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Tiff's confused ramblings

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Blow a Poison Dart at THE MAN

I started my first full time job three weeks ago. And it's such an adjustment. I went from college life of commuting, skipping classes, goofing off, to bumming around for a year, also goofing off....to sitting in an office 9-5, dealing with bitchy employees who like to play tattletale and teacher's pet...GAHHHHH, and seriously the day just crawls by!   In reality, it's not so bad. I spend most days surfing the net, and this past week, I didn't do anything since the nurse and research director



Hot Guy, Obsession, Frustration, More Obsession--That Exact Order

I've been borderline obsessed for the past two weeks. I don't like it. It's a horrible feeling. I'm not sure which is worse: passing through life without really registering anything or anyone, OR emotionally latching onto a random person and being consumed by them. I'm thinking the former is a better option, since I won't have to deal with this obsession! Obsession blows chunks! My thoughts are constantly on this guy and I get moody just thinking about him. It's disgusting and I really dislike i



Cloudy Days in Paradise

I love cloudy days. I've always loved them. I think I like the mood it creates, slightly sad, slightly thoughtful, and it gives you a chance to think. On sunny says, people want to be happy and smile and all that blah, blah crap. Today it was on and off cloudy. I bought some groceries and coffee and sat outside, people watching. It's rather fun. I never understood why my dad would sit for hours in Taipain or Fay Da in Chinatown just sipping coffee and watching people. But it's really fun and you



Pot smells, hotel rooms, freeway driving...life in Hawaii

The guy in the room next to mine was smoking pot last night. No doubt about it. I was wondering where that smell was coming from. At first I thought the windows becauses the windows in this hotel are weird and don't really close, so it's always kind of loud. But then I passed by the adjourning doors, and the smell really hit me and I knew.   I was thinking, "Hmm, what a nice way for me to fall asleep." And I think the guy had the TV on all night long or had a girl come in at some point. I was



12 Gays of Christmas

Did anyone see this youtube video? I'm sure many of the youtube addicts have. My best friend showed this to me a few days ago and I could not stop laughing over how cute it was. I saw the rockettes at Radio City around THanksgiving when my sister flew in from California. And it was a great show...now in the 12 Gays of Christmas basically make their own little Rockette dance.   Anyway, if anyone wants to check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSedhEoutP0   Hope everyone had a great Chr



Wednesdays are just as crappy as Mondays

Ever wake up in the morning in such a pissy mood that you would rather crawl under a rock and just die? That's how I felt this morning. For one thing, I'm not a morning person, although lately I'm proud to say that I'm no longer exhibiting nocturnal behavior, such as going to sleep at 5AM and actually waving my father off as he heads to work, like a normal functioning being.   I was supposed to have an interview today, but I'm staying with my mother in Jersey. I didn't feel like driving into



A bunch of random S**T

I've been taking ginseng pills here and there. I'm supposed to take two pills 2-3 times a day. It's supposed to increase energy or do overall good stuff for your health. Gradually, is the key word though. But I'm impatient and I want energy now. Then I realize my lack of energy is entirely my own fault: Pepsi and chips don't count as meals.   I want to post more chapters of No Fairytale World. It's completed, but I'm adding a new scene in chapter 13, but I'm sort of stuck on it, or can't seem



Egotistical Snobs and Power Hungry Losers

Don't those two types of people just annoy the f**k out of you? I'm just so tired of coming across those people. Sure, everyone is a bit snobby in their own way. But there's a difference between actually meaning it or half-meaning it and joking about it in a funny, endearing way. When someone is a snob, and a serious one at that, I just want to punch them! Hardcore! Yes, I have anger issues. I have a punching bag to remedy that. I refused my mom's offer of anger management or some new program ca



I hate cops

Alright, I'm normally not one to blog, as you can tell by my last blog date. But my mind is jumbled and I need to get some thoughts out.   Ok, the blog title is a bit unfair. I don't hate ALL cops. Far from it. Cops do have their duties and so many cops have risked their lives trying to help and save people. And by God, I love Law and Order shows, but those detectives, no men in uniform, work on real hard cases. Nevertheless, even uniform cops have their purposes. They're the first line of de



Feeling blue

Wow, I haven't blogged in like, ten years. I also didn't know there were more posts in my forum. My bad. I forget to browse around whenever I'm here; usually I post my new chapter and bounce. I have to thank Drewbie! Thanks for being so loyal.   Anyway, been feeling kind of crummy lately or mentally haunted by this book I had to read for my literature course. Music of Chance by Paul Auster. Fantastic book. Reads really quickly, flows well, and well written, full of emotion. In fact, it was wr




I hate bugs! Imagine you're innocently collecting quotes for an upcoming paper and out of your peripheral vision, you see something dark on the floor that wasn't there before. Then you look down and notice it's a huge ass spider, so big, it's gotta be a freaking mutation!   I'm wholly grossed out, but I grab a giant magazine and then slam it down on the mutated arachnid. I started using that method to kill bugs awhile ago, since magazines have a large surface area and provide a heavy impact,



the woes of being lazy

Laziness really does bite you in the ass. I'm the hugest procrastinator and I know firsthand how laziness can kill you. Like scrambling to finish something for a deadline. But come on, it was Thanksgiving weekend! No one does work! And who can think after inhaling so much damn food?   While I was at work, I was really looking through my planner and realized school is so close to being done. I don't even care about finals. I can cram for that. But I just want class to be over. I don't wanna tr



Mondays are horrible....at least this one was

It's funny how the human mind works sometimes. Like, you forget something important, don't even think about it all day long. Then you go to bed, or try to. Then suddenly, the thing you forgot pops into your head!   That's what happened to me.   Rewind- Raining like crazy here, I had to skip class AGAIN to take my Mom to her Chinese doctor and then pick her up, since she's in no condition to drive. There is no one else to help her, so basically it's up to me. And of course, this is the day



Violent tendencies

Ever been so frustrated that you just wanted to kill someone?   It's disturbing, I know. Watching movies where people die is one thing, but wanting to do it myself is another thing. I believe I may be working myself too thin with work, school, driving my sister everywhere, and taking care of my sick mother.   Thank god I don't own a gun. I'd probably be using that thing like it was going out of style or something.   No, I'm really not crazy. Just overwhelmed.   I may need to find a mor



Is is Friday yet?

I seriously need Friday to be here already.   The week feels so long, but apparently time is moving slowly only to me. This girl I work with says its going fast. In a way it is. It's just going slow to me because I'm dreading stuff and wish it were over already.   So tired this morning. Ever had trouble sleeping because you were so hungry but too damned lazy to walk downstairs to the fridge? Yeah, that was me last night. A major lazy ass. Anyway, at 7 AM I had to take my sister to the bus



Sunday is such a bitch

I hate Sunday's. It's the worst day of the whole entire week, ok, maybe not as bad as Monday. Or maybe it IS worse than Monday, because at least once Monday comes, you know you're well on your way to Friday, but with Sunday, you're waiting for the week to start with nervus anticipation. And let me tell you, I get the pre-week jitters and anxiety. It doesn't help that Mondays are one of my worst days with work in the morning and three back to back classes at night. And I commute. It blows.   R



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