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It's me against the world!

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Going West (in search of the bareback riders)

Never mind the title; that was just a cheap ruse to get some views. I know how your filthy minds work, but this is a family blog. It’s been more than three years since I last had a vacation, so now the restrictions have eased, I’ve decided to visit my sister out west. She is the third of my five sisters in terms of age and was the oldest of my adopted siblings still living at home when I joined the family as a young teenager. We bonded quickly, and she soon became my closest confidant.


Dodger in Travel

Can Canine COVID Sniffers Save the Human Race?

Researchers in the UK believe that dogs can be trained to detect COVID-19 even before someone is showing symptoms. Scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine claim the illness gives off a distinct smell in humans, which can be picked up by a trained dog. They are already being used to detect cancers and can detect malaria with greater accuracy than the tests approved by the World Health Organization. We've all seen these excitable little mutts sniffing around our



Are you Corona phobic?

Apparently, according to the World Health Organization, the Covid-19 virus is not like influenza, but the symptoms are the same. It can be deadly but also very mild, and some people may not even know they are infected. We must act swiftly to contain this outbreak, but a global pandemic is inevitable. In other words, they haven’t got a bleeding clue. Not a Scooby, and never has it been more obvious. I don’t know who these WHO people are, but this virus has instantly catapulted them



Blogging from the UK

So here’s what’s new.   I’ve returned to the land of my ancestors. The little, funny-shaped island on the top left-hand corner of Europe where I spent most of my childhood, including half of my school life and a few chaotic years as an adult.   This is the fourth time that I have been back since I was shipped off to the new world as a teenager and it seems that each time I return, this once very familiar place has moved a little further away. I have to admit that after sevent



The Royal Blog

This may be a tad controversial and put me firmly on the radar of MI6 but I want to talk about the Royal Family. You know, the ones that live on the other side of the Atlantic but rule Canada. Now I’ve been accused in the past of being a bit of a queen, but I’ve never been much of a royalist and I cannot see any benefit in continuing with a British Monarch as the head of state in Canada. I won’t be fooled, I know for a fact that there’s no such thing as Kings, Queens, Princes, and



Blog about a Dog

So here’s what’s new.   I’ve got a dog. A golden doodle or is it a labradoodle, I’m not sure, but my sister told me that it was big and hard and she must have known that I wouldn’t turn that down.   I wasn’t looking for a pet, but he was looking for a home to destroy and I just happened to have one available. The alternative for this poor creature was the pound but like the fool that I am, I didn’t ask why. My sister; love her, talked me into it but forgot to mention to me th



Bad Day Blog (A Tribute To Skinnydragon)

It was a bad day. I’ve had a few recently. Often enough to know that they don’t get better halfway through; only progressively worse. After lunch, I should have packed up and gone home to bed. I had done that before and it had worked; no one could argue against the logic. The less I do, the less that can go wrong. Why tempt fate by pressing on regardless, when the situation was beyond saving.   A phone call increased my workload; I should have switched it off earlier. The error led to



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