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Unbearable Joy

Sasha Distan


We just finished watching The Theory of Everything, about the life of Professor Stephen Hawing and his wife. Afterwards I cried, and I couldn't explain it to Cris. Right then was another moment when I realized how really wonderful my husband was, because he just said he loved me, and didn't ask why a film about a physicist had left his big strong cowboy in tears.


And the reason is this. The film made me infinitely sad, because the love powerful enough to make one person love another even though one of them is dying (he was predicted a life expectancy of 2 years when diagnosed with MND), was still not strong enough to overcome the obstacles the disease brought to them. It still wasn't enough.


In awful moments, I wonder if there is a love strong enough to withstand time and the universe, and if it wasn't for the proof I have encountered, I doubt I could write the all consuming adoration that I do.


My godparents have only ever been with each other, they have been together 35 years.

Both my parents, and Cris's parents, are still married, and still happy.


And then there's the grandparents.


A little while ago I told you all that I hoped the two of them could go together, and that is just how it went. Grandfather passed away from pneumonia with complications, and two weeks later his wife of 80 years died in her sleep. The first thing she said to my father in law when he told her of her husbands passing was "I wish he could come back, to show me how to join him". It was a very grandma thing to say.

They will be buried together, one grave and one service, next Thursday, and I will stand there all in black and fall to pieces in front of everyone who loved them. I will not be the only one. I am not crying for their loss, not really. They wanted to go, they were tired, life had lost it's glory for them. I am crying for the love they had, the adoration that kept them together, even though they came from completely different worlds. Grandma was Scottish, grandfather was Chinese, and looking at the pictures of them when they were younger even than Cris and I, you can see the adoration they felt for each other. and it is right there is the last ever picture of them both, taken by my brother in law at Christmas over my shoulder. They never stopped adoring each other.


I don't know what I believe happens afterwards, but I know that whatever it is, they are not meant to be apart.Love that strong cannot simply die. Somehow, and I have no mathematical equation to deal with this, though I wish I did, that love must transcend the laws of physics. There can be no other explanation.

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My fanged friend, nothing transcends the laws of physics, only our understanding of them.


Matter and energy do not cease, they metamorphose. Your grandparents' love endures in widening ripples of cause and effect.


I'm sorry for your loss. Take comfort in their peace.

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What you have written here is a beautiful tribute. Anything else I might say pales by comparison.

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It's sad to hear about your loss. Hopefully, the service can give you and your family a chance to celebrate their love and lives.


Regarding love, I don't think a love lost or a love that doesn't conquer all is any less love than one that spans decades. Love can be fleeting but very important at the time nontheless. I mean, the first love very rarely lasts but who can deny its overwhelming power? Some people are in your life for a while, then life changes. People change. We move on. But the love was still love. Maybe Rustle is right. It only metamorphoses.


Then again, having someone in your life for a very long time is undeniably an amazing experience. I've been with my partner for over 20 years and the thought of us breaking up is almost unthinkable. But we would survive. And our life together would still have been amazing. Our love just as true.


Just some rambling thoughts...



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