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Albert's Day



The problem with writing, or for that matter performing, is that eventually, if you're not insanely shy, you want to know if what you do is any good. You want, and in order to grow, need feedback.


I'm a musician, and I love performing once I get over the hideous stage fright bit. I also write both poetry and fiction.


Now I'm told that what I write is good, but I'm told that by people who love me, people who know me, and people who would probably not want to hurt me. So, honestly I can't trust a word they say. Sad, but the truth.


Ergo here I am, not only leaping out of the closet to a total bunch of strangers, but also presenting slivers of the deeper bits of my psyche in the form of fiction.


I guess I couldn't be bearing my soul in a better place.


Anyway Albert's Day is a serial and I've put up chapter one... With trepidation. ;)


In other news I've decided I really am going to bed. Now.


Recommended Comments

Guest Rob Hawes


I'll definitely give it a read Camy - I really enjoyed your other story. My only criticism of it was that the characters needed a little more development and perhaps a little more of the backstory should have been included, but with a longer story I think you'll be great. It gives you more time to develop the characters and the backstory is something that can be told over many chapters. Your writing style is very good and I'm looking forward to reading this just as soon as I've finished doing some website stuff.


Rob :D



Hey! Thanks for the compliment. I guess I need to find a beta personage at some point.

I hope you like the start of the new one.



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