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Chaz has been gone for a week. I miss him and its affecting everything. I was almost done with the next chapter of Julian grace when the phone rang and I accidentially ripped the cord of my pc. I lost the whole chapter and the first half of The premier chapter to Mr. Black 2.


Then I dropped hot cocoa on myself when the phone rang once again. I tripped over a table and I still didn't get to the phone in time. It was him to so I called him back but he didn't answer. It's driving me crazy because I havent talked to him in five days. He' s due back this weekend but I am already planning a trip to go see him at home. I called him yesterday and his mother told he had gone out with some friends so I ended up having a nice conversation with his mother and then his father who went as far as ofering to come get me.


I declined and then they asked me how long we had been dating. I was in shock. As far as I knew Chaz had never told them about us. So I asked how they knew. They told me that they knew the first time we met. I told them we weren't dating back then. So Chaz's mother says, "Sometimes the loveless have love they are just too blind to see it." Then Chaz's father adds, "We knew you guys would end up together the first time we met you. Even if Chaz can't seem to tell us the truth." This made me miss Chaz even more now I'm freaking out because he hasn't called.


Then there is the fact that everyone I know spent New Years together and I was alone in my house watching Crappy Seacrest trying to be a good host but he's blander than soggy rice. Even Selene had her daughter as companionship. Crap even that cumpulsive liar freak had my mother to spend it with.


Oh and to top it all of my father calls me. Yeah the one I had decided to cut out of my life completely he called wishing me a better year and offered to come over. I said no I'd rather be alone and I hung up. So i don't know what to do with myself.


Loveless GREEN


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I'm sorry you had a less then spectacular New Year's. Hopefully the year itself will make up for it.


And as far as Chaz being gone here's some food for thought. If absence makes the heart grow fonder, imagine what it does for the sex drive. ;-)


So here's hoping to put a smile on your face and to a better new year.

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If absence makes the heart grow fonder, imagine what it does for the sex drive


My sister, who is in the army and has to spend weeks and months away from her husband, says it isn't absense that makes the heart grow fonder...it's abstinence.


I wanted to claw my eyes out to get rid of that mental image, but it still strikes me as true.

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If absence makes the heart grow fonder, imagine what it does for the sex drive


My sister, who is in the army and has to spend weeks and months away from her husband, says it isn't absense that makes the heart grow fonder...it's abstinence.


I wanted to claw my eyes out to get rid of that mental image, but it still strikes me as true.


Oh my god that is totally hilarious. LOL

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