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In Guns We Trust

*America:* Boy, look at all the American fatalities that have happened over the past year, especially with all the shootings and gun-related murders. How could this possibly happen?


*America:* It can't be because our citizens are legally allowed to own and use guns for 'self defense', a rather loose and uncontrolled law that has every potential to go very wrong and blast our nation into a pile of blood and smoking guns and at the very least, significantly decrease the global population. No it couldn't be that at all.


*ISIS:* And you think we're the bad ones?

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blame England. Well we get blamed for most things that have gone bad :P But in this case it's true. The sacred US constitional right to bear arms is actually based on England's constitutional right to bear arms established in 1689. That continued well into the 20th century. But we seem to have weaned ourselves off it, unlike in the US where it acquired the status of Holy Writ. There again, in England we never had powerful vested interests to resist this change - namely a powerful gun lobby...



I'm gonna write this blog entry off as youthful ignorance. 

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It's not that Americans trust guns so much as we DO NOT TRUST our own government. By having guns we insure that the government can not over throw the people.

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So it isnt so bad that people are getting their heads cut off so long no one owns a gun at home in the us...

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As a member of an unpopular minority that is often the target of violence, I rather like my Beretta. Besides- I live in da hood. If you aren't armed here, you're dead or a victim.


Police don't actually prevent crime. They just solve it after you are dead.

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It's not that Americans trust guns so much as we DO NOT TRUST our own government. By having guns we insure that the government can not over throw the people.


Goodness. I think I read somewhere about the American Constitution and how it created the World's Greatest Free Democracy - the Land of the Free.  And now you're telling me it ain't worth a pail of warm spit? *rubs head in confusion - feels a headache coming on...*


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You never know when some crazy, anti-gun (anti-second amendment) screwball will take a pot shot at you.  That's why I have a Ruger revolver and a carry permit.

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The Second Amendment was created so that the American government or an invading force would have trouble harming the citizens of America.... And england played a big role in this since they banned firearms in our colony at a point when many needed it to survive.... as part of a crackdown post the original teaparty... i think... if i remember correctly...

I will add this, step relation has a tea shirt that says something like: you'll take my guns over my dead body...

My thoughts where: then we'll pry them from your cold dead hands...

The American Government and Army especially is strong enough and powerful enough that Any "new" Revolution would be as disasterious as the Assad Cracking down on Revolutionaries (ie Revolters would be bombed and dead)


However There are still those who hunt to supliment the groceries... (who have a hard time making ends meet otherwise)...And Gun volience deaths get the biggest headlines outside the country because we have them...

We still have many multiple other types of Crimes... that are carried out that include deaths...

after all for instance... Most serial killers don't use guns...

Spoucal/child abuse that ends in death don't include guns...

Bombings don't include guns...

any society that allows a deadly weapon will have problems with that weapon...

and any society that is a democracy will have a hard time removing said laws....

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