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I've had a horrible stomach bug for the past few days ... I won't go into details, but it hasn't been pleasant. Needless to say, I've spent most of the past several days in bed (or in the bathroom), and haven't gotten anything done. Not that I have the motivation to do anything, but I still need to at least finish what needs to be finished. Hopefully tomorrow I can make a little headway on my Ph.D. research proposal, and finish up with Ch. 9 of SOOTB.


Speaking of which, Ch. 4 should already be up at Nifty now, and is on my website, too. Kitty has already finished editing Ch. 5, so everything is on schedule for the weekly update for next week as well. She's done a really terrific job, and if the story is any good at all, it's probably mostly because of her. As my English writing has started to improve again, though, my Chinese writing is going to hell, because I haven't written anything lately ... it's strange to have writer's block in one language (Chinese) and not the other (English) ... I didn't think it worked like that. Maybe I'll go write an entry in my Chinese-language blog, but I don't really have anything to say other than bitching about my life recently here in Taiwan, and that's not usually a very polite thing to do when you're a guest in a foreign country, and said country's residents are the ones reading your blog ... so I might wait until I'm in a better mood.


Anyway, drop me a line if you're enjoying the story, or if you happen to know of a cute Taiwanese guy I could date ... hehe




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Hi I hope you are feeling better very soon:)


I just read chapter 4.....amazing chapter...and ugh...cliffhangers.....well, you sure know how to write a sweet, amazing story but damn you sure as heck know how to write a cliffhanger...no writers block there:)


I am sooooo enjoying your story....its incredibly wonderful:)





Hey David!


I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick the last few days. I've been ill too, but mine's been entirely headcold stuff, no stomach complaints.


I just read chapter 4 of SOOTB; it was awesome! What a cliffhanger! And I feel so bad for all three of them. You've done a great job writing realistic characters, whose plights we can identify with. I don't want to mention specifics incase anyone here reads your blog before they read the chapter, but WOW :D Can't wait till chapter 5 comes out!


Take care and have a really awesome day.



P.S. I read your coming out story too. It was excellent and moving, I'm so glad everything turned out so well. It is great to hear about a good, positive one.



Hope you feel better. I also hope that Connor moves in with them soon.



Hope you feel better. I also hope that Connor moves in with them soon.


I too hope you are feeling better. I once got terrible stomach trouble in Nigeria - nearly vanished down you know where. Being far away from home made it no fun at all. :(


I am enjoying the story. I like the social class element a lot- trailer park boy with problems. It just has a sharp sense of place for me that I really like.


The cliff hanger? Well of course it was cruel, but what can one expect from an author I ask. I don't know how you are going to resolve the triangle though without someone getting really hurt.


Take care & get better & what is the PhD going to be on?





Mark Arbour


Damn, stomach flu? That's tough. You know, I can have a massive cold, be totally congested, and still function....but stomach problems...I'm down for the count. Hope you feel better.


As for your story, so far it's awesome. It seems like with each chapter you get more comfortable and into your characters. Glad I'm along for the ride.



Take care & get better & what is the PhD going to be on?


I'm thinking of researching the construction of masculinity in Chinese cultural history, as well as using Eve Sedgwick's theory of "homosocial desire" to interpret/analyze male-bonds/friendship in Chinese culture and, more specifically, literature.


Whether or not I get into the Ph.D. program is another matter, though ... hehe


If not, I'll probably end up going back to the States and get a job working for the government.

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