up where the last book left off.  Traitor's Moon moves in time a bit and covers the consequences of the first two books.  If you liked the first book, you'll definitely want to complete these two books.   Both of these books are good and have a nice emotional connection to them.  (And the slow burn on the romance final pays off).  There are further books in this series, but I found my in


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Luck in the Shadows Book 1 of the Nightrunner Series

This week I want to bring up the Nightrunner series by Lynn Flewelling.  All of her books seem to touch on one LBGTQ issue or another.  Nightrunner though stars the adorable, naive Alec.  From Amazon:   I really enjoyed this book.  It is a slow burn on the Alec thing.  This is a pretty long series and I don't think I've even read the last two yet.  I think the first one is my favorite though.  If you like fantasy stories, this is absolutely one that is worth checking out.  


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The Last Herald-Mage Trilogy by Mercedes Lackey

The first book in this trilogy, Magic's Pawn, is one of the most powerful books I have ever read.  I've reread it a few times over the years and it makes me cry every single time I read it.  It's really emotionally moving.  Mercedes Lackey has stated that her formula is simple:  Make the reader love the character and then drop a mountain on the character.  The first novel is deeply touching and heart-wrenching.  The full trilogy is powerful as well.  The second and third novels are not as powerf


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