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July Classic Author Excerpt: Almost Home by Shadowgod



Need an icy shiver across your spine to cool you off? Or just want something a little different? Try this month's Classic Author Feature!



“I could go with you,” James commented, staring into Bryson’s blue-grey eyes as Bryson pulled him closer to his chest.

“You could, but why bother? We’d just be back up here in less then a day,” Bryson smiled before kissing James’ pouting lips, allowing their noses to nuzzle in an effort to fight off the red brought on by the bite of the winter air that swirled around them like glitter in a snow globe.

James accepted the kiss but would have much preferred they be inside, huddled under the centuries old quilt his mother kept spread invitingly over the sofa back, enjoying mulled cider in front of a blazing fire. “I guess,” James sighed with the broken kiss, his eyes washing up Bryson’s face, lingering on a curl of brunette hair that had escaped the confines of Bryson’s beanie. “Then again you could just stay… screw the test,” James smiled suggestively, “Er… Forget the test and screw…”

Bryson silenced James with another quick kiss, “Rain check?” he asked as his lips left James’.


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