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fashion & fuunction



As I work on networks, I am often in tight places that aren't very nice. Think spiders, rats and claustrophobia. blink.png Crawling around in wiring closets and raceways is a bit like spelunking. In the summer the heat can be well above 100. You want to get in, get it done and get out before you die.


What you carry can make so much difference: too much is a nuisance. Not enough and you've got to make more trips. It's tricky to find just the right combination. I've tried lots of different solutions. Backpacks sound like the right choice but in tight spaces you can't wear them on your back and worse, they can get hung up. You don't want to get stuck in those places. shock.gif


Tool boxes are heavy and bulky and can be a real pain in lower back to lug around. Again, crawling and climbing around the spaces where the wiring is difficult and can even be a little dangerous. Carrying my main box around is serious over kill in most cases and it's really heavy- ~80 pounds.


For some time now I've been using a combination of my big bag (when necessary) and a light bag to carry into the bowels of buildings or underground. More often than not, my light kit which has just the basics has failed because it simply didn't have enough gear.




This is my new kit. I'm just putting it together and will be giving it a good shake down soon. So far, so good. It can carry MUCH more than my old light kit without adding too much weight.


My Mom says it looks like a purse. *Sighs* Well... at least it matches my work boots.



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Hey! Wenger (Swiss Army) shoes!


In these days of cloud computing, I sometimes forget that a network or a server is a real place.


Take care, James.

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