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Crazy adventures in Hollywood; philosophical musings on creativity, cosmology, human relationships, spirituality, gay culture, body-image and mental health.

Entries in this blog

Michelangelo's Boudoir

Written a while back ...   This blog was prompted just a minute ago when a very hunky guy swaggered into Starbucks. His eyes may have been concealed behind his sunglasses, but there was no concealment of his self-regard. He knew he was sexy, and expected obeisance.   I doubt I'm alone in finding this to be a complete turn-off. Yeah, I might sneak a look now and then at the swaggering guy's beautiful biceps, but I wouldn't be interested in seriously engaging him.   But here we get into tri



All is Silent. And Yet ...

As I sit here in our living room, you could hardly call for more peace.   And yet ...   a distant dog bark,   a plane high overhead,   the sound of my hard disk in my study as it runs a backup,   our wind chimes moving softly,   the sensation that I can hear through my neck bones as I rotate my head,   the scraping of the hard edge of a low palm tree against the window and the flutter of that same leaf as a waft of wind hits it,   the



The Green Pebble

After a couple of weeks during which I'd experienced unaccountable intellectual, emotional and moral growth, I made a discovery which I thought could make me incredibly rich. As I rotated the idea in my mind, it slowly dawned on me that I'd be so rich that I could walk out the door and might never need to see my beloved house again, should I choose not to.   Doing just that, in search of either intellectual excitement, or pampering, whichever I could find first, I left home leaving a trail o



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