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Vic's Blog

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These words are my own

Entries in this blog

It feels like I'm dating a straight woman

I have this female friend who's being particularly needy lately (and she's a real life friend, so this isn't some vailed b*tch slap against any of you ). Let's call her Nellie.   This neediness is really starting to suffocate me and I'm debating what to do about it.   Needy Nellie was over the top last week when I went to a Canada Day party at a local bar. I arrived kind of late, so most everyone was already there seated at the two rows of tables (about 50 people overall). I saw some



Another year...gone

and now as I understand it....   41 this year...bleh. You'd think by now I'd be used to the fact that I'm in my 40s.   I'm getting more self conscious about the way I dress. I mean, it's not like I wear A&F or American Eagle or such. But I L. U. V. love Banana Republic



Borderline stalking?

After getting a few items from the pool supply store, I was walking to my car and my gym crush drives by me. I've had a crush on him for the better part of 3 years now.   He has just finished shopping at Trader Joes (10 pts for shopping at Trader Joe's ). It's a little scary that I recognized him so easily as he was wearing his sunglasses, but I do know what his car looks like.   Well, I hurry into my car and I end up a few cars behind him at a stop light. Where I should have been turn




I've been obsessed with fitness lately. I've been a two-a-day'er for the last 3 months as I've been trying to get into better shape. Usually I hit the gym at lunch for an hour workout and I usually did an afternoon/evening activity like rollerblading, biking, or jogging.   Well for the last 10 days, I've been doing 3 a day'ers. At 5am I jog for 3-4 miles, at lunch I workout at the gym, and in the evening I've been biking 16 miles.   I only have 2 lbs to go until my goal, but I'm startin



Xrated Pasta

Went to a party this evening, and one of the guests brought a pasta salad made with Penis shaped pasta.  



I feel guilty about my little sister

I have 3 siblings: two who are older than me and then a sister who's 16 years younger than me. This blog is about her.   I remember when she was an infant, changing her diaper, teaching her to ride her bike without training wheels on, her crying when I went away to college, sending her off to college.   Basically, I've seen her grow up to be the 24 year old women she is today.   She's dated a few guys before, all nice guys.   Well, she's dating a new guy. Makes her real happy. What's th



Stupid Valentine's Day

If someone were to prophesize to me that 'In five years, you'll be with the love of your live, living happily ever after', I'd be enjoying my life the way it is now.   I'm single, have my dog, have my house, and am secure in my job. My relatives live far enough away that I'm not bogged down by the family drama, yet we can get on the phone at any time to reconnect. I have friends to do stuff with when I need company, but no one to smother me when I want to do my things (rollerblading, biking,



Sick for the holidays

Happy New Year everyone!   I'm back at work today (TGIF). While it sucks being back at work, luckily it's only one day this week.   I was sick over most of the holidays with a stubborn cold. I was supposed to go spend Xmas at a friend's, but I didn't want to infect everyone and couldn't stand up for more than 10 minutes at a time, so I just dropped off my food contribution.   I made this trio of mini-desserts -- Mini Marscapone cheesecakes, almond thumbprint cookies with pomegranite je



Lesson's learned while at GA

At times I can be stubborn, but I've looked back over my time here at GA and found that I've come to accept (note accept, not tolerate) two facts:   1) Some guys who claim to be bisexual really are bisexual.   2) Some Gay Fiction readers skip over the sex scenes.   For guys who claimed to be bisexual, I always assumed that they were just in denial, confused, or were just on a journey towards pure gayness. I knew better. I looked them in the eyes with a knowing look (well, as much as yo



Snow in Chicago

Hahaha. I left Chicago on Friday, and for the 8 days I was there, the weather was reasonable, without any snow. There were a few times where all I was wearing were shorts and a hoodie.   Now I hear from my relatives that there's about 8 inches of snow on the ground, and that a lot of flights were canceled on sunday...whew, I'm glad I got out of there unscathed.   The weather gods were smiling upon me. Maybe I should go buy some lottery tickets.



Men and Women think differently about sex

I supposed I always knew men & women (generally) thought differently about sex, but it wasn't so clear cut to me until last night. I'm still on hiatus in Chicago and last night I met a friend for coffee & chatting at Panera (btw, Panera is like the most bestest place in the whole world! I really really wish they'd have one in my town in California...Asiago Cheese Bagels, Free wifi, cookies to die for ).   So this friend of mine is a former high school classmate. We were having a real



Don't want to go

I'm leaving Sunny California and heading to Chicago for the next 8 days. My littler sister is graduating from college and the entire family is getting together for the graduation as well as for Thanksgiving. First time we'll all be together since 4 years ago.   It's odd, but I don't really want to go.   I just checked the weather in Chitown and it said it was 36 degrees, but feels like 26 .   26? Right now it's 78 degrees here in Central California. I'm sitting here in shorts, but to



Unconstructive Internalized Heterophobia

I'm still steamed over Prop 8 and the other bans against Gay Marriage that have taken place in the U.S. I know others want to 'move on', but I have all this anger that I don't know what to do with.   So instead of keeping my heterophobia internalized, I'm thinking of constructive ways to externalize it. A friend and I came up with the following:   1) Start a ballot proposition to Amend the California constitution to eliminate the right to Divorces . Banning divorces will help protect the



Prop 8 blues

It looks like Prop 8 (Ban on Gay Marriage) is going to pass in California . Obviously, it's upsetting.   I can't quite articulate all the things that I'm feeling right now, so I'll focus instead on Exit Poll Numbers from CNN. I found it fascinating to look at the numbers.       - Votes by age   The numbers look promising for the future. 63% of the younger set (18-29yo) voted No. As the 65+ set die off and get replaced, hopefully Californian's will repeal the ban in the future.    



I'm Butch!

I bought a pickup truck today...fullsize . I'm feeling extremely butch right now. I'm going to call some of my biatches and see if they want to cruise with me and go to dinner.   Thank goodness none of them read my blog otherwise they wouldn't like being called biatches. Feminist PhD Professors, heh.   I got a plain vanilla Sierra 1500 Regular Cab. I almost got this extended cab thing with all kinds of bells and whistles, but I thought better and saved some cash.



I ran over a 'Yes on 8' Sign

I ran over a 'Yes on 8' Sign and I liked it...   It was blowing into the street (so it wasn't like I knocked it down), but it still felt good.   I usually avoid things in the road, but when I realized what what it was, I hit the gas.          



No on 8!

So after a long day at work, I'm driving home and one of my neighbors had put up a 'Yes on 8' sign.   I'm so angry right now, I just don't know what to do. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, odds are that some of my neighbors had to be religisexuals. But to make a point of putting out a sign? Aren't there more important things to be concerned about, like the economy? Nope. They & their pastors seem to think that this is the most important thing to be dealing with.   I don't talk to this



Blah, 40yo

When did birthday's start to suck? I don't know what year it was, maybe when I turned 30? Well, they definitely suck now at 40 . It didn't help when a good friend of mine said "Honey, I hate to tell you this but 40 was the worst. I went through a six month depression." Luckily he seemed to survive pretty well because he's 64 now. I figure I just have to make it through this year by doing my best to fight aging.   I started by going on a 50 mile bike ride on the day after my birthday. I



Need help picking out a pickup truck

I think I'm going to butch it up a little and buy a pickup truck as a 2nd vehicle.   I've had one too many trips to Home Depot where I got dirt in my car. Or most recently, I had to have friends drive me in their truck(s) to drop off & pickup my lawnmower from a repair store.   I don't need one of those monster Ford F150s, Nissan Titans, Toyota Tundra, Chevy Silverado things. I'd probably have to turn in my gay card if I got one of those .   I'm thinking more mid-range, extended ca



Hit Weight Goal, yay!

Hey GA old-timers. Long time no blog. I haven't been on GA as much as I used to for many reason (mostly cause Dom has been quiet), but also because for the last three and 1/2 months, I've been on a serious diet and workout kick. Well last tuesday, I hit my weight goal and lost 40 lbs.   You see, sometime after thanksgiving, I weighed myself and hit a number I hadn't seen in years. Due to a combination of old age, slowing metabolism, and just poor eating (curses you Carl's Jr), I gained 25 and




Wow, during all my time here at GA, I don't think I've ever felt this annoyed about the number of posts that have been appearing that don't add any value to the threads they're part of.   I'm no saint, and I'm sure I've been guilty of a post going off topic or one that really doesn't add value, but the amount of chaff nowadays is overwhelming what little wheat there is hidden in the threads.   When I'd hear complaints in the past about other posts or posters, I'd usually tell other members



My mother...shoot me

I had visited my folks this past weekend, staying over saturday night.   I chatted with my mom several times, and at one point she was talking about how lovely San Francisco was as she was there this past summer. She mentioned that I should go there, even made a comment about how I should move there . Okay....that's from out in left field.   Then she starts chatting about a friend of hers, someone who she went to highschool with back in the stone ages. It turns out that this woman confid



I had a dream about Domluka

Wow, you know it's bad when you start dreaming about Dom   Last night I had a very vivid dream about Dom. I don't usually remember my dreams, but this one stuck out.   So anyway, here's what I remember...   It starts out with me checking GA and finding that Dom has blogged again. I was sooo excited, that I considered updating my signature to say 'Domluka has reemerged again', but decided it was more important to read his latest blog entry.   Dom said a few things, like why he was busy



Cute guy from Spinning Class

So last Tuesday, I went to my first spinning class. For those of you who don't know what spinning is, it's a class at the health club where a group of you ride on these cycle machines and pretent your climbing up and down hill by varying the speed and resistance on the cycles & changing how you are either sitting or gripping the handlebars. Oh and an instructor is constantly yelling at you to turn it up, or pedal faster, shoulders down, tummy in, & stick your ass out!   I've been g



A new blog-ining

It's funny, I never thought I'd be blogging here ever again, but once again GA has become a fun place to be. Don't get me wrong, it's always been fun hanging & commiserating with my fellow Dom fans, but last year there was so much drama that I used to dread logging onto GA. That 'okay, what's going to give me a headache or pain in the behind this time?' feeling.   But things seemed to have changed for the better . Now I know how the elves or munchins in the Wizard of Oz felt when Dorothy'



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