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As luck would have it, I screwed up and tried to accept Microsoft’s offer of OneDrive. What a stupid thing that was. I couldn’t remember my password, and then I couldn’t remember the answers to all of the questions they asked to verify my identity. So they locked me out of my account and now I can’t send out any chapters of The G.M.Os. to get proofed. Plus, I had already sent one out one and was waiting for it to come back.


So, I’m stuck for the next while or so. With help from an Admin, I was able to get the ID for my proofreader and sent her a message of my new situation, including my alternate email address. Hopefully, she hasn’t gone off on vacation for the holidays and will be back soon so I can start publishing more chapters.


The new book is going along fairly well. It’s a good thing I outlined it in the beginning because that is making the writing process go a lot better that usual. The creative wave is still there, but it has slacked off a bit. Good thing I have time, since I don’t plan on publishing it until The G.M.Os. has finished. I think I’ve come up with a final title, ‘The Memoirs of Jaconnus.’ He an author of a lot of novels and dies a rich man (oh, how we dream of impossible things).


The only problem so far is the sexual abuse he is subjected to in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Hey, what would a CarlHoliday story be without a little violence or abuse? Of course, the Warnings will occur at the beginning of each chapter so readers have a choice of proceeding or not. This will definitely not be a PG-13 story. It’ll barely qualify for NC-17.


The good thing is that in each occurrence the author of the memoirs is able to see that when he was being groomed for abuse (in Chapter 1) by his friend’s father and the man who lived with his father it was wrong and he should have gotten out of that situation. He explains that in the beginning he was so innocent and naïve that he couldn’t make that determination. Plus, there weren’t any females in the house and everyone went around nude, for the most part. Then in Chapter 2 when he is drugged and brutally raped he has the ability to recognize that what happened is wrong and takes himself out of that situation by never going over to his friend’s house again. He never explains why he didn’t tell his parents, but maybe being the equivalent of eleven years old made him feel embarrassed by what happened.


Chapter 2 ends with total resolution of the situation with the friend’s father and the friend, but it also ends tragically.


Chapter 3 looks good with a friend from high school going to the same college. There he’ll meet a new friend and a young man who becomes his lover.


Chapter 4? Well, let’s get Chapter 2 finished and then we’ll talk about 3.


On the home front everything is going along fairly well. Nothing to report other than I have to call the lab where I had my blood draw from my annual PC visit. Doesn’t look good. They don’t call unless some test has to be redone.


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