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Judgemental much?



Wow. Been away for a mini vacation and am finally back. One of the reasons I have always loved getting on this site was the fact most people are respectful. I say most because I don't care where you go there are going to be a few who feel everyone is entitled to their opinion.


First off, I know I'm old. I came from the age of, if you don't have something nice to say, shut up and keep it to yourself. For me that means if I can't say something nice about something someone has written I just don't say anything on the review. That doesn't mean if I find an error I shut up. I just send them a message telling that I am enjoying their story, but there was this problem that they might want to fix. That way I feel I've helped them without embarrassing them.


However, I came back today and found one thread that was getting a bit nasty, and one friend who seems upset by something said to him. What ever happened to common respect? I am not saying lie if you feel something is horrible but do you have to attack someone. I am hoping not to lose a friend from the site. I just think some people need to get off their high horse and remember they are human too. If someone is doing well, wish them that. If they are in pain, does it hurt to listen? Sorry.


Oh for those who watched the Grammy Awards - Didn't Adele do a great job? I am so happy that she still has her voice.

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