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Signs of Immaturity

You live your life and grow older, but occasionally you show signs if immaturity. I think I can sum this up in one word - smurfs.


Growing up there was only thing I collected, and it was smurfs. Eventually, the shop I bought them from closed and I just varied displaying the ones I had. Then I found out every year they released a few new ones. Those I would find on line and like a giddy little kid order them.


Today, I got a surprise. A little kid came into my job with his mom. While she waited to talk to someone about her computer he ate his McDonald's kids meal. When he finished he began to play with the toy inside. The toy was a smurf. Anyone wanna guess what I bought for dinner tonight? I got toy 12 of 16 of the smurfs. Only problem is how do I find the rest? Lol. Signs of an immature 40+ year old.

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If you ask the kids working behind the counter, a lot of times they have extras from previous weeks.  I've asked before when missing some of the toy collection in a set (for JJ of course!!! :P )


If not last resort is buy them on ebay. 


PS I LOVE Smurfs :wub: I had Smurf e-v-e-r-y-t-h-I-n-g when I was growing up ;)

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Smurfs rock.  My daughter was cute as hell as a smurf in the first grade.  She was blue all over with the little white cap and diaper, and pointed shoes.



You are only as old as you feel, Collecting Smurfs isn't a sign of Maturity rather a sign that you are actually comfortable enough with yourself that you can show signs of being that young kid. and you have to admit smurfs are awesome my kids were both born just as smurfs and care bears and cabbage patch kids were all the rage. Actually my oldest daughter was so tiny that she actually wore cabbage patch kids for the first few weeks after she was born because i couldn't find clothes to fit her. My sister drew a beautiful mural on the nursery wall of the the care bear cloud with all the bears and the car as well. So I may not collect them but everytime i see a smurf. care bear or cabbage patch doll i think if the baby years of the girls.My sister to this day collects Tinker bell you walk into her home and you swear you walked into a fairy closet lol from dishes, mugs to pens and magnets and she is 47 years old lol. So no it isn't a sign of immaturity its a sign you love life and and you are comfortable with who you are.



Talk to your friends all over the country - not all MickyD's run on the same schedule with the toys. I tend to a happy meal if i have to grab and go - if i get one you don't have you are welcome to it!



If you ask the kids working behind the counter, a lot of times they have extras from previous weeks.  I've asked before when missing some of the toy collection in a set (for JJ of course!!! :P )


If not last resort is buy them on ebay. 


PS I LOVE Smurfs :wub: I had Smurf e-v-e-r-y-t-h-I-n-g when I was growing up ;)

JoAnn !!! Smurf underwear in next prompt !! :lol:


I have some smurfs too, I found them when I was looking for something in my parents basement and brought them home.. I got a small soft toy when I bought a Happy Meal at Mc Donalds last year of the red smurf with the beard 


There is nothing wrong with being Young at heart - I won a big soft toy Crocodile at the zoo last week - I love it !! :lol: (JoAnn have a Picture of it, I call it dang croc) :funny:


And Kody Cody Grim - stop blaming JJ - whe know who got the toy :lol:



Smurfs rock.  My daughter was cute as hell as a smurf in the first grade.  She was blue all over with the little white cap and diaper, and pointed shoes.

Blue and in diapers :lol:

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I have seen more McDonald's in the last few days. I got a lot but ended up missing five of them. If anyone can find # 1, 2, 5, 6, or 13 please let me know.

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