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Sinking fast



I hate this depression shit.


I'm sinking fast and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.


I take my medicine and it works, too, almost all the of the time.


I don't want to have to go back on the mood stabilizer because I can't drive a truck and be sleepy all the time.


So, I have to accept the cyclical nature of my condition.


Overly happy to down so far sad seems like a good mood.


I wrote a whole bunch of stuff after this, but I deleted it. It made me feel worse.


You know, I shouldn't complain so much about this because I've been suffering with this shit since 2003. Seven years seems like such a long time and it is.


Oh, don't send me any happy faces or sad ones, either, thinking they might make me feel good because they won't.


It's raining here in Rio Rico. I have to pick up some tomatoes and drive into the night.


I need to get home, but I can't get there. I don't really want to go there, but I have to.


I apologize for disturbing you.


If this does disturb you, do us both a favor and don't read any of my stuff in the future. There's no need in both of us feeling bad.


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